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NeoGAF Ban Review/Justice Project

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Mine is a joke :)



Rodent Whores
I got banned once for a pretty stupid reason. But then it got reversed 10 minutes later by Cyan. Thanks, you level-headed purple Drazi stuffed tiger, you. I wonder who banned me lol.


You might as well get prepared because they're never going to change. It's just who they are. The absolute worst parts of old GAF just copy and pasted themselves over there and they're running the show again. You will never be able to have a real discussion while sharing what you really think. It has and never will be tolerated/allowed.

It's only a matter of time until the site collapses on its on own bullshit.

Cut and paste*

And thank god for that.
For example, permanent bans are not instant on Era, even for junior accounts. That's a major change from GAF, where if a junior gets banned for any reason, it's a perm. Also borrowed from Era is that GAF didn't even issue warnings before, but instant bans. Also borrowed, is that people who are banned, you usually get a message on their account explaining why.

This is not true if you butt heads with certain people. The coward known as lionpride went blubbing straight to admin when I asked him politely to stop writing nigga everywhere, he sent me a few PM's and I told him that he looks like a fucking idiot, he was doing people of colour a disservice (myself included)
A few minutes later, no warnings no temp bans... account banned for....Racism.

So there you go!


Leftist this, leftist that.

I normally don't address posts that use "leftist" as a pejorative as it's own argument, because being "left" is neither an argument or a negative, but is just a dog-whistle for other conservatives to just nod in agreement regardless of any lack of substance in your post.

For example, permanent bans are not instant on Era, even for junior accounts. That's a major change from GAF, where if a junior gets banned for any reason, it's a perm. Also borrowed from Era is that GAF didn't even issue warnings before, but instant bans. Also borrowed, is that people who are banned, you usually get a message on their account explaining why.

As these systems were copied (Evilore would probably argue that an upgrade was always already planned, but the first to market gets the credit, and all others after are facsimiles), GAF isn't even consistent with the latter--some folks have been banned here with no explanation given to the community as to why they were banned.

(One of my favorite things to do is to backtrack in the post history of someone banned until I can find the offending post; that's not always possible here).

Neo-NeoGAF moderation policy now emulates Era's, so while you're throwing them under the bus, you should be thanking them, because now, the only way you get banned around here is by telling a moderator to **** off (Sambien, Naudi) or say you'll shoot your own people at the border (AranS).

(I don't even know what AngularSaxaphone did because they deleted his last three posts).

The fastest way to get banned on ERA is to be critical of sexual orientation. Even then, you'll get three tries:

1. warn
2. week ban
3. extended ban (multiple weeks to a month)
4. perm

Here, as a regular on old-GAF, if you even said "tranny," as I see folks doing casually in OT Community even though Evilore said this place is LGBT+ friendly, and that's a slur like the f-word, you would get basically two chances before a perm, and the first ban would be extended.

This post is a reason why I just ignore people who throw around "leftist" as an argument. This is a classic conservative tactic: say something full of shit, and then it's up to you to take 10+++ minutes out of your day explaining all the reasons why it's full of shit. The payoff isn't worth it in the long run, but I decided to make an exception here to make it known why I might not be replying to shitposts, and when I do, curtly.

The tranny thing is not true, and I recall correcting you on this before. RiskyChris was laughed off the forum in 2010 after complaining too militantly about it. Someone even had a tag that said “wanks to trannies”. Here’s the thread where most of it went down: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/can-...rs-other-recommendations-welcomed-itt.401886/

The current attitude towards the word is much more recent than you claim. I can’t pinpoint exactly when the culture switch happened, but I estimate it somewhere around 2014-15 (maybe EviLore EviLore can clarify). Funny that some of the members most vocally against RiskyChris in that thread flipped the hardest to the other side in the lead up to the exodus.

You act on emotion and twist the truth to suit your agenda far too often. Nonetheless, I like you and want you to stay, because you’re one of the few dissenting voices at the moment.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
after reading all this info about all the behind the back shenanigans and shadow bans etc, it made me realize that the time when all that was going on was the most browsable GAF had been for me in maybe a decade.

is that what an echo chamber feels like? i legit kinda enjoyed that time period.

