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NBC News: U.S. May Launch Strike If North Korea Reaches For Nuclear Trigger

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Junior Member
Yeah, but the difference between NK and other nations is that NK is the only one (in recent years) that openly threatens to use them against the U.S.

The us is also the only country to bomb the shit out of them (Korean War). NK has been threatening the US for decades. It's just bs propoganda from the regime and also gives them a buffer from China or the US deciding they can just do a regime change. I don't see what warrants a preemptive strike especially with Seoul in the balance.

NK isn't going to launch any nukes out of nowhere because of MAD. They might if they are attacked unprovoked by the US or anyone else.

A preemptive strike is literally the worst possible thing to do.
You don't think NK would launch nukes if they could? They live in a different reality than our own.

preemptively no

Yeah, but the difference between NK and other nations is that NK is the only one (in recent years) that openly threatens to use them against the U.S.

And why would they do that unless attacked?

I'm... not so sure about that. Gonna need to see the receipts.
building a nuke is rational if you chief goal is regime security
I'm... not so sure about that. Gonna need to see the receipts.

The receipts are more than five decades of being a rational actor and three successful transitions of power. Stupid totalitarian regimes kinda have a hard time pulling stuff like that.


Junior Member
How was NK able to get their hands on nukes to begin with? I for one, do not want NK to have capable nukes.

I believe Pakistan had quite a bit to do with helping the NK nuke program iirc.

I'm honestly more worried about the stability of the nukes in Pakistan than in NK or even a theoretical Iranian nuke program.

Pakistan seems most susceptible to extremist regime change or terrorists stealing a weapon. Iran and NK seem fairly stable and would seemingly have a better handle on nuclear weapons security.
The mixture of defeatist, sad attitudes and "stay safe" posts when the discussion is about ballistic and nuclear weapons makes me not want to follow many of these threads anymore.
Just curious, because I know this is some super paranoia type bullshit. But how possible would it be for North Korea or Russia or whatever to nuke Brussels? Does Europe have any type protection against that kind of shit?

No, no country can fend off a large scale nuclear attack. Only the US, Israel, and Russia (Moscow) have a known ICBM defense system. Europe does have some medium range anti-missile systems. NK does not have the range to hit Europe.
How was NK able to get their hands on nukes to begin with? I for one, do not want NK to have capable nukes.
as other have mentioned Pakistan's chief scientist who created their nuclear weapon's program went rogue and started selling nuclear technology to Libya, Iran, and North Korea.

He used to be celebrated as a the father of the "Islamic Bomb" but after the whole scandal he was put on house arrest until 2009, where he is now a free citizen. The Pakistani government claims he went rogue and was doing this on his own. President Musharraf even made him go on national television to admit it as well as apologize to the nation.




No, no country can fend off a large scale nuclear attack. Only the US, Israel, and Russia (Moscow) have a known ICBM defense system. Europe does have some medium range anti-missile systems. NK does not have the range to hit Europe.

ICBM defense is mostly useless. Any attack would be many nukes with multiple warheads. Not physically stopping that


The us is also the only country to bomb the shit out of them (Korean War). NK has been threatening the US for decades. It's just bs propoganda from the regime and also gives them a buffer from China or the US deciding they can just do a regime change. I don't see what warrants a preemptive strike especially with Seoul in the balance.

NK isn't going to launch any nukes out of nowhere because of MAD. They might if they are attacked unprovoked by the US or anyone else.

A preemptive strike is literally the worst possible thing to do.

I'm definitely not advocating a preemptive strike. I'm just saying that I wouldn't lump NK with other nuclear-capable nations. But I definitely wouldn't be bold enough to say that they "are't going to do anything." Nobody knows what they're gonna do.


Trump is washed out toupé sitting atop an empty husk of a man. He pathologically feels the need to prove himself and maintain his image. It's only going to get worse as his approval ratings plummet into the gutter. I would definitely be worried.


Junior Member
I'm definitely not advocating a preemptive strike. I'm just saying that I wouldn't lump NK with other nuclear-capable nations. But I definitely wouldn't be bold enough to say that they "are't going to do anything." Nobody knows what they're gonna do.

Trump is arguably less predictable than NK at this point. Under Obama you could pretty much say 100% the US will not preemptively strike NK.

Now it's maybe 50/50?

I feel pretty comfortable saying 99.99% NK isn't just going to nuke someone just because. If we hit them with a preemptive strike it becomes 50/50 they respond with a nuke.

I'll take the status quo scenario.

We are living in some sort of bizarro world.


I would not want to be in Seoul right about now. Jesus, if these idiots do anything stupid the loss of life could be catastrophic.


I bet every hawk in the Pentagon is pushing behind the scenes to tie up all the foreign policy and military loose ends while Trump's numbers are low. It must be like Christmas for these people to have someone so malleable, uninformed and desperate at the top right now.


This is just a bluff by the U.S, right? Like, "Haha! Tricked ya! Not actually gonna launch missiles if you test a nuke" right?


I mean, how does this end? NK prepping a test, we got a growing Armada just sitting out there when they weren't supposed to be. And you got Trump on twitter. GAF and world experts dont have anything on this.


Pentagon declines comment on NBC story on North Korea

The Pentagon on Thursday declined to comment on an NBC report about possible pre-emptive action against North Korea, saying, as a policy, it does not discuss future operations "nor publicly speculate on possible scenarios."

"Commanders are always considering a full range of options to protect against any contingencies," Dana White, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said in a statement. Reuters had queried the Pentagon about the report.

"Our commitment to the defense of our allies, including the Republic of Korea and Japan, in the face of potential threats, remains steadfast."

Source: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-northkorea-usa-pentagon-idUSKBN17G02B


This is just a bluff by the U.S, right? Like, "Haha! Tricked ya! Not actually gonna launch missiles if you test a nuke" right?
I would've assumed that... But I'm not sure Trump will be able to allow another blow to his ego and not launch an attack if a test goes ahead.
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