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NPD Sales Results for January 2014 [Up3: PS4/XB1 #1/#2 best selling; Poke/SM3DW/ALBW]


needs 2 extra inches
Are we sure of this? It's important, because, if it is, then One numbers in February could not be exactly truthful.
Layaway programs are not popular in the slightest (in this case: they advertise "we'll reserve a unit for you" when they're in abundant supply) and I think their impact will be minimal at best.

Also, GS official line follows the logic of "since we're due for tax returns..." so it won't be around for long I reckon.
Just asking.

I've just read the thread about the Gamestop Layaway programme for Xbox One. Now, what I want to ask is: could it be that Gamestop needs only to see the first deposit from who participates to the programme in order to count an Xbox One as sold? Is it even possible?
As an aside, I wonder how many lawaway items don't actually end up getting purchased in the end. And what generally happens to the money that went into them.


Im curious as to how the media will handle this. They tried really hard to make it seem like the ps4 and xbox were selling equally. Now that the NPD results are in, they cannot spin it.
Just as an aside, I had an interesting rumour on my desk today. Sony's new TV subsidiary is going to be loaded up with 400-500bn yen worth of debt and it would also have around a third of Sony's future pension liabilities. It really sounds like they are going to sell it to the Japanese government at a nominal price and reduce their indebtedness. If they do it as I think they are, then selling the division will reduce their indebtedness by a third and wipe around 100bn yen off the company's pension deficit, but they would take a 200-250bn yen loss on the book value of the division, by my reckoning at least.

If this does happen as I think it will, then I think Sony would suddenly be in a very strong position going forwards. Massive income from financial services, strong growth in their gaming division, strong growth in semi-conductors, strong growth in imaging, strongish growth in smartphones and a huge content ownership arm. I would put their target price up to 3700 yen (from our current target of 1900 iirc) if the rumour is true. Not sure about it though because the same person completely missed the sale of the Vaio division if they are in a position to know this then they should have been in a position to know about that as well.

A random bit of off topic that didn't fit anywhere else...

Very interesting. In a terrible sort of way. Sounds like a lot of people getting screwed.


Very nice analysis, thank you!

Agree. I'm surprised by people's reaction to ps4 numbers being low. Considering the numbers in December we knew they flew in shipments that would have shown in January normally and considering they are in what 50+ markets now?

Also we have japan launching this month so you know they have to stockpile some of January's numbers for it. March NPD is going to be a great month. I think February will be in close to January's numbers for the ps4 just due to japan shipments being divided up. I'm thinking Sony will look at March sales and see if production needs to be increased.

edit: For the people who think the PS4 stock situation in the US is improving...Best Buy just turned off store pickup for ps4's again.


It doesn't matter what the market is. It is a matter of self interest and generally once a business monopolizes a market they make moves that are less about creating value for the consumer and creating more profits for themselves. Read a history book or economics textbook. It's been recorded and observed for 100s of years how we act when we monopolize.

Modern companies like Google and Amazon who buck the trend in their own ways are only interpreting self interest in a different way. In the case of Amazon they don't care about structurally selling at a loss because by delivering on quality service they have grown rapidly as a company and see room to keep on growing as long as they can meet the demands of easy and fast deliveries and return claims.
Google sees that by avoiding abuse they can avoid unwanted regulations they didn't have to deal with before.
Again, sure, monopolies are bad but Sony can't truly monopolize the industry. Third parties drive sales, not first parties (as Nintendo has found out quite clearly with the Wii U). Hardware upgrades make everyone start from zero every 5-10 years.

The video game industry in it's current form is very protected from any kind of overt monopoly, especially from Sony who simply don't have the cash resources to out-spend competitors to defend themselves when anti-consumer actions make openings for competitors.

Also, as a company Sony is clearly trying to re-position into the Google/Amazon mold of service/media provider where at least the appearance of being pro-consumer is incredibly valuable. The clear goal there is to build up ample good will to position Playstation Now as the gaming alternative to Netflix and iTunes, which itself would be a market constantly exposed to outside competition if they get too heavy handed.

