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Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite |OT| Marvel vs. Capcom: 4 Female Characters

At work

All I can think about is sick shit I wanna do with Jedah and Thanos. Never been a Morrigan player but I'mma try.

It's gonna be six straight months of getting bodied.


Venom making it in is good news, I hope Monster Hunter plays similar to Taskmaster (weapons and such). Once they make it, I'll consider picking this up. Tekken and Rev 2 seem like a better investment at the moment for what you get. Hopefully Capcom can finally make something happen with their Game As A Service model they wanted to do with SFV, but on a timely manner this time around.

Good OT, though!


tagged by Blackace
I still can't believe Spencer made it in. I'd rather have any other character from UMvC3.
Spencer is one of the most popular and beloved characters from MvC3, not hard to believe.

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite's Menus Suck

Yeah it's been talked to death already but now it's getting mainstream.
IMO critiquing menus, while it does contribute to an overall lackluster presentation, is such a nitpicky thing. So many games have equally garbage ass menus and it doesn't become a point of discussion until there's other objectionable parts of the game. SFV was similarly complained about, but MvC:I got worse PR and some bigger scandals in some ways and the hate for the menus is kind of proportional.

But I bet a single review won't note how much better and clearer the UI/HUD is than UMvC3 (or MvC3s with the tiny text and shitty X-Factor indication, for that matter).The UI is the best it's been since MvC2.


Man, thinking about it, how messed up must the F:M ratio for the DLC be if when they needed to push up a female character from the second season to the first they didn't have a Capcom one.


IMO critiquing menus, while it does contribute to an overall lackluster presentation, is such a nitpicky thing. So many games have equally garbage ass menus and it doesn't become a point of discussion until there's other objectionable parts of the game. SFV was similarly complained about, but MvC:I got worse PR and some bigger scandals in some ways and the hate for the menus is kind of proportional.

But I bet a single review won't note how much better and clearer the UI/HUD is than UMvC3 (or MvC3s with the tiny text and shitty X-Factor indication, for that matter).The UI is the best it's been since MvC2.
First impressions matter, though. And turning on the game and seeing those ugly-ass menus is not a good first impression.

Remember Playstaiton All-Stars Battle Royale? I still see people on GAF bring up how hideous those menus were on like a monthly basis.
At what point did Capcom get so borderline bankrupt that they have to make games with this kind of budget? Was it Resident Evil 6? I thought that sold well though...


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
sooooooooooo you guys realise that all links to the dlc annoucement are gone right?

LOL I knew this was a PR fuck up





I blast the menus for PSABR all the time. It is such a shit menu. It instantly sours me on the game every time I think about it. It's unfathomable that a cross over celebrating characters has such shit presentation. It becomes clear it's just product.

It's possible for me to overlook shitty presentation if the game is good enough though but I will be doing so begrudgingly. MvCI thankfully at least seems to have the game play to back it up but they did the game a huge disservice with the presentation of it all. As wishful thinking as it is to have a complete overhaul, I really do hope they at least update the UI and menus at some point even though long term lastability won't rely on it that much. It'd just be so much nicer to have a cooler, slicker game.

I'm remembering MvC3's incredible credits sequence and despite me wishing it had stuff like Infinite's story mode and more character interactions, god - every time I looked at it I just instantly forgot what I was playing was just a piece of corporate work. It oozes love and care. The fact that Ultimate got rid of it made me so annoyed.
Infinite's menus and UI are bad but they're at least pretty clear. It's a really utilitarian approach which is probably not what you should go through in a crazy flashy game like Marvel but I think I'd at least take it over a cluttered UI/Menu.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
At what point did Capcom get so borderline bankrupt that they have to make games with this kind of budget? Was it Resident Evil 6? I thought that sold well though...

I seem to remember they spent a few years making bad calls like throwing a bunch of money at western developers to make "AAA style western hits", like Grin's Bionic Commando, Ninja Theory's DmC, and Airtight's Dark Void.

Then they sank a ton of money into Resident Evil 6 and Dragon's Dogma. RE6 sold OK but while Dragon's Dogma turned out great, it didn't sell spectacularly.

