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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)


Freeze + Pull + Slam is a highly satisfying combo.

The Benning mission is fun. Nice open environment with a bunch of assholes coming from all directions. The level design is 10x better than the previous games.
Bioware, you fucks.

First you take a party member from ME2 that I hated, and turned her into somebody I actually WANTED in my party.

And then you said, nope, can't have her.

Then, you gave me back Miranda, only to take her away from me in the most heartbreaking fashion ever.

Argh! I love it.

EDIT: Sorry.


Subete no aware
So I hear that (returning character spoiler)
Balak, from Bring Down The Sky
can be found in the game. Apparently he is in the
Citadel holding area
, but I haven't encountered him. I hope my game isn't bugged, as I'd like to see him again.
He's part of a Citadel mission. Interesting enough, he is replaced with another character who references the ME2 Batarian DLC if you don't have him.


The game warns you, like with ME2.
ME2 has no warning. Well, it does, but when it comes, it's too late. When EDI says "The IFF is installed and ready for testing." it's too late. The endgame counter has already started, and if you hadn't done all loyalty missions by then, well, you're not going to get the "perfect" ending. ME1 just locked you out of the Citadel to spite you. Got sidequests? Not anymore!

So, I'm just wondering if ME3 does something similar. As in warn you after the fact. The point of no return, at least for me, is the point where you can't loiter around and do sidequests anymore.


They're all over Normandy 2. Someone prob packed them and moved them around while the ship was being renovated. I must say Normandy's remodel looks bad. Cables all over the place, messy dock, etc. Cerberus has better taste/interior designer than Alliance confirmed.

And they said I was crazy when I told them a secret cabal of interior decorators was trying to take over the galaxy.


Subete no aware
ME2 has no warning. Well, it does, but when it comes, it's too late. When EDI says "The IFF is installed and ready for testing." it's too late. The endgame counter has already started, and if you hadn't done all loyalty missions by then, well, you're not going to get the "perfect" ending. ME1 just locked you out of the Citadel to spite you. Got sidequests? Not anymore!

So, I'm just wondering if ME3 does something similar. As in warn you after the fact. The point of no return, at least for me, is the point where you can't loiter around and do sidequests anymore.
Ohh, well... didn't it have a final warning about starting the suicide mission though?
Anyway, ME3 warns you when you are about to go to the end. There's nothing like the IFF sequence that starts a hidden countdown timer as far as I know.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
He's part of a Citadel mission. Interesting enough, he is replaced with another character who references the ME2 Batarian DLC if you don't have him.

Cool, thanks. Must not have done the mission yet.


When scanning in a solar system under attack by the reapers, and I trigger them, can I go back straight away, after escaping? Or is there a cool down period?


Hey guys, I have a stupid question. I'm early in the game, less than 6 hours in and just went to the
Palaven Moon.
Before that I did the mandatory
mission in Mars
and the DLC mission. I've collected what I believe are weapon modifiers, but I don't know how to apply them. I want to see those two accessory slots with something in them!

When scanning in a solar system under attack by the reapers, and I trigger them, can I go back straight away, after escaping? Or is there a cool down period?

The game tutorial tells you to do a mission before coming back to that system.
I laughed at myself for one moment yesterday regarding the main quest Citadel

I have always made my decisions with the paragon one but the minute I got the chance to shoot Udina I did not even hesitate and shot him. I was surprised. It was like someone else pulled the trigger instead of me

- J - D -

Does anybody else find the Journal entries in this game absolutely useless compared to ME2?

Almost. Playing ME3 I realized how much info ME2's journal gave you; too much, actually. It made missions and assignments really easy. I would have liked a more happy medium between the two journals.


When scanning in a solar system under attack by the reapers, and I trigger them, can I go back straight away, after escaping? Or is there a cool down period?

You can go back, but the reapers will enter the system in seconds until you complete a mission.
So you can enter a system, spam the scanner like a madman and come back later to gather the stuff?

Hum... Not sure. I was spamming like crazy being folloWed by reapers and at last second I detected something, enter orbit, scanned it, leave orbit and jump out of system
Is it just me, or did Bioware whiff big time on
the design of EDI's body? It looks like a cross between the robot butler out of an old cartoon and the fembots from Austin Powers.


Is it just me, or did Bioware whiff big time on
the design of EDI's body? It looks like a cross between the robot butler out of an old cartoon and the fembots from Austin Powers.

It always irked me how people around you don´t react to you walking around with the only example of an android. Nowhere in the series have we seen or even have been informed of the existence of these types of human likes machines.

