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NPD: Destiny 2 down 50% at retail vs. Destiny 1 retail


After the way they handled Destiny 1, good. Can't wait until Bungie is done with this crap IP so they can hopefully focus on something better.
Didn't the game have 1.3 million concurrent users a couple days after launch? I'm guessing a lot of people went digital

Concurrent players can indicate a larger overall playerbase but it doesn't necessarily mean that a given game has a larger playerbase.

That ZhugeEX guy calling the article pointless and then referring to CCU (when the article is talking about total units moved) is hilarious. The article isn't even claiming the game isn't successful, just a specific statistic that obviously has a caveat of "well digital has gotten bigger." The question is how much bigger has it gotten. If it makes up for the lack of physical sales then it's still probably successful, but I highly doubt Activision wants a franchise like Destiny stagnating or just slightly increasing over the course of the series' lifespan.


bu but 100 percent digital sales. There is no question the game underperformed.

Let's say somehow these digital sales make it close to first game. That's not what you want from your 2nd entry in a franchise, this is the point where a brand is supposed to grow by a lot after building it by the first entry during the years and then you will have a more or less stable audience for future entries.

In best case, this means Destiny 2 did not enjoy a growth or had a slightly negative growth and going to the 3rd entry that means it's only going to get lower now, it has already peaked with the first game. It's not looking good no matter how you spin it considering this is a very expensive long term investment and they are already trying to milk whatever they can out of the players.

I'm sure Activision will never let go of the IP after the contract is over, they will take it out of Bungie's hand in some way and try to make it worth their while.


Digital split will probably be news worthy alone. Won't be enough to make up Destiny's total sales (especially when you factor in bundles) but the drop won't be as massive.

I bought Destiny at retail back at launch but this year I'm digital.
I've religiously bought everything Bungie make since Halo 1. Bought the Destiny Ghost Edition and later bought the Taken King with Full Game Digitally for convenience because I loved Destiny so much. I even bought a Destiny T-Shirt and a Bungie T-Shirt and for some reason, which I'm not really sure about... I haven't bought Destiny 2.
One of the biggest disappointments this gen in terms of ofeering from Bungie. Im still waiting for thier Halo type game, not this online service fps.
Halo is still coming out on Xbox .

Bungie will be working on destiny for another 5-7 years minimum.
A lot less destiny talk from my friends not surprised; alot was turned off from destiny 1. I don't think this franchise is as big as bungie wanted


I mean, I bought a physical copy of Destiny 1 because I'm the type who prefers physical, and even I learned pretty quickly that Destiny is the type of game to buy digitally. Having to keep my vanilla disc in the console no matter how many expansion DLCs I bought kinda sucked.
Not at all surprising that other people learned that lesson, too, so I'd be curious to see the digital sales comparison.


Neo Member
People were burnt by Vanilla Destiny which was always going to be hard to come back from, They made great progress with TTTK & ROI, but have stripped everything away for Destiny 2. They've erased all the progress they made over the past 3 years and they've got to do it all again to win people back. Even the faithful Destiny 1 players are being turned off by Destiny 2.

As someone who loved Destiny 1, I'm actually quite happy the sales are low as it might encourage improvement and correcting the strange changes they made.
I'm enjoying the game a lot more than I thought I would. Until Halo 6 comes out there's really nothing else like it on the market.

Next game just needs to finally embrace having better social features.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
It did, but digital sales percentages were lower in 2014. Digital sales have grown since then across the board, so I'm not sure what your point is.

Lower, but not insignificant. Not nearly enough to explain that drop.
As someone who bought And still plays Destiny 2. I'm glad, I wish I had the willpower. People being more skeptical paid off, especially considering how large a step D2 took back in regards to class, gear and structure after three years of painfully slow improvements from Vanilla Destiny. (No I'm not saying all the QOL improvements or weapon grinding reduction was bad, they took a nice step forward in QOL features) however, outside of that it was a step back in a lot of core design decision. Destiny 2 is much too close to Vanilla D1 in terms of it's problem areas, in fact it's even worse in many due to the nuetering of interesting gear, simplified skill trees, which were already simplistic, and handling of incentives for activities and events. I guess even during D1 those weren't great, but they felt better than they do now.

Basically fool me twice, shame on me.


its had its hooks in me longer than the first game at least.

is there at least better engagement as opposed to total population? are people buying silver? lol
This is what happens when you shit the bed with the first game of the franchise. I tried talking some of my buddies into getting d2 but their D1 experience was so bad they said no. I don’t blame them.