For fighting games I suspect the failure of Street Fighter X Tekken may have soured Capcom's management on spending any money on the genre. It's like, Capcom knows fighters have a core fanatical following and that there's esports potential. So they are obligated to keep SF alive and Marvel is a hot property right now. But it sure feels as if they're handling the games with a pair of tweezers while holding their nose.


I don't see..
Phoenix Wright
Doctor Doom

The roster is nowhere near damn good, it's alright at best.

Could care less for those chars besides wesker gambit and Vergil. I know some of those chars are staples but nah time for new blood.

I am going to remember this post when the news hits that this Venom is actually either Fortunado or based on Topher Grace's Eddie Brock or some shit.

Lmao if it's not OG venom I'll be tight!

You got your boy sigma tho. Of course the roster is good

It's not even about sigma anymore! There's just a lot more characters I wanna play compared to mahvel 3.
I seem to remember they spent a few years making bad calls like throwing a bunch of money at western developers to make "AAA style western hits", like Grin's Bionic Commando, Ninja Theory's DmC, and Airtight's Dark Void.

Then they sank a ton of money into Resident Evil 6 and Dragon's Dogma. RE6 sold OK but while Dragon's Dogma turned out great, it didn't sell spectacularly.
That makes a lot of sense, they also never stuck with any of those because they never met their insanely high expectations iirc

At least Spencer is here so we can remember that proud history.


At what point did Capcom get so borderline bankrupt that they have to make games with this kind of budget? Was it Resident Evil 6? I thought that sold well though...

Combination of increasing costs with the new gen, RE6, SFxT, Dragon's Dogma, RE6, DmC and Lost Planet 3 all underperforming to various degrees, Capcom's massive restructuring after their outsourcing failures, and troubles with Panta Rhei and Deep Down, I think. RE6 and DD in particular were their two biggest, most expensive titles at the time.
Combination of increasing costs with the new gen, RE6, SFxT, Dragon's Dogma, RE6, DmC and Lost Planet 3 all underperforming to various degrees, Capcom's massive restructuring after their outsourcing failures, and troubles with Panta Rhei and Deep Down, I think.

RE6 was so bad it got mentioned twice


Nah, not really. This is more as an informal way of telling people what they are getting in the SP BEFORE the game drops so they can make a call on what they wanna buy. Then they can drop trailers as the weeks go by to keep hype up. Dumping all of the trailers/pics/whatever now leaves people to believe that the characters are already done and is shit marketing.

Still, they could have done outlines like IJ2 and SFV did, but at least we KNOW who they are compared to SFV's weirdly blank DLC stuff.

I appreciate that they released the names so folks are blindly buying a character pass (Hey Capcom, do the same thing for SFV next year!) but they could've at least published some character art to accompany this announcement.

(I started typing this response over an hour ago but got busy.)


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.



It may be a PR fuckup, but the info wasn't accidentally released.

thats my bad, I checked that capcom unity article expecting a big blowout so when it was about the game coming out tomorow and had Panther and Sigma pictures, I didnt notice the last paragraph :(

That one is on me Capcom employee lurkers >_<


RE6 made a profit, it just didn't reach the lofty goals capcom had set.
It's more comparable to Tomb Raider. Which also made a profit but didn't sell as much as Square expected.
RE6 made a profit, it just didn't reach the lofty goals capcom had set.
It's more comparable to Tomb Raider. Which also made a profit but didn't sell as much as Square expected.
I think it's mainly worth bringing up because it needed to reach those lofty goals because it was ridiculously expensive to make. And I already forgot about Deep Down! RIP


I think I might wait till either the weekend or next week to buy the game. Stupid stuff from university keeps getting in the way, plus I have a few job interviews this week so I'll hardly have any time to really focus on playing the game, and knowing myself I might not be able to stop playing and fuck up somewhere. My schedule for next week looks better so I'll just wait till then I suppose.
I always thought Monster Hunter did so well it basically subsidized everything else Capcom did. You'd think that MonHun money would trickle down to their other titles but I guess not...


Could care less for those chars besides wesker gambit and Vergil. I know some of those chars are staples but nah time for new blood.

The fuck you talking about new blood?? 25/30 of the base roster are returning characters. That's roughly 80%.
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