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NPD Sales Results for January 2010

Evlar said:
Which is tilting at windmills. Pretending sunk costs and marketing budgets don't exist because we don't know the numbers is just bad analysis. It's better to admit we don't know whether this or that game is a 'disappointment' without that data and turn to more interesting topics. In my opinion. Continuing to talk about it regardless of all we don't know points to other motivations... chiefly, treating game sales as a sporting event, or as a means for grinding an axe.

I kind of feel bad you just wasted all those letters, as correct as the sentences they form may be. GAF knows what it is. It doesn't need to be corrected, or told it's been fighting for nothing all of these bloody years. Stand back, or pick up an axe and join in on the fun.
Road said:
COD in January:

360 World at War - 235,000
PS3 World at War - 108,000

360 Modern Warfare - 330,900
PS3 Modern Warfare - 140,000

360 Modern Warfare 2 - 326,700
PS3 Modern Warfare 2 - 259,000

schuelma said:
Re: NMH2. I believe it had 5 days tracked for this month.

Don't have the exact January 2008 tracking period since the search is down, but I assume the original had 405 more days of tracking.

NMH had like 3 or so more days I think.

Edit: It had a whole week more.


ShockingAlberto said:
January 2008 NPD, NMH's launch month

The last recorded number is 39k, for Sonic Riders. Now, mind you, NMH1 could have been right behind that with 38k. Or it could be well below that.

In any event, I'm glad we're all at the point where we're assuming it has no chance of selling like the original game did, even getting similar first month numbers. I wouldn't have NPD threads any other way.

I found this thread from the past:

The first one sold 65,000 copies in January 2008 npd which is January 6 to Feb 2
No more heroes two sold close to 30,000 in January 2010 npd from January 3 to 30

So 65,000 copies in 12 days for NMH and about 30,000 in 5 days.


x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
Heavy Rain isn't making the top 10 next month. There are less than 10 reserves in our entire 18 store district for it.

Besides, which game is it going to replace?

Assuming the top 10 will have:


Mario Kart Wii

Wii Fit Plus

Bioshock 2 360

Bioshock 2 ps3

Dantes Inferno 360

Dantes Inferno Ps3

Mass Effect 2

CODMW2 360

Alien Vs Predator 360

It would have to be an out of nowhere surprise like Lets Dance, and it's too niche' to do it.
It will more than likely sell well over time if it's good/gets good WOM and Sony doesn't discontinue it.



I want to play the prediction game now too.

In Feb:

Bioshock 2 will chart.

ME2 will chart, but lower than Bioshock 2.

Heavy Rain will not chart.

AvP will not chart.

Some Nintendo games will be up there next month too. maybe.
BattleMonkey said:
So next month:

Bioshock 2 (multiplatform)
Battlefield BC2 (multi)
Dantes (multi)
AVP (multi)

Those possible could chart, and of course a bunch of spots likely will be taken up by Wii regulars like Mario and such.

Though I doubt Dantes is going to be burning up the chart.

BF:BC2 is march.

AVP will bomb. Dante's will be mediocre.


ShockingAlberto said:
The original NMH came out on January 22nd against....

Burnout Paradise and Pirates of the Burning Sea, according to Wiki

NMH2 came out against Mass Effect 2 and TvC

and i bet TvC was a huge seller too.
MirageDwarf said:
No. Most of SP games are front loaded. Specially when there are big name games releasing close to each other. Next month is time for Bioshock 2. Bioshock 2 > Mass Effect 2.

Fair enough. It's always hard to get people riled up on an RPG when there's an FPS to be had.

Which would be MW2, not Bioshock 2. :|
But I'm fully willing to be amazed by BS2's powers of persuasion. Just don't really believe in that, I suppose.


Black Republican
schuelma said:
Re: NMH2. I believe it had 5 days tracked for this month.

Don't have the exact January 2008 tracking period since the search is down, but I assume the original had 405 more days of tracking.
You posted the NHM tally:

schuelma said:
Official number from sonycowboy:

[WII No More Heroes] = 65K
I think that was 10 days of tracking, not 100% sure.

edit: NHM was released on Jan 22nd, NPD tracking went to Feb. 2nd that month.
velvet_nitemare said:
Seeing how sequels perform on Wii, it has no chance of getting near Bayonetta. Let's not even count japanese sales, else it gets much worse. Yet you defend NMH2 sales, and imply Bayonetta is a bomb.
Oh, I love Bayonetta and am happy it sold as well as it did.

