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Mass Effect trilogy remaster ‘scheduled for October release but could slip’, journalist claims


Mass Effect 3's ending isn't objectively bad. Some or many people don't like it, it still doesn't make it bad for everyone.

Also I really don't get how people keep repeating that ME3 stripped away all the choices and everything you did before didn't matter. The third game can be pretty different depending on the choices you made. You meet different people, fight different enemies and have different outcomes to story arcs which started in the first game: genophage and geth for one.

Sure, it isn't perfect. Some consequences are skin changes but I'm replaying ME3 right now and I'm having a lot of fun with it.

When it comes to ending, I think it is fine. At least for those who believe in the indoctrination theory. Just based on the codex entry about introduction, Shepard has been having two of three symptoms in the game. But that's just me.

Anyway, like it or not, I don't get how people can be bothered by a game ten years later.


People who refuse to replay the series because of the ending of 3 amuse me. I personally choose to believe the Indoctrination Theory. I'd be getting this day one if it's actually true

The whole indoctrination theory is just clutching at straws fanfic to try and handwave away the abomination of the 3rd games ending. It should be renamed The Desperate Apologists Theory (Occams razor is laughing long and hard at it). It's well known that Hudson and Walters basically threw Karpyshyn's original idea about the Reaper Regular Extinction event being related to Dark Energy (which is brought up as a subject I ME2 quite a lot) away once he went to work on SW for them and pulled the whole 3 choices thing out of their ass at the last minute and thought it would somehow magically come out smelling of roses instead of putrid shit. It is just a tapestry of snippets here and there sewn together by people with too much sunk-cost bias to believe that what they got served was a shitburger with fries and Mountain Dew to wash away the taste.


It just doesn't hold up to a lick of scrutiny.

Now with all of that said I'm not entirely opposed to getting the remaster at some point because I'd be interested at the very least to see how they've brought the games in line with each other from a design perspective, given that there are significant differences between all three mechanistically (for the record I think 3 got the balance right when it came to weapons, upgrades and skills) but there's no saving the lamentable nature of that ending, and in truth, there's a few other aspects of 3 that are less than stellar in terms of how they were handled.

Ultimately it is what it is at the end of the day and if you take comfort in extended fan-fic that's your prerogative, but never forget ; -

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It just doesn't hold up to a lick of scrutiny

Prove it. Prove that it doesn't.

That's what people opposed to the indoctrination theory say. And how the extended ending shut down the whole theory - without argumenting at all how indoctrination theory is false. It is just the same "a theory by desperate people" mantra.

People have right to believe in whatever they like but mocking and just dismissing theories and thoughts because you don't believe in them is silly.


For as much people complain about the Me3 ending I’ve never heard a suggested ending that didn’t sound much, much worse. The ending was a bit of a letdown, but was at least very definitive and had some changes in the galaxy.
End of the day the Andromeda ending wasn't all that either...and that was left hanging until the book came out....(then again Andromeda is the lowest point in the franchise so no surprises there either..)


Prove it. Prove that it doesn't.

Let me see how should I spend my Sunday 🤔

1. Arguing with a crackpot about a wild theory that purports that the final part of a game from yesteryear was, in fact, one big hallucination or;

2. Do anything but that because there's no arguing with crazy.

The answer is 2. However, feel free to riddle me this Internet Batman

How is it that in the midst of a battle where the Reapers are fully engaged in wiping out all intelligent life in the galaxy would they suddenly care about indoctrinating Sheppard? To what end? Are they going to keep him as a pet or something? Shepard may be a hero from our perspective, but from the reapers one, he/she is just an annoying weed when they're cutting the grass back as they do every 60, 000 years. Where's the motivation at their end? They're not infiltrating or prepping at this moment, they're full-on cleaning the galaxy. What makes Sheppard special in that regard?


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
The whole indoctrination theory is just clutching at straws fanfic to try and handwave away the abomination of the 3rd games ending. It should be renamed The Desperate Apologists Theory (Occams razor is laughing long and hard at it). It's well known that Hudson and Walters basically threw Karpyshyn's original idea about the Reaper Regular Extinction event being related to Dark Energy (which is brought up as a subject I ME2 quite a lot) away once he went to work on SW for them and pulled the whole 3 choices thing out of their ass at the last minute and thought it would somehow magically come out smelling of roses instead of putrid shit. It is just a tapestry of snippets here and there sewn together by people with too much sunk-cost bias to believe that what they got served was a shitburger with fries and Mountain Dew to wash away the taste.


It just doesn't hold up to a lick of scrutiny.

