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Mario pictures from Voice Mini-Game at GC: IT AIN'T REVOLUTION


Man, that's a damn awesome-looking game ----- Very nice translation of the mario-universe. Throw a little polish on it, get some landmark level-designs, and give us some eye-candy.


sectorn.net said:
Durante la pasada Games Convention, había un mini juego muy curioso en el stand de Nintendo.

Este consistía en que el público tenía que gritar lo más fuerte posible para poder cambiar la trayectoria de Lakitu (camarógrafo estrella). Igual, había un uso asombroso de las famosas tuberías de la serie de Mario, sin embargo, ahora lo que todo mundo ha comenzado a comentar es, ¿nada más era una atracción o en realidad era una especie de experimento relacionado con algo?¿Acaso con el Revolution?

No se sabe, aquí les dejamos el dato y algunas imágenes:

Rough translation:
During the latest Games Convention, there was a rather curious mini-game in Nintendo's stand.

The public had to shout as loud as possible in order to change Lakitu's (star cameraman) path. Also, there was an amazing use of the infamous pipes from the Mario series. However, what everyone has now started to comment is: was it just an attraction or it was in fact a kind of experiment related with something? Maybe Revolution?

We don't know, here we leave you the fact and some pictures:

(Of course the Revolution part is bullshit. The art is extremely cool, anyway.)

Ranger X

rainer516 said:
You have to understand, for someone like me, Mario Sunshine had the best water and heat effects I'd ever seen. The textures were bad, but the overall design of things was awesome.

The water was also the most awesome water i've ever seen. But it's the overall that isn't really impressive. There's nice water yeah but big fat stretched textures and low poly environnements.


Gold Member
Wyzdom said:
The water was also the most awesome water i've ever seen. But it's the overall that isn't really impressive. There's nice water yeah but big fat stretched textures and low poly environnements.

now SMS wasn't a graphical powerhouse or anything, but back in 2002 it looked pretty good. Graphics has advanced each year so...


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wyzdom said:
The water was also the most awesome water i've ever seen. But it's the overall that isn't really impressive. There's nice water yeah but big fat stretched textures and low poly environnements.

Yeah, it probably still has the best water effects out of any console game out right now. But it wasn't the technical aspects that made it 'non' marioesque, it was the style.


Wyzdom said:
The water was also the most awesome water i've ever seen. But it's the overall that isn't really impressive. There's nice water yeah but big fat stretched textures and low poly environnements.

Double the framerate. That's all it needs for me.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
Wyzdom said:
The water was also the most awesome water i've ever seen. But it's the overall that isn't really impressive. There's nice water yeah but big fat stretched textures and low poly environnements.
the water was incredible, to date its still the best looking water in any game, but as you said, the rest of the game looked rather crap. these new pics actually look good, so it wouldnt piss me off to find out this is Mario 128 or whatever the hell they call it.


John Harker said:
Didn't anyone read that other thread, about the Convention?

Someone already posted these.

Forgot who.
It was me, in this thread: http://www.ga-forum.com/showthread.php?t=57677
Here's my original post:


OK, not really.The first part is true, these pictures were taken at the Nintendo booth, but it was just a mini-game for the audience who should shout as loud as possible to change Lakitu's direction. There were also some strange green tubes (I don't know if people should scream into them?), but I wasn't quick enough to capture this strange scenario on video. I really hope, this wasn't some kind of test to see the public's reaction to the interface of Revolution...


Geek said:
Ghastly fakes.

Who spends their time on this shit?
I've taken these pictures at the arena at the Nintendo Games Convention booth yesterday. The only changes I've made are that I cropped them around the display (no need to see even more black borders), changed the resolution (the original pics are 5 megapixels) and reduced the JPEG-Quality to 90% (original images were ~1,7 MB each). There's also a fourth picture, but it's pretty similar to the first one (it's saved on a PC I don't have access to at the moment, I could upload it on Monday if there's interest for it...but it shows nothing new).


And if it IS a hint of Revolution-nessness? Could the REv controller include a mic, and the revolutionary interface is voice-recogntion that WORKS? Would explain getting everyone involved, including the elderly...and the fact that they are terrified people will copy it, since voice recognition is already out there (but maybe noone has implemented it in the way Nintendo intend to).


Looks like Sonic. The squarish mountains, the repeating texture for grass, the palm trees. What a 3D Sonic should look like.


I just found an article on a German website about the minigame: http://www.consolorama.de/nintendofans/artikel.php?id=49

12 Spieler aus dem Publikum spielen zusammen ein eigens für die Messe geschaffenes Lakitu-Spiel. Jeweils 4 Personen kratzen dabei mit je einem Riesen-Stylus auf dem Boden herum, blasen in Rohre oder pumpen um ihm Teamwork Lakitu durch einen Level zu befördern. Eine tolle Idee, die zugleich auch die Features des Nintendo DS "in groß" umsetzt.
which roughly translates to
12 players from the audience play a Lakitu game, particularly created for the fair, together. In each case 4 persons scratch on the soil with a giant stylus, blow into tubes or pump to carry Lakitu around in the level in teamwork. A great idea, which also converts the features of the Nintendo DS "into large" at the same time.

OK, it's possible that I was wrong with the "controlling Lakitu via shouting"... I remember the host saying "Shout this/shout that", but maybe she wanted the audience to shout encouragement to the players? As I said (at least in my second post in the original thread), I only saw the last two minutes of it in which I was busy taking these pictures and my position wasn't the best as well.... I didn't really know what was going on, but I knew it was worth photographing it.


They also had that touch mat at the E3...you know with these fishes and stuff. Maybe the Revolution is actually a big fat mat.
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