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Is Little Big Planet the worst platformer ever designed?

I'm not sure if you realize it but I don't think the game is necessarily supposed to be as precise as you want it to be. You are controlling a sock puppet after all.

LBP1 is probably one of the best platforming games ever made. The game has incredible music and unique character, things that many games struggle with. Back in the days on of the PS3's launch this game was mind blowing.


it might have some shuddy physics and floatyness. But there are alot worse platformers out there. It had some soul and charm and good create mechanics


I give it 9.7 when launched.

Loved and I miss a platform like it even today.

The controls are simple and responsible… works perfectly with the 2.5D scenarios.
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I had a blast with LBP1 and 2 in 4 player local co-op. Online multiplayer was terrible, user created levels were fun. I can understand why people would not like the controls, even if they didn't bother me.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Sackboy isn't quick like Sonic, that isn't what Little Big Planet is it makes you value each step, it ain't some speed demon like Sonic. I think they'll make another, it's just a different story.


Pretty sure the controls were intentionally made that way. It is obviously different to other platformer the way it plays but not sure simply because of that someone can conclude it is the worst.


Gold Member
LBP was amazing, made me buy a PS3. Then sold my PS3 as had to get Christmas presents for the kids. Only to buy another PS3 slim with LBP2 😂 was a sucker for LBP. (Love creating stuff and logic)

Only game I finished. Had loads of mock-ups and prototypes. (Loved trying to make talks with treads)



Gold Member
I adored everything about the first game but the floaty physics. Could not get passed it. Can totally see why it gets so much love though.

I had the opposite but similar reaction to Mario Maker. I love the mechanics of it, but it got old quick for me with the limited creative options. As creative and as challenging as the levels got, they just all looked the same - Mario.
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Just to add for those who didn't see it in my first post, I say it's the "worst" because it's such a big-name IP with serious weight behind it. Of course there are worse platformers on various consoles but they don't have the name recognition or 1st party budget like LBP does.

I understand how great the create tools are and the community aspect is fun but as a game to actually play, I feel like it's just straight up trash.

I'd compare it to Mod Nation Racers, lots of weight behind it and community content but the game mechanics are just flat out awful.
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I agree with you. I think the controls are shit. I actually made a thread about it on GameSpot way back in the day. Concept is great, aesthetic is there... controls are fkn gross. Since you can tweak everything else in the game they should have allowed you to tweak that as well.


The controls were absolutely woeful and absolutely one of the reasons why the series is virtually dead. I loved everything about the original apart from actually playing it. At the end of the day it didn’t matter how cool the level creator mode or the graphics or music were when it played so badly.
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World’s Biggest Weeb
Not the worst ever but it wasn’t good. Everything felt so “mushy” and unresponsive. Yeah the editor tools are really cool but it feels like shit to play.

Only one I played was LBP2. I got it (used) because my nephew was spending the weekend with us and it seemed like something he’d enjoy. We ended up playing it for about 15 minutes, then shut off the PS3 and played Nintendo Land on Wii U for hours on end.
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LBP sucked. Played it for a couple of hours and couldn't handle it any longer. Playing something like that just makes me angry. Were there some 8-bit or 16-bit games that played even worse? Maybe. But none of those is waving this kind of bullshit metacritic in your face:

So yeah I'd rather play literally any 8-bit/16-bit platformer that reviewed decently with the magazines at the time. LBP plays like something from LJN.

User-created content? Who gives a fuck? Some Sony-policed levels that suffer from the same horrible controls as the rest of the game? A whopping 15 years after you could get quality user-created content in .wad form for a game that actually played well?

uhhhhh, there are exceptions. Aladdin on Genesis/MegaDrive for example.
that is such a bad game with mediocre controls and dogshit Leveldesign, but people still gush over that dogshit game to this day.
and the only reason people do that is because the sprites were partly animated by Disney animators... amazing... that completely solves the terrible Leveldesign and floaty controls of course 🙃

meanwhile the WAY BETTER SNES game, which was made by Capcom, gets ignored or even called the "worse one" while being superior in every way.

so there are 16bit games that sucked ass that get praised even to this day
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uhhhhh, there are exceptions. Aladdin on Genesis/MegaDrive for example.
that is such a bad game with mediocre controls and dogshit Leveldesign, but people still gush over that dogshit game to this day.
and the only reason people do that is because the sprites were partly animated by Disney animators... amazing... that completely solves the terrible Leveldesign and floaty controls of course 🙃

meanwhile the WAY BETTER SNES game, which was made by Capcom, gets ignored or even called the "worse one" while being superior in every way.

so there are 16bit games that sucked ass that get praised even to this day
I haven't played the genesis version in years but the only platforming complaint that comes to mind was the jail level.

But yes, the SNES Capcom version is awesome, the acrobatic platforming aspects are really cool. Love hand springing off of poles and whatnot. I should probably revisit it on an emulator, it's been years.


I haven't played the genesis version in years but the only platforming complaint that comes to mind was the jail level.

But yes, the SNES Capcom version is awesome, the acrobatic platforming aspects are really cool. Love hand springing off of poles and whatnot. I should probably revisit it on an emulator, it's been years.

the genesis game has multiple blind jumps (design sin for every platformer) and multiple jumps that are near pixel perfect for no reason other than to stretch the playtime by pushing for cheap deaths.


Maybe not worst platformer, but definitely worst platformer from big publisher and most overrated game ever. It's physics and gameplay is on level of stupid indie sim games like I am bread or Goat simulator.


Played it and enjoyed it. Got used to the controls and really had a fun time with it.

Hard to go back to after Mario Maker 2 though


Flashless at the Golden Globes
LBP2 is amazing. Not all platformers need to have precise controls. It's floaty and thats a shame, but not a game breaker by any means. The things you do in LBP2 are insane. One of the most ingenious levels in a video game ever.
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