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Nintendo Switch Preorder Thread (U.S.)

K' Dash

Gold Member




So a question to everyone who bought it( mine didnt arrive yet).does it have sealing on the box you need to open ? Or just the 3ds with no seal ?

K' Dash

Gold Member
So a question to everyone who bought it( mine didnt arrive yet).does it have sealing on the box you need to open ? Or just the 3ds with no seal ?

I went to a few stores yesterday and asked the reps to unbox one to see it and none of the boxes were sealed with tape.

I live in Costa Rica and the Switch is $600-$800 and Zelda is >$100, there is stock, but few people will pay those ridiculous prices.

I imported mine from amazon US and hopefully Will be Here next Tuesday.


Guys my TV keeps switching to the hdmi where the switch is on even on sleep mode


Had to disconnect hdmi cable
It shouldn't do this in sleep mode. It does have a setting on by default that should change your TV to the HDMI input for the Switch when the console is turned on. However, this setting should need to be enabled on both the Switch and the equivalent setting on your TV to be on to allow it. So you should be able to turn the setting off in either or both places to make it stop.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
It shouldn't do this in sleep mode. It does have a setting on by default that should change your TV to the HDMI input for the Switch when the console is turned on. However, this setting should need to be enabled on both the Switch and the equivalent setting on your TV to be on to allow it. So you should be able to turn the setting off in either or both places to make it stop.

I had the same thing happen. Was odd. Samsung KS8000(KS7000 U.K.).


Man toysrus.com is bad. Was the only place I could preorder it that day, and its still only listed as Item in Stock. Bah. Oh well, suppose I can wait a bit longer.


My official case from walmart which was supposed to be here on 3/3 will be here by 3/8. Not a huge deal but ran out and bought a screen protector due to the [potential scratch issue. Anyone know if walmart offers credit, etc for a missed ship date? Its a low cost item so its not a huge deal but the delay seems due to how/when they shipped it. They sent tracking 2 days before 3/3 so it could have been sent 2 day priority and to make the 3/3 or at worst 3/4, yet the cheaped out and also sent it from the other side of the country. lol.


If I opened and played it can I still return it to Best Buy? I am not feeling this thing at all right now. I'll keep my copy of Zelda or trade it in/sell it, but I should have just waited. If not oh well I guess it will collect dust.

They will take it back opened as long as you do so within the 15 day return period.


If I opened and played it can I still return it to Best Buy? I am not feeling this thing at all right now. I'll keep my copy of Zelda or trade it in/sell it, but I should have just waited. If not oh well I guess it will collect dust.
Probably, but you might be charged a restocking fee.


he's Virgin Tight™
Lol mine hasn't even shipped from Amazon. Got 20 off and a month of prime but I think I'll ask for more.


Amazon has been hella slow in shipping all my recent orders, not just Switch stuff. I don't know what's happening there...

Things stuck in "preparing for shipment" for days


Lol mine hasn't even shipped from Amazon. Got 20 off and a month of prime but I think I'll ask for more.

Amazon has been hella slow in shipping all my recent orders, not just Switch stuff. I don't know what's happening there...

Things stuck in "preparing for shipment" for days
Mine hasn't shipped either. Feels like they ran out of stock, and they're waiting for a new batch. :(


I contacted amazon 5 times regarding my switch and BOTW SE, they told me it was guaranteed to be at my house before 8pm, it clearly didnt, they extended my prime membership a month and gave me a 100 dollar gift card. They also promised it would be here today at 12pm that also clearly didn't happen, but at least now it's shipped.

Curious you got so much. How long have you had prime and do you spend a lot of money every year on Amazon? I don't shop much on Amazon and don't have prime but I have been a member since 2003 but they wouldn't give me much of anything


The front page still gets no respect
My official case from walmart which was supposed to be here on 3/3 will be here by 3/8. Not a huge deal but ran out and bought a screen protector due to the [potential scratch issue. Anyone know if walmart offers credit, etc for a missed ship date? Its a low cost item so its not a huge deal but the delay seems due to how/when they shipped it. They sent tracking 2 days before 3/3 so it could have been sent 2 day priority and to make the 3/3 or at worst 3/4, yet the cheaped out and also sent it from the other side of the country. lol.

Same here. Not to mention the price dropped since ordering before it shipped. Been having a difficult time complaining to them, they are all sorts of stupid; from not even reading what I sent them, to trying to offer me a 5% discount (which equals a whole dollar).
Hi ------,

Sorry we missed you. We tried, but we weren't able to deliver your package today.

You can reschedule the delivery by visiting USPS Redelivery or you can pick up your package from the post office listed on the notice of attempted delivery.

I was not home but to get through the door you have to ring the buzzer that calls my phone so I can rang a visitor into the building anyway so I doubt these fools even tried to deliver since they did not even ring the door


he's Virgin Tight™
Apparently when you pre-order in Amazon it only guarantees a space in the queue...and double apparently my Switch isn't even in a nice package ready to ship out. I am so fucked. I think I'll go Switch-exploring now in stores.


