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Mass Effect 3 |OT| Space Jesus Returns (tag all spoilers)

I really wish the codex was a bit better about checking off missions, and progress towards completion. It would be easier to keep track while side questing.

The way the system should have worked is that each quest is in a different category. Citadel quests in the Citadel category and side-quests in the Side Quest category. Now it is just guessing which is which.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I really wish the codex was a bit better about checking off missions, and progress towards completion. It would be easier to keep track while side questing.

Something as simple as updating a secondary quest with "YOU FOUND THE FUCKING ARTEFACT STOP LOOKING" would be immeasurably helpful. As it is the quest look completely fails to keep to track of any advancements in a quest. If you're not paying attention to what you've found, you can very easily lose track of who needs what.


Is Grunt supposed to end up
back on your ship
after his mission? Never found him there.

Something as simple as updating a secondary quest with "YOU FOUND THE FUCKING ARTEFACT STOP LOOKING" would be immeasurably helpful. As it is the quest look completely fails to keep to track of any advancements in a quest. If you're not paying attention to what you've found, you can very easily lose track of who needs what.

Yeah the journal is a complete mess, particularly having to remember which random item you picked for whatever random fetch quest.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Update on my model ship situation.

I can't buy any sort of collectibles. The bottle of alchohol in the hospital store? Not there. The books? Not there. Don't show up. Act like I bought everything in the store.

What an odd bug.
Downloading From Ashes. AW YEAH, taking it in the ass from EA, like a pro. The DLC is 628.18MB, so I don't know why people were bitching about in dev stuff being in the demo files.


The way the system should have worked is that each quest is in a different category. Citadel quests in the Citadel category and side-quests in the Side Quest category. Now it is just guessing which is which.
Definitely. It's a mess of random quests, in no orderly fashion.
Something as simple as updating a secondary quest with "YOU FOUND THE FUCKING ARTEFACT STOP LOOKING" would be immeasurably helpful. As it is the quest look completely fails to keep to track of any advancements in a quest. If you're not paying attention to what you've found, you can very easily lose track of who needs what.

Exactly. I've learned to pay attention, and memorize some key words. But I really hate that I have to, in order to keep track.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Is Grunt supposed to end up
back on your ship
after his mission? Never found him there.

Yeah the journal is a complete mess, particularly having to remember which random item you picked for whatever random fetch quest.

I asked that before, and no. The game kinda made it seem like he does, but he's not.

And yeah. It's worsened by the attention to detail on the war assets, which continually update with every change made from your questing. I like it for lore, but it's functionally less useful than having the damn quest log update.
I really wish the codex was a bit better about checking off missions, and progress towards completion. It would be easier to keep track while side questing.

what really upsets me is that ME2 did this perfectly, but apparently they had to mix it up for ME3 and make things a bit more vague.
Anyone who has not ventured hours past the main quest should not read this but I am wondering about something.

That thresher maw on Tuchanka. While the whole mission was incredible, it did made me think how in the world the other thresher maws came onto other planets in Mass Effect 1. If she is the mother of all thresher maws that would mean all the other are her offspring. Maybe I am overthinking but I can not help it.
Anybody see this? Whatever you do don't scroll down very much if you're afraid of spoilers (the post itself is relatively spoiler free).


Does this upset people? Is there another thread about this? I haven't seen the picture myself yet because I didn't want to spoil it... but I have a feeling it might just upset me.


Yeah... I emailed him about that.

I like the guy, but he's made very clear he's not a fan of the Mass Effect series. Which apparently makes it okay for him to spoil a certain thing people have been waiting years for.

His response to me;

"I really figured
the unmasking
was common knowledge. Since some people complained, I edited the headline and put a spoiler warning, but there's really not much more I can do than that. It was something that needed writing about, given how important some fans found it, and I couldn't have obscured it anymore without sounding totally vague. "

Note: Can't say I care much as I'm a renowned Tali hater.