Different strokes for different folks, but I personally preferred seeing people have different opinions and not walk on eggshells over every perceived slight against whatever minority group wanted to outrage that day.

Also I prefer my gaming talk without the ever looming presence of idiotic identity politics and overly sensitive people who can't ignore a game because it has boobs.

The tranny thing is not true, and I recall correcting you on this before. RiskyChris was laughed off the forum in 2010 after complaining too militantly about it. Someone even had a tag that said “wanks to trannies”. Here’s the thread where most of it went down: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/can-...rs-other-recommendations-welcomed-itt.401886/

The current attitude towards the word is much more recent than you claim. I can’t pinpoint exactly when the culture switch happened, but I estimate it somewhere around 2014-15 (maybe EviLore EviLore can clarify). Funny that some of the members most vocally against RiskyChris in that thread flipped the hardest to the other side in the lead up to the exodus.

You act on emotion and twist the truth to suit your agenda far too often. Nonetheless, I like you and want you to stay, because you’re one of the few dissenting voices at the moment.

I would argue that it the culture has been ongoing since around '12-'13, even beginning earlier in '11 - but it became its worst between '14 - '17.


Old Member
I got banned for 6 months for calling Lime out post-election, while they were trying to whip people up to take to the streets and do...something, I dunno. bish hit me with the very well-thought-out "well done" message.

Then I got hit for calling Slayven out when he was being pithy in a Hurricane Harvey thread, after I'd had a nice, relaxing day of hauling furniture and animals out of a friend's flooded house. I had another account on the site forever that I never used, but I had to call Hollywood Duo an idiot for his NeoGAF shirt avatar. That escalated the previous ban. That one was on me, but I hate that guy.

Oh, and then there was my very first one, where someone posted about an Imam getting shot in the head in Gaming side accidentally at the height of the No Man's Sky controversy, and I thought I was being funny and said it was somehow Sean Murray's fault.
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Gold Member
The tranny thing is not true, and I recall correcting you on this before. RiskyChris was laughed off the forum in 2010 after complaining too militantly about it. Someone even had a tag that said “wanks to trannies”. Here’s the thread where most of it went down: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/can-...rs-other-recommendations-welcomed-itt.401886/

The current attitude towards the word is much more recent than you claim. I can’t pinpoint exactly when the culture switch happened, but I estimate it somewhere around 2014-15 (maybe EviLore EviLore can clarify). Funny that some of the members most vocally against RiskyChris in that thread flipped the hardest to the other side in the lead up to the exodus.

You act on emotion and twist the truth to suit your agenda far too often. Nonetheless, I like you and want you to stay, because you’re one of the few dissenting voices at the moment.

The culture shift slide had its roots earlier than that and it was also a RiskyChris thread back in either '06 or '08 that brought such issues to the forefront on GAF for the first time. Around that time GAF was much like other boards at that time with image macro responses such as the Eric Estrada's "You're a Homo" and Admiral Ackbar's "It's a trap!" thrown about amongst others with nary a batting of an eye. After that though was when it started to change and we had posters coming out like teh Hamburgerler to the surprise of many (at the time).

It was also around this time that we started getting our daily "The World is a Horrible Place™" posts via Gaborn News (RIP) and it just seemed to snowball from there. The world wasn't fun and it was being thrown in our faces on a daily basis.

Hell, I recall Evilore attempting to curb a lot of that in either '09 or '11 that worked for all of a few weeks before it started up again.

Prior to both the above it wasn't that GAF didn't care it was that it wasn't really wasn't any priority for those of us gamers that had Off-Topic content to talk about.
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Hi everyone. Nice to be back to a GAF that isn't full of lunatics.

Nowadays on GAF, we have climate-change deniers, members constantly implying that black people have low IQ (JordanN), post after post bashing feminists, post after post bashing the left, posters that generally have a lack of empathy for others, the list goes on and on...