Now with all of that said I'm not entirely opposed to getting the remaster at some point because I'd be interested at the very least to see how they've brought the games in line with each other from a design perspective, given that there are significant differences between all three mechanistically (for the record I think 3 got the balance right when it came to weapons, upgrades and skills) but there's no saving the lamentable nature of that ending, and in truth, there's a few other aspects of 3 that are less than stellar in terms of how they were handled.

Ultimately it is what it is at the end of the day and if you take comfort in extended fan-fic that's your prerogative, but never forget ; -

Indoctrination is the only thing that makes the "the reapers win no matter what haha fuck you and oh yeah two of the choices make no sense kthanksbai" ending make even a shred of sense. My brother watched me play the third game, and as the credits rolled he said Shepard must be indoctrinated, because that's the only reason he'd stop fighting and go along with the reapers.


Indoctrination is the only thing that makes the "the reapers win no matter what haha fuck you and oh yeah two of the choices make no sense kthanksbai" ending make even a shred of sense. My brother watched me play the third game, and as the credits rolled he said Shepard must be indoctrinated, because that's the only reason he'd stop fighting and go along with the reapers.


Feel free to keep believing what you do if it makes you sleep better at night. I'll stick with : -



All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.

Feel free to keep believing what you do if it makes you sleep better at night. I'll stick with : -

I don't believe it's what the devs intended, it's the only plotline from any of the games that has any kind of connection with the bullshit at the end. It was a happy accident, for lack of a better term.


Mass Effect needs a remake, like Mafia is getting. Not a remaster. The gunplay & rpg elements also need to be streamlined between all 3 games. To pull that off, it would require a huge amount of skill which I do not believe Bioware have anymore (& also political power to resist attempts to make the game's content pander to 2020 politics). So instead we might get some shitty remasters with all the dlc included (at least I hope for EA's sake they're going to include all that downloadable content in the package because if not... forget the ending, forget any of the game's problems, it's that dlc greed which was the main f-up in the original trilogy).

Now hold on there, mister. Mass Effect 1 allows you to punch a female reporter in the face. If there's a remaster, we get to see if it gets censored, which will be funny in its own right; but if it doesn't, there's a good chance EA campuses in the States will be under siege by radicalized gamers.

There's potential here.

She's a "person of color" as well with an Arabic name + she's a real bitch in all 3 games. Definitely problematic. Garrus is also a cop on the citadel. So he's de-facto a bad guy now as per current-year sjw diktats. And Spectres are like super cops themselves, operating above the law.

Meltdowns incoming.


Reading that site about potential changes, ME getting the weapon system of me3?

Ugh, But the cut content I'd be curious about.


Let me see how should I spend my Sunday

Considering how your attitude reveals your inflexibility or unwillingness to listen to anything else than what you believe in, I think I'm wasting my time. But anyway...

The reapers are millions of years old machines, artificial intelligence with infinite calculation ability. They have indoctrinated a lot of people in the fiest two games and you think it requires any effort?

They indoctrinate anyone who stands in their way - Saren, TIM, that woman from Arrival - and anyone who has any power to sway people to their side.

No brainer, I say.

But you don't really seem to want to argument against the theory. You just like to call other people crazy over a game and a theory because it is something you don't believe in.

But if you really want to talk about the theory, let me know.


Considering how your attitude reveals your inflexibility or unwillingness to listen to anything else than what you believe in, I think I'm wasting my time. But anyway...

The reapers are millions of years old machines, artificial intelligence with infinite calculation ability. They have indoctrinated a lot of people in the fiest two games and you think it requires any effort?

They indoctrinate anyone who stands in their way - Saren, TIM, that woman from Arrival - and anyone who has any power to sway people to their side.

No brainer, I say.

But you don't really seem to want to argument against the theory. You just like to call other people crazy over a game and a theory because it is something you don't believe in.

But if you really want to talk about the theory, let me know.

Please, I was done with IT years ago. You're free to believe whatever you want, but by your very statements you highlight how utterly insignificant Shepard is to the Reapers, so this idea that when the gloves are finally off and all pretence is out the window they'd suddenly lead Shepard down some elaborate fantasy in the midst of a titanic battle just doesn't make a whole heap of sense. Shepard isn't a credible threat like a Superman or Dr Manhattan, they're just another easily squished human being. The reapers only required indoctrinated to help them set their plan in motion, once it was sprung they're kind of redundant.


I've been waiting for this for quite a while. Hopefully, it's more than just upgraded textures. ME1 gameplay could use some updating.

As for anyone hating on the ME3 ending, you can't fix anything for ME3 without overhauling the atrocity that was ME2.