Same goes for Legion in ME2, walking around with a Geth only merrited a comment from customs in the Citadel, or walking around with a species no one has ever seen before (Javik) in the citadel.

Javik at least gets some reactions now and again.


So is there a weapon/mods/armour location list yet?

I have a habit of missing a few things regardless of how much I look in these games, I missed a few in ME2 because I didn't look a certain direction at a certain time because I thought I had to rush, lol.


Okay, thanks for the answers on the scanning. For whatever reason, I can't land on Dekuuna(home of the Elcor). I have two missions that require me to be there, but can't actually land there.


Okay, thanks for the answers on the scanning. For whatever reason, I can't land on Dekuuna(home of the Elcor). I have two missions that require me to be there, but can't actually land there.

Shoot a probe at them.
Yes it's stupid but that's how you help them.


Sentinel is not my class either (tried Adept at first). Adept allows closer approximation of what i'd like to play but crashes on lack of anti-shield powers and i cannot carry the weapons i'd like without gimping my power recharge.
Sentinel is way too dependent on Liara's Singularity (i'd prefer more self-sufficiency) and Throw detonating it instead of Singularity just enhancing Throw by making the trapped enemies wieghtless... might as well stick to spamming Warp, which is overall far more useful ability. Besides, i cannot use Tech Armor as the recharge penalty is far too severe even if i take the evolution reducing it by 30%.

I guess i'll play as Soldier then...


I have a question for everyone, one I can't seem to find the answer to (I looked in this thread, for isntace). I romanced liara after beating Mass effect 2, and my save profile says 'Did not romance anyone in Mass Effect 2'. Does that mean that I either have to romance Liara before beating the game (basically go back to an old save, ugh). Will ME3 think that I didn't romance her in ME2, like the description implies?


Really? First time in a ME game that you visit those locations.

Feels like a greatest hits so far

Holy fuck the Tchuchanka finale was amazing.
But why would you immediately follow it with your bullshit-ass heavy-handed dream-sequence vent-kid bullshit?


I have a question for everyone, one I can't seem to find the answer to (I looked in this thread, for isntace). I romanced liara after beating Mass effect 2, and my save profile says 'Did not romance anyone in Mass Effect 2'. Does that mean that I either have to romance Liara before beating the game (basically go back to an old save, ugh). Will ME3 think that I didn't romance her in ME2, like the description implies?

It works fine. Liara will ask later on if you want to continue the relationship. The line refers only to standard ME2 romances.


Fucking lol at the Conrad Verner sidequest. I'm very surprised by how charming and funny a lot of the dialogue is, considering that the world is really fucked up. And talking about fucked up stuff, this war has already taken one of my favorite characters.

Thane :'(
Alright so i'm in the ME2 editor program and I found the values where it shows if Wrex died in ME1...but at the bottom it says that the changes wont take effect unless I start a new game.


Any other way I can bring Wrex back from the dead?

If you are looking to edit an ME2 save without having to then import it into ME2 again and start anew, use Legion's web-based app for uploading Xbox/PC saves and converting them (to PC/Xbox, respectively). It also has a flag-editor where you can change plot details on-the-fly, without need to then import the save and begin a new game.

If you're not sure what I'm talking about, check the Bioware social forums for the save converter. I'm too lazy to look up the URL atm.

By the way, what an amazing feature eh? I totally took my ME2 save and imported it to PC. Also saves me a lot of money and trouble for when I do my ME1-ME2-ME3 play through after I beat ME3.

Finally, how good does this game look? I'm playing on PC with everything maxed, and while it doesn't stand up so well during cut scenes (in-engine of course) or close-ups, from the OTS game play perspective it looks gorgeous. A lot of that has to do with art design, but in general it is a huge step up over ME1 and ME2. Now, all Bioware needs to do is release a high-texture pack a la Dragon Age 2 and we will be set... Although ME3 looks much, much crisper than ME2 did on PC. :)


Think my engibro drone team is complete. Pop out my combat drone, flame turret, and Tali's combat drone for ultimate useless dongle thing assault.


So I got Mass Effect: Infiltrator for the iPhone. Can I start playing now before I get ME3 and claim the rewards it offers later? Or do I to have a ME3 game on the go?

Also, any word on the Datapad app?
(Spoilers in Wrex-not-dead genophage scenario)

"What about Wreav?"
"No way he survived that. He was annoying anyway."

Glad Bioware knows Wreav sucks.

Also, the
paragon handshake thing
with Wrex. Bros forever.


I really wish the codex was a bit better about checking off missions, and progress towards completion. It would be easier to keep track while side questing.
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