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Microsoft made an amazing showcase, so many lovely games BUT !


The problem is me, or you guys agree with me?
The problem is that the majority of games are RPG, you know?
Space RPG, Middle Earth RPG, First Person Middle Earth RPG, and more and more RPG.
I mean, even taking a look to the future, there's coming another RPG, Elder Scrolls 6 !
The third person single player experience is a scripted linear game.
I think Microsoft is trying to pick up a specific type of gamers who don't find these kind of games on Playstation anymore.
What do you think?


Those are boring now. You play them for 15-20 hours and then they collect dust on your shelf. People are going to be playing TOTK for YEARS. And when Starfield gets mods? Holy shit.

Switch out GAAS for RPG and the narrative has remained the same.

I'm impressed.

Happy James Corden GIF by The Late Late Show with James Corden


I was actually surprised at the variety we were shown. Off the top of my head it had JRPGs, WRPGs, a city builder, a flight simulator, shooters, racing games, top-down action games, a tactical RPG, action-adventure games, MMOs, and a game focused on climbing.

People are going to be playing TOTK for YEARS. And when Starfield gets mods? Holy shit.

Short, linear games are still fun. Very rapidly losing anything that features an open world/crafting/extrinsic game play (in an open world setting - love me some city builders and sim games) though. Give me tight, well designed, linear experiences any day of the week. I think it's more than okay, and personally preferable, for games to have an ending. My ideal game length is 30-40 hours because its extremely rare for gameplay loops to justify anything longer than that.

I'll beat the temples in TOTK, finish the story, and just like I did with BOTW - probably never pick it up again. I'll replay OOT or WW every couple years though.
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I was actually surprised at the variety we were shown. Off the top of my head it had JRPGs, WRPGs, a city builder, a flight simulator, shooters, racing games, top-down action games, a tactical RPG, action-adventure games, MMOs, and a game focused on climbing.
I miss some single player and linear game, like Uncharted, but with all those new techniques and graphics showed on HELLBLADE 2.
I think this kind of game will be launching by SONY next year, or maybe the Perfect Dark Reboot, and Indiana Jones by Bethesda.
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It was so obvious to me that most of the games shown were RPGs because they take the longest to finish. A 100+ hour game is a lot better than singleplayer, narrative-driven, one & done games. They target these types of games to reduce subscriber churn. It's great if you love RPGs, but if you don't, then that is a bummer.


I miss some single player and linear game, like Uncharted, but with all those new techniques and graphics showed on HELLBLADE 2.
I think this kind of game will be launching by SONY next year, or maybe the Perfect Dark Reboot, and Indiana Jones by Bethesda.
I kind of agree….. I think that’s where stuff, like Perfect dark, and I guess gears fits in. And yeah that Indian jones game could work out to be their own ‘uncharted’ ( which was kind of Indians jones inspired anyway) years out we will probably get new doom, quake, Wolfenstein games among other to fill that linear AAA category. Wouldn’t hurt to maybe make a few new IPs in that vein too….. single player linear stuff with the big cinematic set pieces.


Sorry pal, but that is old graphic shit.

I mean look at this Skyrim mod.

Lighting looks far ahead in Avowed. It's an RPG though so what matters isn't really just the look of the game. Big open world games are never graphical powerhouses as they have so much more going on.
I was actually surprised at the variety we were shown. Off the top of my head it had JRPGs, WRPGs, a city builder, a flight simulator, shooters, racing games, top-down action games, a tactical RPG, action-adventure games, MMOs, and a game focused on climbing.


Short, linear games are still fun. Very rapidly losing anything that features an open world/crafting/extrinsic game play (in an open world setting) though. Give me tight, well designed, linear experiences any day of the week. I think it's more than okay, and personally preferable, for games to have an ending. My ideal game length is 30-40 hours because its extremely rare for gameplay loops to justify anything longer than that.

I'll beat the temples in TOTK, finish the story, and just like I did with BOTW - probably never pick it up again. I'll replay OOT or WW every couple years though.
Feels like I'm looking in a mirror lol give me a tight 30-40 hour experience so I can move on to the next game I barely even do side quests anymore I guess I'm getting too old for some of these gameplay loops in open world games


I love RPG's, the more the merrier, there hasn't been that many in the last few years especially from Bethesda!, the open world Assassin Creed's games were very RPG lite at best.
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Avowed looks significantly better, but I've never liked Skyrim's art direction anyway. Lighting, textures, models, art style, and amount of fun offered looks drastically better in Avowed.
The difference is that Skyrim was 2011 games with modders managing to achieve that quality.

Avowed is a 2023 game stuck in the past.

I wanted a more detail look, instead of cartoonish graphics.


I wanted a more detail look, instead of cartoonish graphics.

Well I didn't, but my favorite art directions are Wind Waker and Katamari Damacy. Skyrim looks dated as fuck, Avowed will look drastically better for much longer because of its slightly stylized look.


I really liked the wide variety of RPGs or RPG like games there. Can't complain. Just want to see then release and not suck :).


Writes a lot, says very little
The problem is me, or you guys agree with me?
The problem is that the majority of games are RPG, you know?
Space RPG, Middle Earth RPG, First Person Middle Earth RPG, and more and more RPG.
I mean, even taking a look to the future, there's coming another RPG, Elder Scrolls 6 !
The third person single player experience is a scripted linear game.
I think Microsoft is trying to pick up a specific type of gamers who don't find these kind of games on Playstation anymore.
What do you think?

Sure, but because of the studios they recently bought, it makes sense to show what they have that they feel are coming soonish

I think maybe they should have saved that Avowed footage until after Starfield released as I feel the early 2024 would impact much more around Starfield's launch or something. Like "hey, after you are done playing all this space stuff, we have a different setting with a different RPG coming soon" or something like that.

but they have to deal with the hand dealt and I'm fine with either way they did it. MS needs to remind people that buying a XB this fall is a MUST, not just for Starfield today, but for Avowed tomorrow as it is an investment.


The problem is me, or you guys agree with me?
The problem is that the majority of games are RPG, you know?
Space RPG, Middle Earth RPG, First Person Middle Earth RPG, and more and more RPG.
I mean, even taking a look to the future, there's coming another RPG, Elder Scrolls 6 !
The third person single player experience is a scripted linear game.
I think Microsoft is trying to pick up a specific type of gamers who don't find these kind of games on Playstation anymore.
What do you think?
well you don't find them on playstation anymore because MS consolidated them.

that's why people hate consolidation.

with regard to the showcase, MS just have such a bland sterile way of presenting these things and I think that is why you aren't seeing forums collapse and internet breaks over anything here.

I was looking forward to avowed and fable. After this, I don't even want to touch them. Especially avowed. That kind of graphics shouldn't exist in 2023.
Obsidian was never known for pushing tech or visual graphical showcases. They excell at story telling, writing and gameplay rpg elements.

If you're wanting to see graphical showcases that would be Playground Games, The Coalition and MachineGames along with idSoftware.

Fable was the most next-gen thing at the show.
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This is more reason why I don't think Microsoft need ABK. The many studios they've already acquired are starting to pay dividends. And personally that's what I wanted to see. Still sad to see Bethesda owned by Microsoft but not the end of the world. Add all the ABK stuff on top of this and I think it would have spoiled it.


I don't get it, Microsoft are breaking the rules or cheating? They bought a lot of RPG devs in Obsidian, In-Exile, and Bethesda. Frankly, what they showed barely even look like RPGs compared to some of their past games.
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