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London riots spreading through UK

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Now I am sort of glad UK has all those CCTV cameras all about. Nice looking place. As for this "poor and disenfranchised" bullshit excuses, I have yet to see anyone in these photos that fit the tag. They all seem to be able to afford nice hoodies and carry around cell phones.

Plus the race talk is all wrong. This is about a culture but as we say in America among us black folk. Its Black Culture vs *Igga culture and the latter is winning among the youth.





zomgbbqftw said:
I get called a coconut all the time because I don't listen to rap music, and I'm Indian!

I doubt it's cos of that mate, it's probably cos you're a Conservative which makes you like Carlton Banks in the Asian community.
avaya said:
I doubt it's cos of that mate, it's probably cos you're a Conservative which makes you like Carlton Banks in the Asian community.

More Asians are conservative now than not. Once you get out of Tower Hamlets and Brent leftist Asians are less common because most run businesses and are interested in lower taxes and lower government spending. David Cameron did very well to shake the 'Cons are racist' image, and Asians responded by voting for them.

You still get a lot of brow beating from leftists Asians saying that Cons are racists and Labour deserve our support regardless of how much they tax our businesses but their voice is not as respected as it used to be since DC became leader. Also many Asians were disgusted by the appointment of Phil Woolas to the Labour front bench by Ed Miliband after he ran a very, very BNP-alike campaign at the GE.

Believe me, Asians aren't as Labour supporting as they were in the 80's and 90's, most are affluent and well educated. Indians specifically have a lower rate of unemployment than the national average and Indians specifically break to Cons because they are very pro-business.


zomgbbqftw said:
More Asians are conservative now than not. Once you get out of Tower Hamlets and Brent leftist Asians are less common because most run businesses and are interested in lower taxes and lower government spending. David Cameron did very well to shake the 'Cons are racist' image, and Asians responded by voting for them.

You still get a lot of brow beating from leftists Asians saying that Cons are racists and Labour deserve our support regardless of how much they tax our businesses but their voice is not as respected as it used to be since DC became leader. Also many Asians were disgusted by the appointment of Phil Woolas to the Labour front bench by Ed Miliband after he ran a very, very BNP-alike campaign at the GE.

Believe me, Asians aren't as Labour supporting as they were in the 80's and 90's, most are affluent and well educated. Indians specifically have a lower rate of unemployment than the national average and Indians specifically break to Cons because they are very pro-business.

You're gonna have to show some polls on this because I think the split is gonna be much like Asian American's (American sense) splitting between Dems and Reps when you look at Southern England and then quite heavy to Lib/Lab when you go national.
avaya said:
You're gonna have to show some polls on this because I think the split is gonna be much like Asian American's (American sense) splitting between Dems and Reps when you look at Southern England and then quite heavy to Lib/Lab when you go national.

Therein lies the problem, there isn't lot of specific polling done specifically for Asians in the UK now, but my mum reads Asian Voice and they backed David Cameron at the last election. Most of the Indians I know voted Con/LD. A lot of Indians didn't like the look of the NI rise because it would cost their business money and when DC and GO came out with their £6bn in year cuts to fund it's abandonment they went Con instead of Lab.
Kitschkraft said:
While I didn't agree with every conclusion you made, this point definitely goes unnoticed far too often.

I saw this a few days ago and didn't think much of it. After reading the last page of this thread, I can't help but laugh :

I know you have to squint, but the chart shows where Kanye West/Jay-Z "Watch The Thrown" is number 1. Fucking blacks spreading materialism....:p

Some of these issues were discussed a bit in that vanity fair topic. The gaf answer seemed to be "tough luck".
damn and most those countries are as white as snow too, i mean norway!?!? Spain? ha


Kitschkraft said:
I can't help but bring up the point on identification and media representation. You wanna blame the whole thing on rap and/or black culture? Fine, but don't forget that there are plenty of people within our community that have been dying for better portrayals in popular culture. We're so fucking marginalized within the media...."Ghetto" seems to be the only avenue where black entertainers can actually make a fucking living and become popular. This goes back to the first thing I talked about. Many of us DON'T WANT to see this ghetto filth every time we turn on the television, but the cards are stacked against us. I read a few years ago about Keke Palmer being dropped from her label, because some white business exec didn't find her to be selling enough sex. I believe that Fefe Dobson also had label problems because she refused to conform and "urbanize" herself. Seems like Nicki Minaj got the red carpet treatment though....

Some of these issues were discussed a bit in that vanity fair topic. The gaf answer seemed to be "tough luck".
How dare white people like what they didn't create.