Neo Member
I'd definitely play ME1 again if it had ME3's combat. I've replayed ME1 about 5 times though because I've got loads of nostalgia for it. I also thought ME3 was a damn good game up until the ending, I thought Sanctuary in ME3 was one of the most interesting areas in the series in terms of how shocking it was and how real it made the war feel. It had a lot of potential with gathering war assets too but the game needed way more development time to be done right in this regard

I think the indoctrination theory does make a lot of sense in a lot of ways, Shepard was involved in tons of scenarios where other people became passively indoctrinated, he's also clearly going through some effects of it later into ME3. I believe I remember some bioware people saying the theory is wrong though so I personally don't put much credence in it, even though I think it would solve a lot of the games problems. If the remaster makes it canon then I'd be all for that, but they would have to devise a new ending and I can't see them putting in that much effort. If they don't change anything about the ending then I'll just play ME1 again and be done with it
As someone that played the series as it was coming out, even that ending of ME3...yeah I wasnt blown away by it but I wasnt pissed off either. Too me it was one of those : we leave it to your interpretation endings. And the reason it didn't bother me was because I had 3 full games story worth behind my belt with so much lore and awesome memories, a fucking ending sequence of 2 minutes with a different color pallet wont just erase that and make me hate the whole series.


I have tried to find a source where anyone from Bioware denies indoctrination. Haven't succeeded.

It is interesting considering how so many are absolutely against it while there is quite a lot of in-game evidence for it from Rachni Queen's mention of oily shadows to codex entry about the effects. And also the starchild... if it was a real child Shepard saw, why does the AI look like him then? If it was a vision, well then...

Denialists say: bad writing!

But probably not smart for me to keep beating this drum.


I have tried to find a source where anyone from Bioware denies indoctrination. Haven't succeeded.

Universal truth about the endings is that the reapers were defeated, TIM is out of the way, and the ones that survived can live on within the universe. I.e. in all the endings, the reapers were defeated and TIM died. So, destroy being the only option because of indoctrination is out the window.
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Believing the indoctrination theory is giving Bioware far too much credit. It's been well documented that the entire story's direction changed between games and the disappointing conclusion we got is a direct result of that mismanagement.


Universal truth about the endings is that the reapers were defeated, TIM is out of the way, and the ones that survived can live on within the universe. I.e. in all the endings, the reapers were defeated and TIM died. So, destroy being the only option because of indoctrination is out the window.

Thanks, hadn't seen that before! A good watch. I may not understand something now but how does that exclude indoctrination theory?

Does it mean the ending where Shepard chooses "destroy" but dies?

Personally - and the indoctrination theory - I've always that the reapers were defeated in any case. The whole choice in the Crucible was about Shepard - whether he is fully indoctrinated or not. It doesn't matter whether you pick control or synergy, either of those is a sign of you being indoctrinated and nothing happens to the reapers, they are not controlled and there is no synergy, it is just a trap. And to give the player three options to play with like the three parts of the dialogue wheel. If Shepard is indoctrinated or dead, the alliance wins the reapers without him through the Crucible which is ready to fire. If Shepard chooses destroy and survives, he is part of the victory - but like it has always been say in the game, wars are won together.

In any case, I think it says something about a game - or any piece of art - if it keeps people talking even 10 years after it was released. I think that is amazing and an achievement regardless of what anyone thinks of the ending. Hate is pointless, I'm just glad people experienced it so differently.
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Gold Member
I just hope whatever the next Mass Effect game will be, it's not set in Andromeda. A fucked up Milky Way is a far more interesting premise than what Mass Effect: Andromeda established for Andromeda.


Thanks, hadn't seen that before! A good watch. I may not understand something now but how does that exclude indoctrination theory? Does it mean the ending where Shepard chooses "destroy" but dies?

Personally - and the indoctrination theory - I've always that the reapers were defeated in any case. The whole choice in the Crucible was about Shepard - whether he is fully indoctrinated or not. It doesn't matter whether you pick control or synergy, either of those is a sign of you being indoctrinated and nothing happens to the reapers, they are not controlled and there is no synergy, it is just a trap. And to give the player three options to play with like the three parts of the dialogue wheel. If Shepard is indoctrinated or dead, the alliance wins the reapers without him through the Crucible which is ready to fire. If Shepard chooses destroy and survives, he is part of the victory - but like it has always been say in the game, wars are won together.

