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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate |OT2| "OT" means Official Thread!


So what would be an alternative against poison types like Raths and Giggis?
Just knowing their moves so you don't get poisoned in the first place is always best. I just take antidotes to those fights but only really end up using a few at most. Rathian and Los' poisoning attacks are pretty obvious and easy enough to avoid. Giggi's a bit more annoying but not too bad really. Not enough for me to want a skill taking up precious slots to negate it.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";55819016]I fucking hate, hate, hate underwater battles. They're not fun, they're not mechanically interesting, they're not challenging and they serve no gameplay benefit. All they do is slow the game to a crawl and make you hate the terrible camera even more than you did before. It's so hard to target specific body parts underwater, yet you're slowed down while the enemy monsters become more mobile.

I'm so glad they're out of the next game. One small improvement for such a mess of a series.[/QUOTE]

I don't think water battles are that bad; they diversify the gameplay and Plesioth can be fun when you get its pattern down. Yesterday, however, I was fighting Lagi in the Flooded forest and the tiny areas combined with all the vegetation made for a really frustrating experience. Then Plesi decided to show up and things got even more fun.
I got two Lagi mantles out of it, so I'm not complaining too much.


Cheers dude, that was pretty fun. Apologies for my shit gunning. I think half these people were randoms btw. Like, za warudo? Who the hell even calls themselves that? Why it doesn't even sound like a real person! ;)

Haha, your gunning was awesome. Then again, I've never seen or played with a gunner, so what do i know :D

Well, then thanks to all of the randoms :p
Cheers dude, that was pretty fun. Apologies for my shit gunning. I think half these people were randoms btw. Like, za warudo? Who the hell even calls themselves that? Why it doesn't even sound like a real person! ;)

Heh, yeah that does sound stupid!



I don't think water battles are that bad; they diversify the gameplay and Plesioth can be fun when you get its pattern down. Yesterday, however, I was fighting Lagi in the Flooded forest and the tiny areas combined with all the vegetation made for a really frustrating experience. Then Plesi decided to show up and things got even more fun.
I got two Lagi mantles out of it, so I'm not complaining too much.
You don't know how jealous I am right now :(


Haha, your gunning was awesome. Then again, I've never seen or played with a gunner, so what do i know :D
Yeah that might be why then!


Heh, yeah that does sound stupid!

Hahaaha! ;)
don't cry bro!


Gunning is fun !
I love helping with status effects and focusing on out of reach breakable parts.
Unfortunately being easy to cart (and piss poor) is the downside...

I'll be online in an hour.


The thing is I don't even really need them, on the other hand I can't get Brach Pallium. The desire sensor is too cruel :(
Got one of those yesterday helping someone on their HR6 urgent. I don't need it.

Cacpcom! Bring on the RMAH already dammit!
lol no, please don't!


Got one of those yesterday helping someone on their HR6 urgent. I don't need it.

Cacpcom! Bring on the RMAH already dammit!
lol no, please don't!

You know what? I don't need it either. It's not like I want to upgrade my weapon or anything.

Maybe there will be a RMAH in Monster Hunter Online (the Chinese game made with Cry Engine 3) but I think the main series is safe.


The HR7 volcano harvest tour is the best quest to farm for ores/ancient shards/charms, right?

Got one of those yesterday helping someone on their HR6 urgent. I don't need it.

Cacpcom! Bring on the RMAH already dammit!
lol no, please don't!

that someone was me :(


The HR7 volcano harvest tour is the best quest to farm for ores/ancient shards/charms, right?

that someone was me :(
Right, and, apologies, I did that quest like 3 times yesterday and I didnt remember which I did with whom or what I got in which!


Got most of the village stuff done.

My Moga forecasts have been awful though with mostly just Arzuros' and Qurupecos :(. I need those good commodities.


Yay Boo, I got 2 Brach Pallium at once. Cold Day in Hell (2X 5% chance) + Good Luck + Ultra Lucky Cat + Capture Master did it.

BTW, does anyone know if (Ultra) Lucky Cat and Good/Great Luck stack?


Neo Member
Got most of the village stuff done.

My Moga forecasts have been awful though with mostly just Arzuros' and Qurupecos :(. I need those good commodities.

Sometimes it's worth going in there anyways. Stuff can spawn after you clear what's in the forecast. I killed a Deviljho and Brachy this way.


Made a set with Elemental Attack Up, Sharpness+1, and Partbreaker. Now I don't need to farm for a bunch of different sets for each element.



Free F -> Lobby 8 -> Room name = GAF!

A tip for maximized GAF hunting: Free C > Lobby 9 is where we usually make lobbies, so you'd probably get more GAFers there. Lots of us don't check here before we get on and go straight to the usual spot to look for GAF rooms.

Just heard it yesterday myself!

