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LTTP: Knights of the Old Republic 2 - this is a role playing game.



I'm currently in Dantooine and I just unlocked my Sith Lord prestige class. So far, I've covered Peragus, Talos, and Nar Shadda. I think I have everyone except for Mandalore.

Anyway, I made a great decision picking this game back up after first playing it when it released on the Xbox. This is my first run through with the Restored Content Mod (honestly it's a patch), and since it's been about ten years since I last played it, I must admit KOTOR 2 has some amazing highs despite its flaws. These highs are in regard to the quality of writing and the NPCs, because there've been more than a few times where I've gone through a conversation multiple times to actually sit and listen to what's being told to me. I know folks talk about CRPGs and KOTOR 2 in the same conversation, and I'm not versed at all with hardcore computer RPGs, but KOTOR 2 allows to play a fucking role. The deeper I get into the game, the more I learn and, at the game's best, I'm given a decent number of responses in conversations that make sense without me being a suck-up pacifist or a homicidal maniac (though the game sometimes only has those choices unfortunately).


-Only losers dual wield sabers.

1) KOTOR 2 is a role playing game.

I love the setup of the Exile. No amnesia, yet he's (because fuck canon) a blank slate for me to paint my interpretation on. In conversations, he can either have a pained history over the events in Malachor V swimming in regret, or pride in serving the Republic, or whatever mix I want.

My character's name is Iacen. He has no qualms with his choice of serving under Revan, looks down upon the Jedi Order for their passivity, and is torn about being exiled and losing his connection to the Force. He has a growing animosity over the Order for allowing themselves to grow weak enough for the Sith to eat them alive, which he believes makes the Republic itself suffer.

The fact I can 9 times out of 10 pull off that character in conversations is a testament on the amount of thought put into producing scenarios that allow me to build my character beyond his stats. I can be a book, whereas Revan in KOTOR 1 was a checklist of either Light or Dark side choices.


-Discussing chaos theory with Kreia.

2) The characters are books I can read and write in as well.

The next big thing I love about this game is how deep characters can get. I know people give praise to Kreia, but the Ebon Hawk has more going on in it. Firstly, all the crew hate each other and more or less tend to leave each other alone if they can help it. This makes their interactions lively and interesting when they happen. They're also integrated into the story for the better, where no character doesn't seem just thrown in (aside from Bao-Dur, but at least he makes sense for having history with the Exile... that and I recall him having some major endgame stuff to do IIRC).

Also, I think it's astounding that characters outright lie to you without it being obvious. Kreia lies so much that it's hard to tell when she's telling the truth. To me, it goes beyond trying to set up a plot twist, but instead it's an a living, breathing plan she's trying her damnedest to keep moving. Same thing with Atton and his backstory, which is brought up in a cutscene where The Exile isn't present between himself and Kreia. She manipulates him into serving me, and he comes into an arc when he tells me of his past atrocities. The bonus here that cements this moment was how he privately confronts Kreia about it afterward and she, more or less, gives no fucks.

It may not be a surprise that most of your crew can become Jedi. In Atton's case, he's a Sentinel, but I didn't forgive him of his past. He was cool with this and simply wanted to have strength against those who do use the Force to invade his mind, regardless of being a Jedi or Sith.

Then you have Atris who's one of the last Jedi. The game successfully paints a dichotomy between her and The Exile by showing how rigid she is to her teachings and how you can choose to disregard them on whatever terms you want. Her sending the Handmaiden to join you made sense, the fact you influence the Handmaiden into possibly betraying Atris by having her around you, and Kreia's knowledge of this is an example of the long strings written into this game that keep going.

These characters have weight to them. G0-T0 wants to save the Republic for whatever reason regardless of the religious dispute between the Jedi and the Sith***, Visas so far explains the Sith teachings in a way that comes across as the other side of the Jedi coin where homicidal tendencies don't have to exist (so far). Even T3, who is BRILLIANT in concept. T3 is a true star. He knows EVERYTHING but doesn't say a word, and nobody knows enough to question him except for HK. How T3 deals with this was cold-blooded, and I hope I can see the end of this plot thread.


-This pic goes against everything this game stands for. Also wtf is with Handmaiden and Visas up there like light/dark reflections when they're two separate characters?