So i'm pretty sure my switch got stolen. They mailed it USPS for Sunday and they always leave it at my front door facing the road rather than where the mailboxes are even if there's a note. Tracking info said they left the Switch in my mailbox...

Edit: Yep, it's gone.
So i'm pretty sure my switch got stolen. They mailed it USPS for Sunday and they always leave it at my front door facing the road rather than where the mailboxes are even if there's a note. Tracking info said they left the Switch in my mailbox...

Edit: Yep, it's gone.

Let them know you never received the package.


Amazon has been showing that my Switch order has been "Out for Delivery" since about 8am today. Still no sign of it. Of course.

They've got about 5 hours to get it to my door before their 8pm estimate is wrong. Why it takes them 12 hours to deliver something that, according to USPS, is already with the post office in my city is beyond me.


So i'm pretty sure my switch got stolen. They mailed it USPS for Sunday and they always leave it at my front door facing the road rather than where the mailboxes are even if there's a note. Tracking info said they left the Switch in my mailbox...

Edit: Yep, it's gone.

So sorry to hear that Armaly. I hope this gets resolved somehow.
Mine is still preparing for shipping. Joys of Hawaii even with Prime. My friend is still just happy to get one though as the stores here are sold out.


Amazon turned my weekend from Switchmas to Switchhell. I have all of the games and accessories but no Switch.

Besides my own nerdy pleasures I have a family (wife and 2 kids) and I had carved out this entire weekend to play with them. We were even listening to the Just Dance set list in the car during the week. I actually had my family watching Youtube clips of Snipperclips, 1-2 Switch and Zelda all week in anticipation of this weekend. We had snacks purchased and didn't make any plans.

Well it's Sunday evening, still no Switch though it it supposed to arrive today according to the tracking number. I have to get the kids ready for bed soon.

I understand that things happen. Perhaps their shipment was late from Nintendo. They can't control that, but what they can control is communication. Had I known that this was going to happen I wouldn't have planned my weekend around it. I work really hard to never lie to my kids. If I say something I always deliver. It's one of my core tenets in life. I can't help but feel like Amazon forced my hand into being a dad who "did not deliver."


Amazon finally dropped off my Switch about an hour ago. Certainly took them long enough. Last time I use Amazon for a system launch. Best Buy got me everything I ordered on Friday morning for comparison.

At least the wait is finally over.


Just git my Switch from amazon! Yay!

Opened it up and the actual Switch hardware box has some rips and holes on a few sides. Some edges are crushed too.....oh boy.

Let's hope everything is good inside.


Sending positive vibes to fellow gaffers still stuck in pre order crap...

(My own little amazon update)

I dont know what Amazon has against me when it comes to things related Zelda...

First they screwed up my zelda game pre-order after I used a gift card to pay for it. They did compensate me 15 bucks for that. Today I went to check on the extra limited edition zelda guide thats sold out that I preordered in feb. I thought about canceling it but after playing BOTW and not getting the SE I figured I want this extra special guide since I'm really enjoying zelda "bigly".

However, I check my orders and its missing. I call them up and someone I spoke to while trying to sort out my zelda game order that they fubar'd, canceled the guides order without my knoweldge when I told them to cancel my zelda game order when they couldnt get it to me on 3/3...

Support person I spoke with admitted and apologized that they did indeed cancel it by mistake, assuming I guess I didnt want the book since I wasnt getting the game...(I never mentioned the book at any point with anyone at amazon during all this). They gave me another $15 in credit which was nice but, I probobly would have rather had the book to be honest.

This is the first time I preordered anything from amazon...not a smooth ride to say the least.


Amazon turned my weekend from Switchmas to Switchhell. I have all of the games and accessories but no Switch.

Besides my own nerdy pleasures I have a family (wife and 2 kids) and I had carved out this entire weekend to play with them. We were even listening to the Just Dance set list in the car during the week. I actually had my family watching Youtube clips of Snipperclips, 1-2 Switch and Zelda all week in anticipation of this weekend. We had snacks purchased and didn't make any plans.

Well it's Sunday evening, still no Switch though it it supposed to arrive today according to the tracking number. I have to get the kids ready for bed soon.

I understand that things happen. Perhaps their shipment was late from Nintendo. They can't control that, but what they can control is communication. Had I known that this was going to happen I wouldn't have planned my weekend around it. I work really hard to never lie to my kids. If I say something I always deliver. It's one of my core tenets in life. I can't help but feel like Amazon forced my hand into being a dad who "did not deliver."

It is not your fault though and it was totally out of your hands. You did everything you could within your power. It will come and you will be able to enjoy it with your family.


I contacted amazon 5 times regarding my switch and BOTW SE, they told me it was guaranteed to be at my house before 8pm, it clearly didnt, they extended my prime membership a month and gave me a 100 dollar gift card. They also promised it would be here today at 12pm that also clearly didn't happen, but at least now it's shipped.

The gift card is amazing though. I had like 3 Amazon orders in a row ship and arrive late. I couldn't squeeze anything except the extended Prime membership, which honestly means nothing to me.


Amazon has been hella slow in shipping all my recent orders, not just Switch stuff. I don't know what's happening there...

