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NBC: Ivanka Trump Has Huge Chinese Fan Club Worshiping ‘Goddess Ivanka’

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Honestly it doesn't seem that weird to me.
So weird how asian cultures seem to worship white women. Shit is scary to me.

Not necessarily women. My brother and sister in law live and teach in China, and my nephew is 2 years old, blonde hair. They get stopped all the time and people want to take photos of him. I think it's mainly the blonde hair. He stands out.
I can confirm it does happen in the Chinese forums I hang out.

I think half of them are "wumao" (as in, semi government paid shills, who are shilling Ivanka for an unknown angle, and they always bring up Ivanka in any pissbaby related threads) The rest of them are doing it sarcastically, the same way the Chinese posters only refer to Sola Aoi as "Sola Senpai." It's a running joke.
Astroturfing is everywhere!


Junior Member
I mean, she is pretty goddamn hot. And well spoken too. And hot.

But my opinion on her wanes every day. She doesn't really deserve benefit of the doubt when she's a legit source of Trump's power.
So she is presidential based on her looks alone. Have we really sank this low?
So she is presidential based on her looks alone. Have we really sank this low?
Ever since John F Kennedy and presidential elections being on TV, appearances have mattered a whole lot so yeah that plays a big factor. Doubly so for women because we're still in sexist cultures. A lot of people don't bother reading up on what the candidate's policies or platform are. They rely on what they're fed by the media. Celebrity status matters. It's sad but that's how you've got to work the system now.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So she is presidential based on her looks alone. Have we really sank this low?

I don't think anyone said it has to do with being "presidential." She's not the president.

This isn't complicated: she's the daughter of the most powerful person in the world and she's gorgeous. That's not to say she doesn't have her own good and bad points independent of her appearance, but those aren't very likely relevant to random people who live in a highly-censored country that has no concept of United States politics.


It is astounding just how many people from how many countries can be conned so many times by this rotten family and "brand". The Trump family demonstrates every day that a very large proportion of human beings want to be fooled, for whatever the hell reasons.


Part of me wants to say that the idolization of people/celebrities in Asian countries ex Korea, Japan china always seems just over the top and ridiculous, but then I'm reminded that the Kardashians are a thing and people like Taylor swift or Katy perry are also ridiculously idolized so I just think the whole world is lost

Bold One

she´s hot as fuck so i understand them

For real?


Never understood the appeal, her sort of lifestyle and silver-spooned success is everything people should be against.


Junior Member
I don't think anyone said it has to do with being "presidential." She's not the president.

This isn't complicated: she's the daughter of the most powerful person in the world and she's gorgeous. That's not to say she doesn't have her own good and bad points independent of her appearance, but those aren't very likely relevant to random people who live in a highly-censored country that has no concept of United States politics.
She has no redeeming qualities other than her looks. No one has to say it but it's true. Show me an article that praises what social/political positions that she has publically backed and not half assed. Even her business skills are garbage based on big name companies dropping her products.


At the Mar-a-Lago summit between President Donald Trump and China's President Xi Jinping earlier this month, her 5-year-old daughter Arabella sang a traditional Chinese song to Xi and his wife. Trump posted the performance on her Twitter account and it has been watched by millions across China.

Arabella had already become an internet superstar in China after Trump posted online videos of her reciting a classical Chinese poem and singing a song she learned for Chinese New Year. It was seen as a touching gesture at a time when many in China are worried about President Trump's China-bashing rhetoric.
I didn't know that the Trumps were pandering so much to China and that it's actually working.


I guess gaudy plastic people are popular everywhere. Who cares what people have done, it's all about how blonde their hair is.

Culture has really gone to shit hasn't it?
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