So I totally agree with you. Nice to be on a GAF that isn't full of lunatics :)


Rodent Whores
I can’t pinpoint exactly when the culture switch happened, but I estimate it somewhere around 2014-15
It was around the time the in-joke of a "mistakenly left open" tab to a website called Tranny Surprise started to be frowned upon. A search for that phrase might be illuminating. Or not.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Nowadays on GAF, we have climate-change deniers, members constantly implying that black people have low IQ (JordanN), post after post bashing feminists, post after post bashing the left, posters that generally have a lack of empathy for others, the list goes on and on...

So I totally agree with you. Nice to be on a GAF that isn't full of lunatics :)

Sounds like you're lacking empathy for a low IQ poster yourself :goog_unsure:

I kid, I kid. Jordan doesn't have a low IQ. It's unlikely anyone on NeoGAF does. He just hasn't seen much of the outside world first-hand probably. Hence idealizing everything about Japanese culture to an unrealistic degree and downplaying everything about African culture to an unfair degree. He's stuck in rigid rationalizations for his viewpoints that he can post about at length, but it's not because he's a Bad Person I don't think. When human beings are properly contextualized for him, i.e. in direct conversation -- even on an anonymous internet message board -- he treats everyone pretty respectfully without being asked to do. He doesn't treat other members here differently based on their alleged personal identity, particularly, that I've seen. Person to person he seems like a sweet lad and I don't see him act in a racist manner toward PoC gaffers.

On the internet everyone's generally guilty of Othering and dehumanizing some enormous subset of people. It's human nature. You're doing it too in this very post while you think you're overflowing with empathy. :goog_tongue:

I've been to Africa and I've been to Japan, so I can real talk about some of the good and bad first-hand as necessary, and I try to relay those experiences vividly and accurately to others to break them out of some silly notions. Part of how I try to steer discussion and increase thoughtfulness and properly contextualize all people as human beings on behalf of each other here, since we have folks from all around the world and all shapes and sizes and colors on NeoGAF, is through personal anecdote. I have all my receipts, too, and everyone with a good pair of eyes who's been here a while knows it. :goog_giggle:


How fitting that just 3 days after this thread opened I got banned from the other forum for merely saying that both the far right and the far left are problematic. "Inflammatory false equivalences" was the reason they gave me lol




Lol, did they perma you?

If you don't know about it, here's a dedicated thread you can post your stories and laugh at their outrageous shit: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/off-...ont-make-it-personal-keep-it-in-here.1462647/
Oh shit, thought Era was sort of taboo here but glad to see we can share stories and have a laugh. Will be posting mine there.

So far only for a week but it says it's under review and can get extended. If I get my account back I'll open a thread peacefully and respectfully calling them out, at least they'll prove my point when they perma ban me for it.


Oh shit, thought Era was sort of taboo here but glad to see we can share stories and have a laugh. Will be posting mine there.

So far only for a week but it says it's under review and can get extended. If I get my account back I'll open a thread peacefully and respectfully calling them out, at least they'll prove my point when they perma ban me for it.

Yeah, they've pretty much been the butt of jokes here, lol. Well, to be fair, they're pretty much the butt of jokes all over of the internet.

Definitely post that when you do that :D


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

How fitting that just 3 days after this thread opened I got banned from the other forum for merely saying that both the far right and the far left are problematic. "Inflammatory false equivalences" was the reason they gave me lol

Hitler and Stalin were both sufficiently bad to not really need to have a heated argument about which of the two was worse, right? Like when you're three years old you start reading books and stuff and go, "whoa, Hitler was, like, the worst guy ever!" But then you read the next page of your History of Western Civilization textbook and go, "oh, hold up, 40+ million body count and all these ongoing geopolitical consequences? Shit, maybe Stalin? :goog_unsure:" Then you debate it with the other kids while pretending to clumsily play with blocks. But then there's some contrarian nerd who walks over with his fuckin' Lincoln Logs and insists on bringing up Pol Pot or Mao and ruins a perfectly good debate you were having and you all team up and kick his ass.