It's not absurd. It's business. When companies do well, they become complacent and greedy. When they fall on hard times, they become forward thinking and seemingly consumer friendly. It's the cycle of rich corporations. Compare Sony during the Playstation 1 & 2 cycles when they were unrivaled, to the Playstation 3, and then compare all of that to the Playstation 4 after they were humbled. Compare Nintendo's jump from the Wii/DS to the Wii U/3DS. Compare Microsoft during the Xbox's life cycle and the Xbox 360's lifecycle, and then compare that to now. You know how we shift back and forth between hating and loving Publishers like EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Capcom, etc.? This cycle is a big reason why.
I never shift back and forth on hating EA, Activision, and Ubisoft. I don't know why other's do.

Also, compare what jump for Nintendo? They're just as anti-consumer as they've always been. Goal #1 is to protect their little fiefdom of first party software offerings and belief that they're entitled to healthy profit margins on hardware unlike everyone else. They got lucky on the Wii and caught a blue ocean market. There was nothing pro-consumer about selling massively overpriced plastic trinket add ons and keeping all first party software at near full MSRP for the life of the platform.

Also, Microsoft has ALWAYS been anti-consumer. That was the big fear when they entered the market. They kept a low enough profile in that regard until people trusted them, then started an insidious slide into advertising and paywall bullshit just like everyone expected.

Companies are in business for money. End of story. They're not your friend, and regardless of what they say, they don't give two shits about the well being of the industry outside of their own walls. And if left unchecked, they will exploit and short cut all avenues possible. It's a fact of life.
Of course companies aren't your friend. Despite what Mitt Romney claims they aren't even people. But the fact is that Sony as a company has a long hill to climb before they even have the muscle to exploit or short cut any of their businesses. They're going to suck consumer dick until they're actually back in the black and truly healthy, if that ever even happens, because right now they're one always on Xbox One fiasco away from having to divide the company up into an insurance company, a media production company, and a small subsidiary of Toshiba that makes semiconductors.

The suggestion of Sony somehow being the big bad wolf when right now they're scraping and clawing to keep their heads above water quarter after quarter is what's really absurd here.

Having 80% of the market with the entire industry focusing ONLY on your product is nearly the same as having a monopoly.
Not when that market resets every 5-10 years and consumers are driven to your product entirely thanks to 3rd party products.

Just FYI, Time Warner Cable is not my only option, I can still get myself DSL or dial-up internet if I wanted to, but that would be fucking stupid, just like getting anything other than the PS4 when the entire industry rotating around it.
But Time Warner is your only serious option, as you yourself said getting DSL would be fucking stupid. The more important point here isn't that Time Warner Cable is your only option though, its that Time Warner is your only option now and well into the future. They own the politicians who hand out market control and therefore face no real threat to losing their iron grasp on you as a consumer. The PS4's success becomes all but worthless the second we talk about the PS5, as Sony has already so clearly proven for us with the PS3.

As for the PS3, MS only managed to get ahead because it dumped a hillside worth of money on Xbox and Xbox 360, Xbox was nothing but a pure loss for MS, and Xbox 360 had to be rushed out the door to beat PS3 and also had to make up for the losses of the OG Xbox, so it's pretty safe to say that if Sony didn't majorly fuck up the PS3's design, which made it incredibly hard to work with for the devs, which made a lot of the multiplats worse, and made it extremely expensive, MS might have dropped out market and we would again be stuck only with what Sony has to offer.
MS made money on the Xbox 360. More than Sony did on the PS3. So I wouldn't say they dumped a hillside of money into it. They did for the OG Xbox and it got them very little. It was when they re-focused their product line that suddenly it became popular and therefore made money.