I asked that before, and no. The game kinda made it seem like he does, but he's not.

Ah, strange. Oh well.

And is it just me or is dialogue with Vega extremely rare? I don't take him on missions so I don't hear him comment there, and on the ship he doesn't say much. He does have one-liners post-mission but Shep rarely seems to respond back as he does with the others. And Vega hasn't had anything new to say at the Purgatory bar for a while now.


Anybody see this? Whatever you do don't scroll down very much if you're afraid of spoilers (the post itself is relatively spoiler free).


Does this upset people? Is there another thread about this? I haven't seen the picture myself yet because I didn't want to spoil it... but I have a feeling it might just upset me.

I hear some are blowin' their tops.

I think she looks a little too human. I can understand Bioware's intentions, trying to play it safe to avoid a reaction out of some of some of their more crazy fans—that they got anyways! XD

What bothers her fans more? That she looks too human? Or that Bioware chose to use some stock photo they dug up on the interwebz?


I hear some are blowin' their tops.

I think she looks a little too human. I can understand Bioware's intentions, trying to play it safe to avoid a reaction out of some of some of their more crazy fans—that they got anyways! XD

What bothers her fans more? That she looks too human? Or that Bioware chose to use some stock photo they dug up on the interwebz?

Wasn't it said a while ago that Quarians looked closer to humans than the other races? Haven't seen it myself but I remember that.
6-8 hours in, sidequest spoiler question:

For Grunt's mission, I decided to leave the rachni queen to die assuming Grunt was a goner if I didn't. Found out later from a friend that he had Grunt survive even with saving the queen. Will I be missing much down the road or is it a simple war asset type thing? Krogan > Rachni so I'm ok if its an either or scenario.


This thread is good entertainment to keep me occupied until I get to play it some more soon. Got to the Citadel for the 2nd time and I'm going explore the hell out of it.

I had a
very touching scene with Ashley last night. The hospital scene. It was so nice.
I'm loving the character interaction in this so far.

When should I do From Ashes?
FUUUUCK. Guy at front desk says nothing has come yet. He's a bit half-soaked though, so no idea if the post has or hasn't come yet.

Rassum fassum Dick Dastardly.


Anybody see this? Whatever you do don't scroll down very much if you're afraid of spoilers (the post itself is relatively spoiler free).


Does this upset people? Is there another thread about this? I haven't seen the picture myself yet because I didn't want to spoil it... but I have a feeling it might just upset me.

Lmao. I'm not personally upset, not a huge fan of the person in question, but it is a little lame. Lots of build up for...that. Ah well.

(seriously people, if you're sensitive to spoilers don't click that link)


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Question regarding romancing Liara, mid game or so spoilers;
When you meet with her again on the Presidium, and she reminisces about her upbringing, the dialogue is a bit weird. Like, her referring to the moment with Shepard as one shared between friends, and me having to state that I'd like more than that. She'd kissed me earlier on the ship, we'd had our little moment in the captain's cabin, and when we met on Mars she treated me as the lover.

The way it was presented made it seem like I hadn't really established the relationship, at least not to the extent I thought it had been. It triggered the "Rekindle or start a relationship" achievement, but yeah. Did anybody else under similar circumstances have the same response from Liara, or was my game borking up?

lol alien dating sims


I'd be in the dick
Quick question about a couple minor sidequests. Could someone give me a hint on where to go for the Citadel power supply and other improvement one? I have no goddamn clue what to do for those two and they're the only two sidequests I might be able to do before I tackle Tuchanka.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Quick question about a couple minor sidequests. Could someone give me a hint on where to go for the Citadel power supply and other improvement one? I have no goddamn clue what to do for those two and they're the only two sidequests I might be able to do before I tackle Tuchanka.

Pretty sure they're both found on
N7: Cerberus Base style missions


Wait, the items of the Hospital shop are displayed in the ship when bought? Because fuck weapons, I want those books and roses.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

Savages should be kept off the Citadel.


