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JUNE! Comics OT Before Four Dollar Books and Toasters!

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Batman 10

I don't really know how I feel about that revelation. Initially it sounds really corny to me. However, I can see it having some potential down the road if the writers don't bungle it (which I totally expect them to do).

So hyped for this. The art is off the charts good, or as BenjaminBirdie would put it, the greatest art of all time, if you are not getting this you are not living right

BRO, I'm even gonna try getting the World's Greatest Grampa variant!!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise

So hyped for this. The art is off the charts good, or as BenjaminBirdie would put it, the greatest art of all time, if you are not getting this you are not living right

Excited to read this in trade... which sadly won't have all the back matter and neither will the digital copies.

I actually haven't read any Brian Wood yet though. I need to check out DMZ.
Me too, I read the first few issues of DMZ but decided to wait till the series was done before getting into it. It just ended, so I'll start soon I guess. Have a few other series to read first though.
Brian Wood reads better in trades, unless Becky Cloonan is involved for some reason

Bleeding Cool has heard from various "sources" about some creative changes from Marvel coming in October or so, like Remender/Opena on Astonishing Avengers, Hickman/Ribic on Avenging Avengers or whatever, Bendis on UXM and X-Men(LOL), and Fraction/Laroccoa taking over Fantastic Four(as Gillen/Land go over to Iron Man).

The creative music chairs now begins! We still don't know what Michael Allred is working on, but I pray to God it's not a Bendis book.


Brian Wood reads better in trades, unless Becky Cloonan is involved for some reason

Bleeding Cool has heard from various "sources" about some creative changes from Marvel coming in October or so, like Remender/Opena on Astonishing Avengers, Hickman/Ribic on Avenging Avengers or whatever, Bendis on UXM and X-Men(LOL), and Fraction/Laroccoa taking over Fantastic Four(as Gillen/Land go over to Iron Man).

The creative music chairs now begins! We still don't know what Michael Allred is working on, but I pray to God it's not a Bendis book.


Marvel september solicits are out, i'm looking forward to the Age of Apocalypse tpb vol 1 and Venom: Savage Six tpb last (last?) Remender arc, issues 15-22. And 8 issues tpb for 16.99 msrp? On occasion it happens.

The worst value trade this month belongs to: Captain America vol 3 HC collecting a mighty 4 issues of Brubaker for $24.99. I'll buy it used if i see it for $6.

And Buffy Season 9 is okay, i got caught up to issue 9. I don't recommend people buy it unless they really liked the show.
That would be perfect! I cannot wait to read my books later on!

Wow the actual reveal was 10 times better. Comics man. Comics. :D

In love with the changes to Avengers, and it will be easy to drop the two X Books now. I was hoping they would dump Bendis in space, and leave the earth books to his betters. Fraction on FF could be good, could be Fear Itself/Defenders. We'll see.
Kryptonian has far more enthusiasm than most of the people in this thread.....

You'll get used to it. Sometimes I feel like running back to ComicBloc to get a shot of optimism, but then it's always back to ComicGAF for the funeral report. Seems some forget the sheer fun of comics, and look for things to hate. Not everyone, but I have a mental list.

I fucking love comics. Especially Supers comics, but all comics. Marvel and DC have been islands of wonder since I was 4 years old, and I can see them with those eyes at the drop of a hat. I think when you lose that, you criticize the sheer for-the-fuck-of-it moments, as "stupid".

You'll see the same folks over and over posting the supposed negatives from bleeding cool and other cesspools. Sort of like the Anti-life equation made flesh. :lol

Eh, when it gets to me, I just pull out an old Silver Age Legion collection, and remind myself why I read comics. No harm, no foul.


Can I just say that the "Ends of the Earth" arc in AmaSM has been just the bee's knees? It ended today (well, the epilouge is still coming in AveSM) and I have rather enjoyed it.


