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Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate |OT2| "OT" means Official Thread!


My armor is progressing at a rate that is very slow compared to what I'm fighting. I've been wearing Jaggi armor all the way to Aknator or w/e his name is because I was trying to make a Rathian set... then I decided to forget that and make a lagi set (still need a horn and a lightcrystal), but now I feel that is already outdated. Don't recall having this problem much with Tri, then again I played the single player more there.


my first major mp session has just concluded! Thanks to festwill, silphonica, mupod, stormhorn, hattori, za warudo and kingicy for vaulting me into HR7! You guys are awesome. hope to play again tomorrow :)


Gaf, anyone want to hunt a bit? I need to murder some duramboros+whatever you wanna do.

The gaf room that's up is full :(

I'll make one, usual place, name Kyzgaf, no pass

Edit: Orrrr not. GF want's to play, lol so high rank it is

Edit 2: or not some more, she can't connect


So should I buy the circle pad pro for my 3ds XL? Been playing this game without it, imagine it might control better with. Does Gamestop sell? Or its only through nintendo store


That was the biggest goddamned Zinogre I've ever seen.

Fitting, then, that there would be two Skyemeralds in his stomach as rewards. :D


Regular Diablos is really easy to farm if you remember to bring Sonic Bombs and Flash Bombs. You can get him stuck on the ground for long periods, giving you free access to the horns.

Black Diablos has the same problem as Agnaktor; Sonic Bombs only work when a monster isn't in rage mode, and there is rarely ever a point where Black Diablos is not raging. By the time you even get over to the bombs, she's leaping out of the ground, carting you into oblivion.


Just got to G-Rank. I've been using Lown Sword the whole time. Still enjoying it, but want to diversify. Thinking about picking up Bowgunning. What early G-Rank armor and bowgun should I be working to craft?


How bad is attacking Gobul with something that has water damage, like the ludroth hammer? It's all i have.

Basically, you just get zero usage from the water attack element. If the raw attack alone makes it still your best weapon, bring it anyway.


my first major mp session has just concluded! Thanks to festwill, silphonica, mupod, stormhorn, hattori, za warudo and kingicy for vaulting me into HR7! You guys are awesome. hope to play again tomorrow :)
Cheers dude, that was pretty fun. Apologies for my shit gunning. I think half these people were randoms btw. Like, za warudo? Who the hell even calls themselves that? Why it doesn't even sound like a real person! ;)


Beat Ivory Lagi offline, so I at least finally hit the credits. The video for doing so was pretty great. Of course that wasn't much of a "final boss," but whatever. Can it even go in the water at all? I know it's at least more land based, but I've never seen it even get near the water.

Anyway, guess I'll start filling in the quests I haven't bothered with yet in order to finish up SP, and of course keep working at the online stuff bit by bit.


Eventually DLC will make them a random set of items the granny sells.


YES!!! can't wait x)
Is there a better armor set for Dual Blades than Rath Soul Z? Whenever I think about moving on from it I can't imagine not having Crit Eye +3 and Mind's Eye. Easily slottable HG earplugs is nice too
Is there a better armor set for Dual Blades than Rath Soul Z? Whenever I think about moving on from it I can't imagine not having Crit Eye +3 and Mind's Eye. Easily slottable HG earplugs is nice too

Im sure, you just have to make some sacrifices for new benefits. Do you only use DS?

I alternate between LS and GS of which i now have 8 maxed out in each, and 15 G rank armor sets for almost any occasion.

If you dont move on and try to make more shiny new stuff, what else will keep you playing?


I played too much MH today. My head hurts.

Animal Crossing is coming, once it hits I'll have to decide which to play argh!
Im sure, you just have to make some sacrifices for new benefits. Do you only use DS?

I alternate between LS and GS of which i now have 8 maxed out in each, and 15 G rank armor sets for almost any occasion.

If you dont move on and try to make more shiny new stuff, what else will keep you playing?

