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NPD Sales Results for April 2007




Halo 3 is going to be the ****ing juggernaut in terms of sells this year, but I have doubts that it's going to be enough to push the 360 to outsell the Wii this holiday considering that Nintendo has three potential mega-hits this year, excluding Wii Health which could sell a bundle.


my reputation is Shadowruined
I think the biggest mistake Microsoft is making is what Mark Rein pointed out a while back. You don't need a HDTV to get a leap in graphical quality with the 360. Sure having a 720p or higher resolution display provides a much bigger leap, but you don't have to have that.

Still the sales of the 360 are fine. The biggest 1st party franchise still hasn't launched at retail.
Merovingian said:
I believe that the 17 to 35 old market main interest is still the 360 and the Ps3.

They are just waiting. I fully believe that Wii numbers is huge because well, kids want it really bad, they traded the Ps2 for the Wii, but there's still a huge market for the 360 and Ps3.

Depends on which crowd. The Wii is a huge hit with this crowd itself because it brings back that old-school style of gaming most of this age demographic grew up with.

I see it all the time -- the 15 year old who's all about GTA (Chad Waaaaaardin :lol baaaaaaaaallin') whereas I've seen 27, 28, 29, 30 year olds, etc. who are much more interested in the Wii.

Eteric Rice

Arde0 said:
Well I hope you are right because if they are indeed going to become the de facto next gen leader then they need some more mature games....at least for my tastes.
(Of course, nothing wrong with a little Mario and Super Smash Bros. either)

Well, some are already in the works (No More Heroes, Manhunt 2, Project Rygar, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Project Hammer, etc). Those aren't really "kids" games.

I suspect Wii will become home to JRPGs and maybe even a couple RTS games. Those are what I'm after. I have a nice PC for shooters and what not.

Not really.

Graphics and online gaming are much more appealing to the group of 17 to 35 than lesser graphics and a waggle.

The Wii isn't a system that can win any type of consumer, because of what the system is supposed to be in itself. It's not as simple as you say AT ALL.

The nature of the Wii really is to appeal to the trully casual market, the biggest of them all, the non gamers, and the kids.

Actually, I've found that older people tend to give less of a damn than younger people about graphics. Most can hardly tell the difference.


The Sphinx said:
I never said it wouldn't sell 360s. I'm asking YOU to tell ME how many it will sell. Reasonable since it's constantly brought out as the 360's ace in the hole.
I think it'll be around 350-400k on september

with a steady 400k-500k for october, and 600k-700k for Nov


I hope they talk about this in the next 1UP yours, I cant wait to hear what Luk.....


Jesus, im still not used to :(.


Crypto said:
I've watched everyone I know play my Wii. Most of my friends have similar interests in games as me, we all enjoy Warioware. I liked Elebits more than most of those I know. Everyone but me hates Wii Sports.

OK. I would not doubt this scenario repeating in plenty of households around the world.

But those numbers aren't lying. It's not simply hardcore, or the disgruntled Nintendo fanbaby buying the console. They are folks who have been mesmerised by a silly remote and a neat little demo to boot of various sports games.
Game-Biz said:
Halo 3 is going to be the ****ing juggernaut in terms of sells this year, but I have doubts that it's going to be enough to push the 360 to outsell the Wii this holiday considering that Nintendo has three potential mega-hits this year, excluding Wii Health which could sell a bundle.

If the 360 sees a price drop, it will sell more than the Wiii in the States, easilly.

Halo 3, GTA,Splinter Cell, Assassins creed, etc

No doubts at all.

If it sees a price drop.
Wow. I know it's been said 100 times over, but HOLY CRAP. I guess we all kind of expected this but still, it is somehow shocking.

Might this spur Sony to pack in some tasty incentive with the PS3? Like a game or some PSN points? Maybe I'm jumping the gun but I would hope they react to these results.
The Sphinx said:
I never said it wouldn't sell 360s. I'm asking YOU to tell ME how many it will sell. Reasonable since it's constantly brought out as the 360's ace in the hole.
alright. the 360 will sell over 400,000 xbox 360s this september, coming close, if not beating, ps2's best september.