"Black people" are not dying for a better portrayal of themselves. Maybe a few middle class are, but the most popular, most emulated, most sought after are still gangbangers and thugs, celebrating wealth, easy sex and power.

Yeah Kanye and Jay-Z are the top acts in the world right now. Who got them there? Who spread their mixtapes around and called them the kings of the genre?

The usual causes, from single parenthood to multiculturalism, have been rolled out in a smug-fest by people who have no idea of the lives many lead. The looters’ poverty of aspiration – snatched trainers and DVD players – was soul-destroying. ‘Because I’m worth it’ says the advertising slogan, but when ripped out of its display case our consumer culture does not look worth much at all. The rioters’ statement was simply: ‘We are here. We want.’ Want, not need. Hence the rehearsal of the tedious debate on relative poverty which goes nowhere. These people feel they are owed something. Society says no.

We have some of the worst youth behaviour in the developed world. This is hardly new. Mostly we turn a blind eye, hoping CCTV will somehow intervene, but real intervention has to start very young indeed. And that costs. No single solution can come from Right or Left. Successive governments have made this mess and now we are all in this together. The truth is that what we used to call civic or public society needs not just care but actual rehab. If you believe society is sick from the bottom up – or the top down – then you may as well join in the self-sabotage of the rioters.

For what is forming is another angry mob who are foaming at the mouth with rabid Right-wing authoritarianism. At a time of economic collapse I am as frightened by this mob – the ones supposedly in charge – as I am of the moronic minority whose dreadful actions may mean that our basic liberties may go up in flames.

Such flames are being fanned. They will burn us down.
Okay seriously the left needs to stop with this shit. This "capitalism created a consumer culture that fueled the riots" arguments is more stupid than anything I've heard on the right. A Nike slogan didn't brainwash anyone to do this.

These kids have a sense of entitlement. They don't care about their community, they don't really care about their country. They just want what they think is owed to them. They saw a chance open up. A chance to get what they want without retaliation, they took it.

Instead of looking at why so many kids int hat country are on benefits. Instead of wondering why a sense of entrepreneurship is so dead in that country, compared to places like America where the safety net and second chances are much less readily available, this riot has turned in a political soccer game. One one hand the authoritarian right and a shell-shocked left who are scrambling for anything in their playbooks.
FreeMufasa said:
"I think in many ways anti-intellectualism is an essential part of 'hip hop' culture. And the fact that these crackers, niggers, immigrants or non-immigrants cultures are ghettoised to the point of destroying their own society. I'm not sure what is incorrect about David Starkey's comments . Basically, niggers are vastly inferior to the white man.... I don't understand why the junglebunny coons rioting and looting in the UK don't just go back to Africa"

I found this in Youtube comments.

Are you being serious? Sorry if my sarcasm meter is broken.

He's actually defended blacks in the past : http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=28185578&postcount=15
RedSwirl said:
So I haven't been keeping up with this. Has it even begun to die down yet?

It died down days ago but now we are in the most important phase where we complain a lot about things we were already prejudiced against and secretly hope that nothing has to change.


remnant said:
Okay seriously the left needs to stop with this shit. This "capitalism created a consumer culture that fueled the riots" arguments is more stupid than anything I've heard on the right. A Nike slogan didn't brainwash anyone to do this.

These kids have a sense of entitlement. They don't care about their community, they don't really care about their country. They just want what they think is owed to them. They saw a chance open up. A chance to get what they want without retaliation, they took it.

Instead of looking at why so many kids int hat country are on benefits. Instead of wondering why a sense of entrepreneurship is so dead in that country, compared to places like America where the safety net and second chances are much less readily available, this riot has turned in a political soccer game. One one hand the authoritarian right and a shell-shocked left who are scrambling for anything in their playbooks.
Actually, my point in posting the editorial piece was simply to point out that you lot should stop running around like headless chickens while playing the blame game and think calmly for a bit, instead of getting carried away in a feverish, fear-fueled authoritarian right-wing fantasy.

Because Gods help us all if some of you idiots got your way regarding civil liberties, race relations and law enforcement. It's gonna be bad enough in the real world in a few months, we don't need martial law and tanks on the streets as well!

Introspection. Do some of it.


Dambrosi said:
Actually, my point in posting the editorial piece was simply to point out that you lot should stop running around like headless chickens while playing the blame game and think calmly for a bit, instead of getting carried away in a feverish, fear-fueled authoritarian right-wing fantasy.
right wing fantasy? What to use water cannons or plastic bullets?

The only right wing fantasy here is yours. Stupid shit is said after every riot. Call me when anything actually goes down.
Black Republican said:
damn and most those countries are as white as snow too, i mean norway!?!? Spain? ha

Well, they are two of the biggest pop stars on the planet right now. I didn't post it because I found it surprising, I was just cosigning SSJ1Goku's point about blacks having very little actual control over which individuals or aspects of our culture become mainstream or not.