Things stuck in "preparing for shipment" for days

Mine hasn't shipped either. Feels like they ran out of stock, and they're waiting for a new batch. :(

Amazon turned my weekend from Switchmas to Switchhell. I have all of the games and accessories but no Switch.

Besides my own nerdy pleasures I have a family (wife and 2 kids) and I had carved out this entire weekend to play with them. We were even listening to the Just Dance set list in the car during the week. I actually had my family watching Youtube clips of Snipperclips, 1-2 Switch and Zelda all week in anticipation of this weekend. We had snacks purchased and didn't make any plans.

Well it's Sunday evening, still no Switch though it it supposed to arrive today according to the tracking number. I have to get the kids ready for bed soon.

I understand that things happen. Perhaps their shipment was late from Nintendo. They can't control that, but what they can control is communication. Had I known that this was going to happen I wouldn't have planned my weekend around it. I work really hard to never lie to my kids. If I say something I always deliver. It's one of my core tenets in life. I can't help but feel like Amazon forced my hand into being a dad who "did not deliver."

Amazon seems to have plenty of stock in their book stores:

My Wal-Mart order has been stuck on "processing" with an arrival date of Tuesday, March 7 for two days now, so I hopped in CS chat to see what's up. First I was told that it would actually arrive on the 9th and that it should ship on the 8th. When I pointed out that my account didn't reflect that, the rep came back with "lol oops my bad, you're correct," so apparently it is coming Tuesday, and should should ship later today or sometime tomorrow.

At this point, I'll believe it when I have the Switch in my damn hands.

On the plus side, my copy of Zelda from Amazon is almost here, so yay?


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
After Amazon fucked up the original delivery of Friday, I just got an email from USPS saying they couldn't deliver due to "Receptacle Blocked". I don't even know what that is supposed to mean, unless the guy tried to shove delivery box into my mailbox and then just drove off. I know they didn't come to my door, since I was in the kitchen (with a view of the front of my condo) cooking dinner when they supposedly failed to deliver my package. Beyond furious with them right now.
After Amazon fucked up the original delivery of Friday, I just got an email from USPS saying they couldn't deliver due to "Receptacle Blocked". I don't even know what that is supposed to mean, unless the guy tried to shove delivery box into my mailbox and then just drove off. I know they didn't come to my door, since I was in the kitchen (with a view of the front of my condo) cooking dinner when they supposedly failed to deliver my package. Beyond furious with them right now.

I got that note once, just after a big snow storm. Well, a literal note, in the mailbox. A small pile of snow sat in front of my mailbox--apparently that was too much for the carrier to deal with, so they didn't bother, just left the note (which the snow pile didn't stop them from placing in the box, ha).
Update: Just after posting here and getting my garbage cans set out for trash pickup in the morning, I check my Walmart account, just for shits and giggles. My order is now listed as Shipped, and the FedEx tracking number shows label creation...on Saturday. Dammit Walmart...


Update: Just after posting here and getting my garbage cans set out for trash pickup in the morning, I check my Walmart account, just for shits and giggles. My order is now listed as Shipped, and the FedEx tracking number shows label creation...on Saturday. Dammit Walmart...

Seems everyone's walmart orders have shipped but mine. It even still says March 3rd as the arrival date even though its stuck on processing.


My Walmart order says shipped (arrival date still stuck on march 3rd). CS said it'd arrive tomorrow but I'm very skeptical.
Well, my UPS/Amazon/accessories delivery should happen tomorrow. And Walmart [BotW SE] updated my shipping information. It does list tomorrow as well. Fingers crossed.


So my Switch from Walmart was shipped via Lasership. Tracking indicates that it was delivered today. My girlfriend was home at the time of delivery and nobody rang. It's nowhere to be found in or around my building. I even checked neighboring buildings.

Walmart won't look into it without a police report because this is a "high fraud item." A police report for a missing $300 item. Police will laugh right in my face if I call them about a missing package in my area. I filed a dispute with PayPal and hope they'll actually help me out.

I would not recommend purchasing this from Walmart if you have any concerns about delivery. I don't usually shop there, and will never order anything from them again. My other Switch had gone missing for a day. Not only was Amazon willing to help, they issued me a credit without me even expressing discontent. Take notes, Walmart.


So my Switch from Walmart was shipped via Lasership. Tracking indicates that it was delivered today. My girlfriend was home at the time of delivery and nobody rang. It's nowhere to be found in or around my building. I even checked neighboring buildings.

Walmart won't look into it without a police report because this is a "high fraud item." A police report for a missing $300 item. Police will laugh right in my face if I call them about a missing package in my area. I filed a dispute with PayPal and hope they'll actually help me out.

I would not recommend purchasing this from Walmart if you have any concerns about delivery. I don't usually shop there, and will never order anything from them again. My other Switch had gone missing for a day. Not only was Amazon willing to help, they issued me a credit without me even expressing discontent. Take notes, Walmart.

Check the local police website. You can usually file a online report and then receive a copy.


Purchased via Walmart less than a week ago. Shipping today and will be receiving it on Tuesday. Shipping via ONTRAC. It better not get stolen on it's route here.
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