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Nintendo Switch Preorder Thread (U.S.)


Quick update then going to bed.

Call amazon cs again and this time they said they had no record of my previous call or the discount. I asked the rep to please let me speak to a supervisor and after a few minutes of waiting, was patched through. I explained the situation, asked why there is no record, and if Id really be receiving my Switch by monday? She went on to tel me that they are unable to give me the discount and at first, asked me if I was willing to wait for the item. At this point I started to become agitated but remained cordial and firm. I told ger that I understood none of this is her fault but did ask her to explain to me why I was told different things. After a kittke back and forth, she assured me that my Switch would arrive no later than monday and gave me an Amazon credit in the amount of 20% of my order.

Im not sure what is going on but some of you may want to check on those promised discounts if you have received an email. The supervisor sent me a confirmation email refarding the credit but Im not holding my breath on the Switch. Id love to be wrong though. In the meantime Ill be keeping an eye out for other places to buy one.


Did your card get charged for the Switch? Would be super shady if they charged it and didn't ship it this weekend.
No I haven't been charged. I just spoke to another rep and she said she has no idea whyy order didn't ship and is forwarding my issue to an investigation team. So more nothing.


I called customer service and got a supervisor on the line. All she told me is that I am guaranteed to get my Switch tomorrow during the day.

If this doesn't happen, I''ma be pissed.


I called customer service and got a supervisor on the line. All she told me is that I am guaranteed to get my Switch tomorrow during the day.

If this doesn't happen, I''ma be pissed.

I'm not sure but i think a lot of people have been told pretty adamantly that they will get it tomorrow. If amazon is that confident then it is looking good


Yeah my roommate is fuming that I got mine from Amazon, but his was delayed till tomorrow lol. I'm a good person so i let him play some zelda while i was working on a report paper. My condolences to anyone who has to wait till tomorrow, but you waited this long, so what's a day more right?
I'm not sure but i think a lot of people have been told pretty adamantly that they will get it tomorrow. If amazon is that confident then it is looking good

Amazon insists that I'll get mine tomorrow, but UPS keeps stating Monday. I'm hoping they're just covering an "at the latest" thing...


Just spoke to another Amazon rep who said my Zelda order is ready, its just waiting to be shipped with my Switch. But he also said Amazon has pulled the Switch from their website and had no other info on why my Switch order was not fulfilled. I'm done with even thinking about it until I get more solid info.

Edit: This rep also told me he had no idea why the other rep said I can expect to receive a Switch mid-march. This rep said he had literally no info to indicate a mid march order fulfillment. So what the hell is going on at Amazon?


Good God... "cow" seems extreme?

The person in that tunic weighs less than 90 lbs & looks to be 150 cm tall.

Maybe an adult lamb but not a cow...

Sarcasm? Or did you not notice the cow mask? Either way this post amuses me.


Neo Member
Oh man finally, I got a shipping update! The Switch and Zelda are shipping via Amazon carrier and arrive Saturday by 8pm. Still never preordering on Amazon again, but at least it wasn't a multiday delay like I feared.


Did you get Switch Hardware from Amazon on time today?

I just wonder if only some people got screwed maybe they allowed more pre-orders than they had?

i preordered right away on january 13, but i was also a bit antsy when the master edition was scheduled as ready to ship while the other stuff wasn't. so on wednesday i contacted customer service and they upgraded everything to one-day shipping. it sounded like more of a formality, since it was probably all in a nearby distribution center anyway. out in orange county, ca.


I have been playing Zelda docked and man did the console get super hot .. I pulled it out and shut off the screen so that it can cool down an bit .. anyone else have this happen?
Also sometimes the system doesn't dock correctly because it's not charging and no connection to the tv.. I have to pull it up and down a few times .. then the green light comes on and everything works.
I have been playing Zelda docked and man did the console get super hot .. I pulled it out and shut off the screen so that it can cool down an bit .. anyone else have this happen?
This is the preorder thread, friend...A lot of us didn't get our Switches yet lol. Try out the main Nintendo Switch thread. I did read a lot of reviews saying that though, in regards to docked temperatures.


This is the preorder thread, friend...A lot of us didn't get our Switches yet lol. Try out the main Nintendo Switch thread. I did read a lot of reviews saying that though, in regards to docked temperatures.
Yeah I was one of those people as well. Amazon f up my order .. so I went out today and got lucky... will go in the other thread to see what's been going on.


Alright so mine just got a USPS tracking number. Now all of a sudden the tracking info says it was shipped yesterday at 2pm...


Out of curiosity, what was the shipping status before that?

Arriving today by 8pm. Had to tracking info at all. All of a sudden I get a text alert saying it shipped and it is expected this Sunday. So I hop on my desktop and check it out. Tracking info now says it was shipped 2pm yesterday. USPS site says the label was made at that time and some courier has it in Jersey.
Seeing all these posts about Amazon fucking up is so strange. I managed to order a console for my brother with Amazon Now at 2:30am Friday and it was on my doorstep at 8:30am... How are they dropping the ball so hard on people that preordered the minute it went live? Its crazy.


My Amazon order was scheduled to be delivered today but like a lot of you guys it never showed. 1st Amazon rep guaranteed it would be delivered on Friday. 2nd was only slightly more helpful and said it should ship on Sat. Just got a notification that it shipped and is scheduled for delivery on Sat. For reference I live in the Bay Area and my Switch is shipping from Stockton.

Fingers crossed it actually shows.


Unconfirmed Member
My Amazon order was scheduled to be delivered today but like a lot of you guys it never showed. 1st Amazon rep guaranteed it would be delivered on Friday. 2nd was only slightly more helpful and said it should ship on Sat. Just got a notification that it shipped and is scheduled for delivery on Sat. For reference I live in the Bay Area and my Switch is shipping from Stockton.

Fingers crossed it actually shows.

It's weird in the Bay Area. A friend of mine, a few towns away had his change to a Monday shipping day, earlier in the day. Mine is still stuck in the "8pm" nonsense. I just want a date or something to go by! We have a few Amazon warehouses in the area, so it's really silly :/


Better late than never I guess.


Hopefully the forwarding company I'm with has it delivered to me by Thursday.

On the plus side, I'm still paying less than what it's sold for here, and got $50 off :V

def sim

Of course after support assured me my order will arrive today at noon, I get a notification telling me it'll actually arrive tomorrow by 8PM.

I don't mind waiting, it's just a videogame system, but the shoddy service from Amazon is incredibly disappointing.


Mine still has no change from the normal BS that it said for everyone who didn't get one..but I got a USPS notification and in myusps account it said it was an item shipping from Amazon so hopefully that is both my Switch and Zelda. Probably won't be here until Monday or MAYBE Sunday since it is Parcel Select shipping.


does anyone who got one from walmart know if their is supposed to be a seal covering the box so you know its brand new?


does anyone who got one from walmart know if their is supposed to be a seal covering the box so you know its brand new?
No seal of any kind. Not a great idea, but that's what it is. NES Classic was the same deal.

That fact certainly makes buying from resellers a little less confidence inspiring.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
so how am i supposed to sell this as a brand new unit then????
lol, I don't think you're gonna get much sympathy from folks here if you're reselling. It's pretty clear once you open the box that it's in new condition, though. But don't get your hopes up too much; it seems like there's a fair amount of these to go around.


so how am i supposed to sell this as a brand new unit then????
For the meager profit these are turning on eBay, you might just return it to the retailer. At least you'll have complete peace of mind that you'll get your money back. Without a seal, a little less security is enjoyed by buyer and seller.
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