JavyOO7 said:
OK. I would not doubt this scenario repeating in plenty of households around the world.

But those numbers aren't lying. It's not simply hardcore, or the disgruntled Nintendo fanbaby buying the console. They are folks who have been mesmerised by a silly remote and a neat little demo to boot of various sports games.

I agree.

One of the best anecdotes is that woman that died during the water drinking contest for a Wii. She wanted it for her kids, however...

The woman that won said "some of my friends had one, it looked fun, so I said why not", that is the woman that didn't die. She was getting it for herself, and she certainly wasn't under 30.


koam said:
As for people arguing about Nintendo's Wii being so cheap. It's the strategy Nintendo chose. Microsoft and Sony could have just as easily chosen to take the cheaper hardware path but they didn't. They went all out and so far, it doesn't seem to be doing well them. Sales of the 360 and PS3 will pick up as HDTV adoption rates increase, price drops hit and people who bought Wiis start looking for a second console.
I always found the different strategies really interesting:

Microsoft - launching early so needed powerful hardware to force people to upgrade. If games didn't look significantly better, nobody would have bought it. Other that graphics, they didn't have a real selling point.

Sony - launching well after the 360 so their gimmick was amazing graphics, bluray, and the Playstation brand. That was their main selling points.

Nintendo - they were dying on the console front in the previous two generations so were forced to try something wildly different. Price point and wiimote were the big gimmicks. They have also pushed the Wii brand big, almost keeping the Nintendo name hidden as its selling power has diminished significantly in recent years.

What's the point? Actually, I have no idea. :lol

Maybe that a really good gimmick and features that people are clamouring for are required. HD graphics and bluray are not something that consumers have been wanting badly for ages. Both are in their infancy and the PS3/360 are kick starting these things.

Whereas a cheap price is something consumers always want, and the desire for motion control and similar "immersion-type-technologies" has probably been brewing for 15-20 years. Remember how amazing and futuristic the virtual reality arcade machines of the early 90's were like the Virtuality. Nintendo tried some immersion with the Virtual Boy but obviously the time wasn't right and most would say the product was ill-conceived.

This time they got the product and the timing right I guess.


BenjaminBirdie said:
How many Xboxen DID H2 move that month?

Anyone know?

Xbox between September 04-March 05 that reporting period that saw Halo 2 launch sold about 2.5 million Xbox. thats including holiday rush etc so Halo 2 wasn't that huge of a system seller.

Lots of Software sold for damn sure but hardware not so much. people always overestimate the importance of FPS hardcore crowd.


Merovingian said:
If the 360 sees a price drop, it will sell more than the Wiii in the States, easilly.

Halo 3, GTA,Splinter Cell, Assassins creed, etc

No doubts at all.

If it sees a price drop.

I'll just say this: I haven't gone out of my way to get a Wii yet, because there's only one or two games I want right now. But the thing is, If I ever saw one on the shelf at a store when I'm in one, I'd buy it, and to this day I have never seen one (While I've always seen Xbox 360s and PS3s).


I'm really glad that the Wii is doing well. Maybe now developers will actually take it seriously.

Meanwhile, watch the 360 continue to do well and wait for the PS3 ramp up after the first price drop when there's a big library of games to get. All the consoles will be doing pretty well in 2-3 years. My only concern before it launched was always that the Wii would never have the install base to get the games it deserves.

The big consoles will even out -- the real winner here is DS. The DS is ripping it up and will continue to rip it up, in every territory.


BrodiemanTTR said:
That Sony PR response is disappointment total. It's like they've given up, there's no more fight left in 'em. :(

They might be attempting to do what they should have over 2 years ago, stop flapping their stupid lips.


BrodiemanTTR said:
That Sony PR response is disappointment total. It's like they've given up, there's no more fight left in 'em. :(

Son, there comes a time in a man's life when he must bend over, and take it dry.
evilromero said:
Wow. I know it's been said 100 times over, but HOLY CRAP. I guess we all kind of expected this but still, it is somehow shocking.

