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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate |OT2| "OT" means Official Thread!

Those monster hunter moments are golden. I had one yesterday: I was fooling around with the GS (never really used it) on the 2x volvi, 2x jaggi g rank quest, to get comfortable timing level 3 charges.

Anyway, at some point Volvidon tripped and landed on his back. I positioned myself right in front of him, charge, hit him and combo'ed into the upward swing where the GS is thrown overhead, behind the back. In the same exact moment Volvi stood up and jumped over me, but i hit him mid-air with the tip of my GS. He fell to the ground like brick, where i could finish him off with another 3-level charge.

I love the GS already!

GS for life yo. I don't even care if it is probably the least complicated weapon in like the whole game - it rules.

Oh! I know you G-rankers won't care but I am now rockin' my Rath Soul Set in high rank. So I went through all of low rank and most of high rank only getting a single Ratholos Ruby. I ended up getting TWO Ratholos Rubies in a ROW from two High Rank Azure Raths (one from each). And fate must have been with me because I got all 5 slimes I needed from just two Brachy runs to upgrade one of my GS to the Dios Blade+.

One negative thing with this game is that just when I get my gear (armor/weapons) upgraded to a good place, that is when it seems that I have few quests left to do and then its onto the next higher rank of quests where my gear will go back to being newbie level again (comparatively). 8[

EDIT: Forgot to add, and of course as we all know, once you get to the next rank of quests, its time to start that upgrade treadmill ALL over again...

But this game is boss and never stops being fun. Even single player.
I've wanted replays in MH games so bad since forever. At least there was a screenshot plugin on the PSP if you had CFW.


I'm so bummed they took out the killscreen. :(
Finally....Rathalos Ruby....after like 30+ Azure Rathalos. The best part is that it dropped 2x ruby on that last Azure Rathalos!

Btw, is Rath Soul armor from Azure Rathalos good? Or should I just go for G-rank and ignore that? (Hammer user)


Man the thing I'm most cheesed about Nintendo is game notes on the 3DS. It takes a screencap, but they don't give you the ability to save it as a picture.

I have a +7 Charmer +5 Status charm.
Had a lucky mine on a Destroyer +5 charm which allowed me to put together a decent build. I'm still pissed about the charm table shit though.

I guess it's time to go through and complete all the Tavern quests I haven't done yet. That's how you level up your food to max, right?


OT2 title is even better than the first one!

Good hunts last night, Kyzon and Mileena; it was hilarious to hear Mileena complain about someone not being around to cook food for him, lol.

Getting a Mantle off that last Rathian hunt was preeeeeeeetty awesome; now that I have it, I expect that I will need to kill about 50 Rathalos to get his Mantle for my Rathian GS that has an unpronounceable name.

"I don't even see the point in doing this Rathian, I'm not gonna get a mantle" yea fuck you buddy


Had a lucky mine on a Destroyer +5 charm which allowed me to put together a decent build. I'm still pissed about the charm table shit though.

I guess it's time to go through and complete all the Tavern quests I haven't done yet. That's how you level up your food to max, right?

Quests labeled [Canteen] upgrade your food.


Man the thing I'm most cheesed about Nintendo is game notes on the 3DS. It takes a screencap, but they don't give you the ability to save it as a picture.

I have a +7 Charmer +5 Status charm.

That's what I need. Well just +4 I guess. Also looking for handicraft and the other typical useful rare stuff.

So glad they added off tv. Perfect time to farm while watching TV. I could xfer to 3ds but now I don't even have to do that.


After about 200 hours now of single player and completing every LR/HR quest.. i really want to continue doing the G rank stuff online. I'm currently halfway through HR6 and have never played online. Anyone who wants to play?


After about 200 hours now of single player and completing every LR/HR quest.. i really want to continue doing the G rank stuff online. I'm currently halfway through HR6 and have never played online. Anyone who wants to play?

I'll play!


Well I picked up a WiiU and this a few days back, and am up to 4* quests in single player. If there's still any low rank hunters around these parts, shoot me a friend request, I'd love to get some online hunting in.

NNID: ElGuapoMikor


okay, i opened a room:

12 G rank B > lobby 8 > GAF HR6
password is: gaf


btw, my NNID: ryzawy

add me!


just a tip, we usually make lobbies in free C lobby 9 so you'd probably get more GAFers if you made it there. Lots of us don't check here before we get on and go straight to the usual spot to look for GAF rooms.
Well I picked up a WiiU and this a few days back, and am up to 4* quests in single player. If there's still any low rank hunters around these parts, shoot me a friend request, I'd love to get some online hunting in.

NNID: ElGuapoMikor

About to add, NNID: Jakncoke.
I spent so much time prepping for the Black Diablos/Sand Barioth/Volvidon fight because I was worried I'd time out, but I wound up winning in under twenty minutes -_-

What's up with the multiple monster fights? Why do they have so little health? I barely got any rewards too.

I'm at G Rank now but I promised my friends back home I'd save it for them so I'm just hunting Bnahabaras for Entomotheos ;_;


Oh man, double monster fights can be straight up mean at times. I was doing the HR village P. Rathian/A. Rathalos fight, and they'd both be pushovers for me on their own. However, they decided to keep a constant stream of attacks on me and I just couldn't escape, causing me to cart twice. Thought I was screwed, but fortunately los went down pretty quick on my third life, and I was able to wrap up the quest pretty easily. Actually got a little mad at the game for a second there, though, lol.


No Scrubs
Oh man, double monster fights can be straight up mean at times. I was doing the HR village P. Rathian/A. Rathalos fight, and they'd both be pushovers for me on their own. However, they decided to keep a constant stream of attacks on me and I just couldn't escape, causing me to cart twice. Thought I was screwed, but fortunately los went down pretty quick on my third life, and I was able to wrap up the quest pretty easily. Actually got a little mad at the game for a second there, though, lol.