3) The game's worst parts aren't the bugs or the missing content - it's the fact it's Star Wars.

This game has some of the same trappings as what KOTOR 1 consisted of entirely. Not all NPC conversations are great and end up in murky shades between the light and dark, but some are stark ass kissing or unnecessary violence. Maybe they were made to give us affinity points? Not sure.

The affinity points should be taken away. I understand their place in a Star Wars game, but I think they hurt KOTOR 2 because the themes discussed in the game point to how it's possible that such a split may not exist due to one's beliefs. Kreia knocks this point home when she discusses Revan when she explains Revan and Malak never met any Sith to become who they turned into. KOTOR 2 analyzes the popular Star Wars universe in a way that's believable and intoxicating to me, so seeing I got Light or Dark points infuriates me.

In the end, I gotta say this game is phenomenal. The conversations matter and little events between characters stick out with their exemplary writing. IMO, this game straight murders KOTOR 1 and I'm not even done yet.

***I'd like to bring up how this game points out that everyday people and aliens who suffered or watched the Jedi Civil War mostly don't care who's a Jedi or a Sith. To them, Jedi are people with powers and lightsabers, which is why the war is called the Jedi Civil War (it also doesn't help that the war was between Jedi and Ex-Jedi :/ ). G0-To goes as far as to point out he wants the religious squabble to come to an end so the Republic can recover. Given the indulgent importance placed on Jedi within Star Wars media, this perspective shared by NPCs hits several points that both reinforce how large the galaxy is and the consequence war can have on people not even involved.


-The Jedi Bunch!

4) Comparisons to KOTOR 1

Comparing the narratives of both games, the sequel is superior. It's also better than KOTOR 1 in providing an RPG experience. KOTOR 1, however, provides players with two things that make it dear to most people:

1) It allows players to play as a heroic Jedi. Everyone praises your deeds and you are Jesus.

2) The game was actually complete.

KOTOR 2 on the other hand, you will get berated for your choices and will sometimes have to defend them. One go-to example seen a lot in KOTOR 2 praise is this one minor event in Nar Shadda where you can help a homeless refugee by giving him a few credits. You can either give him some or not. Regardless, Kreia asks why you did what you chose to do, and proceeds to explain the futility of such actions or lack thereof. In the following scene, you'll either see the man you gave money to get jumped by another homeless man, or if you told him to buzz off, he'll attack another person and steal his stuff. Bringing this up in KOTOR threads is fine, but I prefer other scenes that I feel are more representative of what the game pushes.

KOTOR 2 is the grey to KOTOR 1's black and white, but IMO there's no neutrality. By that, I mean, there's no apathy between the two extremes of being your atypical Light or Dark Jedi as portrayed in other Star Wars media. Instead, those shades of grey are provided by opinions and perspectives. G0-T0 wants to save the republic by resolving the zealous religious war between Jedi and Sith - he couldn't care less about which side wins as long as it stops so the Republic can rebuild. HK-47 (yes he's back - he's all philosophical now and it's quite effective) talks about the effect of small events can snowball into wars between planets. Hanharr, who is probably the most definitive of the traditional dark side characters, is a homicidal wookie who seeks to kill the human he has a life-debt with. Visas is also a Sith who joins you, yet she finds wanton killing unnecessary yet is under the opinion that life exists to die as a form of absolute peace and unity. Mandalore is the leader of the defeated Mandalorians (from the war Revan and Malak participated in before their betrayal) and is considered to be a dark-sided soldier, yet posits questions to the player about if the Republic should've fallen considering how weak it has always been - so weak that it can barely support its people.

Then look at KOTOR 1's cast. HK-47 has definitely grown up between KOTOR 1 and 2 (and got kinda stupid in The Old Republic after thousands of years). He was that funny assassin droid that wasn't afraid to kill. Bastila was the uptight Jedi who followed orders yet grew to allow herself to love your male character because that's what women in power are supposed to do by Bioware's standards. Carth lived and breathed the Republic and felt everything it did justified the means. I've forgotten what Juhani ever talked about, but Jolee Bindo was probably the most nuanced character on in your KOTOR 1 crew due to how he eschews the Order. He's relatively simple compared to the folks you have in KOTOR 2, but he's a nice middle ground - cool enough to not be a tool and not quite a character analyzation.


