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NeoGAF MARCH 2012 Pick-Up Post!! Show Us Your Gaming Goods (Real pics or BAN!)!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I've been meaning to import Seiya, but there's so many god damn EU to NA sites, that I don't know where to start. It's not like Japan where there's like... three big ones.


napkin dispenser
Now my Life's a Happier Song!


And more clearance Lego! ($5.00)

Sorry for the terrible phone picture.

I found a brand new copy of Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise that wasn't outrageously expensive and I jumped on it. Picked up Enslaved for $5 too, I hope its as good as people have been telling me.
And my Favorite pickup of the month, Cards Against Humanity!

AWWWWW YEAH. Fincher always goes above and beyond with his blu's; the Social Network blu was STACKED and this one is no different. So pumped to watch everything+commentary. What disc art did you guys get? I was hoping for Harriet+Martin but I got Lisbeth+Parade. Ah well.


some movies:


- Rec
- Rec 2
- Thor
- Captain America


- Alien Quadrilogy (a quadrilogy made of two movies. first time i heard of this)


- Independence Day (welcome to erf)

and some gaming:


- Resident Evil: Revelaitons


- Hori case for 3ds

Dragon Tattoo doesn't have a traditional Blu Ray case? That's a little disappointing. It looks nice by itself, but next to all my others it's going to stick out. The one thing I didn't like about The Social Network one.

Still gonna pick it up after work though.


Wanted to post this when I grabbed it on the 6th...


but couldn't because my 4 year old Macbook died the same day :( So, a new one! 15" Pro


And a few AC goodies finally arrived.
Game Boy Advance:

[B]Nintendo DS:[/B]

Holy Pokemon. Makes me miss my old collection... used to own a complete and mint (some sealed) collection of all handheld Pokemon titles up to Diamond and Pearl. Brings back great memories.


Stuff from the last couple weeks:


-The classic games and Turok were fairly cheap at Disc Replay and I got Octomania @ Gamestop for <$2.99!


-Found Wizard of Wor and Tom & Jerry @ Goodwill and finally found the others for decent prices.
DDR with the pad was only $20.50 new on Amazon.


-I've been getting into Hardcover guides lately and I got the top 2 cheap @ Half-Price Books and the FFXIII guides online.


-Got all of these Blu-Rays for $5 each (except Muppets and the 3-pack) at a Blockbuster that is closing by my Dad's house.
Ordered some nice Amaray replacement cases on Amazon and they're good as new!

Got some interesting stuff at Goodwill yesterday:

-All $0.89 each. I already had Watchmen but this copy was in better condition than mine!


-I've been interested in these knock-off systems and this one was only $4.99.
I guess it was supposed to come with a light-gun but I'm just happy it works!


-I've wanted a Miracle Keyboard since I was a little kid so I couldn't pass this one up at $19.99!
It doesn't have any of the cords unfortunately so there's not much I can do with it yet, but I plugged in a generic adapter and got it to power on so at least there's some hope! haha
First post in a pick-up topic! It's basic stuff/what you would expect for the most part, but I can't really afford much in short bursts. I'll post other things I bought these past few months later.






Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations (first one in the thread?)

Last print issue of US Shonen Jump. Pretty sad since this was the first way I found out about manga way back in '06

Game Informer AC3 issue. still haven't finished reading it. Who says print media is dying?
Nice! Got those two blus along with Battle Royale coming tomorrow from Amazon.

I actually bought BR (it arrived today as well) but it's actually a gift, so I didn't bother taking a pic of it. Since it's for a fellow gaffer, I figured I'd let them take a pic of their pick-up. :)
Make sure you always quit to the in-game main menu when playing Splinter Cell. Otherwise it could delete all your save data. It happened to me when I quit to the xmb only to find my saves were gone upon return.
Oh my god, what the hell is this?

Will it only erase my Splinter Cell saves?

Or it will delete all saves of every games my PS3 has?
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