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Killing Floor 2 Early Access |OT| I Buy You. Birth sign: DOSH


Tripwire just confirmed that the LAR and Crossbow will be returning for Sharpshooter. Sweet, I miss my LAR.

And here's the latest WWAUT I guess.

Hello everyone, we are hard at work on our next quality of life update. As previously mentioned, these updates are focused on bugs and balance and we are pushing to get them out as fast as we can. Today I am going to touch on this next QoL update as well as the next content update which is also being worked on, ie: the beloved sharpshooter!

We currently have two sharpshooter weapons going through our pipeline first, the Lever Action Rifle and Crossbow. Both are currently in the process of being textured and I hope to show them to you in the near future with some renders! I’ll be talking more about the Sharpshooter weapon set and perk skills as they start to come online.

Now something that will be in players hands much quicker are some upcoming changes (some of which will come in stages as we try one thing and react to the data and feedback we receive). The first of which is our dynamic difficulty tuning. With an upcoming quality of life update along with as many fixes as we can get done in there we are introducing the first pass at a dynamic difficulty tuning system that we are calling the Game Conductor.

With this system the game can make some decisions based on how well players are doing to increase or drawback the intensity of the wave within some limits (each difficulty can be tuned up or down towards the ones bracketing it). The goal of the system is to find a sweet spot where the players feel challenged but not over or underwhelmed. We expect parts of this system to start coming online over the next few QoL updates.

I also recently mentioned we had a close eye on the Demolitions perk. This is an item that is a bit further out in terms of players seeing it but I wanted to give the community an idea of what we are thinking about here. Part of our goals around balance moving forward is to give perks more distinct roles both overall and situational. Using the perk tree we are looking at branches that give the demo options for better crowd destruction or to specialize as a larger zed exploding machine who may want to conserve ammo.

We are aiming for our next QoL patch to come out next week and our current WIP changelog (subject to change!) is as follows:


First pass of live player skill tracking system Game Conductor
Demo - Offperk skill was doing 15% instead of the intended 10%
Berserker - Melee attack speed % increase was not working properly as players ranked up
Gunslinger - changed how Uber Ammo skill works so dualies will not run out of ammo during Uber Ammo


If a player leaves the server and doesn’t drop the detonator, any deployed c4 will be removed
Continued to improve AI code to help prevent “walling”


Fixed a bug where clients that joined an in progress game could see already destroyed collectibles (and thus not be able to interact with them)
Fixed several gamepad issues in the options screens
Fixed not being able to save favorite servers while using a gamepad
Fix one case for zed warping online - other cases including high latency are still being worked on
Fixed the game displaying a pick up message when you dropped a 9mm from having dualies

We are still aiming to get the Modding Workshop in as soon as we can fix some outstanding issues. We think we have a good handle on it but will know more early next week.

And to wrap things up this week we are hoping to get a “Pulse Of The Community” poll going every once in awhile to see where our players feel we should be focusing our efforts. Below you can find a link to the first of such polls.



Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
And I'm just sitting here waiting for SWAT/FN P90.

When's my FN P90 hitting, Tripwire? I wanna see DAT 200FPS FIRING ANIMATION in Zed Time. >:|

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Killing Floor 2 big update just hit with the Zed Versus Mode, Prison Map, first half of Sharpshooter released, and various other changes and additions.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Killing Floor 2 big update just hit with the Zed Versus Mode,


Prison Map, first half of Sharpshooter released, and various other changes and additions.

Now we're talking. Could John Gibson stop doing research for Red Orchestra 3 and get his team to finish Killing Floor 2 before doing Red Orchestra 3 finally, please?


Well, just tried Versus and it seems very rough around the edges.

By the later waves, you just get one shotted as the infected and just can't seem to do much. Also one guy got spawned out of bounds, and then the game crashed for anyone spectating him as he died. :D


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
One year since Early Access started, still not complete and still 3-4 perks left to release.

But hey at least we have a shitty versus mode (*snore*) and PayFortress 2: Global Unturned drop systems in the game!



Yeah I'm not trying to complain abt the versus mode too much because I know that's quite a few ppls thing and thats alright...but I did not want this at all.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Yeah I'm not trying to complain abt the versus mode too much because I know that's quite a few ppls thing and thats alright...but I did not want this at all.

Who wanted versus? Better question: Did the game need it!?

"Co-op Survival Horror" right in KF1's splash/boot screen image. And then they throw together a poorly thought out versus mode to check a box that is "BE LIKE LEFT 4 DEAD 2!" and still don't have all the perks out.

I'm mad salty because I want those perks out and my FN P90 now. They've overshot their initial release window frame for early access ("out before 2015 is over!") and are doing research for their Vietnam FPS instead of having all hands on deck to get this out the door, put the map team on mapping, get the console/PS4 port started and having Early Access buyers telling them what needs to be changed with the perks before console launch.


Who wanted versus? Better question: Did the game need it!?

"Co-op Survival Horror" right in KF1's splash/boot screen image. And then they throw together a poorly thought out versus mode to check a box that is "BE LIKE LEFT 4 DEAD 2!" and still don't have all the perks out.

I'm mad salty because I want those perks out and my FN P90 now. They've overshot their initial release window frame for early access ("out before 2015 is over!") and are doing research for their Vietnam FPS instead of having all hands on deck to get this out the door, put the map team on mapping, get the console/PS4 port started and having Early Access buyers telling them what needs to be changed with the perks before console launch.

Hoping things speed up now that they've changed patching systems so it should be faster...but I doubt it.


This game is so badass though. I just sometimes run through some waves in singlemode to let off some steam, volume cranked to 100. They NEED to quickly improve it and get going with development.
Also dat music.