-who the fuck is this guy? ...Wait is this Revan? Whaaaa

Another noteworthy thing to bring up is how KOTOR 2 retroactively characterizes Revan - the all powerful Jedi mentioned a ton in KOTOR 1. Without getting into spoilers for that game or KOTOR 2, Revan has little to no character in KOTOR 1 and is simply revered. In the sequel, Kreia eventually talks to you about Revan and, again, brings up that Revan met no Sith yet took on the mantle of Darth and brought the Republic to its knees. Why is this? You ask. That's up for you to muse on. Kreia follows this question with another one: What if Revan was true to himself despite his betrayals? You learn that Revan had many masters, but returned to his first master to learn how best to leave The Order.


-Not Darth Vader

Finally, the villain from Malak served his purpose as your bad guy you worked to defeat in KOTOR 1. He was your carbon copy power hungry Sith with a whole lot of power. You want to bring him down, the game wants you to beat him, and it feels good when you finally do. He's the kind of bad guy that steals candy from a baby and laughs about it in the baby's face, but then gets mad that he can't eat the candy because he has no mouth and must scream.


-He's not a pretty sight

KOTOR 2 is weird in this case because, while there are antagonists, only about one feels like a villain and he's nowhere as threatening as the other folks you'll deal with. That would be Darth Sion, a Sith who also defected from The Jedi Order during the Mandalorian Wars. His body was obliterated, and he keeps himself intact using the dark side of the force. Of the bad guys, he's the one with the biggest axe to grind with the world. Whether or not he's effective at this, I can't say. I think he's a cool idea for a villain despite not showing up much in the game.


-How Stella Got Her Sight Back

Next up, you have Darth Nihilus, who's on the cover of most KOTOR 2 related stuff because of his mask. You'd think he'd be an actual character, but he isn't. In fact, not much is known about who he was other than he, too, served in the Mandalorian Wars and developed an inescapable hunger that manifested itself as the most powerful of all Sith teachings. He says nothing in the entire game except for untranslated, low-volume garble and is less a person and more of a husk that consumes all life. You pretty much learn everything about him from Kreia and Visas.

So these are some of your Sith Lords, given the subtitle for KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords. I didn't cover the third (and fourth) antagonists here because I feel I'd be giving out too much. You can probably figure out who they are upon watching cutscenes with them for a bit. This is good, despite lacking the OMG SURPRISE of KOTOR 1.

The reason I'm cool with this is because I feel there's two major themes so far I've noticed in KOTOR 2: cause and effect/the butterfly effect, and inevitability. Interacting with certain NPCs enough will potentially make you figure out that you'll clash blades with certain characters down the line. One of these characters' goal involves you, and the more you learn about this character, the more you get the idea everyone is their pawn. The other (the fourth) is sort of as tragic as the third, except you witness it first-hand, and it does help that it's implied that - given the chance, this character would kill you to prove a disgusting point.


"Now this is role-playing!"

I've never played 1 or 2, but after this new update on PC and your thread, I really want to jump in. Can I skip 1, or is it essential?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Only losers wield a lightsaber period. Blaster jedi all day, put that in your civilized age and smoke it Obi-Wan.
Never understood why anyone liked one better. Game is and always will be good tier......... Except for all the bugs.


"Now this is role-playing!"

I've never played 1 or 2, but after this new update on PC and your thread, I really want to jump in. Can I skip 1, or is it essential?

You can skip 1. It's hilarious because Revan is given more characterization in 2 than in 1. But to avoid spoilers, please watch out for this thread.

Also there's a few jokes in KOTOR 2 that one might not get without knowledge of KOTOR 1.

Only losers wield a lightsaber period. Blaster jedi all day, suck it Obi-Wan.

There's hilarious irony in the one true Jedi running around with guns and all the fake Jedi using sabers.

Never understood why anyone liked one better. Game is and always will be good tier......... Except for all the bugs.

You should play KOTOR 2 again and talk to more NPCs. The writing of the game is outstanding and carries the game farther than what KOTOR 1 contains, to the point where KOTOR 1 looks absolutely silly in retrospect.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Never understood why anyone liked one better. Game is and always will be good tier......... Except for all the bugs.

1 feels more like a traditional Star Wars narrative and its basically complete. Two pretty big reasons right there.


