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Jez Corden is hinting at Persona coming to Xbox


i guess if it happen, they would port the spin off game first. like persona 5 strikers for example and see how it's reception before port the main game persona 5/royal. we see similliar stuff on pc.
Kind of pointless as the good part of strikers is seeing the cast and their interactions you wouldn't even know. The story is still bad and the gameplay is repetitive and quickly becomes boring. You'd want to experience Royal first.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Wouldn’t be shock the best true exclusives are really Mario, Zelda and God of War. I don’t even think those are exclusive you can get them on PC via emulation.


Gold Member
Whats the general track record of Jez Corden?

- Good?
- One of those guys that shotguns a million things where some stick by logical guess or pure luck?
- Lousy?

Any good examples from this guy where he pitched obscure leaks, which ended up true???
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Heh, people wonder why Japanese games normally skip the XBOX.....

That’s generally the reaction I hear from most XBOX gamers. The majority of them are just not into these types of games, so IF Microsoft is buying Sega imo it wouldn’t make much sense and Sega will not be the same.

Persona 5 sold millions on PS4 and even on the PS3. If it hits 100,000 on XBOX, I’ll be very surprised. I guess it could do OK on Gamepass out of curiosity from gamers though. I think Persona 5 is a really good game. If this rumor is true, XBOX gamers should give it a chance.

Chicken. Egg.

Fans of Japanese games go PlayStation heavy because it has more Japanese games. Understandable.

If XBOX had the same Japanese games would you get more of the audience on XBOX? Sure you would.

Lots of folks went XBOX 360 because it had the CAVE SHMUPS for instance. You build a BIG audience by catering not only to the mainstream, but also by reaching out to the many niche groups. Anime fans, Fighter fans, SHMUPS fans, dance/rhythm game fans, indie game fans, retro gamers, etc. Give them all a little love and watch your audience grow!
The Xbox 360 was the better machine when it came to JRPGs that era. Bottom line. Hell, it had the best Final Fantasy and JRPG of that generation in Lost Odyssey, hands down.

Shit, now I want a Lost Odyssey HD remake and sequel.

Also, if Microsoft is wanting the Xbox to sell in Japan, wouldn’t it be better to let Sega run point on selling it and making it a place for Sega exclusives? Add in the Konami/Microsoft rumors, and you’ve got a hell of a catalog and a hell of a system to entice Japanese gamers with.
Chicken. Egg.

Fans of Japanese games go PlayStation heavy because it has more Japanese games. Understandable.

If XBOX had the same Japanese games would you get more of the audience on XBOX? Sure you would.

Lots of folks went XBOX 360 because it had the CAVE SHMUPS for instance. You build a BIG audience by catering not only to the mainstream, but also by reaching out to the many niche groups. Anime fans, Fighter fans, SHMUPS fans, dance/rhythm game fans, indie game fans, retro gamers, etc. Give them all a little love and watch your audience grow!
Good points, but X360 had a fair amount of Japanese games and still couldn’t garner hardly any attention in Japan and most of their Japanese games don’t sell too well even worldwide. This has literally always been the case with each generation for Microsoft and I’m sure game companies know this as well. Porting games can get pretty expensive as well especially when there might not be much of a return on the game. Gamepass could help though.

I just think fans of Japanese games go to Nintendo and Sony by default because they figure they will always have many more of those types of games on their systems and the fans embrace them more. Xbox has the stigma of the “Western machine” and that is going to take awhile to break. Getting some more ports is a start though.

I still think Microsoft creating and funding a few Japanese studios would of did some good, earned some respect and helped the situation a little as well.
Hope this happens... Never understood why it wasn't on Xbox.
I’d imagine it’s because the demographic of this game just wasn’t on Xbox like most other Japanese games. Most Xbox gamers do not like or particularly care for Japanese or anime style games compared to PlayStation or Nintendo gamers and the numbers prove it. We’ll see what happens though. If it’s legitimate, maybe I’ll be proven wrong.
Good points, but X360 had a fair amount of Japanese games and still couldn’t garner hardly any attention in Japan and most of their Japanese games don’t sell too well even worldwide. This has literally always been the case with each generation for Microsoft and I’m sure game companies know this as well. Porting games can get pretty expensive as well especially when there might not be much of a return on the game. Gamepass could help though.