I just wanted to point out GAF's hilarious argument that Madworld is the sole definer of Wii's hardcore success. Bayonetta is one of several HD bombs, and the most equivalent to MadWorld (same developer, publisher, ad campaign, considered a quality title with heavy word of mouth, on two systems with a comparable base to the Wii, etc.). I don't actually believe it's a bomb, but it is fun to poke posters, who know who they are, for the hypocrisy.

But now you made me go and explain it, whereas I'm confident several other people understood it fine. And I was having so much fun, too.


ShockingAlberto said:
The original NMH came out on January 22nd against....

Burnout Paradise and Pirates of the Burning Sea, according to Wiki

NMH2 came out against Mass Effect 2 and TvC
How is No More Heroes going up against those games when they're on completely different systems?
x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
Heavy Rain isn't making the top 10 next month. There are less than 10 reserves in our entire 18 store district for it.

Besides, which game is it going to replace?

Assuming the top 10 will have:


Mario Kart Wii

Wii Fit Plus

Bioshock 2 360

Bioshock 2 ps3

Dantes Inferno 360

Dantes Inferno Ps3

Mass Effect 2

CODMW2 360

Alien Vs Predator 360

It would have to be an out of nowhere surprise like Lets Dance, and it's too niche' to do it.
It will more than likely sell well over time if it's good/gets good WOM and Sony doesn't discontinue it.

It could beat ME2 if that's really frontloaded, Dante's Inferno if that bombs, Alien Vs Predator because I haven't heard anything about it. It could break 200k if sales are really good but I'm expecting somewhere between 100k and 200k.


x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
Heavy Rain isn't making the top 10 next month.

Who the hell thinks Heavy Rain will break the top 10?! There is no chance in hell that it will. Anyone that says otherwise is kidding themselves.


Bloomberg: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601101&sid=aCRgotCSZRr4
Nintendo Wii Leads U.S. Video-Game Sales Lower With 31% Drop

Feb. 12 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. sales of Nintendo Co.’s Wii video-game console fell 31 percent in January, pulling industry sales down 13 percent for the month.

Purchases of consoles, games and accessories fell to $1.17 billion, NPD Group Inc. said in an e-mailed statement yesterday. Sales of Sony Corp.’s PlayStation 3 increased 36 percent and Microsoft Corp.’s Xbox 360 rose 7.7 percent, the Port Washington, New York-based researcher said.


I seriously can't believe people are surprised bayonetta didn't make the top 10. People actually thought that VERY niche title would chart? Craziness.
Ultimo hombre said:
BF:BC2 is march.

AVP will bomb. Dante's will be mediocre.

Yea I checked on BF already.

But AVP I think has a good chance of performing ok, at least making some space on the chart. I doubt it will sell good but initial month will probably give it some chartage.


vicissitudes said:
Nope, it will be Mass Effect month 2 > Bioshock 2 (360) month 1 > Mass Effect 2 month 2. Whether Bioshock 2 does more or less than Bioshock first month is questionable (on 360).

Also pretty interesting that Mass Effect 2 only did slightly more than Uncharted 2 first month with an install base of 19m versus (10m at the time?) and people keep saying Uncharted 2 underperformed in sales. Also even though ME2 was only on the market for 6 days remember how frontloaded HD games tend to be. People like to downplay Uncharted 2 numbers (and PS3 exclusives in general) because they aren't Gears numbers but remember 99% of games don't hit Gears numbers.

Dragon age and Fallout 3 didn't do spectacular numbers on the NPD either.

Yet Dragon age is at 3.2 million copies sold and F3 is surely at 4+ million now.Let's see how far Mass effect 2 can go (it will do more than ME,but nowhere close to 5-6 million).

The chance of Heavy rain selling well are close to none (nothing is impossible),I have no faith in most gamers to even care about that title. :lol
JaxJag said:
How is No More Heroes going up against those games when they're on completely different systems?
Apples and oranges may be different, but you don't eat one and decide that the other is different enough to make room for.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
ShockingAlberto said:
Oh, I love Bayonetta and am happy it sold as well as it did.