Also, your point on how the PS3 could have pushed the 360 out of the market from day one if it had instead been far more pro-consumer and pro-developer directly proves my point. Sony had two dominant generations and lost almost all that momentum the minute they betrayed consumer trust. If they hadn't they never would have exploited their monopoly and likely would have been rewarded with a third consecutive generation on top, but that's the whole point here. The threat of a new generation every 5-10 years keeps 1st parties in line far more than a serious in-generation competitor ever has. We see this in how Sony being a viable alternative last generation didn't keep MS on their game and how Nintendo has only really reacted in even remotely pro-consumer ways when they themselves are struggling to penetrate the market at all, regardless of what the competition is doing.

So you just assume that like any company will just jump in to the market every 5-10 years?
How many serious competitors did we actually have in the entire history of gaming? SEGA, Nintento, Sony, MS, who else?
Video games are too big a business now for them to fall by the wayside. If streaming is viable in 5-10 years we'll have a ton of services companies waiting to jump for example. Even with the current market climate and three legitimate competitors we have an Amazon console coming in the near future. I'm sure Samsung and/or LG would gladly fill a vacuum from a hardware standpoint if one presented itself. This is a multi-billion dollar industry now, major tech companies from all sides of the industry will not let it rest in one company's hands for very long unopposed.

You only WANT believe that it's entirely off base!
No. It's arguing that apples and oranges are exactly the same because both grow on trees and end up in the produce isle at grocery stores. Their business models and the industry they're in have massively differentiating dynamics at play that makes them completely different scenarios.

I can also come up with 6 bullshit reasons why having TimeWarner as the only Internet provider in my area is a great thing, in fact I'm pretty sure that they had to come up with some bullshit reasoning for why they are great when they actually got the government subsidy in the first place, but that doesn't make them true, or void of any negative repercussions.
They didn't get a government subsidy. They pay your local government for exclusive rights. That's the only reason they've got their little fiefdom. Cold cash and sometimes political favors. There aren't any real merits, whereas a standardized and unified console industry has tangible benefits for all parties involved with the exception of the losing first parties. But they don't matter. First parties are the fodder upon which consumers and third parties should be feeding, in exchange being the dominant first party brings a win fall of cash. Its a high risk/high reward game and works best that way so that the rest of the industry and consumers see far less risk as they're the ones least able to cope with it.


No, it beat the competition out at the legislative table and carved up regions for exclusivity between different corporations.

I don't buy the cable company monopoly comparison. If the PS4 became the only console out there its not the only way to game. PC's/tablet/smartphones are all gaming devices where having one ISP is awful. I have two choices here...30mbps from charter or a whopping 3mbps from ATT.
On the Sony handheld side yes there has been a collapse. And yes it is because of Smartphones/Tablets. But it's not because of mobile games. It's because the PSP was a success as multimedia device. Those multimedia features are redundant in the face of smartphones/tablets and so the Vita sales collapsed compared to PSP. The Sony handheld gaming side was always weak and without the multimedia propping it up has also collapsed.
I posted about this in a another thread but I think what happened to Sony's handheld market is pretty clear; Nintendo stole it. They moved out of the low/casual game space that they used to occupy up until the DS and took over the space the PSP used to occupy in both hardware and software.

Now if this was somehow their brilliant plan to drive Sony out of the handheld market it went brilliantly but I have a felling that's not the case.


The handhelds are over. Sales trends for consoles shouldn't include them. I never understood why they were lumped with the traditional consoles, they absolutely are not substitutes.


Feels sogood.gif to see all of EA's games sell better on ps4 even though most were advertised with xbone. hehe

I guess that NFL and sports deals did nothing.
All the sport titles are selling better on ps4. :)

Making titanfall exclusive will be one of the dumbest decision they ever made.

I am not sure EA is as worried about the X1 sales as they are the 360 and last gen software in general. Remember, the deal for exclusivity was made public a couple months before the console launched, who knows how long before that it was actually penned, at that time the public sentiment for the X1 was fairly cautious if not still a bit negative. They certainly would not have expected the second largest console launch in history.

I think by the time TF launches, the sell-through numbers for X1 will be in the range of their internal estimates at the time they made the deal, though a good bit more front-loaded than they might have expected. The fact that CoD has sold better on X1 than on PS4 will also speak positively of the installbase being suited for the type of game TF is; graphically, mechanically, the developer, etc. all positions it much closer to a CoD than a BF which sold better on PS4.