Lol, they're on track to dig themselves into the same hole as the payday people. Greed gets the best of another game company i suppose


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Lol, they're on track to dig themselves into the same hole as the payday people. Greed gets the best of another game company i suppose


"Yeah, Tripwire?"



(Meanwhile, we're gonna rebalance the shitty Left 4 Dead PvP mode that literally NO1CURRS about because no1currs and we need to make them curr! And
Please Buy Rising Storm 3 when it hits Early Access so we can work on ANOTHER game before completing Killing Floor 2 OR Rising Storm 3!
I don't really care about getting sharpshooter since we already have the crossbow, and I can't imagine the other SS weapons are as ridiculously fucking broken. Most of the classes can solo FPs and Scrakes on higher difficulties now. The Scrake may as well be a mid-tier zed like it was in the original.
The drop system and everything it entails is such a non-issue; it's ultimately nothing more but cosmetics conjured up by a fraction of the team who were never even be responsible for actual gameplay additions in the first place.

The wild imbalances across all modes, the slower-than-intended (by quite a margin) update process and consistently lowering the difficulty are all far more glaring issues that KF2 is currently experiencing.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I don't really care about getting sharpshooter

You should. It's not a matter of weapon balance or anything. It's they fucking said they'd have the game done by December of last year. Okay, over looking that because they're a small team and I'm willing to cut them some slack: They are fucking working on Rising Storm 3/Vietnam Red Orchestra 3 before they even have the fucking three other perks for Killing Floor 2 implemented yet!

What the fuck!? Why are their fucking priorities on another game before they finish with the one they started!? Why the fuck has it taken them 4+ months when the original goal was to have Sharpshooter AND Gunslinger come out at the same time like Firebug and Demolition did!?

The PayFortress 2: Global Offensive update wouldn't have been so bad if the base game was implemented. AKA: If the perks were in the game and they were working on maps and finishing up the console port, the priority of putting that shitty system (AND Versus in while I'm at it) wouldn't be so awful. But it is because the base game still isn't fucking done.
You should. It's not a matter of weapon balance or anything. It's they fucking said they'd have the game done by December of last year. Okay, over looking that because they're a small team and I'm willing to cut them some slack: They are fucking working on Rising Storm 3/Vietnam Red Orchestra 3 before they even have the fucking three other perks for Killing Floor 2 implemented yet!

What the fuck!? Why are their fucking priorities on another game before they finish with the one they started!? Why the fuck has it taken them 4+ months when the original goal was to have Sharpshooter AND Gunslinger come out at the same time like Firebug and Demolition did!?

The PayFortress 2: Global Offensive update wouldn't have been so bad if the base game was implemented. AKA: If the perks were in the game and they were working on maps and finishing up the console port, the priority of putting that shitty system (AND Versus in while I'm at it) wouldn't be so awful. But it is because the base game still isn't fucking done.

If I cared that much about any of that I wouldn't have bought an Early Access game. I knew to expect a shitshow when I bought in.
Man you guys are impatient as hell, I'm still enjoying the hell out of the game a year later and I don't really care that it's not content complete just yet because I paid half of a full games price for it and it's provided tons more mileage than most 60 dollar games.

I even enjoy the PvP mode, (and the majority of people I play with do indeed care about it) so I don't get the outrage going on in here about non-issues, so what that they are developing more than one game at once?


What the fuck!? Why are their fucking priorities on another game before they finish with the one they started!? Why the fuck has it taken them 4+ months when the original goal was to have Sharpshooter AND Gunslinger come out at the same time like Firebug and Demolition did!?

We already bought the game like fucking idiots, they can drop development RIGHT NOW and there's nothing any of us can do. They don't care, and never will. They release updates as 'FREE content packs' dude, the game was finished since the day of EA release and anything else is extra for us.

'Free content' for a game that's not done? Doesn't sound right, except for when a game is done.
I have not seen much about the game, but just saw a video about the "flex" blood system.
Will that feature also be on PS4, or is it too much to handle for the console?
You should. It's not a matter of weapon balance or anything. It's they fucking said they'd have the game done by December of last year. Okay, over looking that because they're a small team and I'm willing to cut them some slack: They are fucking working on Rising Storm 3/Vietnam Red Orchestra 3 before they even have the fucking three other perks for Killing Floor 2 implemented yet!

What the fuck!? Why are their fucking priorities on another game before they finish with the one they started!? Why the fuck has it taken them 4+ months when the original goal was to have Sharpshooter AND Gunslinger come out at the same time like Firebug and Demolition did!?

The PayFortress 2: Global Offensive update wouldn't have been so bad if the base game was implemented. AKA: If the perks were in the game and they were working on maps and finishing up the console port, the priority of putting that shitty system (AND Versus in while I'm at it) wouldn't be so awful. But it is because the base game still isn't fucking done.

Anti-Matter Games is developing Rising Storm Vietnam (Though Tripwire is also listed as a dev, it's primarily Anti-Matter Games). Killing Floor 2 is the only announced game that Tripwire is lead dev on.


The M14 feels really good, especially compared to the one in the old game. Railgun is kinda broken, but man it's kinda amazing.


Does KF2 take ages to load up now after this update? What's the difference between the two modes of the railgun? Auto lock seems pretty cheesy.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
God, why did they nerf weapons? Is it due to the Versus Mode? It's like they miss the whole damn point.

EDIT: holy fucking shit this resistance crap, why are my bullets not killing anyone anymore?! what the fuck

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
It's not the weapons that were nerfed, but the resistances of the zeds increased. It's a clusterfuck right now, but hopefully they can fix it.

I was wondering why handguns aren't killing fucking trash zeds

seriously, they should rethink this

glad the negative reviews keep pouring in
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