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NPD Sales Results for April 2007

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member

Thread bookmarked for hilarity.

I hope Microsoft notices the PSP's performance after a price drop and follows suit instead of looking at the PS3's sad flailing.



Unconfirmed Member
WindyMan said:
I was bored, so I decided to compare March and April on more level terms. Since March was five weeks and April was four weeks, a direct comparison wouldn't work too well. Instead, I took March's individual figures and divided by five, then took April's and divided by four. What this gives you is a rough per-week comparison.

Week-to-week March/April NPD Hardware Sales Comparison

Sales per week, in thousands
      March   April   %Diff
NDS   101.6   117.8   +15.9
Wii    51.8    90.0   +42.4
PS2    56.0    48.5   -13.4
PSP    36.0    45.8   +27.2
360    39.8    43.5   + 9.3
GBA    29.6    21.0   -29.0
PS3    26.0    20.5   -21.2
GCN     4.4     3.3   -25.0

This means that DS sales went up 15.9% from the previous month and that Xbox 360 sales went up 9.3% from the previous month, even though the NPD shows gross April sales were less than those in March for those systems.

These figures also show that Sony has little chance to spin the PS3 positively this month. We'll see, though!

Looks like the 1 week of Elite sales may have helped after all. Looking forward to see a full month sales.

Eteric Rice

Crypto said:
Smash Bros Melee is fairly big. It remains to be seen if it's as popular with the Wii crowd (or to pull in new buyers) as with the Gamecube.

SSBM is the biggest sales title coming for Wii this year no doubt.

To me, 360 clearly has the best lineup for the rest of the year. Tons and tons of big name 3rd party games, everything from Bioshock to Mass Effect.

Maybe, but as a fan of Japanese games, I'm not worried about Bioshock and Mass Effect. To me they're pretty much just shooters with extra quirks.

Only 360 titles I'm interested in are Blue Dragon, Lost Oddesy, Last Remnant, and Halo 3. Other than that, pretty much nothing for me.


Brak said:
You know what's really scary is that the 360 and PS3 numbers probably wouldn't be that much different if the Wii didn't exist. People just wouldn't be buying videogame consoles. The industry would potentially have been in some serious trouble.

I wonder if Nintendo went the way of MS/ Sony and sold a system like they did? 350+, all that shit? Yikes.
Gaborn said:
The public doesn't want it yet at the price its being offered. Simple as that.

You are absolutely correct.

Couple that with a resurgence of the Nintendo brand worldwide and you have the full picture.


Jive Turkey said:

Thread bookmarked for hilarity.

I hope Microsoft notices the PSP's performance after a price drop and follows suit instead of looking at the PS3's sad flailing.


PSP performance didn't improve all that much with a price drop really.


It's too hard judge right now with only a week's worth of sales accounted for, but the Elite may be the worst idea Microsoft came up with. They had better hope that either people absolutely fall in love with the Elite (unlikely), or that it stays very niche, keeping the Premium as the real 360. If consumers start accepting the Elite as the default 360, but sales suffer because of it, Microsoft is ****ed. Not PS3 ****ed, but "left to compete for second place" ****ed.


Eteric Rice said:
Maybe, but as a fan of Japanese games, I'm not worried about Bioshock and Mass Effect. To me they're pretty much just shooters with extra quirks.

Only 360 titles I'm interested in are Blue Dragon, Lost Oddesy, Last Remnant, and Halo 3. Other than that, pretty much nothing for me.

As yes, the Japanese game fan.

Anyways, what about Trusty Bell? It seems a better game than BD or LO at least.
laserbeam said:
PSP performance didn't improve all that much with a price drop really.

Yeah to be honest, kinda lost in all the shuffle ... those PSP numbers are not very good considering it just got a price cut.


Chiggs said:
I'm convinced that if Sony released Lair, Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, and Ratchet and Clank in the same month, we'd be lucky to see hardware sales over 250k.

Dead. Serious.

I'll toss in HOME for good measure, STILL not 250K
USD said:
It's too hard judge right now with only a week's worth of sales accounted for, but the Elite may be the worst idea Microsoft came up with. They had better hope that either people absolutely fall in love with the Elite (unlikely), or that it stays very niche, keeping the Premium as the real 360. If consumers start accepting the Elite as the default 360, but sales suffer because of it, Microsoft is ****ed. Not PS3 ****ed, but "left to compete for second place" ****ed.

This is what will happen.

Eteric Rice

Crypto said:
As yes, the Japanese game fan.

Anyways, what about Trusty Bell? It seems a better game than BD or LO at least.

For some reason that one doesn't appeal to me. :( I think it's the loads of flowers. :|

Believe me when I say I want a 360. But right now the cost is to high, and the hardware is to fragile. Not to mention with the way the Wii is taking over, I'm confident the support from Japan will rise quite a bit.


