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JUNE! Comics OT Before Four Dollar Books and Toasters!

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Drats, store had no copies of Massive left. But thankfully I had pre-ordered the #1 issue I cared most about:


It's about a guy who lands on a robotic planet.

Let me repeat that. The planet is a FUCKING ROBOT. Looking forward to reading this and giving it an 11 out of 10.

This is SO MINE!

Jedeye Sniv

Jedeye = Brian from CSBG?

No we just both like we3 I guess (it's been years since I even read CSBG).

Just sat down and read Spider-Men. Solid first issue but I hope it doesn't became a generic meet and greet team up.

Man, fuck Spider-Men, really let down by this and I know it was my own fault for expecting more. What we get was a paper-thin 616 Peter Parker 'story' where fuck all happens, and then at the end Miles is there. $4, thankyouverymuch. Ugh. wtf Bendis, I used to love you.

Also read Batman #10 this morning. Wooo, that was brilliant. I got the twist when Bruce was in his study, just before they started flagging it. I remember in RIP reading a lot about this particular character (since it was possible that was Dr Hurt's real identity - actually, I think Morrison is responsible for bringing this particular thing back into continuity) and so it wasn't completely out of left field for me. But what it was was AWESOME. FUCK YES SNYDER PUT IT IN MY MOUTH.


The twist totally got me right up until
halfway through the confrontation in the hospital
. I had one idea about who it was that it took me a minute to really start putting things together. But when I got it...oh man. So good.

I've never been the biggest Batman guy (outside of his villains, I think he's pretty meh), but I have completely loved this book.

Jedeye Sniv

Also, Capullo is still KILLING IT on Batman. He's gone from this guy I used to read as a kid on Spawn and didn't think much of, to being one of my favourite Batman artists ever. He's just so good, he draws the cape and cowl in a way I've never seen done quite like that before, and it works perfectly.
Also, Capullo is still KILLING IT on Batman. He's gone from this guy I used to read as a kid on Spawn and didn't think much of, to being one of my favourite Batman artists ever. He's just so good, he draws the cape and cowl in a way I've never seen done quite like that before, and it works perfectly.

His panel to panel storytelling is superior. Wow.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Kind of a naff week, despite lots:

Spider-Men: was pretty terrible. Morales barely exists as a character yet, way too soon for this.
EotE Amazing Spider-Man: really fizzled out for me there at the end, it shouldnt have been this long.
Uncanny X-Force: I feel like the formula is beginning to grind me down a bit. Group of baddies fuck up the crew and put them in a real tight spot that always involves some creative way of fucking with Wolverine's healing factor.


Scarlet Spider: once again the highlight of my pull. Shit is just good, and this issue set up like a whole year of other stuff going on in the background through it's epilogue bits. I like that the blue hoody is sticking around in a very funny way.

Jedeye Sniv

So I've never read anything about Black Panther before, but can anyone tell me - did Marvel rip off the Thurdercats or vice versa? Because Wakanda symbol in the BGs of this weeks' F4 is the fucking Thundercats symbol. I have it on a t-shirt.


Bleeding cool writing DC is putting the clamps down on creator exclusive contracts to keep them from writing creator owned books at Image/elsewhere.

:( Inevitable.

Jedeye Sniv

Bleeding cool writing DC is putting the clamps down on creator exclusive contracts to keep them from writing creator owned books at Image/elsewhere.

:( Inevitable.

Silly DC, really. They're going to piss away their talent while Image are putting out some of the most innovate comics in decades...
Bleeding cool writing DC is putting the clamps down on creator exclusive contracts to keep them from writing creator owned books at Image/elsewhere.

:( Inevitable.

That's how desperate / protective of Grant Morrison Warner Bros. / DC is.


How about they update their work for hire contracts so the talent that churns out their shitty characters month after month have a chance to retire comfortably, and not suffering in squalor once their best years are behind them?

Maybe they'll set up a house nigger label like Marvel's Icon. Keep those "architects" brand loyal and away from the icky competition.

It's a good thing funnybooks are all child's play in 'Murica, otherwise somebody would look at how poorly talent is treated, bullshit contracts, and the monopolized distribution system.

Greg Rucka speaks truth to power.


Marvel's Icon line:

Books Mark Millar is trying to get turned into movies
Brubaker's Criminal

that's....pretty much it, right? EDIT: Just remembered Bendis puts out random Scarlet and Brilliant issues.

