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Is Little Big Planet the worst platformer ever designed?


Not even close to being the worst platformer.
I do agree that the controls and feel of game are not very good though. It's such a great series otherwise.


I think the complaints about the controls are really overstated. Yes, the jumping is floaty and the controls aren't exactly precise, but very little in the game actually requires you to be precise. Outside of the Islands/Japan level, there really wasn't anything so difficult that it required tight controls.


Not even close. There are 3 planes: foreground, middle and background. You can’t move freely between them (iirc) but you instead press either ⬆️+X or ⬇️+X


I owned Little Big Planet when it released on PS3, quickly realized that the controls/physics are flat out awful, didn't play it much.

Bought LBP 2 for cheap as hell a few years back, quickly realized that the platforming/physics are the same as the first, didn't play it much.

Got LBP 3 for Christmas this morning. Wife doesn't know what games to buy, lol, thought it might be fun 2 player. We booted it up and after like 5 minutes she was like, "Ummmm, why are the controls so bad..."

So Gaf, surely I can't be the only one who finds no enjoyment whatsoever with the LBP series? I'm honestly floored that they stuck with the same mechanics for so long. It's fun exploring the user created levels but they're all the same; Terrible physics and the controls are just a nightmare.

Merry Christmas!

edit- I should add, I judge it so harshly cause it's a Sony first-party game and Sack Boy is/was Sony's mascot for a bit. Probably still is in a way. For something with so much talent/weight behind it, I think the core gameplay mechanics are just flat-out unacceptable.
I don't think LBP is exactly a platformer, the whole thread premise seems completely wrong to me. And I said that in his defence although I'm not exactly a fan of the IP.
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No… it’s a 2.5D platformer with a focus more on physics interactions and systems rather than precision. The floaty controls never bothered me or gave me problems. The creativity and flexibility and online functionality was fantastic though. It’s the game that convinced me to get a PS3 as a 14 year old or whatever.

Maybe I’m way more forgiving than many but I don’t see the need to have pixel perfect precision platforming in all my games with a jump button. There’s room for Celeste’s and Super Meat Boys alongside the LBPs and Psychonauts


Gold Member
I really wanted to like this game and was salivating from its previews. The premise was great, the design was great, and the looks was great. But the controls/physics was some of the most frustrating head-ache inducing shit ever.


You misspelled misspelled.
Penguin Oops GIF


I am very sensitive to bad controls and love platformers.

I dropped LBP2 after the first chapter. Controls are very unsatisfying and the game is so boring. It looks like I should be compelled by collecting endless cosmetic stuff every 3 steps without any challenge whatsoever, I play to have fun, not to collect useless stuff.

As another user said, why play user creations when core gameplay is bad? Mario Maker was fun because Mario is fun to play.
I owned Little Big Planet when it released on PS3, quickly realized that the controls/physics are flat out awful, didn't play it much.

Bought LBP 2 for cheap as hell a few years back, quickly realized that the platforming/physics are the same as the first, didn't play it much.

Got LBP 3 for Christmas this morning. Wife doesn't know what games to buy, lol, thought it might be fun 2 player. We booted it up and after like 5 minutes she was like, "Ummmm, why are the controls so bad..."

So Gaf, surely I can't be the only one who finds no enjoyment whatsoever with the LBP series? I'm honestly floored that they stuck with the same mechanics for so long. It's fun exploring the user created levels but they're all the same; Terrible physics and the controls are just a nightmare.

Merry Christmas!

edit- I should add, I judge it so harshly cause it's a Sony first-party game and Sack Boy is/was Sony's mascot for a bit. Probably still is in a way. For something with so much talent/weight behind it, I think the core gameplay mechanics are just flat-out unacceptable.
I agree 100%, I've never enjoyed these games one bit! I always felt there was something wrong with me when everyone praised them to no end. They're just not fun to play?

And I absolutely love 2D platformers, but the genre pretty much died to me after the 16-bit era.
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I never played this, but it always seemed like one of the most recognizable PS3 games.

Like, even if it was released for other platforms, it still had something PS3 only about it.