Might this spur Sony to pack in some tasty incentive with the PS3? Like a game or some PSN points? Maybe I'm jumping the gun but I would hope they react to these results.

Sony needed to start reacting to this possibility a while back.

The biggest tasty incentive that Sony can pack is a big ass price drop and soon. They have been playing their cards too close for too long now....I really cannot believe that something has to give and soon.


Holy crap! These pics are killing me. So funny. Right from the start with those cats, I'm losing it here!!! :lol

PS3 bomb bomb etc. carry on.


Eteric Rice said:
I suspect Wii will become home to JRPGs and maybe even a couple RTS games. Those are what I'm after. I have a nice PC for shooters and what not.

If you want to play shooters with your nice PC why would you not want to play RTS on them? Even with waggle it cannot stand up against k/m control plus the extra graphics you will get on the PC.


rage1973 said:
If you want to play shooters with your nice PC why would you not want to play RTS on them? Even with waggle it cannot stand up against k/m control plus the extra graphics you will get on the PC.

Pikmin 3. :p


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Merovingian said:
If the 360 sees a price drop, it will sell more than the Wiii in the States, easilly.

Halo 3, GTA,Splinter Cell, Assassins creed, etc

No doubts at all.

If it sees a price drop.
I have a feeling that if/when the Premium ever comes within $50 of Wii Nintendo will drop the price. They want that nice price buffer, and as long as the buffer exists it guarantees at least one person is putting back a 360/PS3 and picking up a Wii.

And thus the problem with your statement. I agree MS can increase sales, and if MS dropped their price to within $50 of Wii they could even outsell Wii.. I just don't think Nintendo, who has been seeing profit from day one, will ever let it get to that point.

And that's really the scary part of this entire generation. Nintendo at this very moment holds all of the chips. They have the best selling console of the generation and have been making a profit on it from the start. That kind of puts Sony and MS in a reactionary state by default.


jvalioli said:
PS3 first 8 days are messed up in either text or in the graph.

8 days pushes the PS3 to two weeks. That makes it 196,580 / 2 for the average weekly sales.

Thanks to everyone who chimed in to point out that the graph is average weekly sales! :)


Game-Biz said:
So...Luke, I'm not being a dick, but do you still think the Wii is just a fad?

Fads can last for years, you know.

Not that that really means anything one way or another.


makes good threads.

This was actually less than I expected. Then again with the summer season starting soon we can expect the sales for most of the systems to hit some sort of slump. In all honesty I really don't know what Sony can do right now to pull them out of this hole. If they do go for the price cut it will be, at the most, a $100 which still makes it a pricey system at $499. But when you have Microsoft potentially lowering their price too it's going to make it even harder for Sony to sell the cheaper systems. And if Nintendo happens to release a Wii Sports-less Wii at a $199 then the situation this time next year may not be much different (with the exception of a better catalogue of games, but that didn't help the Cube out in its life cycle).

I love my PS3, Wii and 360 (mulitconsoles FTW!) and despite the shortcomings I felt with the PS3 when I first got it, I'm starting to get pretty excited for what lies in the future for PS3 (Little Big Planet, Folklore, White Knight, Home, Ratchet and Clank, Ninja Gaiden Sigma). But as these months go by and I start to think about each company's strategy for this year I can't help but think how bad it's gonna get for the PS3 if Sony can't come through by the end of the year.


Gold Member
For all of you fence sitters that loathe the Wii, but aren't exactly enthralled by the stumbling PS3, or smitten by the shoddily constructed Xbox 360, may I suggest taking a gander at pc gaming. Sure, it's more expensive, but if you make smart purchases, you'll have a viable system for years to come. Free mods, cheaper games, fun communities, etc.

PC Gaming. Things are getting better.

Eteric Rice

rage1973 said:
If you want to play shooters with your nice PC why would you not want to play RTS on them? Even with waggle it cannot stand up against k/m control plus the extra graphics you will get on the PC.

Because I'm interested in seeing if someone can do an RTS on the Wii with the Wii-mote. :)

And Pikmin 3. :lol
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