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Mass Effect trilogy remaster ‘scheduled for October release but could slip’, journalist claims


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Oh man really the Switch?

The first two games are probably my favorite sci-fi games of all time. They are one of the few games I have registered as near perfect in my own little Akashic Records of geimu.

If this trilogy actually comes to Switch, I'm going to drop a few logs in my nickers.

I hope it's true. I just hope it's not another required day one patch mess. Especially during this time of crysis.



Me waiting for Fucking EA to finally announce it...

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So the latest word is that the game will see a physical release on all the 3 main platforms, on October 15th, this coming off the back of the listings on a Portuguese website, with that info being removed, and now this date being advertised on a Czech retailer's website... Will EA announce it next Thursday ? (Oct 1)
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So the latest word is that the game will see a physical release on all the 3 main platforms, on October 15th, this coming off the back of the listings on a Portuguese website, with that info being removed, and now this date being advertised on a Czech retailer's website... Will EA announce it next Thursday ? (Oct 1)

So is the PC not getting anything? Or is it just not being mentioned as it's digital only?


So is the PC not getting anything? Or is it just not being mentioned as it's digital only?
Maybe not, then again the "mod" community may end up doing a better job anyway when it comes to remasters, :messenger_grinning_smiling: but it looks like 15th of October is the BIG day....I haven't seen anything from EA that says: "Much to the speculation of a ME: Trilogy, there is no such thing, blah, blah, blah"....nothing to see here folks!"...


I honestly don't even want them to do it yet, just because I want a proper high-end remaster that won't be done if it's cross-gen.


The ending sucked dick in 2012, and it sucks dick now.

I'm getting close to reliving it... just a few missions left, I think.

Can't believe what a cake walk insanity difficulty in ME3 is, compared to ME2. I keep checking it's not flipped back to normal difficulty. 🤣


I'm getting close to reliving it... just a few missions left, I think.

Can't believe what a cake walk insanity difficulty in ME3 is, compared to ME2. I keep checking it's not flipped back to normal difficulty. 🤣
Indeed. If you understand the mechanics it's quite easy. There are definitely some hard fights though. But nowhere near ME2. I never bothered playing ME1 at the highest difficulty.


Another update! This time on what the trilogy will actually be called, (according to VentureBeat Reporter Geoff Grubb) the title is: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition! And will NOT be releasing on Nintendo Switch....at least not in the initial release window anyway (which is apparently October 15th) also Geoff will be sharing more details about the trilogy later this week...
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Another update! This time on what the trilogy will actually be called, (according to VentureBeat Reporter Geoff Grubb) the title is: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition! And will NOT be releasing on Nintendo Switch....at least not in the initial release window anyway (which is apparently October 15th) also Geoff will be sharing more details about the trilogy later this week...
I'm taking that with a grain of salt, as not launching on Switch at the same time would be total bollocks.

It's the second best selling.console this gen, the most popular system this year and should be able to run the damned thing without any difficulty.

Sodding EA wankers if true.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Another update! This time on what the trilogy will actually be called, (according to VentureBeat Reporter Geoff Grubb) the title is: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition! And will NOT be releasing on Nintendo Switch....at least not in the initial release window anyway (which is apparently October 15th) also Geoff will be sharing more details about the trilogy later this week...
That sux. I get a Switch today and was hoping to bust some nuts on-the-go.
A Mass Effect 1 overhaul would be interesting to see. I wonder what they would try to do. Also, would this be a full conversion from Unreal Engine 3 to Frostbite or Unreal 4? I have more questions. Hmm.


I suppose that a Nintendo Direct is a good place for the announcement.
(because they have to come for Nintendo)


Indeed. If you understand the mechanics it's quite easy. There are definitely some hard fights though. But nowhere near ME2. I never bothered playing ME1 at the highest difficulty.

Spoke too soon. Those three husks and marauder at the very end are proving a bit troublesome. I can't seem to aim for peanuts!


What I've noticed is that there is always lots of anticipation for these remasters only for the publisher to do the most basic and uninspired ports you can imagine. Ea does have a track record of low effort with ports as they were not keen on remasters last gen and for a while now....I hope they can prove us wrong and not simply push a 4k 30fps remaster of Mass Effect Trilogy...


Another update! This time on what the trilogy will actually be called, (according to VentureBeat Reporter Geoff Grubb) the title is: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition! And will NOT be releasing on Nintendo Switch....at least not in the initial release window anyway (which is apparently October 15th) also Geoff will be sharing more details about the trilogy later this week...

Any info about a PS5 version?


Gold Member
Does Andrew Wilson know that BioWare are working on something that could not be shit? Seems contrary to what his strategy for EA is.