Their target market is the family friendly market, including young kids. And their target market loves the games.

It’s got 4.5 stars on Amazon from actual users who bought the games. That says it’s actually very good


I think LBP is a terrible game. I bought it at launch, hated the controls, IQ and art direction. Sackboy doesn't look appealing either. I bought Rayman Origins during that same period and it kind of demolished LBP.

The level creator might've been good, but I didn't do too much with it. I tried some user content and it were mostly silly levels to easily grind trophies. Most of them didn't function at all. Or they ripped off Mario or something but it didn't work since LBP controls like shit. I never really see the appeal in trying to remake existing stuff, especially not if the controls can't be changed. You're still playing LBP.


Yes, it's fucking awful.

LBP1 was one of the main reasons for picking up a PS3. I was so hyped for it. When I actually played it I was like ohhhhh dearrrr godddddd


Dude, really, those of you criticising the floaty physics and trashing it look like the most entitled beings on the planet.

What the fuck is wtong with it. You fail the jumps? Thats because you suck at it. End of the story. The physics doesnt make the game unplayable. Not even close. And the game doesnt require any high skill precision where being a bit floaty fucks it comoletely.

Maybe you think all platformers have to have the same physics. Then you are wrong. Or you are comparing it to a platformer you like or you are good at. Which is wrong too.

You cant beat the game and have great fun with friends with no out of control difficulty, so what the fuck is that obsession with the physics?


They're no "mario", but they're not terrible either. I played them on PSP and PS3 and they're quite fun to play actually.
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Short answer is no it is not the worst platform we ever. Not even close. But! As a platformer it does fail the base goal line with an awkward control system. Tbf I got used to it after a while but it’s not on a par with the controls of games like Mario.

Apart from!! LBP Vita. The control on that was superb and for me the vita version was the best LBP.

Haven’t played Sackboy adventure yet. But want to when I find it cheap enough. :)


I like how people are quick to defend bad, floarty, imprecise controls in a platformer -_- that's a fucking cardinal sin of the genre


It’s been an issue since the first one. Game looks great but feels like garbage to play. I also can’t understand how people defend the way this game feels.


Gold Member
I think a lot of it comes from it being a doll who has to jump on all types of objects. You can interact with all these different types of objects and the character you control has to somehow maneuver in, under, and around them. It isn’t a person you’re controlling, but a doll.


I like how people are quick to defend bad, floarty, imprecise controls in a platformer -_- that's a fucking cardinal sin of the genre

Truth be told, that's how vast majority of games were during the PS360 era due to sub-30FPS performance, whether a platformer, shooter, racing game and so on, people just gave them a pass because of the graphics.
I enjoyed LBP2 and LBP. Never played the third.

My biggest issues were how floaty the jumping is imo. I think the floaty jumping may seem that the controls are bad but in actuality they are not. LBP was cool for the first 2 games and then kind of died down for me.

Overall, not a bad series and I appericate what they did with it. But I don't care for it anymore.
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Truth be told, that's how vast majority of games were during the PS360 era due to sub-30FPS performance, whether a platformer, shooter, racing game and so on, people just gave them a pass because of the graphics.
Games were terrible in all sorts of ways - and even revered games back then had platforming that would be scoffed at today.


Gold Member
I think its fine. I get why some would deem LBP to be kinda "floaty", but I see it as a lack of understanding its underlying physics-based gameplay. That can generate some unpredictable moments.

Naturally, some will prefer the more snappy Mario platforming. Both are fine imo.
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LBP sucked. Played it for a couple of hours and couldn't handle it any longer. Playing something like that just makes me angry. Were there some 8-bit or 16-bit games that played even worse? Maybe. But none of those is waving this kind of bullshit metacritic in your face:

So yeah I'd rather play literally any 8-bit/16-bit platformer that reviewed decently with the magazines at the time. LBP plays like something from LJN.

User-created content? Who gives a fuck? Some Sony-policed levels that suffer from the same horrible controls as the rest of the game? A whopping 15 years after you could get quality user-created content in .wad form for a game that actually played well?
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