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Nominations for the 86th Academy Awards - January 16 at 5:30 a.m

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Unconfirmed Member
And almost certainly wouldn't have been if they didn't increase the amount of nominees to 10.
Which happened almost entirely because of the sheer salt from Pixar fanboys and Nolan fanboys over Wall-E and The Dark Knight getting snubbed for Best Picture, incidentally.


Unconfirmed Member
Animated feature basically comes down to how many people actually saw The Wind Rises vs. Frozen.

American Hustle seems like this year's "movie that gets all the noms but loses most of the major battles aside from one or two consolation prizes."

Gravity should win most if not all major technical awards but nothing else.

Blue is the Warmest Color being literally COMPLETELY snubbed from the entire awards is truly boggling and almost assuredly politically motivated.
I'm rooting for JLaw, but I think the film of the year will be 12 Years a Slave. Philomena was great and I loved it, but I don't think it will win. Same with American Hustle.


American Hustle didn't do anything for me.

Great acting, that's about it.

I'm rooting for 12 Years A Slave, Wolf Street.


The amount of snobbery in this thread is stifling. Whether it's the ridiculous amount of hatred for American Hustle or the proclaiming of films like Gravity to be quickly forgotten in a year or two, GAF never ceases to fail us with its stupendous hyperbole.

Anyway, probably 12 Years a Slave for Best Picture, Cuaron for Director, and Jonze for Original Screenplay? Outside of that, I'm really not sure. I still need to see a lot of these movies.
Jennifer Lawrence doesn't deserve another award, especially over lupita. God damn the difference in quality of both performances is huge

I knew Lawrence was gonna win everything too after watching that movie. She's pulling a Marisa Tomei but not as funny


No daniel bruhl for supporting actor... :/

wtf and cooper is on there... wtf is wrong with these clowns..

Blue is the Warmest Color being literally COMPLETELY snubbed from the entire awards is truly boggling and almost assuredly politically motivated.

Big ditto on that too.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
My mind totally censored Lawrence's name on the fly while they were announcing it.

What the fuck were they thinking.

Blue is the Warmest Color being literally COMPLETELY snubbed from the entire awards is truly boggling and almost assuredly politically motivated.

Not snubbed, it couldn't be nominated because it came out too late I think.

But yeah...


Blue is the Warmest Color being literally COMPLETELY snubbed from the entire awards is truly boggling and almost assuredly politically motivated.

again, it wasn't eligible because it didn't screen in time. Academy rules stipulate foreign films have to be released by September 30 in their home country to qualify and Blue is the Warmest Color didn't come out until October.
Tom Hanks is a pretty big snub but it was a crazy competitive year for best actor.

Look for Bale to steal it. Dude went from not even predicted to coming in like a storm. It's a total academy performance.
Blue is the Warmest Color being literally COMPLETELY snubbed from the entire awards is truly boggling and almost assuredly politically motivated.

The Foreign film category is chosen from the films picked by their home countries to represent them.

France chose not to submit Blue is the Warmest Color. It's not the first time a country has weirdly not picked its standout from the previous year. Let the Right One In was, in a surprise to many at the time, not Sweden's submission that year.


American Hustle is this year's grossly overrated film. Last year's was Silver Linings Playbook. Two years before that was The Fighter.

I beg to differ. Silver Linings Playbook was actually great.
American Hustle, not nearly as much. (It was still fine... gave it an 8 out of 10... but not anything groundbreaking.)

Animated feature basically comes down to how many people actually saw The Wind Rises vs. Frozen.
I've seen both films and I'd still give the Oscar to Frozen.


American Hustle is this year's grossly overrated film. Last year's was Silver Linings Playbook. Two years before that was The Fighter.


seriously. david russell's people in bed with the academy confirmed

The Foreign film category is chosen from the films picked by their home countries to represent them.

France chose not to submit Blue is the Warmest Color. It's not the first time a country has weirdly not picked its standout from the previous year. Let the Right One In was, in a surprise to many at the time, not Sweden's submission that year.

What did France pick ?? they prob mad that the director is little nutty and gives france bad rep for actor's rights


I freaking loved the Fighter, but thought Silver Linings was very overrated as well...

American Hustle will be the tie breaker when I finally see it.

So, just watched the Dallas Buyers Club trailer for the first time. Don't know why I assumed it was about a damned rodeo, lol. Anyway, my favorite for the supporting category remains Fassbender, but just from that preview I gather Leto put in some serious work (as did Mcconaughey). So, who knows. Need to see it ASAP.
Christian Bale over Jaoquin Phoenix or Oscar Isaac :lol American Hustle kind of sucks, I never thought it was that good, but as time has passed I've soured on it even more. Also 12 Years not being nominated for cinematography. Fuck the Academy man.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
American Hustle is the type of movie the Academy Awards eats up, so I'm willing to bet it comes away with a shitload of awards including best picture.
Silver Linings Playbook was good but yeah was surprise that it was nominated for a bunch of Oscars last year.

Normally I don't care for awards. But it still bugs me that JLaw got the award for Best Actress for that, even though I think she's awesome. Hated that movie.

Also, no Spring Breakers for Best Picture but American Hustle made it. W.T.F.


American Hustle is the type of movie the Academy Awards eats up, so I'm willing to bet it comes away with a shitload of awards including best picture.

It's a film production seemingly designed around marketing actors' for awards. Nothing wrong with recognizing the good performances therein, but I think it's one of those rare examples where the performances don't necessarily make it a better movie. Just a watchable one.
I'm guessing Disney didn't want monsters university to be in the best animated picture category because they wanted one of their (disney animated) films to win for once? I mean Brave beat Wreck It Ralph for 2012 and that was just ridiculous.


Also 12 Years not being nominated for cinematography. Fuck the Academy man.
I'm not a big 12 Years backer but I'm with you here. In fact, I was so enthralled by the cinematography that I was numb to a lot of the other stuff going on in that movie apart from Ejiofor's acting.

So, just watched the Dallas Buyers Club trailer for the first time. Don't know why I assumed it was about a damned rodeo, lol. Anyway, my favorite for the supporting category remains Fassbender, but just from that preview I gather Leto put in some serious work (as did Mcconaughey). So, who knows. Need to see it ASAP.
McConaughey's performance is the best I've seen all year. And Fassbender doesn't hold a candle to Leto. Would not be surprised in the least to see both of them win.


I don't think Leo DiCaprio was previously snubbed, I think it's because he sucks. But I'm willing to admit my personal dislike for him and the annoying characters he's played. Horrible overacting IMO.

I haven't seen Wolf of Wall Street and won't because of him. It will make me cringe if that movie is the big winner, but I suppose it already is with all those nominations.


I'm not a big 12 Years backer but I'm with you here. In fact, I was so enthralled by the cinematography that I was numb to a lot of the other stuff going on in that movie apart from Ejiofor's acting.

McConaughey's performance is the best I've seen all year. And Fassbender doesn't hold a candle to Leto. Would not be surprised in the least to see both of them win.

Leto really surprised the hell out of me, especially after how awful he was in Chapter 27. He took a role that could have easily gone too far, and reined it in for some genuinely wrenching displays of emotion. He also plays superbly off of McConaughey, which I also wasn't expecting to work at all. He definitely deserves all the kudos he's been receiving.
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