Wii Sports is finally getting some help on the software front.

Wii Play has been doing good numbers for a while now. And Super Paper Mario literally sold 1:1 with the Wii.

You know what, yeah, the software library the Wii has compared to the X360 is anemic at best. Even worse so when it comes to the hardcore gamer. But I truly think many are not realizing that Wii Sports and that rawrsome remote is like the Super Mario Bros of our era. So yeah, maybe waving a remote around for hours doesn't seem that exciting to you. But for a hardcore gamer like me, I kinda wanted something new. The Nintendo DS, even with its underpowered hardware compared to the juggernaut PSP, has games that are truly special to the system... EBA/Ouendan/Meteos/Trauma Center/Yoshi Touch N GO/Electroplankton and the many other games for the DS that houses the DS to its full strength. The consumer, I'm sure, was DYING for something new. Nintendo's philosphy with the DS proved that. Brain Age to me, was rather dull (the presentation was seriously MEH), but to others they played it like it was an actual videogame. And that's when I understood Nintendo's direction full throttle.

There is something POWERFUL when you are hitting a tennis ball with the swing of your hand with the remote. Don't believe me? Let a casual/non-gamer play Wii Sports. Just watch their body language and the smile on their faces. They don't want Gears of War (I surely do!), or GTA's or anything of the sort... they just want something they can play without dedicating hundreds of hours to it. They want to control the game in a way that they don't get lost trying to dictate its control, hence the remote is such an easy device to get used to. A monkey could play Wii Sports if it wanted to!

The Wii has something the DS doesn't even have... that moment where there is truly something new and exciting to play (I truly don't mean to discount the DS. I ****ing love that little portable). That remote is doing wonders for the Wii. I'd like to right now try to get up an argument here...

- The Wii will eventually stop selling because its a fad.
Really? So its sales are just going to drop off like a rock? Look, I've been playing games all my life. I'm just like you... I want the newest hardware, more epic games, I want everything taken to the nth level: graphics/physics/art direction/sound direction, everything. I look at Motorstorm being played on an neat 1080P HD TV and it seriously does look outstanding. Same goes for Resistance. But you are still playing with the same dual shock controller you have played 10 years ago, right? Weren't there articles eons ago how console sales in the United States have not beaten total percentages of house holds in the US? Why is that? Maybe the X360 and PS3 weren't as inviting as we all through they were? To me they most definitely are. Those sytems (the X360 anyway) have a myriad of software support, the hardware is so there, and I can get a hang of the controller in 5 minutes, and oh yeah, the games reek of awesomeness.

The casual/non-gamers/lapsed gamer does not see it that way though. They feel left out. They do not want to dedicate themselves eons to play a game. Why do you think portables are so enticing? So Nintendo told themselves let's take the handheld philosphy and put that full throttle on the console area. It seems to be working so far! The Nintendo Wii is such an inviting console. It screams "PLAY ME!" It hasn't an all in purpose multimedia machine... its just this really neat gaming mahcine. But why is it so neat for these people? That remote.

When my mother of 65 and my father of 67 yrs. old are playing Wii Sports after 6 months after the console has come out, now I just KNOW Nintendo has something in their hands.

Wii Sports and that remote are the truly break out innovations this generation so far. Don't believe me? Fine don't. Come back to me when Christmas 2007 comes and goes and the Wii has a definite stranglehold on the world wide lead.

- But the graphics! The graphics! My eyes are melting because of how crappy Wii Sports looks!
Yeah... and? Hey, I love Gears of War yeah. A tremendous experience I had with that game, mostly because of its graphics and intense moments. But the new crowd digging the Wii aren't seeing it that way. The graphics they see are merely serviceable to them. Who cares how the game looks as long as the game is fun to them?

Wii Sports god damn you! Wii Sports!

Dudes, next year I'm sure there will be titles on the 360 that make Wii Sports look like an horrible N64 port... it still won't matter. Gears of War is out there, but yet, that ****ing remote and Wii Sports are being played by the millions right now.

- Developers still aren't go to shift all their mainline titles anyway to the Wii! PS3/360 will have those!
You know what, most likely you are right. But just take a gander at the DS for a second. Yeah, you still have your mainline titles from Nintendo there, some from Konami and Capcom with Mega Man and Castlevania, FF from SquareEnix... but its been proven that new titles with new ideas will be the ones that truly push hardware. Brain Training? Nintendogs? Wii Sports? Oh snap...

You can slap GTAx on the Wii and call it a day with piece of shit controls to boot but it won't sell even with the brandname. Why? Because it controls like crap. But if you have it ocntrol to the point where the player playing feels absolutely powerful... you might have something.