I just wanted to point out GAF's hilarious argument that Madworld is the sole definer of Wii's hardcore success. Bayonetta is one of several HD bombs, and the most equivalent to MadWorld (same developer, publisher, ad campaign, considered a quality title with heavy word of mouth, on two systems with a comparable base to the Wii, etc.). I don't actually believe it's a bomb, but it is fun to poke posters, who know who they are, for the hypocrisy.

But now you made me go and explain it, whereas I'm confident several other people understood it fine. And I was having so much fun, too.

The fact that you have to explain it at all just shows how out of touch people can be 'round here.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Bayonetta 360 90% on Metacritic >171k First month (at most) Install Base ~21M
Bayonetta PS3 86% on Metacritic >171k Frist month (at most) Install Base ~12M
Madworld Wii 81% on Metacritic >70k First month Install Base ~20M

Madworld proved there were was not a market for third party core games on Wii.


LM4sure said:
Who the hell thinks Heavy Rain will break the top 10?! There is no chance in hell that it will. Anyone that says otherwise is kidding themselves.

I thought it might only because I thought there was some measure of hype amongst the base. Guess not.


Second-rate Anihawk
canova said:
Bayonetta alienated many fans in an-already small action game market. (We know that any DMC or NG game will not sell than 2M)

- Bad art style
- Bad level design. It's all over the place (airplane, missiles, jetskiiing, how many times do they re-use the town, which is the only good part of the level)
- Obnoxious female character
- too many long annoying stupid cutscenes
- Crappy gameplay in some parts (stupid bike & missile riding, I have no fucking idea why Kamiya thought it was a good idea to put these parts in)
- Boring boss battles

In the end what's left are a good combat mechanic (not even a great one) and some good regular enemies. That's all
Aren't you the guy that was shitting on the Bayonetta thread for a good two pages?


chespace said:
- wrong
- wrong
- wrong
- wrong
- wrong
- wrong


Funny thing is, my roommate likes these kinds of action games. I showed him the demo for Bayonetta and he flat out told me there was no way he was playing that, even though the combat looked cool. He wouldn't even try out the demo. The main character is just too far out there for a lot of people. No one should be surprised that the game didn't chart.
velvet_nitemare said:
Seeing how sequels perform on Wii, it has no chance of getting near Bayonetta. Let's not even count japanese sales, else it gets much worse. Yet you defend NMH2 sales, and imply Bayonetta is a bomb.

How much did Bayonetta sell?


  • Platinumgames :/ - I mean, it's not a complete bomb, but I'd so wish them a breakout hit. :(
  • PS2 is about done.
  • Mass Effect did very well (we already knew this), still feels good to see it succeed.
  • Expected to see NSMB on top, that game is going to end up as one of the best selling games of this generation, and probably all time.
  • Darksiders did so-so. Actually, it did pretty good considering its B-tier developer degree and relatively low-key release, but it didn't do enough if we are to believe Midway's expectations (likely tied to the break-even point) for the title.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Man God said:
Shipping concerns, packaging , printing, that sort of nonsense getting in the way of the $50 from GameStop.
Are we disagreeing? I'm suggesting EA does not get $49 from the sale of a $60 game. I think we agree?
kitzkozan said:
Dragon age and Fallout 3 didn't do spectacular numbers on the NPD either.

Yet Dragon age is at 3.2 million copies sold and F3 is surely at 4+ million now.Let's see how far Mass effect 2 can go (it will do more than ME,but nowhere close to 5-6 million).

The chance of Heavy rain selling well are close to none (nothing is impossible),I have no faith in most gamers to even care about that title. :lol

I was talking about exclusives. :p

And are those worldwide numbers or US numbers? I think they're WW...
Ok, I came up with a comparison for the first NMH and the NMH2:

No More Heroes was released on January 22nd 2008, NPD stopped tracking on Feb 2 ->
No More Heroes sold 65k in 12 days.
No More Heroes 1 went on to sell over 100k by Feb 15 2008 in the US.
By January 2009, it sold 208k in the US.

No More Heroes 2 was released on January 26th, 2010, NPD stopped tracking on Jan 31st ->
No More Heroes 2 sold less than 30k in 6 days
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