Hitler or Stalin: both acceptable answers. Lincoln Logs: loser blocks.
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Sounds like you're lacking empathy for a low IQ poster yourself :goog_unsure:

I kid, I kid. Jordan doesn't have a low IQ. It's unlikely anyone on NeoGAF does. He just hasn't seen much of the outside world first-hand probably. Hence idealizing everything about Japanese culture to an unrealistic degree and downplaying everything about African culture to an unfair degree. He's stuck in rigid rationalizations for his viewpoints that he can post about at length, but it's not because he's a Bad Person I don't think. When human beings are properly contextualized for him, i.e. in direct conversation -- even on an anonymous internet message board -- he treats everyone pretty respectfully without being asked to do. He doesn't treat other members here differently based on their alleged personal identity, particularly, that I've seen. Person to person he seems like a sweet lad and I don't see him act in a racist manner toward PoC gaffers.

On the internet everyone's generally guilty of Othering and dehumanizing some enormous subset of people. It's human nature. You're doing it too in this very post while you think you're overflowing with empathy. :goog_tongue:

I've been to Africa and I've been to Japan, so I can real talk about some of the good and bad first-hand as necessary, and I try to relay those experiences vividly and accurately to others to break them out of some silly notions. Part of how I try to steer discussion and increase thoughtfulness and properly contextualize all people as human beings on behalf of each other here, since we have folks from all around the world and all shapes and sizes and colors on NeoGAF, is through personal anecdote. I have all my receipts, too, and everyone with a good pair of eyes who's been here a while knows it. :goog_giggle:

As you can see, I'm a new member here and my messages need moderation approval before they go through.

I'd like to make a lengthy reply to what you just posted and I'm interested in what your response to it would be. I'm wondering if you'd approve my message though?

Judging by your responses recently, and above, you seem like an ok guy. But I don't think you ever truly know how NeoGaf is perceived by an outsider and why that's important, because people don't separate the owner from the Forum, which will for sure cause you problems going into the future. I'd like to give you my view as an outsider and see what you think.
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Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
The 'Deputized' user is already a thing over there.

It's a running joke in other forums that when a BCT member is banned to say 'Slayven, can you sort this out' Hes their Bish and keeps them safe.
Same with Trans posters. One who is a bit crazy has been saved mutiple times and now has obtained a username change.

I dont get why certain groups are just allowed to come in and be above the rules and gain a protected status.


A new member who signed up yesterday but apparently is more than happy to throw dirt at the site and its members?

I was very much confused on that as well...

It's almost as if people, both official members and unregistered visitors, have been coming to this site for 13+ years and didn't just discover it yesterday.

I have no dirt to throw on you 2 as you haven't made any impression on me whatsoever with your various posts. You have nothing to be easily confused by.
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Note that I have not even started on my enormous list of accounts to review yet, since I've been storytelling above and handling individual PMs and email requests (by all means continue with the PMs and support@ emails as per the OP though, happy to help sort you out). Before the main review process even starts up, here's what we're looking at:

-Two ex-mods were working together to actively sabotage the site during the October drama by banning what appears to be hundreds of NeoGAF loyalists and reasonable people simply for not participating in the angry mob / witch hunt. I have both sets of logs in-hand and those will be the top priority to evaluate. :goog_mad:

-Three other ex-mods so far have been identified with multiple totally senseless permabans each in the same time frame back around the first week of the drama, that don't appear actively malicious, but are all unjustified and shouldn't have prompted any moderation action at all, never mind perms, so all of their bans are being pulled from the logs as well and will be reviewed. :goog_frown:

-All the temp bans that were in effect when we performed the vb --> XF migration look like they may have glitched and turned into permanent bans by mistake. We're pulling those logs now to confirm; if so, all will be reversed :goog_censored:

-The rest of the several hundred post-election stealth bish bans are on my list and will be fully reviewed, as noted :goog_geek:

-Seems I may need to reverse the majority of those...couple thousand....2016-2017 besada bans I mentioned earlier...... :goog_what:

-This is more of a gaming side matter and looking into it properly was on the agenda already to handle separately since the timeline stretches back quite a ways, but It appears another one of our ex-mods had a bit of a silent personal crusade going on, and based on four or five incidents I've come across so far, they were permanently banning anyone who so much as typed "gamergate" or hinted at all that they were not necessarily 100% pro-Anita or pro-Zoe in those stupid SJW vs GG battleground threads on gaming side, regardless of what was actually materially stated in the posts. Scope of damage TBD, but wouldn't surprise me if that turns out to be in the hundreds of users unjustly banned. Of the aforementioned handful of these I've been asked to review in the last couple days, no one was even saying anything negative, inflammatory, sexist, or hateful. Straight to perm, all extensively recorded in the proper channels with thorough user-facing explanations, just all of it's horseshit. :goog_confused:


I'll make it right.

