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new saints row footage


Games run worse on beta hardware? WTF?

The hip-hopping up of these free-roaming games is mostly just embarassing.....it inevitably feels like something thought up by a bunch of goofy white guys. :lol @ "We've got the Homie System!" In ten years we will look back on these titles be somewhat like we look back on blaxploitation cinema, except without any of the positive role models.

Will this game be off the hook like Nintendogs?
border said:
Games run worse on beta hardware? WTF?

do you people say this in hopes that everytime you do someone will decide NOT to buy a 360? i mean this is the only phathomable reason i can think of epecially when its been explained time and time again that the games have to be re-written to the new hardware.


i really want this game to rock.im nuts for gta style games,but i expected some things were better this gen.no cars or scenery pop up and good framerate,ok its a betta but im so sceptical abut devs promises


Lunar Aura said:
do you people say this in hopes that everytime you do someone will decide NOT to buy a 360? i mean this is the only phathomable reason i can think of epecially when its been explained time and time again that the games have to be re-written to the new hardware.

Hahahaha, "phathomable"

Anyway, yeah, this definitely is not impressive in the least. But it's just a launch game from Volition/THQ, not indicative of much.


Lunar Aura said:
do you people say this in hopes that everytime you do someone will decide NOT to buy a 360? i mean this is the only phathomable reason i can think of epecially when its been explained time and time again that the games have to be re-written to the new hardware.

actually, I agree with border.

I'm sure the reasoning behind the code running like shit is the new kits have proper CPUs, therefore no OOOE etc, whereas the alpha kits used standard G5s *with* OOOE.

The question I have to ask is: Why the fuck were devs writing any OOO code, knowing they would be working on a platform that didn't support it? In order code will still run on a G5.
mrklaw said:
actually, I agree with border.

I'm sure the reasoning behind the code running like shit is the new kits have proper CPUs, therefore no OOOE etc, whereas the alpha kits used standard G5s *with* OOOE.

The question I have to ask is: Why the fuck were devs writing any OOO code, knowing they would be working on a platform that didn't support it? In order code will still run on a G5.

Simple answer is that some people just didn't realize how drastic the difference would be. The good news is that Microsoft is very very good at providing tools to the developers. There are several very good profiling tools that show you exactly where you need to optomize your code, there is nothign to worry about IMO.


Well considering that MS's excuse all through E3 was "Wait for the beta kits", it seems confusing. This thread is the only time I've seen this issue come up.


mrklaw said:
Why the fuck were devs writing any OOO code, knowing they would be working on a platform that didn't support it? In order code will still run on a G5.

No such thing as "OOO code" and "In order code".


Well considering that MS's excuse all through E3 was "Wait for the beta kits", it seems confusing. This thread is the only time I've seen this issue come up.

The CPU is less powerful (in some areas -- more powerful in others) but the GPU is way more powerful (and supports features the alpha kits were lacking such as SM3.0). The XDK has a long sheet comparing all the differences between the alpha kits and the final hardware and the advantages/disadvantages of both. It doesn't come as any surprise to developers.


Stinkles said:
Rockstar knows it needs to fix its graphics and gunplay. Saints Row looks like it took a robust 3rd person shooter scheme and then added the GTA sandbox, which IMO makes it better in that regard already. Everything that's cool about GTA gets ruined when you actually fight.

But GTA is probably going to look better than this next-gen. Probably. You never know.

I was hoping for a 3rd person shooter control schema, way back after Vice City was released. I posted it on this forum, I shoulda mailed R*, because they tried fixing the aiming, but TPS gives you complete control.


flarkminator said:
Well honestly, some games I can see your point, but I mean. Seriously, did you watch the video, this isn't LIKE Gta, this IS Gta. Heh.

Hey my bad flark I have seen the video now. It does look EXACTLY like it to a tee. I don't think this is a smart idea. What happens when R* makes GTA4 totally different like they did with GTA2 --> GTA3. Wouldn't this game look dated?


Sal Paradise Jr said:
This just made my purchase list. The 2nd half of the vid just rocked.

Am I the only one getting a feeling that -from a gameplay standpoint- this game might actually surpass GTA? Too early to tell, but it's looking really good.

Man please. What the hell kind of statement is that!! :lol
mckmas8808 said:
Hey my bad flark I have seen the video now. It does look EXACTLY like it to a tee. I don't think this is a smart idea. What happens when R* makes GTA4 totally different like they did with GTA2 --> GTA3. Wouldn't this game look dated?

All games look dated when a new game comes out. Thats the nature of the business. What matters is right now. Does this game look fun right *now*, does it look graphically nice right *now*. And the answer is that it looks decently fun, and the graphics are good for a first attempted 360 title.


My issue is that it looks like a clone of what people who don't play GTA think of GTA. Basically the random violence and hookers. From what I've seen so far it lacks the charm and storyline that really make the GTA experience complete.
sangreal said:
My issue is that it looks like a clone of what people who don't play GTA think of GTA. Basically the random violence and hookers. From what I've seen so far it lacks the charm and storyline that really make the GTA experience complete.

It lacks the Satire that makes GTA so amazing.
mckmas8808 said:
Man please. What the hell kind of statement is that!! :lol

I didn't know I was being a comedian.

You make it seem like GTA is some sort of bedrock of solid gameplay mechanics, like controlling your character, the car he's driving, the combat systems, shooting. Have you even played the series?