I'd be in the dick
Pretty sure they're both found on
N7: Cerberus Base style missions

Cool. Thanks for that. I search those pretty thoroughly but the codex doesn't even give a vague hint about those two. Others at least have planet names. I guess I can just move on to some other missions once I get done with work.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Cool. Thanks for that. I search those pretty thoroughly but the codex doesn't even give a vague hint about those two. Others at least have planet names. I guess I can just move on to some other missions once I get done with work.

Just so you know,
if you miss picking them up in the N7 missions you can find the parts available for sale on the Citadel. But they wont be up for purchase until you do the missions.


Copy 'n pastin' this from a prior post, since I edited it in kind of late, and was worried that it'd be missed:

Finished the Tuchunka mission earlier this morning.

Man, "Vigil" startin' up in the background as the cure spreads around, and Mordin's noble sacrifice... I almost teared up. If they had his original voice actor singin' as he went out, that just may have done it.

I gotta ask though, are there major repercussions for any of the Paragon decisions you've made throughout the trilogy? There was that e-mail I got about
Rana Thanoptis, but with the warning your Renegade-inclined squadmate gives you after allowing her to leave Korlus in ME2, you can't help but seeing something like that coming. I just assumed that if she tried to do somethin' in ME3, I'd be able to deal with it as it came... But, if they only bother to give you an e-mail about it, I'll assume it's not that huge of a loss.

Odd that she turned out to be indoctrinated though, showed no signs of it...

[EDIT] - Please note, that I'm not asking to be spoiled here. It was more rhetorical, but if you've gotta answer, don't give me any specifics, please. ;)


Question regarding romancing Liara, mid game or so spoilers;
When you meet with her again on the Presidium, and she reminisces about her upbringing, the dialogue is a bit weird. Like, her referring to the moment with Shepard as one shared between friends, and me having to state that I'd like more than that. She'd kissed me earlier on the ship, we'd had our little moment in the captain's cabin, and when we met on Mars she treated me as the lover.

The way it was presented made it seem like I hadn't really established the relationship, at least not to the extent I thought it had been. It triggered the "Rekindle or start a relationship" achievement, but yeah. Did anybody else under similar circumstances have the same response from Liara, or was my game borking up?

lol alien dating sims
Now I'm worried about my game too... Maybe the Liara romance is bugged somehow. Haven't gotten to this part yet, so we'll see how it goes.
Question regarding romancing Liara, mid game or so spoilers;
When you meet with her again on the Presidium, and she reminisces about her upbringing, the dialogue is a bit weird. Like, her referring to the moment with Shepard as one shared between friends, and me having to state that I'd like more than that. She'd kissed me earlier on the ship, we'd had our little moment in the captain's cabin, and when we met on Mars she treated me as the lover.

The way it was presented made it seem like I hadn't really established the relationship, at least not to the extent I thought it had been. It triggered the "Rekindle or start a relationship" achievement, but yeah. Did anybody else under similar circumstances have the same response from Liara, or was my game borking up?

lol alien dating sims

You'll be fine. I had this too. She's just backing off a bit, and will come forward again in another more definitive scene later.

I just wrote this opinion piece on ME3 and the series in general:


Woah, just noticed that I didn't have to switch out disc 2 for the Tuchunka mission. Thought all the priority stuff was on the disc 1.
In three hours the game will be in my hands. In six, the game will be installed. In seven, I set out to save the universe from certain annihilation.
ABout 10 hours in. Such an amazing game so far. Its rare i get emotionally invested in the outcome of a game. I just cant stop playing it and i really dont want it to end.

Say what you want about bioware, but they know how to create fun games with lots of polish and a real reason to make you want to keep playing.


Man how disappointing: The game takes a complete nose dive in the run up to the ending. :(

Was enjoying it until then now it's like having a great meal when a huge pile of shit served as a pudding.
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