Something I was curious about, was there any actual Sony or anti-Xbox bias in any of these banning sprees during this time? "SonyGAF" was always bandied about as a thing, but I don't know how much it really was.


Nowadays on GAF, we have climate-change deniers, members constantly implying that black people have low IQ (JordanN), post after post bashing feminists, post after post bashing the left, posters that generally have a lack of empathy for others, the list goes on and on...

So I totally agree with you. Nice to be on a GAF that isn't full of lunatics :)

Sounds like a pretty diverse place.
I'll just say that if you are reversing bans I have one that I'd like to mention as a possible reversal.

It happened I believe post Risky Chris but pre Den of Cunts and certainly pre-2016 election. I could have my timelines wrong but as someone who has been here for 11 years it can be hard to remember exactly.

Anyway, that poster's name is: Laramie


Unjustly perma banned at the crux of an online cultural shift. I haven't forgotten him, while he has toiled unjustly in the agony of bansville.

Anyway, it's great that this is finally starting to go through and a bunch of sensible posters are having their unjust bans reversed.

Once you get through that extensive list, I think there are many more posters unjustly banned in the past for pretty trivial things or questioning orthodoxy.

It might be an idea to look through some of the large ban graveyards or controversial threads from back in the day. I mean you've even admitted yourself that for example someone like Dragona was abusing her powers and banning many members without even proper warnings for trivial things. Then of course you have the ban-bait Devolution era that saw many a good, reasonable and moderate poster unjustly banned.

Obviously it's impossible to go through every possible unjust ban but to echo my sentiments from "When the Left Turns on It's Own" (I think that was the name): It might be a good idea to look at that as a longer term goal, a lot of very fun, lighthearted, intelligent and skilled people were banned over the years for silly things.

Also keep up the good work, the site traffic seems to be up and up each month. There are more posters and now with these ban reversals hopefully even more content. I'm not much of a "content creator", I'm more of a lurker but I will also try to do my part. I just need to find something I'm really interested in to post about.

Also I know you are reviewing bans from around October that were unjust. I'd just like to say that C++ is King was banned for essentially nothing and he was an amazing contributor to the Programming community thread. I think it would be great to see him unbanned.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
As you can see, I'm a new member here and my messages need moderation approval before they go through.

I'd like to make a lengthy reply to what you just posted and I'm interested in what your response to it would be. I'm wondering if you'd approve my message though?
This is standard for everyone. I am a greenhorn here aswell (Albeit a 10+ years lurker and former ERA member) but this is applied to everyone. A few good posts here and there will go a long way :)

Judging by your responses recently, and above, you seem like an ok guy. But I don't think you ever truly know how NeoGaf is perceived by an outsider and why that's important, because people don't separate the owner from the Forum, which will for sure cause you problems going into the future. I'd like to give you my view as an outsider and see what you think.
Sorry American, that seat is already taken. By me. ;)


It's almost as he has a mind of his own, unlike you trying to bully him.

Pointing out the easily identifiable is bullying? In what universe exactly? If it walks like a troll and talks like a troll, it's probably a troll. Now it's merely 13 years or lurking and only yesterday having decided to register?

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Pointing out the easily identifiable is bullying? In what universe exactly? If it walks like a troll and talks like a troll, it's probably a troll. Now it's merely 13 years or lurking and only yesterday having decided to register?

Hi again. I hope you can take time out of your busy day posting shitty gifs to tell me if there was a particular time I should have registered within the last 13 years that would have been pleasing to you?

