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Lead Developer of EA's new Black Panther game explains why she doesn't hire white people

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Gold Member
This will be another situation where nothing happens and the clearly wrong party are not held accountable for their illegal actions.
Diversity is only ok when talking about a mostly white teams, in fact DEI selectively seeks out POC

But can’t have any diversity in a team filled with POC

Friday Movie GIF


Imagine the fucking outrage if that was a white person proudly and openly saying we only employ white people no blacks....

Fuck me I hate society right now.


Over 12k updoots on Reddit now. I think we're seeing a truly narrative puncturing moment right now where even normie ass people are getting sick of this shit.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
People are totally out of their mind... Do people really come up with things like this themselves?
No, they are taught from grade school now that folks of color are oppressed and there is this mythical creature of whitey out there systematically holding them down. That white people only think about holding down like folks working 40-60 hours a more a week care about anything else but putting food on the table.

When I went back after the Marine Corps to finish my degree, I got booted from two psychology courses because discussions like this always lead down to they believe certain folks are holding them down.

Then I would proceed to show statistics that it is their own selves holding them back. Then I would ask them to show in the statistics where it shows this systematic control group is holding anyone down, then I would be called a racist and bigot and two separate professors not only booted me from their classes, but went to the school EOC to try and remove me from the university I was attending.

I ended up finishing that last half year online as with my age, I just couldn’t get passed why professors and teachers are telling these kids that they are oppressed when they have the ability to be in college. I just didn’t meld well with how schools taught at that point in my life at 35.

It is a simple equation. They hit them everyday in school, at home, on the news, awards shows, etc that it is hard being a certain group of people and that racism is so pervasive, but they never have any sources or facts to back them up.

It opened my eyes to the division they are trying to sow across the country, as it is easier to control cattle if they are battling amongst themselves and not the government.

Edit: we have come a long way with civil rights in this country and we are being sent back right down the road of segregation with black only graduations, etc. This is wrong on many levels and does nothing but hurt and hinder future generations just trying to live a happy existence.
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Diversity is only ok when talking about a mostly white teams, in fact DEI selectively seeks out POC

But can’t have any diversity in a team filled with POC

Friday Movie GIF
That's because these people speak their own language.

When they say diversity, they don't mean "a group of people with different ideas and backgrounds". They mean different from the status quo, who they see as white men. They call diverse a team that is 90% black.

It's classic motte & bayley. They push that argument and if you try to push back, they say "what do you have against diversity, are you racist?"

It's the same thing with racism. For them it's a system of power bla bla, but if you try to push back you're suddenly against discrimination on the basis of color.

All those postmodern concepts use English that way



Now any white person that applied to work for her and was rejected. I sure hope you kept receipts because it's payday.
For sure, tho Tbf I only know it’s illegal where I’m from (UK). I know the US has pretty shockingly bad labour laws, but I don’t know much more than that 🤣…hell I don’t even know which EA studio it is or where they’re based. So it could theoretically be legal where they are 🤷‍♂️

Realised it was her prior studio roseverte, where she said this, had a google but couldn’t find where they were based.
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Oh i understand better now. She's not lead dev on Black Panther, she was lead dev on an indie game. So Black Panther is a big game not some EA Originals. And she works on BP but not as a lead. I was confused.
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Over 12k updoots on Reddit now. I think we're seeing a truly narrative puncturing moment right now where even normie ass people are getting sick of this shit.
Won't be long before the journalists circle the wagons. This is their open and proud sentiment:

Wakanda is an ethnostate, so writing a Blank Panther game is one of the few writing jobs she's actually qualified for. Can't wait to see how straight and white the villain is!


Gold Member
I grew up in the USA in a state/city where the whole concept of racism, color, etc etc etc wasnt even a thought. I guess we lived in a bubble. We were all down to earth country folks living in a larger town.

For decades, black people have been crying out "racism, racism, racism!" and yet - here we are in 2024 where its usually the black people being the most racist.

