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Kyle Cooper on MGS3 interactive credits


We knew they were doing it, but here is how it is going to be working:


Like a lot of Hollywood heavies, Cooper is translating his skills to videogames. His goal is to enliven game openers with interactivity. For Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, due from Konami in November, Cooper makes the gamer the director. Players can tap a button on the joystick to transform the credit's type, say, from a snake to a snake skeleton. "I like seamlessly dissolving between camouflage, which is intrinsic to the gameplay," he says, "and the texture of the snake's skin." Offering such control to the player comes at a cost, though. "It's like making four different titles," Cooper says.
Still not clear if it's all real-time or not... Say, can the PS2 have 4 different FMV streams at the same time that are instantly swap-able? I guess it isn't that difficult, kinda like having different angles on DVD video, but this will require overlays and other stuff I presume.


I don't think it would be seamless, it would take a little time (if it was from 4 different FMV)..
Just wondering.
Maybe the final intro will be fully real-time but wont look as good as the one shown at E3? Because that one sure looked too good to be running on PS2 hardware.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
It's probably going to have background streaming FMV with realtime graphics overlayed (Onimusha?/REmake style) You'll, of course, be able to change/manipulate the realtime part of the presentation.
Marconelly said:
It's probably going to have background streaming FMV with realtime graphics overlayed (Onimusha?/REmake style) You'll, of course, be able to change/manipulate the realtime part of the presentation.

Yeah, but Cooper is saying you can change the snakes, which were the best looking part of the video, so I'm guessing the one they showed was prerendered and the one we'll get will have real-time 3D snakes... Should still be awesome though.



I thought I read Sly Cooper... Sorry...

Interesting thought. I remember reading Kojima saying something about the fact that the game won't end when you die (I don't think he meant the fact that you can continue, like all Metal Gear games). Maybe the "director" role is going further than simply playing with fonts?


Laurent said:
Interesting thought. I remember reading Kojima saying something about the fact that the game won't end when you die (I don't think he meant the fact that you can continue, like all Metal Gear games)

Yes, he talked about a time paradox: if he dies in the 60's, there is no possibility of the other games.


megateto said:
Yes, he talked about a time paradox: if he dies in the 60's, there is no possibility of the other games.
He was more ambivalent about it before making this statement. What will concretly happen? A different FMV showing what could have been? Will the game introduce a new futuristic side-story?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Hm, that's weird...I already posted this long ago (first thread I posted on Neo-GAF I think) but I can't find the thread


Wario64 said:
Hm, that's weird...I already posted this long ago (first thread I posted on Neo-GAF I think) but I can't find the thread

Sorry about that, I just did my usual monthly Wired-browsing and came across with that.
Wario64 said:
Hm, that's weird...I already posted this long ago (first thread I posted on Neo-GAF I think) but I can't find the thread

I can't seem to find any old threads on NeoGAF, seems like threads are getting deleted much earlier than they used to on the old forum.
Are you guys seriously discussing the possibility of the E3 MGS3 cutscenes not being real-time? Perhaps the XBox fanboys feel offended by the PS2 putting out awesome graphics like that but I'm afraid you can be pretty sure that it's real-time as MGS has always been in its cutscenes (save for the obvious thrown in live-action footage).


works for Gamestop (lol)
There's actually a cutscene in MGS2 that's not in real time. It's the cutscene where it's overviewing the structure of the Plant area. For some reason they decided to use CG for one of the cutscenes, but it looks like real time. You can't zoom in R1 either since it's not in real time

As for the MGS3 intro, I still think it's CG overlayed with real time stuff. And the MGS3 intro at E3 is still in the early stages
cybercrash said:
Are you guys seriously discussing the possibility of the E3 MGS3 cutscenes not being real-time? Perhaps the XBox fanboys feel offended by the PS2 putting out awesome graphics like that but I'm afraid you can be pretty sure that it's real-time as MGS has always been in its cutscenes (save for the obvious thrown in live-action footage).

Nobody is questioning if MGS3's cutscenes are real-time or not, everyone knows they are. The thread is about the credits intro with the Snake Eater theme song playing, if you haven't seen it, you have no right to discuss this.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
There's actually a cutscene in MGS2 that's not in real time. It's the cutscene where it's overviewing the structure of the Plant area.
Is that close to the begining of the plant chapter?
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