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Kojima is in talks with Xbox to publish his next game

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Interesting take. You can play more metal gear solid games on xbox series s/x than you can on ps4 and ps5......

That’s fine. Doesn’t change history of what Xbox gamers used to think of Kojima’s “interactive movies.” Or the shit talking they did for Death Stranding. Now we wait for them to act like they always loved Kojima-San.


Good to know, can’t say the same for the rest when they inevitably do start treating Kojima like a God because he’s on Xbox now.

Not sure if serious... Xbox gamers don't generally say Kojima is trash, just that Death Stranding didn't look all that appealing and maybe shouldn't have won all the GOTY awards that it did which is fair.


That’s fine. Doesn’t change history of what Xbox gamers used to think of Kojima’s “interactive movies.” Or the shit talking they did for Death Stranding. Now we wait for them to act like they always loved Kojima-San.

I think you're confusing the "interactive movie" comments usually directed at Naughty Dog games as being directed at Kojima. Yes, his movies have tons of cut scenes but that statement is usually more pointed at Uncharted/TLoU etc


It's funny to see "certain" people excited by this, when they've been generally been hating on Kojima for years now. So his games are walking simulators with little gameplay. But now that he may be #TeamGreen it's time to be excited?

I think you're confusing the "interactive movie" comments usually directed at Naughty Dog games as being directed at Kojima. Yes, his movies have tons of cut scenes but that statement is usually more pointed at Uncharted/TLoU etc

You're wrong. They said it about Kojima's games, Naughty Dog's games, and a few other 1st party Sony games.
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That’s fine. Doesn’t change history of what Xbox gamers used to think of Kojima’s “interactive movies.” Or the shit talking they did for Death Stranding. Now we wait for them to act like they always loved Kojima-San.
Wow so ur lumping people who had that opinion as xbox gamers? Most the people moaning about death stranding are people who actually played it and pre ordered it thinking it was like metal gear. Ie. Playstation players. Kojima had always had a good realtionship with xbox. Just because he didnt choose xbox for death stranding doesnt mean he was a playstation zealot.


It's funny to see "certain" people excited by this, when they've been generally been hating on Kojima for years now. So his games are walking simulators with little gameplay. But now that he may be #TeamGreen it's time to be excited?
Theyre not excited about kojima, theyre not excited about playing his game, theyre not excited about buying his game, in fact buying games is for losers anyways according to them. The only reason they care is because it looks bad for sony, that it. We dont know anything about the game, or even if this is his only project but we do know he was looking to make a smaller, episodic game based on the cloud. Now if thats true, that doesnt sound very exciting but actual substance be damned because it makes sony look bad and its free on gamepass.
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Ehhhhh, Kojimas best years are behind him.

I love the man and what he's done in the past, but by god was MGS V shit and Death Stranding didn't manage to get the Kojima fire back.

And yes Konami partly made MGS V shit cutting out the end or whatever. But the rest of it is at Kojimas door.
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Theyre not excited about kojima, theyre not excited about playing his game, theyre not excited about buying his game, in fact buying games is for losers anyways according to them. The only reason they care is because it looks bad for sony, that it. We dont know anything about the game, or even if this is his only project but we do know he was looking to make a smaller, episodic game based on the cloud. Now if thats true, that doesnt sound very exciting but actual substance be damned because it makes sony look bad and its free on gamepass.

You're probably right here.

Ehhhhh, Kojimas best years are behind him.

I love the man and what he's done in the past, but by god was MGS V shit and Death Stranding didn't manage to get the Kojima fire back.

And yes Konami partly made MGS V shit cutting out the end or whatever. But the rest of it is at Kojimas door.

Interesting.....considering many people believed that MGSV had some of the best gameplay of any game that came out that year.


Its inevitable

I'm guessing "with the lawyers" means that the parties have agreed on the deal and the legalities are now being worked out.

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Gold Member
That’s fine. Doesn’t change history of what Xbox gamers used to think of Kojima’s “interactive movies.” Or the shit talking they did for Death Stranding. Now we wait for them to act like they always loved Kojima-San.
It'll be okay mate, chin up.
Death Stranding might not be for everyone, but I doubt that anyone who's actually tried it - and not formed their opinion through reviews - could call it "trash". Even if it's not for you, it's at least a complex, polished and stunning looking game.