Let me see how should I spend my Sunday 🤔

1. Arguing with a crackpot about a wild theory that purports that the final part of a game from yesteryear was, in fact, one big hallucination or;

2. Do anything but that because there's no arguing with crazy.

The answer is 2. However, feel free to riddle me this Internet Batman

How is it that in the midst of a battle where the Reapers are fully engaged in wiping out all intelligent life in the galaxy would they suddenly care about indoctrinating Sheppard? To what end? Are they going to keep him as a pet or something? Shepard may be a hero from our perspective, but from the reapers one, he/she is just an annoying weed when they're cutting the grass back as they do every 60, 000 years. Where's the motivation at their end? They're not infiltrating or prepping at this moment, they're full-on cleaning the galaxy. What makes Sheppard special in that regard?

I don’t think the reapers care about who/whom they indoctrinate. It just happens passively by being near reaper tech. Shepard has been exposed to more reaper tech than Saren, Illusive Man, etc. combined, so it’s definitely possible that Shepard was indoctrinated since the end of ME1 and/or the beginning of 2.At the very latest, he would be after the arrival DLC where he got mind raped by harbinger through the artifact.

all in all, the theory was abandoned and the ending sucks. 1 was great. 2 was good because of the more adulterated ambiance with edgier side characters. 3 really only had gameplay going for it, which is why more people remember the multiplayer as the only positive aspect to 3.
Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, the purported name for the rumored Mass Effect remaster trilogy including Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3, has slipped from its previously planned October reveal and release to early 2021, according to a VentureBeat report citing “people familiar with the development.”

The main reason for delay is reportedly the original Mass Effect game, which does not live up to the quality of the rest of the package and may make a poor impression on new players who would not go on to experience the upgrades for Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. These problems are said to come down to both graphics and gameplay.

The report also states that the multiplayer mode from Mass Effect 3 will not be included in the collection, which will be a single-player-only affair. It will, however, reportedly include all of the downloadable content for all three titles.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, the purported name for the rumored Mass Effect remaster trilogy including Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3, has slipped from its previously planned October reveal and release to early 2021, according to a VentureBeat report citing “people familiar with the development.”

The main reason for delay is reportedly the original Mass Effect game, which does not live up to the quality of the rest of the package and may make a poor impression on new players who would not go on to experience the upgrades for Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. These problems are said to come down to both graphics and gameplay.

The report also states that the multiplayer mode from Mass Effect 3 will not be included in the collection, which will be a single-player-only affair. It will, however, reportedly include all of the downloadable content for all three titles.

That would be a dumb reason to delay it.

The number of people not just rebuying for the sake of nostalgia would be miniscule.

Besides which, it was always the characters and plot that hooked you with the first game. The graphics and gameplay were always weak, even for the time.


Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, the purported name for the rumored Mass Effect remaster trilogy including Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3, has slipped from its previously planned October reveal and release to early 2021, according to a VentureBeat report citing “people familiar with the development.”

The main reason for delay is reportedly the original Mass Effect game, which does not live up to the quality of the rest of the package and may make a poor impression on new players who would not go on to experience the upgrades for Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. These problems are said to come down to both graphics and gameplay.

The report also states that the multiplayer mode from Mass Effect 3 will not be included in the collection, which will be a single-player-only affair. It will, however, reportedly include all of the downloadable content for all three titles.

If this is true I'm happy with this , ME1 obviously needed the most changes and overhaul so it would make sense


No included multiplayer in Mass Effect 3? That's disappointing; I loved playing it with other people together before work and it was one of the reasons for me to be looking forward too, aside from the restored cut content. 🤷‍♂️ :messenger_face_steam:


The fact that its even further delayed and not just by weeks, but by months, makes you wonder just how long have they been working on this project? So now I am sure it won't remain exclusive to the xbox and PS4 but will also (hopefully) have some improvements for PS5 and XsX owners, as its likely for this collection I would get it on PS5...


No multiplayer in ME3 would be awesome, but as long as they'd modify the campaign to compensate for the lack of it.

Fyi I didn't hate it, it just should've stayed separate from the story mode.


No multiplayer in ME3 would be awesome, but as long as they'd modify the campaign to compensate for the lack of it.

Fyi I didn't hate it, it just should've stayed separate from the story mode.

That should be pretty easy. All they have to do is remove the code that links to the Galaxy at War readiness stat. So all the war assets you collect are always at 100% instead of starting at/dropping to 50%.


Well there won't be a PS5 version if they haven't even got one planned for the XsX, and besides with backwards compatibility it is bound to run just fine, seeing as this is a cross-gen title...

If its a cross-gen title then theres a ps5 and xsx version....thats what cross-gen means...but regardless it doesnt need to be as the new consoles are backwards compatible


If its a cross-gen title then theres a ps5 and xsx version....thats what cross-gen means...but regardless it doesnt need to be as the new consoles are backwards compatible
Whatever the case maybe now I await November the 7th with ADDED interest!!!


I would love to see Mass Effect 1 receive gameplay improvements but everything Bioware has done to this franchise following the first game is evidence that they can't be trusted to make any alterations in terms of direction and approach. Maybe if they just tighten up what's already there than that could be fine, but anything else gets me worried.


The remaster that nobody asked.

Thet should just remaster 1 and make 2 and 3 a completely two new games/story and keep mining/ exploring planets from 1.
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