But I have this strange feeling that just like every other generation that has come and gone when it comes to the vg industry, the titles that really lands a place on our hearts are games that dare to defy standards with new ideas and new designs and set new ones.

Wii Sports is just the beginning.

- - -

2007 might be the year that Wii takes overall world wide sales.

But 2008 will be the year that it makes the best DS year (2006) pale in comparison.

So all it took is ONE title and this weird remote to do this.

Imagine next year when you have SEVERAL titles and this weird remote? It's scary...


Brak said:
You know what's really scary is that the 360 and PS3 numbers probably wouldn't be that much different if the Wii didn't exist. People just wouldn't be buying videogame consoles. The industry would potentially have been in some serious trouble.


A point people bemoaning Nintendo killing gaming conviniently overlook.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Dude, I don't even make predictions every month. I have no idea. Like four hundo in September? I don't know. I'm certainly not going to make a wager on it.

I dont make predictions either but to say that Halo 3 wont push systems is just plain stupidity.

If it doesnt push a veritable assload of 360's then HD game am doomed for real. :(


*enters thread*

*looks around at corpses*


leme guess...sub 100k PS3.

*looks at numbers*

*:lol *

*goes to eat.*


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming
**** hd gaming

HD isn't a ****ing gaming genre... seriously, wtf people? why the hell do I care if a game is in HD or not if I'm not having fun with it? does HD make a game fun? Interesting? Does HD add depth to the game? all that is mentioned is "hd gaming".

PS3 and 360 aren't selling because there IS no ****ing thing as "hd gaming". There is gaming, there is compelling content, and there is a price/value ratio. These are the only things that matter. Japan doesn't give a shit about "hd gaming". Europe doesn't give a shit about "hd gaming". And America doesn't give a shit about "hd gaming". They want fun games, new content and gameplay, and to feel like they are getting a great value for their gaming dollar.. HD doesn't add practically anything to any of those three factors..

amazing that even after a year of sluggish next-gen sales that some of you guys still haven't figured it out and think that the public is somehow dissing "hd gaming".

and I have no problem with 360 or PS3 and have had an HDTV with DirecTV HD since 2002... I just don't get some of your magical fascinations with the thought that HD somehow makes all games instantly better, and that games not in HD suddenly are much less fun.
jetjevons said:
If Halo 2 did ~$150 million dollars revenue day one, I'd say Halo 3 can top that.

HANDS DOWN. Throw in:

- Higher Price For The Basic
- Two More Editions
- One Of Them At A Beagle Boys In Uncle Scrooge's Vault Price


sprocket said:
wow the ps2 creamed the 360! :lol

I wouldn't say it exactly creamed it, it barely outsold it.

However, trying to spin that for 82k is outright an embarassment.
I guess nobody cares about good games like Resistance, Motorstorm or Virtual Fighter 5.
I believe that the 17 to 35 old market main interest is still the 360 and the Ps3.

They are just waiting. I fully believe that Wii numbers is huge because well, kids want it really bad, they traded the Ps2 for the Wii, but there's still a huge market for the 360 and Ps3.


JavyOO7 said:
lots of PR style crap

I've watched everyone I know play my Wii. Most of my friends have similar interests in games as me, we all enjoy Warioware. I liked Elebits more than most of those I know. Everyone but me hates Wii Sports.

My parents played some Wii Sports. My father had a similar reaction playing COD3 splitscreen on 360 as playing Wii Tennis. He did like how easy it was, at least.


I played on a SDTV until about six months ago with my Xbox 360. It didn't bother me any. I think people are overrating the necessity of HDTVs for next-gen consoles. Dead Rising's text wasn't that hard to read. I made it out just fine. The widescreen doesn't matter either. There are a lot of things that have been touted as an excuse to say you NEED an HDTV to play an Xbox 360 and I call bullshit on all of them.

Eteric Rice

Merovingian said:
I believe that the 17 to 35 old market main interest is still the 360 and the Ps3.

They are just waiting. I fully believe that Wii numbers is huge because well, kids want it really bad, they traded the Ps2 for the Wii, but there's still a huge market for the 360 and Ps3.

That's a simple fix for Nintendo.

Black Wii + Mature games like Metroid Prime, etc = $$$
planetkiller said:
I wouldn't say it exactly creamed it, it barely outsold it.

However, trying to spin that for 82k is outright an embarassment.
I guess nobody cares about good games like Resistance, Motorstorm or Virtual Fighter 5.

