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JUNE! Comics OT Before Four Dollar Books and Toasters!

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I bet it's general ross.

Also, i'm buying ASM currently and #692 was the issue i might not bother with because it's expensive and i'm not sure i care. $5.99 anniversary issues with vague solicits...are not easy sells.

And Frankenstein #9 only sold ~ 17k copies

I blame all of you.


I'm sorry if this gets asked a lot, but as someone who is coming back to comics after a long absence, can you guys recommend some of your favorite, currently running comics?

As of now I am reading:
Batman Inc.
Red Hood
Earth 2
Before Watchmen (yeah, i know)

I've read the most recent issues of Uncanny X-Men and Wolverine and the X-Men but I didn't think they were that great, but that is mostly because they were AvX tie-ins. I will proabably keep picking them up because I love X-Men.

Any other recommendations? Really open to anything here.

Oh, I've read Walking Dead too. Just not all the way caught up.
I'm sorry if this gets asked a lot, but as someone who is coming back to comics after a long absence, can you guys recommend some of your favorite, currently running comics?

As of now I am reading:
Batman Inc.
Red Hood
Earth 2
Before Watchmen (yeah, i know)

I've read the most recent issues of Uncanny X-Men and Wolverine and the X-Men but I didn't think they were that great, but that is mostly because they were AvX tie-ins. I will proabably keep picking them up because I love X-Men.

Any other recommendations? Really open to anything here.

Oh, I've read Walking Dead too. Just not all the way caught up.

Wanna be more specific about what sort of themes or genres you like? I mean, without knowing, I'd suggest Green Lantern, Justice League, Action Comics, Teen Titans, or Animal Man / Swamp Thing, as a collection of different style, quality DC books.

Edit: Yeah, Nightwing is actually really good too.


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
I'm sorry if this gets asked a lot, but as someone who is coming back to comics after a long absence, can you guys recommend some of your favorite, currently running comics?

As of now I am reading:
Batman Inc.
Red Hood
Earth 2
Before Watchmen (yeah, i know)

I've read the most recent issues of Uncanny X-Men and Wolverine and the X-Men but I didn't think they were that great, but that is mostly because they were AvX tie-ins. I will proabably keep picking them up because I love X-Men.

Any other recommendations? Really open to anything here.

Oh, I've read Walking Dead too. Just not all the way caught up.

Nightwing, Saga and Created-Owned Heroes. Also I recommend Invincible, it's from the creator of Walking Dead and it's been a great spin for the superhero genre since its beginning.
Go back and read the Wolverine & the X-Men and Uncanny issues from before AvX. They're very good.

Other than those, Amazing Spider-Man, Captain America, Venom, Journey into Mystery, Secret Avengers, and Avengers Academy are some of my favorites.
I'm sorry if this gets asked a lot, but as someone who is coming back to comics after a long absence, can you guys recommend some of your favorite, currently running comics?

As of now I am reading:
Batman Inc.
Red Hood
Earth 2
Before Watchmen (yeah, i know)

I've read the most recent issues of Uncanny X-Men and Wolverine and the X-Men but I didn't think they were that great, but that is mostly because they were AvX tie-ins. I will proabably keep picking them up because I love X-Men.

Any other recommendations? Really open to anything here.

Oh, I've read Walking Dead too. Just not all the way caught up.

You literally can never go wrong with Hellboy and BPRD (and their ancillary books like Witchfinder and Lobster Johnson).


Steve, the dog with no powers that we let hang out with us all for some reason
You literally can never go wrong with Hellboy and BPRD (and their ancillary books like Witchfinder and Lobster Johnson).

What's the essential Hellboy/BPRD read? I have been interested on the premise of BPRD for a while...


Wanna be more specific about what sort of themes or genres you like? I mean, without knowing, I'd suggest Green Lantern, Justice League, Action Comics, Teen Titans, or Animal Man / Swamp Thing, as a collection of different style, quality DC books.

Edit: Yeah, Nightwing is actually really good too.

I don't really have a specific genre preference right now. Just looking to get back into reading comics and curious what some of your guys' favorite series were. Just trying to get a feel for what some of the better books were.


So there's going to be 5 Earth GL's now?

I just read the comics I haven't been following the news on them at all lately, why is DC adding a new GL?

Right now there's only one "official" Earth GL. Hal was kicked out and stripped of his ring (the one he's been using is a construct/cloned ring from Sinestro), Kyle was also kicked out but the Guardians couldn't remove his ring, John was
found guilty of murder by the Alpha Lanterns
, leaving only Guy to rep Earth.
Right now there's only one "official" Earth GL. Hal was kicked out and stripped of his ring (the one he's been using is a construct/cloned ring from Sinestro), Kyle was also kicked out but the Guardians couldn't remove his ring, John was
found guilty of murder by the Alpha Lanterns
, leaving only Guy to rep Earth.

And there are machinations afoot with Guy... Dun dun dun...
It keeps getting better and better. :)
I'm really hopeful, but not sure if they can make 80k in 3-4 days. They've gone up by 3k or so since yesterday though, so maybe.

I wish they had better extras--not interested in the ipad case or t-shirt.

This gatefold is going to look sweet though, especially at omnibus size. That's like 12+" across and like i dunno, 24" or so long ways on this panel.


