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November 2014 NPD (U.S. Hardware) Predictions - Closes December 9th



Still think that should have been added to the Shu effect list.

Sony was literally coasting, celebrating its victory, when at the last possible second, Microsoft, with determination and skill, snatched away victory.

If that's a foretaste of what is to come in the result thread it will be quite entertaining :).

Some people need to learn the difference between winning a battle and winning the war.
That's kind of bothers me...anybody in Phil's position would have done the same. It was the only logical course of action. Yet, we're getting the sense that he rose from the ashes, fought against the dissenting voices and the evil overlord at MS and overcame great hardship to get where we are today.

Heck, the first 180s happened under Ballmer/Mattrick's reign, why is no one making 'faceless heroes' threads about 'em?

Well at least I'm practicing patience.

You are currently number 22 in the queue. We apologize for the delay. We will assign you to an agent as soon as one is available. The average amount of time a customer has to wait is 32:50.

Yay for live online chat!
I'm really interested to see how the PR is phrased by each party.

It'll probably be rather tame.

MS: Yay, best selling through the holidays so far, can't wait for 2015.
Sony: Still kicking ass worldwide. You see PSX? 2015 will be even awesomer.
Nintendo: Best holiday for Wii U so far. Get on dat Smash yo. 2015 will rock.


It'll probably be rather tame.

MS: Yay, best selling through the holidays so far, can't wait for 2015.
Sony: Still kicking ass worldwide. You see PSX? 2015 will be even awesomer.
Nintendo: Best holiday for Wii U so far. Get on dat Smash yo. 2015 will rock.

We have an insider, folks.


That lack of PR from both heads...
I expect Microsoft to announce victory within the next 24 hours.

I don't expect MS to make a big deal of it, winning two months out of twelve is nothing to brag about. After the price cut, gift cards, free games and stuff its sort of a pyrrhic victory. They should be humble and focus on their strategy to maintain the lead from now on.

Maintain the lead? What lead?

Assuming they they have won this month I meant monthly lead not cumulative total, Of course I doubt they can afford to do so.


it's a sign.

"And behold! A great sign came from the forums, and in it the users of NeoGAF found hope. Yoshida came down from the internet and was carrying two surface tablets with ten NPD statistics for games. Yoshida spoke: "Children of NeoGAF. I come to you with these top 10 sold games for the month of November!" But no one really cared for they wanted to see if Xbox One outsold PlayStation 4. Phil, Yoshida's rival, was with the users worshiping the green Xbox One. "Children of NeoGAF, I leave you for one Black Friday week and you forsake your beloved PlayStation who brought you out of GDDR3?" And Yoshida threw down the surface tablets and one broke. He then went to the internet mountain top and prayed to Kaz, "Kaz, Kaz, please forgive them. They know not what they do.". Kaz smiled and said "It's all apart of my plan. There's no way Microsoft actually made any money on those boxes sold. We still kings."

X-O-DOS 14:9-18


I don't expect MS to make a big deal of it, winning two months out of twelve is nothing to brag about. After the price cut, gift cards, free games and stuff its sort of a pyrrhic victory. They should be humble and focus on their strategy to maintain the lead from now on.
Maintain the lead? What lead?


I don't expect MS to make a big deal of it, winning two months out of twelve is nothing to brag about. After the price cut, gift cards, free games and stuff its sort of a pyrrhic victory. They should be humble and focus on their strategy to maintain the lead from now on.

Two months? I thought this was gonna be the first month they win. What other month?
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