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New BLACK screenies


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Mr_Moogle said:
Thats my point exactly. The genre is in need of some innovation.....something to push it forward. I will be very dissapointed if all the next gen FPS games are just shinier versions of their predecessors.
Halo's actual play mechanics did push the genre forward, but its progression system was pretty standard (though still rather epic, due to the scale and expert scenario design).


xabre said:
Please tell me the enemy soldiers aren't turban wearing Arabs.


Take a look at the hat of the guy lying on the ground. It looks more like a Russian-styled hat than anything else, and the one on the other guy standing looks about the same.


Alex Ward got me into the closed door showing of Black at E3 this year and it blew my mind. The game (running on PS2 hardware) was simply phenomenal. It's easily my most anticipated PS2 title, and my most wanted right behind Zelda.

These shots are from that same demo that was shown. Just so you know, if you can see it, you can blast it to bits. I'm talking about walls, cars, people, or anything you find worth your time.

One of the coolest parts of the demo is when the player launhced a rocket into a bell tower causing it to crumble onto enemy soldiers below. It was such a stylish kill. I did some write up impressions of the demo. I'll see if I can find them and post them here.


FiRez said:
With that "gun-porn" and "the burnout of fps" references I hope it comes with a solid online component

Don't count on it. This game is focused primarily on the single-player mode. In fact, there might not even be a multiplayer mode from what Alex was saying.
Jeff-DSA said:
Alex Ward got me into the closed door showing of Black at E3 this year and it blew my mind. The game (running on PS2 hardware) was simply phenomenal. It's easily my most anticipated PS2 title, and my most wanted right behind Zelda.

These shots are from that same demo that was shown. Just so you know, if you can see it, you can blast it to bits. I'm talking about walls, cars, people, or anything you find worth your time.

One of the coolest parts of the demo is when the player launhced a rocket into a bell tower causing it to crumble onto enemy soldiers below. It was such a stylish kill. I did some write up impressions of the demo. I'll see if I can find them and post them here.



These impressions were written up by me quite hastily in the E3 press room. Forgive the unfocused and rushed nature of them...

Black Impressions

by: Jeff Rivera

Criterion, the developer of the famed Burnout series, has been developing a first-person shooter that is going to send the current generation out with a bang…a very loud bang. Black has been in development for quite some time, and according to the game designers at Criterion, the concept for the game begin five and a half years ago when games like Goldeneye were dominating the FPS scene. What began as a cool concept and part-time project has grown into one of the most intriguing developments in gaming today. Getting a peek at Criterion’s impressive project is a rare occasion, but thanks to a few pulled strings and contacts we were able to attend a closed-door gameplay demonstration.

The demo for Black, which was running on the PlayStation 2 hardware, was a jaw-dropping experience. The demo took place in a city environment where bullets, shrapnel, shattered glass, flames, smoke, bodies, and crumbling buildings dominated the player’s view. The demonstration opened with an explanation that there are many guns in the game but that one very important weapon that shouldn’t be forgotten is one’s own surroundings. The demonstrator used exploding cars, collapsing pillars, falling walls, and even a bell tower (brought down by a rocket launcher) to take out his enemies. The visuals were extremely impressive at this stage in development, but we were told that the build shown was only at about 50% of the expected visual outcome and only about 30% completed overall. The game features a sense of visual realism that dwarfs almost any other console FPS currently available, even with this very early build. The final package should be a visual treat like none other.

The sound effects were fantastic as well. As bullets whizzed past the screen you could easily tell from where the shots were being fired and how close to you they were hitting. Explosions rocked the environment in an almost constant fashion and the rumble of distant battles could be heard during the rare moments when either a building wasn’t collapsing or a car exploding on screen. Criterion is going to great lengths to make each weapon in the game sound exactly as it would in real life and that they are distinct in nature. During the demo we saw a pistol, machine gun, rifle, and rocket launcher amongst other weapons, and if I hadn’t been looking at the screen I could have identified the type of weapon being used without problem just by the spot-on sound of each gun. Hearing a bell tower fall to the ground after a rocket blast in Black is a very satisfying thing.

As for the gameplay shown, that was the most impressive part of the showing. The demo showcased just how many ways a player could progress through the level. Choosing your weapon is important based on if you are close to your enemy, what kind of cover he has, if there is more than one, and if you are above or below them. At one point the player was pinned down behind a half-destroyed wall for cover on the street while several enemy soldiers attacked relentlessly. To progress, the player lobbed a hand grenade into a window above the soldiers, which caused the upper level of the building to crumble down upon the attackers. Like Criterion said, your environment will be one of your best weapons. After all, taking out ten guys with a crumbling brick wall is faster, cooler, and easier than picking them off with a rifle from afar or spraying the screen with a machine gun up close. Of course, if the gunplay is more your style, Criterion says that’s just how you should approach the situation. Just remember, this operation is overt, not covert by any means. Criterion mentioned that you don’t win a war by sending a guy in a cardboard box to sneak around, but rather by sending a group of heavily armed lunatics into the front lines.

