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Marvel’s Anthem Jimquisition


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!

Haven’t watched yet but always like a bit or marvel avenger bad new. Gonna watch it when I can in a hour or 2.


always chasing the next thrill
Look at all is flibitty floops going all floppy flop when he get's angry
and boy i wonder how angry he will be at EA in this video :messenger_open_mouth:
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Gold Member
Some people will defend just about anything, I almost was converted after the first few War Tables but that Beta shown me how awful this game was.
Right? I mean, to each their own in any situation. It was just wild that I put 45 minutes into a demo and left feeling like like, "Welp, that didn't feel good at all..."

Yet when I mentioned that in a reaction thread I was met with comments basically telling me I'm lying or I wasn't playing it right, lmao. It was like...

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Right? I mean, to each their own in any situation. It was just wild that I put 45 minutes into a demo and left feeling like like, "Welp, that didn't feel good at all..."

Yet when I mentioned that in a reaction thread I was met with comments basically telling me I'm lying or I wasn't playing it right, lmao. It was like...

Reminds me just like Anthem, where diehards would invade comment sections on reviews and opinion pieces saying they didn't understand the game and weren't playing it how it should be played :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Keep that negative press coming. I bet the higher ups at Square Enix were licking their lips thinking they'd shit out this lifeless corporate junk and expect consumers to eat it up.

It's a beautiful thing when GaaS falls flat on its face. Brings a tear of joy to my eye.


Coming from the same person who decided all of pc gaming was bad and they were done because they couldn't get a 3080 at launch. Maybe show a little self control yourself before cracking bad jokes.

I'm glad you remembered me lol

Completely unrelated dig though lol. And of course. I recently built a PC and paid upfront for that card to be told stock is non existant and that ETA unknown could be anytime next year. It wasn't a simple pre-order as I had to wait 2 weeks to get my refund. I had numerous issues on PC that stemmed from buying an RX 5700 XT that would just black screen and restart my PC (still does which is why i needed the upgrade.)

I did reconsider sticking to PC but who knows when I can get an upgrade and I dont fancy waiting for a card that barely exists. Also, I notice a general nastiness and elitism amongst PC gamers I come across that is rather offputting. I mean this has been my personal experience only so I only judge so accordingly.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Yes Jim, everyone's fucking Mystic Meg and can predict the future with certainty. Little things like global pandemics that noone saw coming can throw a spanner in the works, and obviously the bigger the team, the worse the disruption.

Covid has slowed everyone down. Remote working is doable but its simply less efficient than having a whole team on site. And again, the bigger the team and the more complex the project the worse it gets because when you're working from home you simply can't wander over to a co-worker's desk and ask about something.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
Just watched yeah game is a pile of shit. Funny anthem is doing better with a no name ip.
That video pissed me off. Destiny is not a failure of Games as a Service in any way. Its successfully built up a player base of millions of daily concurrent players, around 7 years after launch and its very recently announced its Road map of the next big three expansions giving at least 3 to 4 more years of content.

To compare Avengers and Anthem to fucking Destiny in the context of broken promises and failure is completely ignorant and pathetic.

Literally a few minutes of research on Destiny shows this. Next time you decide to try and shit on an IP Jim I suggest you do your research first.



CliffyB's Cock Holster
Bottom line how can you even argue about the merits/demerits of a multi-year roadmap failing when a game hasn't been out for 2 months yet? Especially during a global pandemic which inevitably has had a dampening effect on productivity!

I don't know the game, have no interest in it, but I can disregard his argument based entirely on the reasons outline above. That's how little substance it has.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
That video pissed me off. Destiny is not a failure of Games as a Service in any way. Its successfully built up a player base of millions of daily concurrent players, around 7 years after launch and its very recently announced its Road map of the next big three expansions giving at least 3 to 4 more years of content.

To compare Avengers and Anthem to fucking Destiny in the context of broken promises and failure is completely ignorant and pathetic.

Literally a few minutes of research on Destiny shows this. Next time you decide to try and shit on an IP Jim I suggest you do your research first.


Agreed destiny is the only one of these games (and maybe warframe but that’s f2p) that has had staying power.

I do get where he is coming from, they baslicly scraped D1 in favor of D2 instead of adding on to it. Years in and they still tapping that D1 mine for “new” stuff.


I'm shocked it took Jimmothy this long to parse all the hate comments from this dud into one video. Maybe he them/they had to come up with a thought or two of his horse/sir(am I doing this right?) own on this one?

He's Them's(I think I'm getting the hang of this now!) only saying what everyone else has said about this shitty game since before it came out. There's literally NOTHING to see here.
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Agreed destiny is the only one of these games (and maybe warframe but that’s f2p) that has had staying power.

I do get where he is coming from, they baslicly scraped D1 in favor of D2 instead of adding on to it. Years in and they still tapping that D1 mine for “new” stuff.

Well to be fair during those days they were under the control of Activision which wanted a sequel every few years to sell.

Luke Smith straight out said that they didn't want to start again on a D3 and lose all the progress they made with D2,instead they are going to continue building upon and expanding D2, I really respect that. Bringing D1 content out of the Destiny Content Vault like fan favourite Vault of Glass and updating it for D2 mechanics like added champions etc is just a great way to respect its past and the fans who started out with D1.

So it's not really correct to say them adding D1 stuff is the new content. It's more of a bonus. Beyond Light which is the first out of the three new expansions is going to be absolutely huge. Europa is their biggest planet to date and its all totally new content.
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Marvel must be furious about how their IP has been treated. This could have been a huge hit, but it had to be an incomplete GaaS.

John Day

Marvel must be furious about how their IP has been treated. This could have been a huge hit, but it had to be an incomplete GaaS.
Nah, i’m sure folks at Disney/Marvel knew full well what SE was developing, start to finish. You don’t just lease out such a huge IP and don’t keep tabs of what’s going on. They invested on a gamble that is getting tired and burned by today (GaaS games).


Is he wearing lipstick?

Does it matter? Who cares. People can dress as they please.

As for Avengers and the video, Jim was mostly right. Well except for his comments on Destiny. That was in no way a failure like Anthem. It still has millions of people playing it daily. Even if Bungie has broken promises.

From what I can tell the main reasons for Avenger's troubles was the following:
  • Revealing the game without Kamala and MODOK at first. This caused the initial reaction to be dominated by complaints about how the Avengers did not look like the MCU Avengers. As opposed to people being happy non-MCU characters were finally getting some limelight.
  • The over-use of robots as enemies, when the Marvel IP has so much to work with. Possible the fault of budget/ COVID-19 work from home reasons I guess?
  • The many corporate tie-ins didn't help with the brand, with the Spider-Man moneyhat being the worst offender
But most importantly of all the main reason for Avenger's setbacks was the lack of crossplay, and to a lesser extant cross-progression. Every big GAAS game has or has plans to add those features. There's good reasons why.

Crossplay makes it easier for someone to get a friend into a game. They both don't need to be on the same platform. Which helps increase players numbers and sales. Nobody was going to spend a $500 or more on a new platform just to play Avengers with a friend. Whereas only playing $70 is a much easier sell. Cross-saves means when a player switches platforms they don't have to start their in-game progress all over again. This means they are more likelier to stick with the game longer. It also gives the player a sense of ownership and commitment to their in-game account.

The sad thing is Crystal Dynamics was mentioning crossplay in talks with the press as late as earlier this year. They stopped doing so a few months before the Spider-Man PlayStation exclusive was revealed.

So the main point of Jim's video being that SE did not understand GAAS and only wanted a cash cow is on point. Some dumbass SE board member(s) screwed over Avengers in the long term for easy Sony money in the short term.
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