And even then, Brubaker took Fatale to Image and Millar Jupiter's Children. Flip through Marvel's last previews and you'll see two icon issues, Brilliant #7 and Secret Service #5 of 7.
This week I got The Strain, Stitched, The Boys, Planetoid, and the Massive. They were sold out of Dancer #2.

Anyone reading Transformers RiD? Is the trade going to be 1-5 or 1-6? I'm going to switch to trade so wasn't sure if I should pick up #6.


Sweetness, the Sullivan Sluggers kickstarter reached the 80k slipcase goal. That thing is gonna hold up real well


Marvel's Icon line:

Books Mark Millar is trying to get turned into movies
Brubaker's Criminal

that's....pretty much it, right? EDIT: Just remembered Bendis puts out random Scarlet and Brilliant issues.

And even then, Brubaker took Fatale to Image and Millar Jupiter's Children. Flip through Marvel's last previews and you'll see two icon issues, Brilliant #7 and Secret Service #5 of 7.

The Icon line tends to publish and promote material written by writers who work or have worked at Marvel. I don't think Marvel discourages people from doing creator owned stuff wherever it is, in fact the opposite is the case. Cebulski and Marvel realize that it keeps talent happy.


It is, and you've just had the shit spoiled out of it for you. Well done.

and i think me because i hover handed over the link to see what it was about and the link itself seems pretty spoil heavy...i glanced away but it can't be unseen.

:( DCBS monthly shipments + internet = books are spoiled even if you avoid spoilers

Jedeye Sniv

I ruined it yesterday. It's conceptually dumb enough that I don't care but Uzi, as usual, makes it sound like a dece book anyway.

So everyone saying how great it was for the last year wasn't good enough, you had to wait until the mystery was revealed to get interested? Strange way of going about it, for sure. Anything else you've not read that you'd like spoiled too? :p rosebud was the sled, you know, and Bruce Willis was dead all along!
So everyone saying how great it was for the last year wasn't good enough, you had to wait until the mystery was revealed to get interested? Strange way of going about it, for sure. Anything else you've not read that you'd like spoiled too? :p rosebud was the sled, you know, and Bruce Willis was dead all along!

I read the first five issues, as has been stated several times amongst Comics-GAF. I thought the Owls were visually a pretty silly conceit and I got bored with it. I'm not the biggest Snyder fan either. I was in it for Cappulo. And then BPRD took over my life and all the titles I was only "just" interested in fell by the wayside. Now that I finished my re-read of every single BPRD and Hellboy related comic ever published, I have enough room for something new.

But maybe I shouldn't bother, maybe you're right, okay. I can save myself the $12 catching up and spend it on BPRD variants.

After Snyder's instant classic Detective run, and his work on the ever amazing AmVamp, I don't see how anyone can doubt him, but alas different strokes, and all that.

All of that said, I'm giving the Hellboy Saga another go. I have the early Hellboy stuff (AMAZING) from ages ago in long boxes somewhere, but is there a reading order I should know about?

I loved the Mignola stuff, but when he got less and less regular, I lost track. Has he come back and drawn stuff again?
After Snyder's instant classic Detective run, and his work on the ever amazing AmVamp, I don't see how anyone can doubt him, but alas different strokes, and all that.

All of that said, I'm giving the Hellboy Saga another go. I have the early Hellboy stuff (AMAZING) from ages ago in long boxes somewhere, but is there a reading order I should know about?

I loved the Mignola stuff, but when he got less and less regular, I lost track. Has he come back and drawn stuff again?

No, but he's coming back for the next storyline and will be drawing the book after that, though at his own pace, meaning after the four issues it'll probably be like one or two issues a year.

Fegredo (!!!!!) has been drawing the mainline Hellboy stories instead and did a bang up job.

BPRD never had Mignola but aside from a few dodgy bits here and there has had amazing work from
Guy Davis
James Harren
Tyler Crook
I worship Guy Davis and have an amazing Golden Age Sandman sketch in my autograph book from him that I prize.

I'm sad that Mignola doesn't do more but the level of talent seems top notch.

Going to pull out his Cosmic Odyssey and fap when I get home for old time's sake.
I worship Guy Davis and have an amazing Golden Age Sandman sketch in my autograph book from him that I prize.

I'm sad that Mignola doesn't do more but the level of talent seems top notch.

Going to pull out his Cosmic Odyssey and fap when I get home for old time's sake.