Alex Ward, executive of producer at Criterion, had a few comments for us regarding the gameplay. To quote Alex, he said, “We are very excited that Black is coming together as well as it is. It’s very loud, and it’s very cool. Black will do for first-person shooters what Burnout has done for racing. If you love guns, it’s like gun porno.”

Black has been one of my most anticipated games for any console since I heard of its concept. The future looks very bright for Black and Criterion. At the present time media wasn’t allowed to take video or pictures of the demo, but trust me, it was a sight to behold. Keep checking in with AMN as we’ll continue to watch this game closely. Look for Black to launch on the PlayStation 2 and Xbox in Spring 2006.
Jeff-DSA said:
Alex Ward got me into the closed door showing of Black at E3 this year and it blew my mind. The game (running on PS2 hardware) was simply phenomenal. It's easily my most anticipated PS2 title, and my most wanted right behind Zelda.

These shots are from that same demo that was shown. Just so you know, if you can see it, you can blast it to bits. I'm talking about walls, cars, people, or anything you find worth your time.

One of the coolest parts of the demo is when the player launhced a rocket into a bell tower causing it to crumble onto enemy soldiers below. It was such a stylish kill. I did some write up impressions of the demo. I'll see if I can find them and post them here.


2006 is still looking like a great year for the PS2. Does anybody have a listing of many of the games? Not including the yearly/massively multiplatform titles

I know of: Black, FFXII, Rogue Galaxy, Phatasy Star Universe, Tomb Raider: Legends, Tales of Legendia, Onimusha 4, FF VII: Dirge of Cerebrus, but there are probably a few others I'm missing
sonycowboy said:

2006 is still looking like a great year for the PS2. Does anybody have a listing of many of the games? Not including the yearly/massively multiplatform titles

I know of: Black, FFXII, Rogue Galaxy, Phatasy Star Universe, Tomb Raider: Legends, Tales of Legendia, Onimusha 4, FF VII: Dirge of Cerebrus, but there are probably a few others I'm missing

ya that line-up is great. Who needs PS3 when you got all those games coming out in 2006

You missed Grandia III and some other Square Enix RPG's


sonycowboy said:

2006 is still looking like a great year for the PS2. Does anybody have a listing of many of the games? Not including the yearly/massively multiplatform titles

I know of: Black, FFXII, Rogue Galaxy, Phatasy Star Universe, Tomb Raider: Legends, Tales of Legendia, Onimusha 4, FF VII: Dirge of Cerebrus, but there are probably a few others I'm missing
wanda and the colossus


Jeff-DSA said:
Don't count on it. This game is focused primarily on the single-player mode. In fact, there might not even be a multiplayer mode from what Alex was saying.


IMO too many games these days lose focus due to the needs of tacking on multiplayer elements that not many people can actually play (relative to the entire console owning population)

Give me a solid single player experience first please.


wow, whatever this game is it looks like the perfect example of generic....... what's with the same damn concrete texture on every building???

Criterion? ... I'll give it another gander in a few months.


Junior Member
sammy said:
wow, whatever this game is it looks like the perfect example of generic....... what's with the same damn concrete texture on every building???

Criterion? ... I'll give it another gander in a few months.

I count 15 distinct buildting textures. Threre is probably more. Nice troll.


Gek54 said:
I count 15 distinct buildting textures. Threre is probably more. Nice troll.

No kidding, there are varied textures all over the place.

Are we sad this isn't coming to the Cube, is that what this is?


BLACK is impressive, but FEAR will steal its thunder in regards of gun action visuals IMO.

However, they are quite different type of game, and for what I have seen, both will rock, so no problem at all.


Gek54 said:
I count 15 distinct buildting textures. Threre is probably more. Nice troll.

DANG! 15 whole concrete textures! 'cause that really goes a long way, when youre art-direction is so supurb.

Pardon my trolling, but I expected something a little more inspiring out of a 2 page thread where people were acting like their minds are being blown-away. Killzone may have been ass, but there was a nice inspiring art-direction that painted an interesting and emotional universe.

But, like I said - I trust Criterion.... and will likely pick it up out of trust that it'll be fun.


Junior Member
sammy said:
DANG! 15 whole concrete textures! 'cause that really goes a long way, when youre art-direction is so supurb.

Pardon my trolling, but I expected something a little more inspiring out of a 2 page thread where people were acting like their minds are being blown-away. Killzone may have been ass, but there was a nice inspiring art-direction that painted an interesting and emotional universe.

But, like I said - I trust Criterion.... and will likely pick it up out of trust that it'll be fun.

How does this have better art direction?

OMG this game sucks becuase it has the same concrete texture! Sooo generic!


Gek54 said:
How does this have better art direction?