Love this game, and i don't really like the Star wars movies or universe. Obsidian's writing is top notch!
I actually have the first game on iOS - is it worth playing through?

There is a patch that restores content back into the second game? That's pretty fucking awesome.


I actually have the first game on iOS - is it worth playing through?

There is a patch that restores content back into the second game? That's pretty fucking awesome.

Yeah, both games are worth playing and yeah, there's a mod that restores most of the content back to the sequel.

The big thing is that KOTOR 1 is a fun star wars game and KOTOR 2 is, IMO, the standard in which RPGs that advertise their story should be rated against.


not me
For anyone looking to hop in, know that it can feel very slow. I'm replaying it now, and aside from some moments here are there, the first 7 hours are pretty much a bore. This may or may not be why KOTOR 2 has such large playthrough gaps in my memory. :p

"Now this is role-playing!"

I've never played 1 or 2, but after this new update on PC and your thread, I really want to jump in. Can I skip 1, or is it essential?

1 is not essential to understand 2's story...but you should really play 1. Especially if you don't know much about it.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
"Now this is role-playing!"

I've never played 1 or 2, but after this new update on PC and your thread, I really want to jump in. Can I skip 1, or is it essential?

You can skip 1, 2 actually holds up really well as a stand alone compared to most RPGs, but you will miss out on some story beats. But honestly they are both really cheap, I'd get 1 anyway.

Also, play 2 as a sith, you'll have more fun :)


You can skip 1, 2 actually holds up really well as a stand alone compared to most RPGs, but you will miss out on some story beats. But honestly they are both really cheap, I'd get 1 anyway.

Also, play 2 as a sith, you'll have more fun :)

If you go Consular, Sith Lord prestige is hilarious with how OP you are.

Going Jedi Master is awful.


Your OP is creating a desire to replay this bugger. Next time I'm at a hotel, I'll install it on my MacBook (and hope said MacBook can actually run it!). And I played it last year, I'll play as a morally ambiguous Jedi, leaning towards Sithism. Hoping to see you post more about KOTOR 2!


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
"Now this is role-playing!"

I've never played 1 or 2, but after this new update on PC and your thread, I really want to jump in. Can I skip 1, or is it essential?

Yes it's essential. It is the single greatest game that has ever or will ever exist.

I am being deadly serious.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Never understood why anyone liked one better. Game is and always will be good tier......... Except for all the bugs.

1 is better because it's finished. I played 2 on Xbox as soon as it came out and while I loved what they tried to do with the story, it was a mess of a game. With another 6 months in the oven it would have been one of the best games of all time.


KOTOR 1 was also just a Bioware-ass Bioware game story-wise. If you like that (and I do) then it's enjoyable because it's that with a Star Wars spin on it.

KOTOR 2 was just a much more interesting, nuanced look at the Star Wars Expanded Universe that really didn't exist and it was good despite having it being cut short at the end. It's Star Wars, but it's not like the Star Wars you know, basically.
I am yet to play this as well... would you guys recommend going Sith even though it probably won't feel right for me? I mean does the supposedly having more fun as a Sith in the actual game part offset the actual role playing factor that i will want to see my character as a reflection of myself and my beliefs within the game?



Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I am yet to play this as well... would you guys recommend going Sith even though it probably won't feel right for me? I mean does the supposedly having more fun as a Sith in the actual game part offset the actual role playing factor that i will want to see my character as a reflection of myself and my beliefs within the game?


I always play as a Sith, even though it's never cannon. In Kotor 2 the choice between dark and light is a lot less obvious than most other games. It's actually a viable option plot-wise, rather than a 'not serious, fun' second playthrough as it is in most other SW games.


I am yet to play this as well... would you guys recommend going Sith even though it probably won't feel right for me? I mean does the supposedly having more fun as a Sith in the actual game part offset the actual role playing factor that i will want to see my character as a reflection of myself and my beliefs within the game?


As far as having more fun as a Sith, it's enjoyable because I'm specifically spamming lightning. Other than that, feel free to go Guardian and play your character however you want.

You can definitely put your own beliefs into this game. That's how I'm playing while coming up with my own ongoing story in my head about how my exile grows to resent the order and those who hold it over others. He's a pretty dark dude at the moment, but after slaying a Jedi, he begins to question the futility of his actions in comparison to the impending Sith threat.
KOTOR 1 was also just a Bioware-ass Bioware game story-wise. If you like that (and I do) then it's enjoyable because it's that with a Star Wars spin on it.