I've made 2 other G rank sets (Narga X and H.Jhen) and I'm working on a couple more but I'm noticing its almost too ideal since I use DS a lot. Crit Eye +3 is a crazy investment that I'm not going to get in another armor unless its built in. With Sharpness +1 it'd be perfect.

Kind of disappointed since it was the first G rank armor I made and there isn't anything clearly superior I can work towards

HR3 acheived, and finished the full rathelos set with the hammer! Sharpening my blade has never been so easy. Totally addicted to MH, and always looking to play with anyone!

NNID therealbeatris


Bah, I'm done fighting Rust Durams for tonight. I didn't get one duramite thingy :/

edit: durambolite, it's called durambolite


I'm starting to get superstitious with drops. My wife and I fought Jhen 7 times and I didn't get a single earth dragongem. Decided to let her start the quest and I get a total of 4 the next 2 times dropping him.

I dunno... From now on we're gonna have the other start the quest when looking for drops. try it next time you're having desire sensor problems.
Are you doing the advance quest with 2 Rustys, cause I got mine on the first try with that

They're about as rare as mantles actually

You were extreeemely lucky

Even if I get one I have to go back to farming L.Narga for a moonshard. Thought I was done with that guy ;_;


Are you doing the advance quest with 2 Rustys, cause I got mine on the first try with that

I did that a couple times, did the rust/normal one, and also the normal rust quest. It's just not dropping for me.

The weapon I want it for isn't even that good either, it just looks cool. (Duram Scythe)


Neo Member
Here's a tip: you can combine items during a quest, abandon the quest, get the combo list filled in, and still keep your items.

Time to farm a few more slickaxes to make this go faster. Considering throwing knife combos, that makes sense. I was dreading wasting slickaxes on LR / HR mats just to fill out the combo book.


Junior Member
Well, after farming for flintstone by beating the snot out of Qurupeco (and testing my new video capture card with a video you can see here), I noticed I had almost enough resources for a really good switch-axe. I've never used one before. One hunt later and I got a brand new axe. I gotta say....

WHY HAVE I NOT BEEN USING THIS BEFORE?! It's glorious! It's got the damage of a hammer, but faster and the cutting ability and reach of a long sword. It's the best of both worlds! The only downside is you're very slow while it's drawn and you have to do a reload on occasion. Other than that, it's awesome.

I may still do hammer and long sword quests from time to time, but I'm never touching Sword and Shield, Great Sword or even dual blades again.


Neo Member
It's got the damage of a hammer, but faster and the cutting ability and reach of a long sword. It's the best of both worlds!
The attack stats are made of people... I mean, multipliers - don't believe their lies!

Divide your hammer numbers by 5.2 and your switchaxe numbers by 4.6 and let the mindbombs drop.


Such a good Moga Forecast. Steel Uragaan, Zinogre, Rathian, Lagiacrus. Still no jho though, need 7* commodity... Maybe i get lucky after capping all of them ^_^
Was online all day and reached HR7, which means mining spree at the volcano!

But jeez, those G Rank monsters, even the Great Wroggi, are brutal. No. That's not the right word.

Speaking of which, I managed to complete my Wroggi X set and nearly upgraded it. Unfortunately, I learned that it doesn't have the faithful "Poison Negate" skill that the previous ranked sets had. So, I had to improvise and use decorations to add it back in.
So once I hit HR 6 I'm officially G Rank?

And G rank is from HR 6 to the cap??

And now it's actually worthwhile to make as many armor sets as possible???


Was online all day and reached HR7, which means mining spree at the volcano!

But jeez, those G Rank monsters, even the Great Wroggi, are brutal. No. That's not the right word.

Speaking of which, I managed to complete my Wroggi X set and nearly upgraded it. Unfortunately, I learned that it doesn't have the faithful "Poison Negate" skill that the previous ranked sets had. So, I had to improvise and use decorations to add it back in.
Poison Negate is one of the crutches I found really useful in solo play low rank missions but found grew less and less useful as the game went on.
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