I've shamelessly stolen this sentence from Mileena :(
A tip for maximized GAF hunting: Free C > Lobby 9 is where we usually make lobbies, so you'd probably get more GAFers there. Lots of us don't check here before we get on and go straight to the usual spot to look for GAF rooms.

Just heard it yesterday myself!

I've shamelessly stolen this sentence from Mileena :(

I'm sure Mileena won't mind... :p

Should I just go to Free C > Lobby 9 instead?


yeah 2 spots left for usual gaf place free c -> lobby 9

usual password when you quote the OT, don't know how to do this
Ok so I just had the coolest fight in my life last night. The Stygian Zinogre is quite possibly the most awesome encounter in this game. I am now farming him for his gear. I love this fight. This game doesn't disappoint.


Playing with GAFfers brings luck: 4 brachy gems, 1 brachy pallium in two fights. My luck is forever gone.


Suddenly getting 106-0612 errors, argh.

Poking away at troubleshooting and DMZs and stuff but literally nothing has changed on my network since I played for like 4 hours on Friday.
Is slime a normal element or a status effect? If it's an explosive it should be a status effect, right? Just wondering whether or not it's affected by affinity.

I've made 2 other G rank sets (Narga X and H.Jhen) and I'm working on a couple more but I'm noticing its almost too ideal since I use DS a lot. Crit Eye +3 is a crazy investment that I'm not going to get in another armor unless its built in. With Sharpness +1 it'd be perfect.

Kind of disappointed since it was the first G rank armor I made and there isn't anything clearly superior I can work towards


Why do you want Crit Eye for Dual Swords? Affinity doesn't affect elements.


I have a question concerning the multiplayer: If I do quests at the Solo Port Tanzia, does it also count towards the Multi Port Tanzia? Just wondering because im a 3DS player and probably wont be using Multi much, but I might in the future.


I have a question concerning the multiplayer: If I do quests at the Solo Port Tanzia, does it also count towards the Multi Port Tanzia? Just wondering because im a 3DS player and probably wont be using Multi much, but I might in the future.

Yes, they count. And vice versa.


I don't think water battles are that bad; they diversify the gameplay and Plesioth can be fun when you get its pattern down. Yesterday, however, I was fighting Lagi in the Flooded forest and the tiny areas combined with all the vegetation made for a really frustrating experience. Then Plesi decided to show up and things got even more fun.
I got two Lagi mantles out of it, so I'm not complaining too much.

Most would say that's for the worse, no need to change what is already perfect. Capcom seems to agree as well otherwise they wouldn't be removing underwater from MH4. It's the only thing holding MH3U back from being a 10/10 game imo


Gah game is impossible to research information for. I noticed in the ultimate version the Ludroth set has Marathon Runner while the Barroth set does not have it anymore. So does this make Ludroth set one of the best sets for hammer users? It's an easy set to get early on too.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";55928488]Is slime a normal element or a status effect? If it's an explosive it should be a status effect, right? Just wondering whether or not it's affected by affinity.[/QUOTE]

Slime is status. Enemies do build resistance to how fast you can get it to go off.

Why do you want Crit Eye for Dual Swords? Affinity doesn't affect elements.

Does affect raw damage though. And given how fast DS attacks, that extra damage through affinity stacks up pretty significantly.
So I've managed to solo ALL quests through level 8 and all but a couple of 9 star quests and the
urgent quest to fight Deviljho
just opened up. I figure, eh, I've faced him before in a couple of quests when he's shown up and learned to respect his enraged mode but I've never actually killed him. I've made it through every single quest the first time I've tried it except the first time I faced Duramboros (I forgot to bring traps and just ran out of time whittling down his health) and the first time I faced Ceadeus. I've never carted three times in any quest and failed it.

Now, normally, I only ever bring the following to fights I expect to be tough:
10 pots
10 mega pots
10 honeys
energy drinks
dung bombs
tranqs, traps, and stuff to make new traps

I travel light and I've never had to bring a bunch of miscellaenous stuff with me like drugged meat, flash bombs, etc.

So I figure, eh, this should be a tough fight, but I just built my Rath Soul set that I took out
Ivory Lagiacrus
EASILY with in the first try (that was a pushover fight) and I've got my Ancharius Sword which is about as good a GS as I can get at my rank but just in case I actually added a couple of Max Potions to the mix, figuring if I get carted then at least I can get up to max health again after a cart.

Can I just say
holy fucking shit
?!?!? What the HELL do I do against this guy? I haven't gotten slapped around that hard since MHFU days. Not only is his rage mode total BS but I have to keep my health topped off at all times in case he decides he wants to

Any suggestions for a GS user besides the obvious "don't let him hit you"? I mean - holy crap they take off the kid gloves with this guy and it totally took me by surprise. I even had my Shakala's setup for support and everything.



So about that urgent 5* quest: How the hell do I finish it? I've been hitting Ceadeus for 35 minutes and it still wasn't enough :/.

I'm using Rineblade Longsword.
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