At best, we can give someone a solid base for them to build upon, and we tend to be more loyal to "our" celebrities than other people are towards them. Even that seems to be changing these days though. Up and comers don't seem to need our community at all. Tyler The Creator/OFWGKTA for example...I don't listen to this shit but from what I can tell, this entire clique seems to be a product of white interest. In other words, before ragging on us about violent/decadent imagery in popular culture, worry about who your own children, nieces, and nephews are supporting.


remnant said:
right wing fantasy? What to use water cannons or plastic bullets?

The only right wing fantasy here is yours. Stupid shit is said and done after every civil emergency. Call me when anything actually goes down.
Yes, especially by those who supposedly govern us.

Or are you condoning the innocent families of rioters being made homeless by councils trying to look "tough on crime" with actions that couldn't jerk any more knees if they tried? Or by David Cameron, the supposed vanguard of our freedoms as Prime Minister, saying that the government should block Facebook and Twitter in times of "national emergency", which would make us no better than China or Syria? Or by the perennially useless Theresa May saying that she had "ordered" the police to toughen up their tactics, when she apparently had nothing to do with their tactical change, and even now merrily continues to stoke the embers of the political tensions between the police and the government with her ill-thought-out statements? Or the ludicrous "fast track" trials of the walk-by hooligans who got caught, with six-month sentences for stealing a £1 pack of chewies*, all in the name of deterrent? Or the fact that the police budget is still due to be savagely cut, even after all this? All of which has actually happened, or is due to happen.

Six months to a year from now, we're all going to look back on how we, as a country, reacted to this whole thing and feel very silly
unless it happens again during the Games, in which case, the Right'll probably call for martial law and a police state
which won't happen then either

And enough talk about hip-hop and its purportedly negative social impact already. It's a racist red herring, and detracts from the real issues - of why, why then and there, and why did it spread.

*might not be totally correct, just listing from memory.


avaya said:
I doubt it's cos of that mate, it's probably cos you're a Conservative which makes you like Carlton Banks in the Asian community.

I once had an asian guy, say he expected me to only listeN to rap like his asian self.


zomgbbqftw said:
I think it was £3.50 water from Lidl.
Even so, let the punishment fit the crime, as Gilbert & Sullivan once wrote. Make the tosser pay for the bottled water and clean up/repair the damage to the shop he stole it from as community service, sure (might even teach him a few new skills!), but actual incarceration? For months, at that? Who the fuck does that help?

The sentence will probably be reduced on appeal anyway, but still...
Dambrosi said:
Even so, let the punishment fit the crime, as Gilbert & Sullivan once wrote. Make the tosser pay for the bottled water and clean up/repair the damage to the shop he stole it from as community service, sure (might even teach him a few new skills!), but actual incarceration? For months, at that? Who the fuck does that help?

The sentence will probably be reduced on appeal anyway, but still...

Oh, I get what you're saying. I think theft of £3.50 water doesn't really deserve six months in jail, it is much better to give the person a community sentence and force the humiliation.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
was coming home the other day and there was at least 2 police officers on every street. i spoke to one of them and they said they plan on doing this for atleast another week so thats cool



Ministers are drawing up controversial plans to remove benefits from those convicted of taking part in the riots that engulfed England last week, in a move Liberal Democrats and independent experts have condemned as counter-productive and overly expensive.

Officials in Number 10 and the department for work and pensions are putting together plans for the harsh punishment of those found guilty of even the most minor infringements during the riots after a public petition calling for such a move gathered nearly 200,000 signatures.

But the proposals threaten to cause a row at the heart of the coalition government, with many Lib Dems uneasy about such draconian measures. Julian Huppert, a Lib Dem MP, warned: “If you say to people there is no way for you to get money then that will lead to an increase in theft.”

Stephen Lloyd, a Lib Dem member of the work and pensions select committee, said: “We need to be very careful to ensure there are no unintended consequences that lead to even more desperate situations.”

Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, will make a similar warning today when he makes a speech at Haverstock Comprehensive school in London. He will say: “A new policy a day, knee-jerk gimmicks unveiled without being properly thought through are unlikely to solve the problem.”


Jail every one of the thieving looters, MP's (expense scandal) and corrupt officials in both the Government and Police. Far as I see it they're all aiding to the failure of British society, but if you ask me things would have a far more effective message if they happened top down, not bottom up.


If we evict these people and remove their benefits, they'll riot again.

Can we shoot them at that point?