I just think fans of Japanese games go to Nintendo and Sony by default because they figure they will always have many more of those types of games on their systems and the fans embrace them more. Xbox has the stigma of the “Western machine” and that is going to take awhile to break. Getting some more ports is a start though.

I still think Microsoft creating and funding a few Japanese studios would of did some good, earned some respect and helped the situation a little as well.

As a platform holder you have to take a bath on some loss leaders sometimes. Sure that niche Japanese game may not have sold a ton, but since you gained 100,000 MAUs by including it those users will also spend money on your platform and store elsewhere. Impact has to be measured beyond just game sales. Those users could also become promoters to help you get even more users.


Whats the general track record of Jez Corden?

- Good?
- One of those guys that shotguns a million things where some stick by logical guess or pure luck?
- Lousy?

Any good examples from this guy where he pitched obscure leaks, which ended up true???
He's good. He knew the Series S's existence and specs well over a year in advance. He's got a pretty good record. Also another guy with a good track record has also been saying it's coming for a bit now.

Naked Lunch

Most Xbox gamers do not like or particularly care for Japanese or anime style games...
Id be careful making such broad statements. There are plenty of fans of Japanese games on Xbox - and many Japanese Xbox exclusive games not on Sony or Nintendo platforms.

Now the XB1 generation didnt produce much - but having 360/OG XB stuff upscaled to perfection thru the BC program isnt something to dismiss. Orta, Radiant Silvergun, Guwange, Guardian Heroes, NinjaGaiden Black+II, Ace Combat 6 - all Backwards compatible and improved. That lineup is not on the competition and is no slouch.

Getting the Yakuzas, Final Fantasy series (with the best way to play XIII to date), Niers, Valkyire Chronicles 4, even Dragon Quest, with promises of more on the way - it seems MS might be turning the corner back to the 360 days.
Id be careful making such broad statements. There are plenty of fans of Japanese games on Xbox - and many Japanese Xbox exclusive games not on Sony or Nintendo platforms.

Now the XB1 generation didnt produce much - but having 360/OG XB stuff upscaled to perfection thru the BC program isnt something to dismiss. Orta, Radiant Silvergun, Guwange, Guardian Heroes, NinjaGaiden Black+II, Ace Combat 6 - all Backwards compatible and improved. That lineup is not on the competition and is no slouch.

Getting the Yakuzas, Final Fantasy series (with the best way to play XIII to date), Niers, Valkyire Chronicles 4, even Dragon Quest, with promises of more on the way - it seems MS might be turning the corner back to the 360 days.
There are definitely fans of Japanese games on XBox, but it seems like the ratio is kind of diminutive compared to the competition and the companies see this. There are Japanese games on XBOX and it always has been that way especially on the X360, but haven’t most of them sold pretty lackluster with a few exceptions? That’s probably why most Japanese games tend to skip XBOX, even the multiplatform games. As money hungry as most companies are these days, why would they purposely skip XBOX if there is money to be made?

My statements and assumptions mostly come from sales numbers and feedback from XBox gamers. On the other hand, it seems like Microsoft is now getting access to more of these games like the X360 days though, so maybe things will change and even more XBOX gamers will give these games a chance.
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Imagine Persona 5 coming to Xbox before Switch. What a slap in the face of Switch owners that would be, holy shit. Also makes zero sense as Switch is a lot more popular in Japan too.


The shit posting weeb clown in me cynically expects that this will end up being a Strikers port that ends up selling like shit, while Xbox never gets the main series.

I'm prepared for the worst thanks to Phil's conditioning. "Keep asking" for Japanese RPGs, foilks. It's only been 13 years since Lost Odyssey, and Phil is listening, or something like that.


Imagine Persona 5 coming to Xbox before Switch. What a slap in the face of Switch owners that would be, holy shit. Also makes zero sense as Switch is a lot more popular in Japan too.

Xbox getting it makes more sense in that the hardware is very similar. Switch port would take way more work
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