I will be interesting if this rumor proves to be true. Kojima seems to have put a lot of effort into the collaboration with the Decima engine and creating a rich new universe for DS. Would be crazy to start from scratch again, given how ambitious his games are.


You're probably right here.

Interesting.....considering many people believed that MGSV had some of the best gameplay of any game that came out that year.

I personally thought it was shite. Boring arse open world, research, all the story basically being dumped into audio logs, Keifer Sutherland, boss fights being none existent.

I usually complete MGS games the week they come out, but by god did it take me a few years I was that disappointed with it.


Those days are numbered, it's no longer a 3:1 or 4:1 clear advantage in favor of Sony... supply constraints are hitting both camps yet it's still a much closer race than anyone expected. The days of "mass market" being so one sided are most likely coming to an end, and probably sooner than most are expecting. It's really starting to feel like the golden era of OG Xbox all over again which is a GOOD thing for open minded people who are willing to own more than a Playstation console. If MS continues to intelligently throw cash around welcoming innovation and nurturing relationships all over the globe it really is a win-win for everyone.
Lmao Xbox sales have collapsed all over the world outside the US, UK and 1 or 2 small markets for years now. The series hasn't reversed that trend and won't. Ps5 and switch will dominate as usual. Pc strong as always. Xbox paddy last.


Beautiful. I couldn't uninstall DS fast enough but I sure do love this kind of drama.

deer popcorn GIF
yup thats death stranding. You either love it or hate it with a passion. I have yet to experience something as unique as death stranding.. Loved every second of it


That’s fine. Doesn’t change history of what Xbox gamers used to think of Kojima’s “interactive movies.” Or the shit talking they did for Death Stranding. Now we wait for them to act like they always loved Kojima-San.
What exactly is a Xbox gamer? Do some really believe that those that own Xboxes only play on the Xbox. The Xbox is my main console sure, but I've owned every PS console as well and own thousands of games on those platforms, Metal Gear and Death Stranding included. Hell I own like 540 PS4 titles, more than I own on the Xbox. Hell I was playing Kojima titles before some of you swam up your mother's Fallopian tube, with MG on the NES and Snatcher on the Sega CD.


Google said no because tjey gave up on Stadia.

And if rumors are true about Kojima wanting to do something special that requires a robust cloud infrastructure then Sony is the last company you want to pitch your game to.

Sony doesn't have any cloud infrastructure? I doubt that. Maybe not nearly as robust as Microsoft's but they must have something..


You guys care far too much about pointing out the hypocrisy of no one in particular. Who cares. If you like Kojima you should be happy that he's getting projects greenlit, and if you don't then good news, you don't have to buy it. This whole "Xbox gamers HATED Kojima!" or "PS gamers HATE Kojima after DS" nonsense is so stupid and irrelevant, all of his games sell well on whatever platform they come out on, the only naggers are the ones on enthusiast forums that make up such a small percentage of players that there's no point in getting in these weird arguments over it.
Kojima, the master of hype trailers! I eat that shit up!

I really liked Kojima's older games but his recent output... have left me, wanting. If Xbox get's this, I think it's a PR move more than anything (in my opinion). It's like a "Yo, we got Kojima" Basically a BDE move :messenger_tears_of_joy:


This 'Xbox is a hive mind' mentality realy gets annoying. Its like when one of the Twitter fanboys says something, suddenly 'every Xbox fan thinks the same' (like the whole 49-50 extra frames crap thats constantly touted on here).
There will be a lot of Xbox fans that love Kojima games, and a lot that hate them. I own MGSV and DS on PC, and yeah Kojima stuff is not for me lol.


Lmao Xbox sales have collapsed all over the world outside the US, UK and 1 or 2 small markets for years now. The series hasn't reversed that trend and won't. Ps5 and switch will dominate as usual. Pc strong as always. Xbox paddy last.
Lol u do realise xbox is now console, pc and mobile/cloud? Xbox is bigger than hardware sales now. But whatever keeps you sleeping well at night i guess.