I live in a dreamworld admittingly - in my mind - where I contantly go "why the fuck we act like this wtf".

I dunno - in really sucks seeing the direction, specifically in United States, of where we are heading. It is only getting worse, not better.
these jackasses don't speak for black people, anymore than trans activists speak for trans people. they're just obnoxious egomaniacs feeding their own needs for attention, & using the ideology as a bully pulpit / sledgehammer...


if this was the other way around.

Lead Developer of EA's new Black Panther game explains why she doesn't hire black people​



Gold Member
EA and everyone else: get these fucking retards out of your dev studios.

They’re trash and the root cause why so many of your games are trash.

Bud Light these room temperature IQ morons.


Gold Member
Of course not all black people are like this, but the younger generation is full of this nonsense. College campuses now have black only graduation ceremonies, black only orientations, black only dorms. In universities like Harvard and MIT no less.
Sounds like reverse Jim Crow. People have lost the point of speeches from Dr. King.


Lol and thats why all her games are woke trash nonsense.
I despise how this Anti-White rhetoric is accepted and bragged about so openly, ah well at least her game will bomb
Ahhh, but this kind of racism is celebrated by getting a bigger role in a bigger company. She/They (not my words, she calls herself a non-binary woman. which makes zero sense BTW) fits all of the right categories to allow and celebrate racism.

Comedy Reaction GIF by CBS


Imagine being so stupid and arrogant to think this is a good idea. If she's really worried about "microagressions" in the workplace, the solution isn't to be more racist.

Also ironic how people like her love to sort people into groups. Black, white, POC, LGBTQ, neurodivergent, etc. How about stop putting people in groups and start treating people equally? The more this (us vs them) mindset creeps into leadership roles across all industries, the more we regress as a society.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Imagine being so stupid and arrogant to think this is a good idea. If she's really worried about "microagressions" in the workplace, the solution isn't to be more racist.

Also ironic how people like her love to sort people into groups. Black, white, POC, LGBTQ, neurodivergent, etc. How about stop putting people in groups and start treating people equally? The more this (us vs them) mindset creeps into leadership roles across all industries, the more we regress as a society.
Remember when we used to think colorblindness was the ultimate goal? Forget that, now we need to make race/identity into THE most important thing and to hold people to different standards based on it.


This is getting to be a very common attitude lately, with Microsoft admitting to underpaying White employees and the leaked IBM/Aviva meetings.
Sadly she will get away with it and fall upwards.


The basement dwelling pink haired losers over at the purple place talking about how this isn't racist because it was about a game about people of color and some other nonsense.

It's really amazing the mental gymnastics these mentally ill loons will go through.


Gold Member
For sure, tho Tbf I only know it’s illegal where I’m from (UK). I know the US has pretty shockingly bad labour laws, but I don’t know much more than that 🤣…hell I don’t even know which EA studio it is or where they’re based. So it could theoretically be legal where they are 🤷‍♂️

It doesn't matter where in the U.S. she is. Title VII (which is federal) says you cannot discriminate based on race. The punishment, if enforced, is up to $50,000 for companies with 500 or fewer employees, or up to $300,000 for companies with more than 500 employees.

Additionally, if someone is discriminated against they can sue the company for additional damages.

The problem we have is that the people in charge don't want to enforce this when it comes to racism from non-white males. If a white dude said this, cities would be burning.
First of all: Bitch is dumb as a box of rocks. White folks literally run her whole fucking company. EA is literally made up of white people.
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What the hell ??!!


...and coming from a person of color. This is fucking disgusting.

I'll be shocked if she's still in a job come next week.
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As a white person I 100% agree with her point of view. And I have absolutely no issues with her only hiring non-white people. Just hire the people you vibe best with.

I just wished white people could say the same without being cancelled.
Feeling unsafe around people just because they dont share your race is Fucking Gross. Full Stop.
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