OMG this game sucks becuase it has the same concrete texture! Sooo generic!

Yeah, good example. Halo has some of the most repetetive textures you can find, but it doesn't make the game generic in the least.


Gek54 said:
OMG this game sucks becuase it has the same concrete texture! Sooo generic!

OT: No that game sucks because isn't even the shadow of the original, btw H:CE had better textures



is still boogles my mind how they lost the attention of detail (not only in the textures) in the sequel.


Gek54 said:
OMG this game sucks becuase it has the same concrete texture! Sooo generic!

I can't see what your first shot is, I'm just getting the dredded red-X

yes, Halo2 epitomizes 'generic' --- there's barely anything stimulating or challenging about its sci-fi universe (a shame too, since they never utilized Mullin's concepts very well) ...... I still had fun though.


sammy said:
I can't see what your first shot is, I'm just getting the dredded red-X

yes, Halo2 epitomizes 'generic' --- there's barely anything stimulating or challenging about its sci-fi universe (a shame too, since they never utilized Mullin's concepts very well) ...... I still had fun though.
HALO is generic? Holy fucking shit....I must have a different idea on what the word means....fuck...no way anyone can argue against you...they'd still loose even if they won
Artistically speaking I don't think FPS have ever been strong in that area. They're usually the games that showcase high powered engines though. I'd say the 2 most recent FPS with the best art are Killzone and FEAR.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
dont forget half life 2. THe last level looked freagin amazing! And for all the crap Doom 3 gets, it has very clear art direction and feels like no other.

Musashi Wins!

SolidSnakex said:
Artistically speaking I don't think FPS have ever been strong in that area. They're usually the games that showcase high powered engines though. I'd say the 2 most recent FPS with the best art are Killzone and FEAR.

I hereby bet Criterion does a better game engine than Guerilla :lol


Mr_Moogle said:
Thats my point exactly. The genre is in need of some innovation.....something to push it forward. I will be very dissapointed if all the next gen FPS games are just shinier versions of their predecessors.
Geist to the rescue. :)


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
The complexity of the indoor areas was a lot better in Halo 2, but the outdoor areas did look worse due to the textures.

Artistically speaking I don't think FPS have ever been strong in that area. They're usually the games that showcase high powered engines though. I'd say the 2 most recent FPS with the best art are Killzone and FEAR.

Half-Life 2 has some of the most detailed environments, and SWAT4 isn't really cutting edge but stuff like the kidnapper's basement had the right feel too it. Most UT2004 maps look good as well.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
sonycowboy said:

2006 is still looking like a great year for the PS2. Does anybody have a listing of many of the games? Not including the yearly/massively multiplatform titles

I know of: Black, FFXII, Rogue Galaxy, Phatasy Star Universe, Tomb Raider: Legends, Tales of Legendia, Onimusha 4, FF VII: Dirge of Cerebrus, but there are probably a few others I'm missing
the only ones that interest me in that list are Tales of legendia and FFXII, but those two will be enough for me, along with Zelda: TP and a load of other games I still have to finish.
This looks and and sounds sweet! Thanks for the impressions Jeff-DSA.

Man, where is the damn video of this?! Behind closed doors?! It's the eve of this generation coming to a close and they are pratically still hiding it away!!

As for the Halo generic comments....bitches please!!


I guess I need to see it in motion because it look rather bland, derivative, and boring to me.

Yes, you need to see it in motion. I assure you that "boring" is the last word you would use to describe it.


It'll run smoother, i'm sure of that. But looking at it, its very bland in comparison to Killzone.

IMO Guerrilla still has to prove they can develop good games. Their concepts are great and there is some solid artistic values on their works, but they are not very good with gameplay. I can´t compare properly both games, but I´m sure BLACK will be not only more technically advanced than Killzone (1), but, at least, much more fun.
Phoenix said:
But can I use bland or derivative :D

Bland perhaps, but derivative? I really think people should stop overing using that word, it loses all perspective and relativeness especially in regards to the entire FPS genre, I don't even know what's not been touched in this genre anymore.


butthole fishhooking yes
The first thing I do when I pop in a new FPS is look down at the ground texturing. If it's not ultra realistic, I turn the game off.


Wario64 said:
i wish this game was on xbox. i hate playing fps on a dual shock :|

It will be.

So everything is destructible, but is there real physics applied? To use Jeff's example, if I shot the tower somewhere else would it topple in a different direction?


But can I use bland or derivative

hahaha, well technically speaking is very far from being bland, but you can´t appreciate it with screenshots. I understand it how it can look boring and the same that other FPS just looking images, but it´s all about its action.

Maybe you won´t like the art, or the background and maybe the final game will be bad designed and will have poor scenarios (it could happen). But even in that case I´m sure that the shooting of this game will impress you enough to keep playing. As someone pointed here, its quite hypnotic and the feeling is superb.
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