Lol u do realise xbox is now console, pc and mobile/cloud? Xbox is bigger than hardware sales now. But whatever keeps you sleeping well at night i guess.
Yep, i have seen a few people today say 'Nintendo and Sony lead the way, while Xbox is on its last legs' style posts, while Xbox and Nintendo revenue is almost exactly the same lol.
People forget that Xbox is just as much PC now as it is the console, and soon Mobile.


Now for many xbox fans, suddenly Death Stranding will be a masterpiece. Until this rumor is fake, then it will be a walking simulator again.


Sony doesn't have any cloud infrastructure? I doubt that. Maybe not nearly as robust as Microsoft's but they must have something..
Well, they get it from Microsoft: "Microsoft and Sony announced a “strategic partnership” in May 2019, which will result in the PlayStation maker using Microsoft Azure data centres for cloud gaming and content streaming services."


No way is Microsoft going to give Kojima a huge budget to make a game of similar scale to Death Stranding, something smaller like The Medium will be more likely.

And fyi I'm not saying this as some offended Kojima fanboy, never have been and I don't consider his games to be especially good.
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That’s fine. Doesn’t change history of what Xbox gamers used to think of Kojima’s “interactive movies.” Or the shit talking they did for Death Stranding. Now we wait for them to act like they always loved Kojima-San.
I bet there is no hive mind called "xbox gamers" nor there is "playstation gamers", i don't see what insight or who it helps making generalizations as those. If you wanna call out someone's hypocrisy, how about quoting specific posters.

This kind of posts read so cringe talking about "but xbox gamers this" or "oh but playstation gamers that"


I think the best strategy to expand the Xbox brand is to target games for Playstation audience. They have finally bought Bethesda who have usually been affiliated with Xbox. Now it's time to expand. Kojima is a good choice as Death Stranding is exclusive and Metal Gear used to be a PlayStation franchise. I think after Kojima exclusive they should look at Capcom games like Monster Hunter World 2 and Street Fighter 6 exclusivity. Or even Namco game like Tekken 8 or even get Konami on board for a Metal Gear Solid 6. Basically a Sony fan has to be in a position they can no longer miss out. Exclusives work I was a 360 gamer and moved to PS4 when Street Fighter V was PC/PS4 only. It's all down to the game and how much Microsoft can afford it.


I hope he makes something that we all can enjoy.. death stranding was good but doesnt feel like the masterpiece he can give to his fans.
Not sure if serious... Xbox gamers don't generally say Kojima is trash, just that Death Stranding didn't look all that appealing and maybe shouldn't have won all the GOTY awards that it did which is fair.

Pretty much. You'll have the odd ball saying stuff like "he makes movies, not games," but no serious Xbox gamer considers Kojima trash. Death Stranding, however, I don't think is very appealing. I do believe that game was ass and would prefer any Kojima title to be a whole lot more interesting. We shouldn't have to acquire the taste for your game to THAT extreme an extent. You gotta meet the gamer better than half way by giving them a game much more exciting to play. Death Stranding wasn't it.

I'm all for the slow build up as a huge RPG/JRPG fan, but Death Stranding wasn't the way to go.
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This is a lie and in the end you can´t play MGS4. It's a franchise that made its history and built its fanbase on playstation. Xbox gamers will always be second class when it comes to MGS.
“This is a lie” is it really? How many mgs games can you play on the ps4/5? Go on. Go count.
Interesting take. You can play more metal gear solid games on xbox series s/x than you can on ps4 and ps5......
Thirty7ven Thirty7ven used Xbox marketing on this, now forgotten, side discussion. Hahahahaha. Let me go and count

Dr Bass

It's ok for PlayStation only gamers to be upset by this if it turns out to be true and it also ends up being a great game. It would be a loss for Sony and PS in that respect, no doubt.

But I also have news for PS only gamers.

It's ok to buy an Xbox to play exclusives you want. :messenger_blowing_kiss:
I glad he got the first Strand Type videogame out of his system so he can now make something normal for Xbox.
MGSV was terrible so don't get your hopes up, he really hasn't made a good game in quite a while. People can talk up 60ps all they want about MGSV, gameplay was the only decent thing about it.
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