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[Kojima] “Death Stranding 2 is not just a regular sequel”


• Game will feel "nostalgic" for fans of the original but also feel new for those who weren't.
How is this a detail? This is the feeling for any sequel game. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

You Dont Say Nicholas Cage GIF


Good, I liked the characters and world of DS1 but I'm not sure I'm in for another 40 hours of boring deliveries with an interesting cutscene every now and then
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As a fan of the first Death Stranding, I'm not as initially psyched. Sticking the landing on a narrative is always the hardest part. I felt like Death Stranding tied everything up neatly and any lingering questions were ambiguous enough or minute enough that you didn't need your hand held through an explanation. It answered the right questions and I don't want to see that world milked dry.

That said, Kojima is in a different place these days and is following the projects that he wants his team to work on. That alone is reason enough for me to get this game.


Really excited to see where the plot goes and what the new gameplay loop is.

Even though I loved it, I thought Death Stranding was a ‘one-and-done’ game because the ending was so conclusive.


Almost as cute as you pretending to know just how involved comparatively Microsoft and Sony are with Kojima's two projects.

That’s hopeful wishing, though.

KojiPro has 100-200 employees. They’re likely all concentrated on DS2 for the time being (w/help from Sony).

The Xbox project will take awhile, especially since Cloud gaming isn’t that popular as of yet.
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Well, it's quite obvious that DS2 will not be focused on unifying, so it will probably be something quite different from a gameplay point of view, and from the point of view of the goal.

Also, with the first one, Kojima always referred to it as a game smaller than his previous games, but that in time grew bigger, while this time he always referred to this new project as a "big" one from the start. So we can espect, in addition to the inevitable technological improvements, a more complex game structure.
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• Game will feel "nostalgic" for fans of the original but also feel new for those who weren't.
How is this a detail? This is the feeling for any sequel game. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

You Dont Say Nicholas Cage GIF
It means that, to those who din't like the gameplay genre of the first one, this second one will feel something different, so they may like it.


That said, Kojima is in a different place these days and is following the projects that he wants his team to work on. That alone is reason enough for me to get this game.

That's actually very important and rare in this industry. Usually games are primarily a product meant for business, but for those producers who actually wish to realize their visions and utilize their limited career time only on few projects that inspire them, the perspective is actually the opposite, so they try to find ways to realize a vision while being able to make it sustainable and succesful. Usually is the contrary: first come the analisys of the "elements of success", and then a game is developed around those (supposed) elements. Doing something you like, in the best case. Or simply doing daily work as a developer, just to have a job, in the worst case.

March Climber

Gold Member
That's actually very important and rare in this industry. Usually games are primarily a product meant for business, but for those producers who actually wish to realize their visions and utilize their limited career time only on few projects that inspire them, the perspective is actually the opposite, so they try to find ways to realize a vision while being able to make it sustainable and succesful. Usually is the contrary: first come the analisys of the "elements of success", and then a game is developed around those (supposed) elements. Doing something you like, in the best case. Or simply doing daily work as a developer, just to have a job, in the worst case.
I would love to have an A24 studios of video games(big budget but independence in creativity), but the general audience's unwilling reception and mockery of games like Death Stranding, even to this very day, tells me that what I'm hoping for is ultimately just a dream.

Kojima and his studio just happen to be in the right spot at the right time and place, but still can't move the needle.
Probably not. And even so, it sounds like a very small project. So it's not going to be something on Death Stranding's level in terms of effort

I remember there were rumors of the project being episodic. That could be a way for them to release some content for it soon. I'm not a fan of episodic games. I usually wait until the entire thing is available before getting it.
It might not be a popular view, but I hope they lean into the combat much more and provide much more customisation and flexibility as regards the different types of weapons available.

The graphics will be ground breaking, as will the art design and overall aesthetic, that's a given - and I hope the core gameplay loop is more of the same as it was definitely interesting and it grew on me as time went on.

No doubt, the story will be utterly bonkers and barely coherent without a PhD in Kojima.

All told, I'm looking forward to this.
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You didn't know that quality of the game depends strictly on its presence in gamepass? Shame on you

C Cheezewizz

I wouldn't say that. However gamepass is a good option for experimental titles which this one is. I actually think it's good that it will be on gamepass because without it the game might not be successful.

Although for my tastes DS2 seems to be the better option. Not because it's a PlayStation exclusive but because I really enjoyed the first one. Hopefully its available day one on PC unlike the first title.
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Reseterror Resettler
In New Kojima interview translated for my Twats he states some incredible truths about his new game ahead of it's proper full reveal, and gaming in general. Key points:

-If you've played the first game, you'll be like "oh, this reminds me of Death Stranding," and if you didn't play the first game, you won't do that!

-He says in regard to questions about game design: "Every rectangle is a square, but not every square is a rectangle. I'm hoping after you've played the game you'll be able to understand the significance of geometric shapes and how they connect us,"

-When questioned about the art direction and how it differs from the first title, Kojima quietly mumbled, almost inaudibly, "When a tree falls in a forest, if nobody is around to hear it, then why when a man falls down, all around him notice immediately? Think about that Snake,"

-When asked to elaborate, he began recommending Mindless Self Indulgence and Radiohead albums telling me, in English, to free my mind and understrand his vision. I'm on a blackberry in the Forest with no pants I don't know my name help m


Didn't Reedus said in an interview that he was working on DS2? This game has been in development at least 1.5 years in my opinion.

Late 2024 release, no crossgen but multiplat. Same universe from DS but not porter stuff, either action or horror instead. Still, people that didn't like the first one will most likely not enjoy DS2.

I'll buy every Kojima game day one,regardless of how good it is. Audacity and experimentation need to be rewarded so we don't get a world with just Fornite or overwatch.
Didn't Reedus said in an interview that he was working on DS2? This game has been in development at least 1.5 years in my opinion.

Late 2024 release, no crossgen but multiplat. Same universe from DS but not porter stuff, either action or horror instead. Still, people that didn't like the first one will most likely not enjoy DS2.

I'll buy every Kojima game day one,regardless of how good it is. Audacity and experimentation need to be rewarded so we don't get a world with just Fornite or overwatch.

Yeah it started production early last year, thats when it was dated as “Ocean” on the leak.

Also, the original death stranding took 3 years to make, so i assume this one will be relatively similar, especially now that they have a foundation to wrok on

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I haven't played DS yet, it looked boring beside the weird cutscenes/trailers, but changing a game already at the second iteration sounds like Zelda II or Far Cry2. Sort of a sequel with elements of the original but actually something else.


There are many ways to innovate without going all "action and stealth" like 90% of AAA productions. People demand "next gen gameplay" (whatever that is) and then ask for same old same old.

We might build machines, go underwater, fly at high speed across Atlantic, work to "disconnect" the world, or connect to another plane of existance and travel back and forth, lots of things are possible.

ate 2024 release, no crossgen but multiplat.
Do you mean PC? Because this is PlayStation IP. Hopefully with it being Kojima PC release is also imminent) Regardless, it is definitely next gen-only game.
but changing a game already at the second iteration sounds like Zelda II or Far Cry2. Sort of a sequel with elements of the original but actually something else.
Yeah, I think we will see big difference in gameplay. Hopefully, as the first exists already and is a huge and replayable game.


I liked Death Stranding in the start, then came all these highways and shit to make it way easier to transcend the landscape. They got racing now too?
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