:lol Why does your tag say Being Watched?
people still thinking halo 3 won't sell xbox 360s?

i'm pretty amazed. i wasn't around gaf when halo 2 came out, but i've read the crow eating threads. there were people that thought halo 2 wouldn't sell many XBOXs since it was reasoned that everyone who liked halo already had an xbox.

those people were very wrong.

now we're talking about the first entry of the franchise on the 360. if i'm just a halo fan... unless i was prepared to buy one now, buy crackdown and get into the beta (and we know that the number of people that did that are much smaller than the number of people that are going to be buying halo 3 on DAY ONE) why would i buy a system that didn't have halo on it yet?

glad to see sonys PR being a little bit more grounded in reality this month.

i'm going to guess that they didn't have the biggest share of the gaming dollar this month either, since they didn't claim that victory like they normally do.


Merovingian said:
I fully believe that Wii numbers is huge because well, kids want it really bad, they traded the Ps2 for the Wii, but there's still a huge market for the 360 and Ps3.

I don't think that's true, if only based on the Wii Vote channel.

More than half prefer coffee to tea, coffee is not a kids drink, for sure. Even I voted tea.

Although Wii users intelligence might be in question, over 30% think EVERYONE on Earth has an identical twin, no joke.
plagiarize said:
people still thinking halo 3 won't sell xbox 360s?

i'm pretty amazed. i wasn't around gaf when halo 2 came out, but i've read the crow eating threads. there were people that thought halo 2 wouldn't sell many XBOXs since it was reasoned that everyone who liked halo already had an xbox.

those people were very wrong.

now we're talking about the first entry of the franchise on the 360. if i'm just a halo fan... unless i was prepared to buy one now, buy crackdown and get into the beta (and we know that the number of people that did that are much smaller than the number of people that are going to be buying halo 3 on DAY ONE) why would i buy a system that didn't have halo on it yet?

glad to see sonys PR being a little bit more grounded in reality this month.

i'm going to guess that they didn't have the biggest share of the gaming dollar this month either, since they didn't claim that victory like they normally do.

How many Xboxen DID H2 move that month?

Anyone know?
Eteric Rice said:
That's a simple fix for Nintendo.

Black Wii + Mature games like Metroid Prime, etc = $$$

Well I hope you are right because if they are indeed going to become the de facto next gen leader then they need some more mature games....at least for my tastes.
(Of course, nothing wrong with a little Mario and Super Smash Bros. either)


plagiarize said:
people still thinking halo 3 won't sell xbox 360s?

i'm pretty amazed. i wasn't around gaf when halo 2 came out, but i've read the crow eating threads. there were people that thought halo 2 wouldn't sell many XBOXs since it was reasoned that everyone who liked halo already had an xbox.

those people were very wrong.

now we're talking about the first entry of the franchise on the 360. if i'm just a halo fan... unless i was prepared to buy one now, buy crackdown and get into the beta (and we know that the number of people that did that are much smaller than the number of people that are going to be buying halo 3 on DAY ONE) why would i buy a system that didn't have halo on it yet?

glad to see sonys PR being a little bit more grounded in reality this month.

i'm going to guess that they didn't have the biggest share of the gaming dollar this month either, since they didn't claim that victory like they normally do.
I never said it wouldn't sell 360s. I'm asking YOU to tell ME how many it will sell. Reasonable since it's constantly brought out as the 360's ace in the hole.


Congratulations NPD you have dazzled me!

:lol No seriously. These PS3 sales are worse than anyone could have expected. Theres no realistic positive senario for Sony at this point. A 200 dollar price cut is unrealistic. Its time to start making this race a two horse one now.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
mabuza said:
goodbye next gen. we hardly knew ye
and lol @ halo 3
You will eat your words.

I am worried because the Wii and tbh everything Nintendo puts out bores me to death. I just dont have fun when I play with a Wii. I just want to play games like Halo, GeOW, MGS and others with amazing HD graphics and a good online interface. The Wii doesnt give me that, and a PC doesnt give me that either (at least the combination of games). I really hope the 360 and PS3 prosper because otherwise my main hobby will be ruined.
Eteric Rice said:
That's a simple fix for Nintendo.

Black Wii + Mature games like Metroid Prime, etc = $$$

Not really.

Graphics and online gaming are much more appealing to the group of 17 to 35 than lesser graphics and a waggle.

The Wii isn't a system that can win any type of consumer, because of what the system is supposed to be in itself. It's not as simple as you say AT ALL.

The nature of the Wii really is to appeal to the trully casual market, the biggest of them all, the non gamers, and the kids.


Grecco said:
Congratulations NPD you have dazzled me!

:lol No seriously. These PS3 sales are worse than anyone could have expected. Theres no realistic positive senario for Sony at this point. A 200 dollar price cut is unrealistic. Its time to start making this race a two horse one now.

and the 2 horses must be wii and ps2 right>.>
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