I hope we can shoot them at that point.
Dead Man said:
Nothing at all could go wrong with that.

It won't be introduced. They are going to debate it in the house because of the petition and pay it some lip service. The simple fact is they would be unable to introduce such a measure without being taken to court over breach of human rights.


This conservative Government is more idiotic and irresponsible than I originally thought possible. Can't believe they're actually even considering this idiotic proposal to withdraw benefits, signed by people who have little to no foresight, but instead a whole lot of pent up anger or knee jerk reaction induced madness.

If some of these lads don't have means to any income, you're basically asking them to riot, thieve and commit further crime. As much as people like to spring the whole "get a job" line, news flash, it isn't that easy. There's some stores I know in East London that get 20-50 job applications a day, others where managers don't even want to hire Black kids and worse. Heck, I know people with first class degree hons that can't even find jobs in London right now, so this whole sentiment is quite audacious.

It's a lose lose situation.


nib95 said:
This conservative Government is more idiotic and irresponsible than I originally thought possible. Can't believe they're actually even considering this idiotic proposal to withdraw benefits, signed by people who have little to no foresight, but instead a whole lot of pent up anger or knee jerk reaction induced madness.

I've got the feeling all they needed was an excuse.
Removing all benefits is just the most fucked up thing I can think of, even if they did break the law. How the hell can they possibly survive? It's not like many of them are short term unemployed, so they can't just go and get a job. All it's going to lead to is more anger and violence.

Fuck this government and their bullshit kneejerk reactions. What they need to do is go away for a few months, let it all sink in and then come back with well thought out proposals in order to stop this happening again and making people feel like they need to riot. Otherwise they'll be doing the same things that lead up to the original ones.

Utter shit.


nib95 said:
Maybe we should make you the trigger man? I'm sure you'd revel in shooting down kids as young as 9?
If we need to work out the logistics then I'm assuming it's full steam ahead on Operation Rentokill?

I'll fetch my shooting pipe and slippers.

Edit: My shooting pipe appears to have cannabis resin in it. Now that's just irresponsible. I'll clean it especially for the occasion.


SmokyDave said:
If we need to work out the logistics then I'm assuming it's full steam ahead on Operation Rentokill?

I'll fetch my shooting pipe and slippers.

Edit: My shooting pipe appears to have cannabis resin in it. Now that's just irresponsible. I'll clean it especially for the occasion.


I agree with the principal that knee jerk reactions are not the way forward, much like they weren't the way forward for anything ever (9/11 for example).

Problem is the "public" (vocal Daily Mail readers) want things done TODAY OMG TODAY!

Stamping out gangs? Good luck Dave.


guys we need to slow down and think about this. i've been playing the witcher over the weekend and it teaches many valuable lessons, that life is not black and white but shades of grey, and choices we choose now may not have the consequences we desire.

if this game has taught me anything about life, we need to think this through first.
SteveWD40 said:

I agree with the principal that knee jerk reactions are not the way forward, much like they weren't the way forward for anything ever (9/11 for example).

Problem is the "public" (vocal Daily Mail readers) want things done TODAY OMG TODAY!

Stamping out gangs? Good luck Dave.

Without legalising drugs the government will never stamp out gangs. Where one gang is arrested and banged up in jail, another will come along as long as there is money to made selling drugs.

If people were able to buy drugs over the counter in Boots or other pharmacies gangs would have no reason to exist and would make no money.


You know what I learned from The Witcher? That life doesn't have pad support so you should say 'fuck it' and play Borderlands instead. I'm still trying to work this knowledge into a witty aphorism.

SteveWD40 said:
Stamping out gangs? Good luck Dave.
Cheers! I was thinking more 'shooting' than 'stamping' though. You can't stamp filthy proles from a safe distance.

StuBurns said:
You failed to maintain your weapon...
Parfait. Best part of the film.
The FT have to have it wrong. They are probably 'considering' it in the sense that they are going to give it a debate, which is what they promised for all petitions with over 100k signatures. Any one of us here can tell that the proposal is empty rhetoric and can't actually be implemented. Giving popular angry sentiment a bit of acknowledgement and 'considering' it would be a very populist move, and make them sound tough even if they don't actually do it. I bet that's what they've been advised. I also bet that barely anyone in parliament actually has the desire or will to see it done.

If any of the rioters were claiming disability allowance though and things like that -- things which getting up off your ass and looting proves as bullshit -- then those benefits should be taken away. And I bet there's good odds that some of the people convicted were. If by booting in a door they found multiple claimants for housing benefit, or some other fraud like sub-letting going on -- then they should address that too. Those are the kind of benefit fraud clamp downs they should be doing anyway.
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