You seem to have taken my first post incredibly personally, so much so as to label me a troll. So insecure.
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Something I was curious about, was there any actual Sony or anti-Xbox bias in any of these banning sprees during this time? "SonyGAF" was always bandied about as a thing, but I don't know how much it really was.
I believe so. Some mods seemed to be biased, like bishop (in my opinion). Xbox threads were always a shit show.


Hi again. I hope you can take time out of your busy day posting shitty gifs to tell me if there was a particular time I should have registered within the last 13 years that would have been pleasing to you?

You seem to have taken my first post incredibly personally, so much so as to label me a troll. So insecure.

Your first post was lazy, misinformed, and kinda dickish, but I think we can all move on.


Hi again. I hope you can take time out of your busy day posting shitty gifs to tell me if there was a particular time I should have registered within the last 13 years that would have been pleasing to you?

You seem to have taken my first post incredibly personally, so much so as to label me a troll. So insecure.



Your first post was lazy, misinformed, and kinda dickish, but I think we can all move on.

It is an accurate observation of what is nowadays represented on many threads throughout off-topic, and since you yourself regularly contribute to the categories I listed, it is no surprise you are both dismissive and defensive, just like the cat avatar guy above.
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It is an accurate observation of what is nowadays represented on many threads throughout off-topic, and since you yourself regularly contribute to the categories I listed, it is no surprise you are both dismissive and defensive, just like the cat avatar guy above.

I believe so. Some mods seemed to be biased, like bishop (in my opinion). Xbox threads were always a shit show.

Yeah, I mean it certainly seemed that way, but it would be interesting to see if there was anything else to that, or if it was just cunty console warriors being warriors. I see that shit still go on on Twitter.. and it's frankly embarrassing for both sides. If GAF was guided in a particular way with warnings and bans, it'd be an interesting capstone on that point in time.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
It is an accurate observation of what is nowadays represented on many threads throughout off-topic, and since you yourself regularly contribute to the categories I listed, it is no surprise you are both dismissive and defensive, just like the cat avatar guy above.

It is a disingenuous statement that seemed to be made only to start an argument, which is what led to confusion. None of what you stated is an "accurate observation of what is nowadays represented on many threads throughout off-topic". Please do better with your poor attempts at trolling.


It is an accurate observation of what is nowadays represented on many threads throughout off-topic, and since you yourself regularly contribute to the categories I listed, it is no surprise you are both dismissive and defensive, just like the cat avatar guy above.

Oh ok, let’s not move on then.

What you’re seeing is a return to normalcy with a slight over correction following an extended period of authoritarian moderation. This has been amplified in the last couple of days with the ban reversals of many people who were banned by the aforementioned authoritarian moderators. People have been curious about the topics you label as alt-right or whatever other nonsense buzzword you picked up from Buzzfeed. Of course people are going to want to discuss those topics after being censored and banned for even thinking about them in the past. It’s human nature.

If you want to call me out personally, quote me and we can discuss anything I may have gotten factually wrong. Otherwise, take your vague generalisation and shove it up your ass.


Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy
It is an accurate observation of what is nowadays represented on many threads throughout off-topic, and since you yourself regularly contribute to the categories I listed, it is no surprise you are both dismissive and defensive, just like the cat avatar guy above.
Perhaps consider taking your beef to PM with the person you want to address (Evilore) instead of trying to pick a fight with other people when you clearly aren't doing that with good intentions.
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Perhaps consider taking your beef to PM with the person you want to address (Evilore) instead of trying to pick a fight with other people when you clearly aren't doing that with good intentions.

I don't recollect being abusive first, or throwing around accusations of trolling. 'Picking a fight with other people when you clearly aren't doing that with good intentions'? Why, that almost sounds like something I'd read on Restera.

Oh ok, let’s not move on then.

What you’re seeing is a return to normalcy with a slight over correction following an extended period of authoritarian moderation. This has been amplified in the last couple of days with the ban reversals of many people who were banned by the aforementioned authoritarian moderators. People have been curious about the topics you label as alt-right or whatever other nonsense buzzword you picked up from Buzzfeed. Of course people are going to want to discuss those topics after being censored and banned for even thinking about them in the past. It’s human nature.