While I have no doubt in my mind there's a significant decline in overall sales too due to Destiny 1 having an unknown factor, being a super hyped game by the creators of Halo, in 2014 (which was not a generally strong year for videogames) while folks knew what they were getting into with Destiny 2 and had pretty much made up their mid.

Keep in mind Destiny 1 was a cross-gen release on two older platforms with high install bases which favored physical sales much more than the current gen systems do at this point in time.

And a personal anecdote, I have been a proponent of "physical at any time possible" but bought Destiny 2 digitally because I know what kind of game it is.

But still, no doubt in my mind it had a significant decline in sales compared to the first.

Was going to mention this. PS3 and 360 probably inflated the physical sales in 14 and now that D2 is no longer on those platforms, I can see more sales moving digital.


After the way they handled Destiny 1, good. Can't wait until Bungie is done with this crap IP so they can hopefully focus on something better.
I agree. I really tried to see what everyone else was seeing and it bored me to tears. Destiny IP isn’t for me.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
No surprise that we didnt get some mayor PR about the units shipped so far.


No one here knows how well it is or isn't doing despite any awkward posturing. There's another, essentially digital only platform being added in addition to digital growth. That could mean everything or nothing, but I will say all three people I know who bought Destiny though are getting the game for PC this time.


"but digital"

Sequel to disappointing game sells dramatically less isnt a new trend.

Watch Dogs 1 to 2
Assassins Creed Unity to Sydicate
COD Ghosts to Advanced Warfare
Halo 4 to 5
Gran Turismo 5 to 6

...Could go on.

My own experience is a lot of my friends bought into D1's hype. Felt burnt. Didnt buy 2

Also this. Sometimes games sell less, significantly less than their predecessor if there was a considerable amount of disappointment with that previous title. It's not even in the realm of "unbelievable". Happens all the time.
2014 was a pretty bad year where less-than-incredible games ended up selling a LOT more than they normally would.

Yeah, that's a big part of it- 2014 was fucking barren in terms of quality releases so anything that looked remotely decent could generate a lot of buzz and do way better critically/commercially than they would have in any other year. See also: Shadow of Mordor, Watch Dogs, and Dragon Age: Inquisition. 2017, on the other hand, is drowning in amazing titles, so the bar is significantly higher.

But I think the biggest factor is just that a lot of people gave Destiny 1 a shot, didn't like what was there, and weren't convinced that Destiny 2 would be anything else but more of the same. That's pretty much my story, anyway.


Yep, Destiny 2 is down from Destiny. I would like to think that reflects on how well the original game was promoted rather than a drop in quality for the sequel.

Good. Destiny sucks.


Hey I correctly predicted how this thread would go.


Some people in this thread are literally just reading the title and spreading their hot takes lol.

I have no doubts Destiny 2 is down overall from D1, but Digitial will most likely be higher and the game had 1.3 million CCU like right at launch.

The same people in this thread going "good Destiny sucks." etc are going to be the same people acting shocked if Destiny 2 is a bigger success revenue wise than D1.
It's not like digital option was missing for Destiny 1, so I'm not getting the "what did digital do?" comments.

Hell, I purchased Destiny 1 digital and am skipping Destiny 2.


You like me, you really really like me!
Not surprised. The first title was largely successful based off of Bungie's Halo legacy. Turns out Destiny was a fairly mediocre shooter with barebones content. I don't know anybody who really cared about the sequel.


Between people going digital,people waiting for pc version,people being burned by D1 and the fact that it's a sequel I was 100% expecting less sales compared to D1. How much less? Not sure 20, maybe 30%.

Destiny 1 had a astronamical amount of hype around it so this should not come has a surprise really.

Also this.


Didn't the game have 1.3 million concurrent users a couple days after launch? I'm guessing a lot of people went digital

Ya I remember that as well. Guessing a lot more people went digital this time because we know Destiny is a game you play for a long time and don't want to deal with switching discs in and out for years.

I know I went physical D1 and Digital for D2.


Not surprised with all the competition of games (not much in 2014) and the massive disappointment that D1 was to many people. I expect digital to be pretty high to help offset the loss, but still not what Activision wanted.

But after 1 month experiences of PS4 players, I decided to cancel my PC pre-order. I'll wait for either the September 2018 release with both DLC + Expansion to get a more complete gaming experience, or just wait until 2019 for Anthem.
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