I don't really have a specific genre preference right now. Just looking to get back into reading comics and curious what some of your guys' favorite series were. Just trying to get a feel for what some of the better books were.
Was just looking through my stack recent new series issues and thinking about what series I was really enjoying and which ones I was just continuing in hopes they'll become good, and I decided Rachel Rising is probably the one new comic I'm really excited about. I'm enjoying Saga and Whispers also, although Whispers will only be 6 issues I think, so might as well wait for the trade since it's halfway through. But the rest--Thief of Thieves, Secret, Smoke and Mirrors, I'm still waiting for the payoff on all the set up they are doing.

I'll be checking out issue 2 of Creator Owned Heroes too.

Will be passing on Extermination and Higher Earth; those didn't do anything for me.
What's the essential Hellboy/BPRD read? I have been interested on the premise of BPRD for a while...

Oh boy, tough call. I'd really start with Hellboy: Seed Of Destruction. It's the very first Hellboy trade and it lays the groundwork for every other story that follows, including BPRD. That should give you a sense of whether or not it's for you. If you like it, I'd keep reading through Hellboy until BPRD starts (you'll know when) and then keep reading both. Hellboy never intermingles too much with BPRD as far as continuity. Both threads are almost completely stand alone. But if you can find a good chronology, there are frequent little callouts between them both, so it's fun to read them in order.

I should also note that a lot of Hellboy material is stand alone flashback stories. It sounds confusing, but Dark Horse has done an excellent job of dividing it up into trades, so I'd just go to your local comic book store, look at the Hellboy/BPRD section (all the trades are numbered) and that should give you a good sense of what you'll be in for. If you want to do it fancy, Hellboy Library and the Plague Of Frogs Omnibuses are both in lovely hardcover editions.
So there's going to be 5 Earth GL's now?

I just read the comics I haven't been following the news on them at all lately, why is DC adding a new GL?

Supposedly there gonna kill off Hal again Johnny storm style. The rest of the green lanterns are going to be shut down by the guardians.

I'm surprised you guys are so shocked we already saw this new GL in the trinity war teaser and the free comic book day special so we knew it was coming. I'm just loling that DC has yet another charecter wielding a handgun.
Brahs what issues does the first Orc Stan trade cover? Want to get in on this but everything is out of print.
1-5? I want it too but waiting for a reprint of the trade. #7 came out in February. I still need #6.

Posted on May 20, 2012
Now, as I disappear into the abyss, I leave you with some upcoming Orc Stain pages. The 1st volume trade (issues 1-5) is being reprinted as I type, so it should be available again very soon.
I don't care about this update but figured others here might. I'm pretty sure they will hit 75k at this rate. I want that 80k slip cover though.

Sullivan's Sluggers is close to hitting a home run all its own as it rounds the bases on the final stretch towards 75K! With three days to go, we thought we’d add and extra incentive. If Sullivan Sluggers hits 75k in the next three days, all backers at $30.00 or more will be gifted a copy of the book for free on comiXology - the world’s largest digital comics platform. That means if you have an iPhone, iPad, Android,Kindle Fire or access to the web – and if you are reading this than you do – you will be able to read Sullivan’s Sluggers in comiXology’s patent pending Guided View across their entire platform!So support this indie-comic horror sensation and get a digital copy of the book on comiXology if Sullivan's Sluggers hit’s 75k!
I've cared about all the updates except this one cuz I don't read comics on my computer. Maybe if i get an ipad or something one day, but it's not on my list of things to get.


I don't know how I avoided this kickstarter for so long.

So excited whenever I see Stokoe involved in anything. Really looking forward to his Godzilla later this year.



He’s the most talked about villain of the year, and this fall Marvel is bringing fans everything you need to know about Thanos in Thanos: The Final Threat #1 and Thanos Quest #1! From creator Jim Starlin, Thanos: The Final Threat #1 follows the Mad Eternal as he gathers the cosmic Infinity Gems in a bid for interplanetary power! Can even the combined might of the Avengers, Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, and others stand up to Thanos might? But that’s not all! Jim Starlin and Ron Lim continue the son of Titan’s quest for power in Thanos Quest #1! Except this time, he’s looking destroy half the population of the universe, and rule all he surveys! And with a cover featuring the concept art from Marvel’s The Avengers by Andy Park, no fan can miss out!

Bleeding Cool has a spoiler up for the "shocking" reveal in Batman #10... Given that we've had owls hammered into our heads for nine issues straight, is it really that surprising?

Jedeye Sniv

Bleeding Cool has a spoiler up for the "shocking" reveal in Batman #10... Given that we've had owls hammered into our heads for nine issues straight, is it really that surprising?

I haven't read it yet (will be reading the issue tomorrow most likely)... is there some owl-based villain perhaps? Owlman from Earth 3? Actually that makes a twisted sense...

So hyped for this. The art is off the charts good, or as BenjaminBirdie would put it, the greatest art of all time, if you are not getting this you are not living right

So hyped for this. The art is off the charts good, or as BenjaminBirdie would put it, the greatest art of all time, if you are not getting this you are not living right

Excited for this, I love Brian Wood.

The cover kinda makes it look like a PS2 game though, lol
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