KOTOR 2 was just a much more interesting, nuanced look at the Star Wars Expanded Universe that really didn't exist and it was good despite having it being cut short at the end. It's Star Wars, but it's not like the Star Wars you know, basically.

Agreed. I still love KOTOR 1 to death, but it's pretty shallow in retrospect.


KOTOR 1 was also just a Bioware-ass Bioware game story-wise. If you like that (and I do) then it's enjoyable because it's that with a Star Wars spin on it.

KOTOR 2 was just a much more interesting, nuanced look at the Star Wars Expanded Universe that really didn't exist and it was good despite having it being cut short at the end. It's Star Wars, but it's not like the Star Wars you know, basically.

Yup. KOTOR 1 is a great game that deserves its praise, but the worn Bioware tropes we know today from Mass Effect and Dragon Age are evident in the game. You're worshiped for doing little. The big thing about KOTOR 1 is how it allows people to be the good guy Jedi easily so you can feel like the same kind of heroes Obi-Wan and Luke were.

Agreed. I still love KOTOR 1 to death, but it's pretty shallow in retrospect.



Also, I think I should probably play more Obsidian games.

I could finish Fallout New Vegas. Or actually play through Planescape Torment.

However, I'm more interested in playing Alpha Protocol, simply for the idea and how it's apparently a broken, yet dear game.


KOTOR 2 is one of my favorite games ever. I really like how different it is compared to other Star Wars titles, especially with the Jedi and Sith debacle.

On top of that, really liked Kreia and her words. Found interesting her views of the Force.
Playing KOTOR 1 and 2 and THEN watching the original trilogy made me appreciate the games more. Never watched Star Wars before the games, just had cultural osmosis. More interesting characters, cooler worlds and exploration of them like the water one where you can be on trial for screwing up the whole planet, and having your choices impact stuff is just so more awesome. It's why I got into the KOTOR era comics. The original movies do little for me other than appreciate their film production and cinematography. All the quests, the more political ones, none of the movies can match up to the detective aspect or intrigue.


Your OP reads like Scorchy's LP which is good and why I imagined your character to be Jedi Jesus, complete with dual wielding blasters.

Anyway, there is one particular point that just come. KOTOR 2 is amazing in NPC department because they have agencies on their own. They moves within the plot as they see fit, they did not the approval of your main character for making a move for their agenda. The only reason why your companion flock to you is just because you happened to be the part of the agenda. Having companion with so much depth and agency is a very rare because too many games, especially modern one, have their NPC companion to be written and designes as a plaything of the player.


Problary the best Star Wars work ever made. I was a bit uneasy the first time I played through it, because I expected more of KotOR 1. But when I finished it, it all clicked and I was blown away.

How the first game is considered to be "the classic" rather than this one is a mystery to me.


Your OP reads like Scorchy's LP which is good and why I imagined your character to be Jedi Jesus, complete with dual wielding blasters.

Anyway, there is one particular point that just come. KOTOR 2 is amazing in NPC department because they have agencies on their own. They moves within the plot as they see fit, they did not the approval of your main character for making a move for their agenda. The only reason why your companion flock to you is just because you happened to be the part of the agenda. Having companion with so much depth and agency is a very rare because too many games, especially modern one, have their NPC companion to be written and designes as a plaything of the player.

Lol thanks. That LP was what made me give the game another chance after all these years. I gotta say it was worth it.

Problary the best Star Wars work ever made. I was a bit uneasy the first time I played through it, because I expected more of KotOR 1. But when I finished it, it all clicked and I was blown away.

How the first game is considered to be "the classic" rather than this one is a mystery to me.

KOTOR 1 is way easier to comprehend and get into. It has the defined hero (you) and the defined villain (Malak). The game is black and white with its writing and lavish in praising the player with positive reinforcement. Light Side KOTOR 1 is the quintessential hero journey and fits with the movies in a similar mold.

Also it helps that KOTOR 1 had all its content.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
LOVED KotOR1 but the pacing of this made it a really rocky experience for me. I never finished it but probably sunk like 10 hours into it.