Electrical powers are cool. It stands to reason that brothers would gravitate to the swaggiest powers out there.
Can I just say that the "Ends of the Earth" arc in AmaSM has been just the bee's knees? It ended today (well, the epilouge is still coming in AveSM) and I have rather enjoyed it.

I've been really up and down on this story, but I really enjoyed today's conclusion.
The marvel creative shakeups really are going to bring anyone back. Can't Bendis stay the fuck away from the X Men? Just go making fucking Avengers comics and events so I can comeback and read the X Men in peace.


If anyone is feeling slightly concerned about the reveal in Batman #10, as I was, I encourage you to read Snyder's interview on CBR. It made me feel a lot better about it.
Well Hickman/Remender on Avengers would be sweet. Gillen on IM sweet. No to Bendis on UXM and any other XM book. But didn't Marvel just put Woods on X-Men?

Fraction on FF..... nightmares of UXM/Fear Itself coming back...
Drats, store had no copies of Massive left. But thankfully I had pre-ordered the #1 issue I cared most about:


It's about a guy who lands on a robotic planet.

Let me repeat that. The planet is a FUCKING ROBOT. Looking forward to reading this and giving it an 11 out of 10.
Drats, store had no copies of Massive left. But thankfully I had pre-ordered the #1 issue I cared most about:


It's about a guy who lands on a robotic planet.

Let me repeat that. The planet is a FUCKING ROBOT. Looking forward to reading this and giving it an 11 out of 10.

Brahs keep releasing so many good comics, don't know how to control myself...


Just finished Green Lantern, so
William Hand is a Black Lantern again
? That could be interesting, almost makes me wonder if the Third Army isn't going to be tied
to the Black Lanterns somehow with Hand being the "First Lantern" the Guardians need the Book of Black to find...
Let me repeat that. The planet is a FUCKING ROBOT. Looking forward to reading this and giving it an 11 out of 10.
Oh ok, I'll check it out if my store still has a copy. I read the preview and wasn't that into it.

But then the Massive preview didn't do much for me either. I kept giggling when anyone said, Is it the Massive? I may be too immature for this one.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Just sat down and read Spider-Men. Solid first issue but I hope it doesn't became a generic meet and greet team up.
I just want Ultimate May/Gwen/616 Peter scenes.

Peter will probably give Miles the design to make his own web-shooters some time during this mini.


I can't comprehend.

Spider Island is just one of those stories that i find terrible that people seem to like. The only part of that entire story i liked was that wrap-up final issue that had some nice character moments and humor.
People get spider powers then turn into spiders. Captain America is the head spider enemy but nobody cares. All the spiders look the same and have no personality because they are spiders. The Spider Queen eventually is the head enemy and is, of course, a giant spider. Crap ensues and eventually we get a fun issue with mary jane keeping some powers and everyone losing their pants. That part was cute. Everything else? Hated it


God, today was such a good day. UXF (Scott Holt!), American Vampire - Lords of nightmare, Batman, Spider-Men (why does Bendis banter only work for Spideys? It makes no sense!), Ult Xmen, Cap, AMS, Sixth Gun and FF. so many choices for book of the week

DMZ may have been better in trade format but Northlanders was always great each issue standalone.
DMZ is better in trades hand down.


i was thinking abou picking up Incredible Hulk but flipping thru it i was reminded of how much Marvel is ripping off buyers. It was thin. I didnt count the pages but it felt like a 22 page book along with how many adverts marvel loads into their books. Its a ripoff for a 3.99 book. especially when you hold it next to a Dark Horse title which uses quality paper, only TWO whole adverts in the book and doesnt cost 3.99.


i was thinking abou picking up Incredible Hulk but flipping thru it i was reminded of how much Marvel is ripping off buyers. It was thin. I didnt count the pages but it felt like a 22 page book along with how many adverts marvel loads into their books. Its a ripoff for a 3.99 book. especially when you hold it next to a Dark Horse title which uses quality paper, only TWO whole adverts in the book and doesnt cost 3.99.

COMICS! July |OT| What's wrong with $4 books, crossovers and the American Way?
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