Oh dude then you will L-O-V-E LOVE BPRD. Davis (and Dave Stewart on colors) just demolish on that book.


You'll get used to it. Sometimes I feel like running back to ComicBloc to get a shot of optimism, but then it's always back to ComicGAF for the funeral report. Seems some forget the sheer fun of comics, and look for things to hate. Not everyone, but I have a mental list.

I fucking love comics. Especially Supers comics, but all comics. Marvel and DC have been islands of wonder since I was 4 years old, and I can see them with those eyes at the drop of a hat. I think when you lose that, you criticize the sheer for-the-fuck-of-it moments, as "stupid".

You'll see the same folks over and over posting the supposed negatives from bleeding cool and other cesspools. Sort of like the Anti-life equation made flesh. :lol

Eh, when it gets to me, I just pull out an old Silver Age Legion collection, and remind myself why I read comics. No harm, no foul.

Keep on keeping on.


Honestly, i was kind of bored by Batman up until the issue 4 or 5, whichever was the "cool" issue. Now i like it, just caught up to issue #8 with 9 for tonights reading. Love the art though for all issues.

Also, Saucer Country #2 and #3 are okay, i'm not sure if i'm going to keep ordering it though. I don't like reading about aliens probing people :p Apart from that, Cornell does a good job keeping the book character focused and i am curious to see where he's going with this and what role the aliens will play.

GO OKC!!!!!!!


Permanent Junior Member
I hate you guys. You convinced me to grab The Massive (the shop is next door to the Darkhorse HQ so they had tons) and Batman Vol. 1.



Hulk?? Hulk got

Aaron wins.


People are hatin' on this book, but for me, it's the most fun thing on the stands. I loved issue 8
I lost my shit when Hulk yelled at Punisher to shoot him in the face
I hate you guys. You convinced me to grab The Massive (the shop is next door to the Darkhorse HQ so they had tons) and Batman Vol. 1.
My shop had a noticeably large stack. Usually they'll have 3-4 copies of a new series, maybe. They were already out of Dancer and I got the last copies of Planetoid and The Strain. They had literally like 15+ copies of The Massive. It was kinda weird, never saw that many copies of one comic there, especially a new series.
People are hatin' on this book, but for me, it's the most fun shit on the stands. I loved issue 8
I lost my shit when Hulk yellet at Punisher to shoot him in the face

"You wouldn't like me when I'm not angry!"

This "Stay Angry" thing is great. It's like "Crank" starring the Incredible Hulk
I decided I want two copies of Sullivan's Sluggers, one to read and one to give away, since who knows when this will be reprinted. Logged in to try to buy a second $30 one, but it only lets you change your donation level, not create a new one. Does anyone know if it's ok to sign up under a new account but still have it paid for by my same amazon account and shipped to me?


If you want it paid for by the same account and shipped to the same address, couldn't you just up your pledge? If you click "Manage your pledge" it will let you up the pricing and change rewards. If you up it, one of the $60 pledge levels would get you two books anyhow.
Pledge $60 or more. 54 Backers.
SLUGGER REWARD: Two copies of Sullivan's Sluggers 200 page Hardcover. Downloadable PDF of Sullivan's Sluggers. International Orders please add $10.
A bit further down theres a $70 equivalent for 2 books internationally shipped too.


No problem. There's so many options available on this one it's easy to see how it could be missed. I'm honestly impressed with how they're running it :)
Ya, it's been exciting to watch! I'm so happy it's got a slipcase, and really great that they are donating the excess to charity. At $30 for a omnibus hardcover with slipcase and ribbon bookmark, I can't imagine they are making profit.


Ya, it's been exciting to watch! I'm so happy it's got a slipcase, and really great that they are donating the excess to charity. At $30 for a omnibus hardcover with slipcase and ribbon bookmark, I can't imagine they are making profit.

Actually...i think it shows how expensive Absolute/DC/Marvel books are. Dark Horse put out an almost absolute sized Buffy vol 1 collecting the first 12 or so issues, ribbon bookmark but no slipcase. MSRP: $29.99
Actually...i think it shows how expensive Absolute/DC/Marvel books are. Dark Horse put out an almost absolute sized Buffy vol 1 collecting the first 12 or so issues, ribbon bookmark but no slipcase. MSRP: $29.99
I see. The only omnibus hardcover with slipcase I have is The Sword, which I think was MSRP $100 or so, but then it was like 6-700 pages.
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