LOVED KotOR1 but the pacing of this made it a really rocky experience for me. I never finished it but probably sunk like 10 hours into it.

Yeah, Peragus and Telos kinda goes on and on. Some people consider it a travesty that you don't get a lightsaber until after you're done with those, but again, this game isn't so much about being a heroic Jedi unless you want and are prepared to be called a suck-up idiot.

That said, I've updated the OP with a comparison between KOTOR 1 and 2.
Playing this for the first time at the moment and Pegasus goes on forever, Jesus Christ. I'm like 4 hours (on highest difficulty) into the game and still on Pegasus.


Subscribed. Haven't finished the game yet - actually, I stopped playing because the AI was so fucking braindead during a mission that it just pissed me off.

I was having a good time, though - and I had barely scratched the surface! I know I'll have to return to it eventually.


I don't know what the hell is it with KOTOR 2 that just bores me to no end. Always drop it during the first couple of hours.

I love RPGs and I really like Star Wars, but I think it's the combination of the two that just doesn't work for me


I still feel that KOTOR 1 is the superior game, it provides you with an authentic Star Wars experience. But, KOTOR II is still an excellent game despite all the bugs and cut content. It really explores the universe of SW that no other game or medium has and probably ever will, I'm still surprised Lucasarts let them go where they went with the story. However, KOTOR II only exists because KOTOR I was a masterpiece that set the stage.

I don't know what the hell is it with KOTOR 2 that just bores me to no end. Always drop it during the first couple of hours.

I love RPGs and I really like Star Wars, but I think it's the combination of the two that just doesn't work for me

That is a legitimate complaint. KOTOR II has TERRIBLE pacing, but if you just power through it then you'll be rewarded with an amazing experience. Afterall, we're talking about a game where you have to wait about 10+ hours before you are even given your lightsaber.
It has been so long since I played these games, that I barely remember the main story beats especially from KOTOR 2. I am not even sure if I ever beat 2 back in the day.

I really hope we get KOTOR 2 on mobile sometime. It was great going back and playing KOTOR 1 on my tablet a few months ago.
I might try this again one day because I see it praised so much, but all I remember was the bugs, bad voice acting, lousy pacing, laughably easy bosses that are set up to seem like Gods that you then dispatch in ten seconds, and some tragically dumb shit about
killing the force


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
Both 1 and two are top tier games and number one on my list. Can't decide which one is better as they are both kind of different in theme and characters.

"Now this is role-playing!"

I've never played 1 or 2, but after this new update on PC and your thread, I really want to jump in. Can I skip 1, or is it essential?

Play one. Just do it and then play 2 and thank me later

Then attempt to play SW:TOR and wallow in misery at what could have been


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
I prefer Kotor 1, as I think the second is horribly buggy, unfinished and Obsidian's writing is really overrated. I think I also preferred the more traditional story of the first, everything going 'dark' was really trendy when Kotor 2 came out, and I don't believe that a darker story is automatically better.

Kotor 2 is still one of the best games ever though, it would be nice to see the series finished properly. I just don't accept the end of Revan and Meetra's story in SWToR, but it's story isn't canon anymore so it's highly unlikely. Maybe we can get something else from Bioware instead.


I don't know what the hell is it with KOTOR 2 that just bores me to no end. Always drop it during the first couple of hours.

I love RPGs and I really like Star Wars, but I think it's the combination of the two that just doesn't work for me
KOTOR2's first few hours are really bad. It doesn't get better until a few hours in. I think a lot of people share this sentiment.

I have the same issue with Alpha Protocol, NWN2 and NWN2: SoZ.

Obsidian don't always succeed with the important first few hours. That's a problem because they will be your first impression of the game.


Kotor 2 is one of my top favorite games ever. Not just a great RPG but a fantastic game in general. Obsidian did an incredible job with the writing and even a better job at improving Bioeare's characters i.e.: Revan and Canderous.

There is so much I could write about this game but I'm on my phone all I have to say is everyone should play the first game. It will only help you to better appreciate the second game.


KOTOR2's first few hours are really bad. It doesn't get better until a few hours in. I think a lot of people share this sentiment.

I have the same issue with Alpha Protocol, NWN2 and NWN2: SoZ.

I always drop AP during the first couple of hours too lmao

Well, they're both still on my Steam's to-play list, so someday I'll finish both
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