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Kotaku Sources: Horizon Zero Dawn coming to PC


I said it before and said it again in light of this news, Death Stranding, Xbox Series X, etc. Anyone who is thinking about dropping $500 plus tip on a new videogame console is not doing their due diligence if they don't consider going PC this gen. You will spend a bit more , but get more flexibility, the games run better, you get free "remasters", you don't need to worry about the mid-gen refresh when it is inevitably announced, and you can even keep your comfy couch.
When Sony starts fucking up as badly as MS has done and is doing, I'll switch to PC without blinking.

But I don't see any reason to do so going into next-gen.
Especially since it's a rumor about a PS4 game. Lol


Probably releasing alongside the PS5 patch.
Probably gonna run the same as PS5 and Sony/Devs are going to still get the profit of sales, so, if the PC Master Race don't mind the WAIT, good for them.


I wouldn't get my hopes up for Bloodborne. Given that it didn't even get a Pro patch, I think it's in the forgotten games world.

I think these ports will be the ones that were developed with the Decima engine. I'd bet Until Dawn is next.
Well there it is. Looks like more and more of sonys games will just be timed console exclusives to sell systems and then come out on pc if this trend continues.
So what's wrong with that? It means more people will be able to enjoy high quality games.
In a perfect world, all xbox/playstation/nintendo games would be available on all consoles and pc.
And it makes sense. Game development has become very expensive. Make your shit exclusive for a year on console and then release it for pc. By the time it's released for the pc (1 year) the sales have slowed down and by releasing it to the pc you're once again selling copies. Nothing wrong with that.
Probably releasing alongside the PS5 patch.
Probably gonna run the same as PS5 and Sony/Devs are going to still get the profit of sales, so, if the PC Master Race don't mind the WAIT, good for them.
Sony likely looked at the sales projection of Horizon and determined that it wouldn't go any higher. The complete edition was sold for $20 at times last year to put things in perspective. So whatever PC sales they get is a nice bonus.


Awesome.. I didn't really believe the rumors, but apparently it was correct once again.

I wonder if they will start their own Play Anywhere/Game pass like program to compete with MS..


Making money is stupid? Damn, it must be a fantastic planet you're living on.
Yes because they makes games for our satisfaction and not money



the salt in this thread is hilarious, keep it up folks. time to kick back and wait for the Bloodborne port rumors to surface so another serving can be thrown on the pile.

No lie if Bloodborne gets a pc versión id seriously invest in a gaming rig lol glorious mods.
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As someone who’s probably getting a Series X over PS5 because of the TFLOPS anyway... and think consoles are going nowhere.


Well at least more people can play and see how overrated that boring ass game is.

Bloodborne next please. Sony has been holding that game back from being played at a solid framerate.
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I think this is pretty much a test.
While Sony is obviously focused on the success of PS5 as a closed platform so realistically the idea of simultaneous PS5/PC releases for *new* key exclusives is not something that belongs to the immediate future, they also need to take steps towards the possibility of a future where services and ecosystems become an important factor otherwise they wouldn't have bothered with PSNow at all.
PSNow is already a huge step in that direction, thanks to that service people can already play Uncharted 4, God of War and Bloodborne on PC. It's not ideal like having native PC code of course but the fact remains that if you want to play big PS exclusives without buying a PS4 you already can in some way and at a small fee.
With Decima Engine being PC compatible because Death Stranding will be released on PC, Horizon was a good candidate for such a test.
Also I'm not sure why people aren't even considering the idea that allowing more people to play Horizon will create more fans and more buzz when they will soon announce the inevitable sequel which most likely will be a PS5 exclusive for a long time.
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It'll have no customers soon. Cause I am just about done with them, if this is how it's gonna be.

yep, my thoughs exactly.

Why the fuck would I want their closed platform if I can have my Naughty Dog, Santa Monica and Japanese games in PC with already better graphics and a bigger library?

I hope the clarify this, if they go the xbox route they are not getting a peso from me anymore in consoles.


Amazing news, way to go VFX. I already have this on PS4 but if I can have a single gaming PC to play all games in the future, I'll be so fucking happy. In this case, I don't even mind if Sony does their own storefront/launcher, but I really hope it comes to Steam.


Making money is stupid? Damn, it must be a fantastic planet you're living on.
Some of that money should be reflective in their systems though, I'll give them both middle fingers if PS5 is not 12TF.
I've supported their asses for 25 years, but fuck that shit if making investors rich is all that matters - in this particular case.

Whether they are branching out to make more money I could care less as I'm not attached nor feel like I'm losing anything.
If anything I'm happy that more people will get to experience X Y and Z games, only the dumb asses will cry a river of nothing.




Gold Member
It makes business sense. They were leaving money on the table.

Hell the complete edition goes for sale for less than $20 all the time.


I don't understand how anyone can be upset by this possibility. As a gamer you're not losing anything here, If anything you're gaining something.
You would have the option to play a PS4 1st party title on PC, assuming the port is optimized.
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Not understanding that 90% of the console gamers are not hardcore gamers and that they will still take consoles over PC regardeless of the better performance on PC. Not understanding that for most consumers exclusives only matter when it comes to choose between consoles because PC was never an option for them.


Unfortunately I don’t see this as starting a trend for god of war and gran tursimo making a pc appearance.

id love if it did tho... the more reasons to become a pc gamer... the better. no more limits


Can’t Git Gud
Why they are porting a bad game instead of bloodborne or last guardian.
Ok... Horizon is not "bad" but I've had a really boring repetitive time with it on the finishing line.... Now that I think about it - Horizon could use a mouse support.
But man.... bloodborne 4k 60.... And everyone needs to cry tears of ueada with tlg
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Gavin Stevens

Formerly 'o'dium'
Man, Bloodborne needs to be on Pc. If you don’t agree I’m sorry but you can remove the “gamer” part of your life because you’re not one.

that game in 4k60 would be heaven...
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People are talking about "eazzy monies on tables "derp derp derp..

This fucking game is made to sell hardware. It is its only purpose. To get people to buy ps4.
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Bloodborne next please? Only exclusive I have an interest in. Really now, PS owners don't need to be so uptight. Porting a few games that have long lost their system-selling ability is no big deal.
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