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NeoGAF MARCH 2012 Pick-Up Post!! Show Us Your Gaming Goods (Real pics or BAN!)!




AWWWWW YEAH. Fincher always goes above and beyond with his blu's; the Social Network blu was STACKED and this one is no different. So pumped to watch everything+commentary. What disc art did you guys get? I was hoping for Harriet+Martin but I got Lisbeth+Parade. Ah well.

I didn't realize those were different. I got Harriet and Martin!



finally a decent Vita Case:

and some more movies:

- Cowboys and Aliens
- Predator

my pics always look so bad :(


Galaxy nexus with 'Best Skins Ever' protector.

Reading the wet shaving thread made me want to give it a try. Using only shaving oil though to speed up the process.
I had no idea the discs had different images for each set. Here are the ones I have.

Mikael & Lisbeth[IMG][/QUOTE]

*high five* I got that as well. I love that they're not full-face profile shots of the characters. They're identifiable without being explicitly so.
What are the extras like on the Dragon Tattoo blu?

They're utterly fantastic, really. Fincher has been overseeing the blu's since 2007; he always goes above and beyond for home video releases. If you have the Social Network blu, this is exactly the same. Amazing packaging/presentation, fantastic commentary from Fincher, and four hours of extensive BTS. Some of the BTS stuff is hilarious; there's a scene where they were filming in a courtyard in Sweden and sheep kept running through the frame and it's just a couple minutes of David Fincher going "What the fuck are we gonna do with these fucking sheep?"

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Wow those SD Perry RE novels..I think I read those like 15 years ago.. insane.


Cool stuff!! How is the Material Collection Disc? Was it expensive? I'm not familiar witht he series yet, but it's a nice initiative regardless!

Is the DS kanji dictionary difficult to use? The UI is all in Japanese, right?
It costs 3400 yen from Amazon Japan, so it doesn't seem to be that expensive. And according to one of the user reviews, the The Material Collection Disc (as the name implies) is nothing more than a collection of some demos (Gurumin, Sora no Kiseki FC & SC), a couple of movies (opening and in-game event scenes from FC, SC and the 3rd), a couple of full soundtracks, some calendar/normal wallpapers and PSP custom themes.

I have the Kanji Dictionary as well. It's not really that difficult to use, just kind of hard to figure out things in the beginning. You can search for English words and such with dictionary, but I rarely found any use for it myself.



Wow those SD Perry books... Last one I read was Code Veronica, but I have all of the books actually. Both RE and RE2 books for me are dog-eared and beat up - those were my favorites for sure.

The Uncharted book was pretty fun and a fast read - I enjoyed it.


slept with Malkin
Armored Core V

Grado SR60i headphones. Wanted something fairly cheap and that didn't need an amp to go with my HD600's.

New running shoes for the summer.
Hey Arnold! season 2 part 1, hot off the presses! It shipped with some of the inner-plastic bits busted, so I glued it back together.

And Sukeban Deka! It sounded dumb, so I thought I should buy it. Look at all that hair. ALL THAT HAIR.



So I finally decided to jump on the blu-ray bandwagon. These are the first movies that I bought (couldn't get Speed Racer, I'm still mad):



Pickups from the last two weeks:

Had to buy a new FFVI for my SNES, because the old one was broken. :(
Also, the official Capcom guide to MH3G sucks and I regret not buying the Dengeki one.



Kid Icarus, yay! Can't wait to finally play it. I also got Sine Mora off of XBLA and Tex Murphy: Under a Killing Moon and Thief 2 from GoG. I got Tin Tin and Hugo on Bluray about a week ago. No pics of those, sorry.



Got mines today as well. Only played for a little bit, but impressed with it so far. The music is the best in a Nintendo game since Galaxy 2.



March is portable month and I got KI for free :)

I got my 3DS in June last year and since then I've bought 20 DS games and 9 3DS games. Okay, I won a few games and I got several games on the cheap but still... handheld gaming dead? It's never been this alive for me :p

Finally got some of the games from last fall that I missed out on, and the Mass Effect art book. The copy of AC: Revelations came with a steelbook for my "Assassin's Creed Collection." Future Shop Canada really likes giving away steelbooks for games.




Is KI:U the first EU 3DS game with Nintendo Network logo on the cover?


One of my favourite games of all time finally on the VC :D :D :D
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