In any case, I think it says something about a game - or any piece of art - if it keeps people talking even 10 years after it was released. I think that is amazing and an achievement regardless of what anyone thinks of the ending. Hate is pointless, I'm just glad people experienced it so differently.
Considering this thread is about a remaster, and some people might jump into these games for the first time, I'm going to put my reply in spoiler tags.

Considering Hackett's last message was that the Crucible is not firing and Shepard must do something, it kind of flies in the face of indoctrination theory, because if Shepard is indoctrinated, the Crucible would not fire at all since Shepard's action would not take place. And why would the Reapers bother indoctrinating Shepard at the last second if the Crucible is going to fire anyway?

To me, the attachment to destroy is because people can't live with the fact that the Reapers ended up being a costly AI mistake rather than pure natural evil.
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Considering Hackett's last message was that the Crucible is not firing and Shepard must do something, it kind of flies in the face of indoctrination theory, because if Shepard is indoctrinated, the Crucible would not fire at all since Shepard's action would not take place. And why would the Reapers bother indoctrinating Shepard at the last second if the Crucible is going to fire anyway?

Because it doesn't happen. It is all in Shepard's head, visions. The whole sequence before the lift was always weird to me anyway, they are all acting like marionettes, twitching and just being dream like.

Shepard still thinks he is really there and it is up to him but also outside of fiction the game needs the player to think that is actually happening to build up pressure for the decision. Without the illusion of reality practically everybody would choose destroy because it would be so clearly mind games. But then the game wouldn't try or manage to fool the players.

I don't think the reapers are actively indoctrinating anyone. It just happens due to exposure like it has been said in the game. They are not targeting anyone, I think, but when someone like Saren is turned, they take an advantage of it. Saren was important because they needed someone to open the Citadel for them. They don't really need Shepard for anything.

I thought the Geth arc was wonderful. So I'm really not opposed to the AI running wild story arc. That's practically mirrors what happened to Quarians and Geth. The same as what happened to the Reapers and Leviathans.[/SPOILERS]
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I've just finished Mass Effect 1 on PS3. I would love for it to be my first PS Platinum trophy but not sure I can stomach two more playthroughs back-to-back. I'd rather press on with Mass Effect 2 this week.

Although I'm wondering why the heck I keep going back to play older games instead of new ones like Control, Doom Eternal, etc. Hurry up with PS5 already!
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I wonder how you could stomach that atrocious performance.

I don't know how I did it. Some bits were absolutely awful. The PS3 must easily have the worst port - sound kept cutting out, graphics were glitching, loads of stutter and long load/save times. Hopefully ME2 will be better when I start it in 90 minutes.
On reflection

Mass effect 2 should have been 3. Mass effect 3 should have been 2, without the stupid ending, but with an ending where Shep died.

Mass Effect 3 starts with Shep dead, reapers defeated, only to find out that the collectors were a bigger threat.

Mass Effect 3 ends with shep and co on a mountain, looking at a vista of thousands of collectors and their husk-rods, coming to earth. Shep looks back at the camera, nods defiantly and the whole team jump in the Mako and blast towards the enemy. As they head towards the horizon, the camera pans up into space and the 'mass effect' logo and signal comes on screen. Credits roll.


I can't even remember the ending to Mass Effect 3 now, it's been so long. It'll be like I've never played it before.


Will this be actual remaster's or just the PC versions? I am hoping for remasters running in Frostbite engine. Otherwise, I don't think I will have much interest.


I don't care. Give me 4K/60 with all the DLC and I'll buy it. I don't need new content or a re-imagining. They usually fuck up the art style when they do that anyway.

It's been six or seven years since I played them. I just want to play them again on my PS4 Pro.


Gold Member
Delay it all you want just don’t release a trash product. I hope it comes with all DLC and ME3 multiplayer, and updated controls because holding x sprint is bogus.
This is good news for me, I broke out the 360 and starated replaying the first one not too long ago. I would be happy for an update. I don't think the gameplay has aged as poorly as most do.


First Mass Effect sucked ass. 2 and 3 were great. Gameplay was phenomenal.
This is one of the reasons I want there to be a trilogy remaster. Eliminate the inferior gameplay element of ME1, and then people will realize how vastly superior ME1 is compared to ME2 and ME3.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Mass Effect 3's ending is platinum good compared to Star Ocean 3's ending.

Imagine absolutely ruining such a good series where there is no chance of redemption short of fully retconning it somehow.

At least ME can be salvaged with sequels if they're done right (Andromeda wasn't) but SO.... Wew.


The introduction of thermal clips in ME2 is the biggest pain in the arse. Trying to get the Insanity trophy and I keep running out of ammo. Thank goodness for biotic combos!
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