Gotta use dung bombs there bro. Use a bomb to drive off the spare.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";55801104]I spent so much time prepping for the Black Diablos/Sand Barioth/Volvidon fight because I was worried I'd time out, but I wound up winning in under twenty minutes -_-

What's up with the multiple monster fights? Why do they have so little health? I barely got any rewards too.[/QUOTE]

I think it's supposed to offset the fact that you're fighting multiple monsters, so you don't spend like 15-20 minutes trying to kill just one monster.

Typically, the more monsters you face in a quest, the less health they have in general.

(However, unstable intruders don't necessarily hold to this. This is why that Brachy in the Colorful Beasts quests takes a lot longer to kill than the quest monsters.)
Is there a damage chart for ballistia and cannons? I just made an Uragaan Z set just because i found i had all the parts for it, and I am wondering if the damage boost with Artillery skill is worth it compared to just going in with my hallowed jhen set with HG earplugs and handicraft

Don't launch when there is still an on going quest. Just how hard is it not to be a douche and follow simple mh etiquette?

I had my sights set where the monster was coming in and you launched me, and proceeded to try and do it again. I dunno what the fuck your problem is,Baldchart/Silphonica, learn to play with others in a respectful way.
Don't launch when there is still an on going quest. Just how hard is it not to be a douche and follow simple mh etiquette?

I had my sights set where the monster was coming in and you launched me, and proceeded to try and do it again. I dunno what the fuck your problem is,Baldchart/Silphonica, learn to play with others in a respectful way.

It's not a big deal. I like to play about. We were killing a royal ludroth in less than 2 mins.

I had no intention of launching you again, only walking near you with my sword out to make you jump. You over-reacted.

But in the end it doesn't matter, because my mum thinks im in trouble now with some local gang and she's shipping me off to bel-air.

Thanks very much.
I fucking hate, hate, hate underwater battles. They're not fun, they're not mechanically interesting, they're not challenging and they serve no gameplay benefit. All they do is slow the game to a crawl and make you hate the terrible camera even more than you did before. It's so hard to target specific body parts underwater, yet you're slowed down while the enemy monsters become more mobile.

I'm so glad they're out of the next game. One small improvement for such a mess of a series.


Got this game (and my Wii U) a couple days ago.

Haven't popped it in or played my Wii U at all yet since I'm afraid of that MH disease catching on.

I wonder if there's anyone left here still at low rank.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
hey guys,

Picked up the game today after being away from MonHun for a few years. In terms of charm tables, which tables should I be shooting for if I intend to go dual blade and other blades going forward?

Got this game (and my Wii U) a couple days ago.

Haven't popped it in or played my Wii U at all yet since I'm afraid of that MH disease catching on.

I wonder if there's anyone left here still at low rank.

I'll be down to play once I get some of the fodder quests out of the way.


hey guys,

Picked up the game today after being away from MonHun for a few years. In terms of charm tables, which tables should I be shooting for if I intend to go dual blade and other blades going forward?

I'll be down to play once I get some of the fodder quests out of the way.

Probably 10. I believe 6 is good for melee too.


Got this game (and my Wii U) a couple days ago.

Haven't popped it in or played my Wii U at all yet since I'm afraid of that MH disease catching on.

I wonder if there's anyone left here still at low rank.

I play low rank with other hunters. Usually I go naked and take my bow.


I'll be down to play once I get some of the fodder quests out of the way.

I'm thinking of playing offline for a while. Hopefully I haven't lost my MH skills (not like I ever had that much to begin with...) so I can catch up fast.

But thanks. Maybe in a week or so heh.


Just fought my first Diablos (5 star quest) and my Snow Slicers + absolutely destroyed him. Was a pretty fun fight too, he was really aggressive and constantly attacking .


Dammit, I was so happy that this shitty cellular internet was letting me actually play online. Well, at least I made it through a few hunts before disconnecting.

In other news, teleporting Steel Uragaans are unpleasant. I did manage to kill him after I dced though.


Dammit, I was so happy that this shitty cellular internet was letting me actually play online. Well, at least I made it through a few hunts before disconnecting.

In other news, teleporting Steel Uragaans are unpleasant. I did manage to kill him after I dced though.
Well it was fun while it lasted. That los still doesn't know what's happpened to him.


Oh man, had the hardest time with Purple Ludroth using the Gunlance in the Arena, though it was my first time using it. Did anyone get any sub-6 min runs using any weapon other than the HBG solo for that arena quest?


Dang two full GAF rooms. Anybody else on that wants to play? I'll make another and just do some mining while I wait I guess.


Someone explain to me the difficulty of offline solo vs online solo vs online with a group. I thought it scaled linearly, but online solo seems especially tough.


Someone explain to me the difficulty of offline solo vs online solo vs online with a group. I thought it scaled linearly, but online solo seems especially tough.

The attack power of the monsters is the same online and offline apparently. The HP is scaled down for Tanzia Solo, but it is definitely higher than the Village.


Someone explain to me the difficulty of offline solo vs online solo vs online with a group. I thought it scaled linearly, but online solo seems especially tough.

Online/Multi is scaled for more than one player, but Moga Village/Offline Tanzia is scaled for 1 player. If you got to the solo Tanzia Port then the monsters will be stronger than village, but weaker than online. It's where you can solo the multi quests, and how I solo'd a bunch of G-Rank stuff.


I really feel this game is at its best with two dudes (including Cha-Chas I guess) with a bunch of items to make up the difference if necessary. The fun of cooperation is there, but it isn't a crutch.


After a full day of hardhorn farming, I finally got 2 to make that final blos GS, victory tastes so sweet T_T
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