I have no choice but to consider you a tool if you can't see that it's not impossible to improve the formula. But continue :lol :lol :lol your way out.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
mckmas8808 said:
Man please. What the hell kind of statement is that!! :lol

GTA could easily be improved upon man, I didn't see anything in that video that made it look worse.


sangreal said:
My issue is that it looks like a clone of what people who don't play GTA think of GTA. Basically the random violence and hookers. From what I've seen so far it lacks the charm and storyline that really make the GTA experience complete.

I agree, but the gameplay looks SOLID.

Art direction...not that great but not horrible, some of the cars look bleh, and the city doesn't look too extremely interesting, but the physics, control mechanics, weapons...looks pretty solid to me.

If it had online play, it'd be an instant buy for me. Otherwise I'll rent it and have some fun.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Fight for Freeform said:
I agree, but the gameplay looks SOLID.

Art direction...not that great but not horrible, some of the cars look bleh, and the city doesn't look too extremely interesting, but the physics, control mechanics, weapons...looks pretty solid to me.

If it had online play, it'd be an instant buy for me. Otherwise I'll rent it and have some fun.

it DOES have online play! of course its all deathmatch and deatmatch styled objective games... but still


This *does* look like a solid game....it has better graphics than Grand Theft Auto 3/VC/SA, but it should as its on a next-gen system...

Still, it looks like a "connect the dots" version of GTA....a polished up emulation, if you will...

The best part of GTA, to me, are the amazing set pieces....like playing a movie.....It will be intresting to see how Saint Row is in this regard but Im sure we will have to wait until the game ships to find out since I doubt Violation wants anyone to see much of the story elements of the game quite yet...


Sal Paradise Jr said:
I didn't know I was being a comedian.

You make it seem like GTA is some sort of bedrock of solid gameplay mechanics, like controlling your character, the car he's driving, the combat systems, shooting. Have you even played the series?

I have no choice but to consider you a tool if you can't see that it's not impossible to improve the formula. But continue :lol :lol :lol your way out.

its not the first gta clone who tries and failed miserabily


Then if it controls as well as it looks, I'm buying it.

Imagine a CTF mode! Bases are at either end of the city, and the flag is being held out the window of the car you drive. Say you steal the flag, are you going to hop in the sports car, or the semi? It'd be very interesting since there are so many different scenarios, dealing with the vehicles, the weapons, and the city.


Zer0 said:
its not the first gta clone who tries and failed miserabily

It hasn't failed yet.

You are either a time traveller from the future, or you are just being an idiot. The latter scenario is far more believable.
By the time this game is ready to be released sometime in the spring of 2006, Rockstar will be starting its hype machine for the next gen GTA which should make this game look like a PS1 in comparison.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Amused_To_Death said:
By the time this game is ready to be released sometime in the spring of 2006, Rockstar will be starting its hype machine for the next gen GTA which should make this game look like a PS1 in comparison.

Why is it people get this conveinent amnesia with GTA, those games are not pretty. They feature broken gameplay. Of the genre leaders, this game is the the easiest to surpass.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Why is it people get this conveinent amnesia with GTA, those games are not pretty. They feature broken gameplay. Of the genre leaders, this game is the the easiest to surpass.

Have you played any of the GTA games from start to finish?

Because you'll note that there are a lot of good things going for GTA, and while I agree it has it's problems, it is far outwieghed by the good. Gameplay on the whole for the GTA series is quite solid, and not "broken" as you put it. Some things could be done better, but that doesn't mean what's out there now isn't playable.

Now, it's not as easy as identifying the flaws and fix them, games like this are massive in scope.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Fight for Freeform said:
Have you played any of the GTA games from start to finish?

Because you'll note that there are a lot of good things going for GTA, and while I agree it has it's problems, it is far outwieghed by the good. Gameplay on the whole for the GTA series is quite solid, and not "broken" as you put it. Some things could be done better, but that doesn't mean what's out there now isn't playable.

Now, it's not as easy as identifying the flaws and fix them, games like this are massive in scope.

Spontaneity is the greatest asset to the GTA series. Yes, I've played all 3. I have all 3. Gameplay, once you get out of the car, makes you want to fight the TV. All the added elements they add to the game are great. Those just contribute though. Control, is a defining feature, and about 30-40% of game, it sucks.
Agent Icebeezy said:
Why is it people get this conveinent amnesia with GTA, those games are not pretty. They feature broken gameplay. Of the genre leaders, this game is the the easiest to surpass.
Which is why there have been so many successful challengers.


all the gta clones suffer from one thing....

THE JAGGIES!!!!!!!!!!!!

thankfully this saints row doesn't. Woohoo.


Agent Icebeezy said:
Spontaneity is the greatest asset to the GTA series. Yes, I've played all 3. I have all 3. Gameplay, once you get out of the car, makes you want to fight the TV. All the added elements they add to the game are great. Those just contribute though. Control, is a defining feature, and about 30-40% of game, it sucks.

Well my opinion is a bit less harsh on the controls. I think it's playable (not as bad as MGS3's controls), but needs improvement (which they've been trying to do, but the simplest solution would be to go with a TPS format).

Again, I think it can be surpassed, but it's not easy! These games are massive in scope...
well, that video didn't show much that was new, but i am still impressed by what seems to be a competent shooting system and the pretty good lighting... it really just looks like a fun game... then again, i had fun with true crime...


Looks ok. Lighting is good. The pop in and level of detail effects are really bad for a next gen game though. It's the first thing I noticed when watching the vid. Hopefully this is fixed before launch.

Also, this game looks more like a free roaming 3D shooter than GTA clone.
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