If you want to call me out personally, quote me and we can discuss anything I may have gotten factually wrong. Otherwise, take your vague generalisation and shove it up your ass.

I'm not even sure why you're bringing up this 'move on' shit in the first place, since one of my earlier posts was directed at Evilore, not you. Sure, it's nice to see a return to normalcy on this forum, what with endless posts calling feminism the worst thing ever, seeing posters imply black people have low IQ, the obsession with Resetera and the left-wing, the rock solid hard-on members have for Trump etc...

Actually, you're right. Let's move on. I'm not interested in talking to suck-up's and sycophants and people with cat and anime avatar's, but Evilore himself. I simply have a couple of questions for the good man. Speaking of Resetera, someone said this earlier:

Hoping for TheBore citizens to come back here. It would be humour heaven

TheBore was a dumping ground for people banned from NeoGAF and they'd spend their entire days bitching about NeoGAF and it's moderation.


NeoGAF's become a dumping ground for people banned from ResetERA and they spend their entire days bitching about ResetERA and it's moderation.

Kinda ironic how that worked out.

1 quick question for Evilore and hopefully we'll have a nice discussion. Here goes.

'If the October incident never happened, would you have 'corrected' the direction NeoGAF had taken, or would you have let it carry on it's aggressive, feverish state?'

You've stated numerous times you were afraid to step in to the madness. What would NeoGAF be like today if the October event never happened?


'If the October incident never happened, would you have 'corrected' the direction NeoGAF had taken, or would you have let it carry on it's aggressive, feverish state?'

You've stated numerous times you were afraid to step in to the madness. What would NeoGAF be like today if the October event never happened?

One can only deal with what is, not with what isn't in life. October happened. The site is what it is now. Given apparently seemingly anyone who didn't rage quit is a suck up or sycophant in your book, (because going to Reset was the only viable option?) and your low opinion of the posters here one has to wonder why you'd give up your 13 years of lurking to join us finally? Surely Reset would be a better fit no?

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I don't recollect being abusive first, or throwing around accusations of trolling. 'Picking a fight with other people when you clearly aren't doing that with good intentions'? Why, that almost sounds like something I'd read on Restera.

I'm not even sure why you're bringing up this 'move on' shit in the first place, since one of my earlier posts was directed at Evilore, not you. Sure, it's nice to see a return to normalcy on this forum, what with endless posts calling feminism the worst thing ever, seeing posters imply black people have low IQ, the obsession with Resetera and the left-wing, the rock solid hard-on members have for Trump etc...

Actually, you're right. Let's move on. I'm not interested in talking to suck-up's and sycophants and people with cat and anime avatar's, but Evilore himself. I simply have a couple of questions for the good man. Speaking of Resetera, someone said this earlier:

TheBore was a dumping ground for people banned from NeoGAF and they'd spend their entire days bitching about NeoGAF and it's moderation.


NeoGAF's become a dumping ground for people banned from ResetERA and they spend their entire days bitching about ResetERA and it's moderation.

Kinda ironic how that worked out.

1 quick question for Evilore and hopefully we'll have a nice discussion. Here goes.

'If the October incident never happened, would you have 'corrected' the direction NeoGAF had taken, or would you have let it carry on it's aggressive, feverish state?'

You've stated numerous times you were afraid to step in to the madness. What would NeoGAF be like today if the October event never happened?
"October" was inevitable. Things had been boiling up for so long. Something had to break eventually.


He didn't actually post that many bad news stories relative to the nice ones. And relative to the "regular" news, in fact.

Yep. Gaborn's posting was just news in general. It's just bad stories stick and good ones get forgotten in the minds of folks.


Gold Member
Yep. Gaborn's posting was just news in general. It's just bad stories stick and good ones get forgotten in the minds of folks.

Likely as I just remember all the bad news that went up.

And then all the others who also started to post other bad news but without the good.


Likely as I just remember all the bad news that went up.

And then all the others who also started to post other bad news but without the good.

That's the big thing. Lots of folks just started posting bad news and hardly any good stuff which made the atmosphere on the forum gloomier as a result. It's hard to remember the positive when you're surrounded by negativity.
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