If I were EA, I think the weakness of the 360 and last gen software would be a much bigger concern. Outside of the US/UK/(Aus?) the PS3 has a much higher marketshare compared to the 360, I believe the US is something like half of all 360 HW sales. TF is not going to sell as well outside of the US/UK as it would have on the PS3, if they cannot count on the US to keep up its share of the bargain then it looks much worse for the game meeting their forecasts.

MS probably paid enough in for the exclusivity agreement to offset the development costs of the game, in addition to this they are heavily positioning the game with the XBox brand, which is a lot of 'free' advertising. I doubt they will have much trouble recouping their marketing costs, but if 360/X1 sales continue to be weak I imagine we will be seeing a multiplat TF in the next year or so.


I posted about this in a another thread but I think what happened to Sony's handheld market is pretty clear; Nintendo stole it. They moved out of the low/casual game space that they used to occupy up until the DS and took over the space the PSP used to occupy in both hardware and software.

Now if this was somehow their brilliant plan to drive Sony out of the handheld market it went brilliantly but I have a felling that's not the case.

How can you say Nintendo stole it when they've always had the dedicated handheld market?


I also find it funny how much MS has to spend to make their xbox brand half as successful as the playstation brand in the us. Just look at the amount of partnerships they had to do to get to were they are...
Microsoft has spent billions on EA partnerships, first party games, Titan Fall 1 permanent exclusiveness, NFL partnership, Fifa bundling, Doritos and Mountain Dew partnership, purchasing the Gears Of War IP, COD partnership, Front and Center retailer space, McDonalds partnership, massive ad campaign, and Machinima scandal partnership and it has done nothing yet.


Anyone else think that there will be another ps3 revision with a pricedrop? Sony managed to shrink the ps3 hardware down to point where they can fit 8 of them onto a motherboard.


I also find it funny how much MS has to spend to make their xbox brand half as successful as the playstation brand in the us. Just look at the amount of partnerships they had to do to get to were they are...
Microsoft has spent billions on EA partnerships, first party games, Titan Fall 1 permanent exclusiveness, NFL partnership, Fifa bundling, Doritos and Mountain Dew partnership, purchasing the Gears Of War IP, COD partnership, Front and Center retailer space, McDonalds partnership, massive ad campaign, and Machinima scandal partnership and it has done nothing yet.

I'm pretty sure they would be in a worse position if it wasn't for those things. How much worse is anyone's guess though.

Edit: "Half as successful?" You are just focusing in on January sales?


I posted about this in a another thread but I think what happened to Sony's handheld market is pretty clear; Nintendo stole it. They moved out of the low/casual game space that they used to occupy up until the DS and took over the space the PSP used to occupy in both hardware and software.

Now if this was somehow their brilliant plan to drive Sony out of the handheld market it went brilliantly but I have a felling that's not the case.

But the PSP's success was driven by mid-teens to late 20's consumers buying it as a games + media device. Those aren't the people buying the 3DS. Those people all own smartphones now.

I'd say it's more accurate that Nintendo has always had the under 13 demographic and a dedicated Nintendo core gamer audience that follows them to most hardware throughout. There was always a segment of casuals over 13 they used to pick up, with the NDS that grew to a significantly larger than normal share. Now with smartphones that's hitting an all-time sub-Gameboy low.

The Nintendo handheld core is still more or less in-tact (though they're likely bleeding some amount of the <13 demographic to tablets and the like), but the flex they used to push to get big sales and profits out of their handhelds has been completely walled off by smartphones almost over night.


I posted about this in a another thread but I think what happened to Sony's handheld market is pretty clear; Nintendo stole it. They moved out of the low/casual game space that they used to occupy up until the DS and took over the space the PSP used to occupy in both hardware and software.

Now if this was somehow their brilliant plan to drive Sony out of the handheld market it went brilliantly but I have a felling that's not the case.

I don't think so. What actually happened in the handheld market shrunk dramatically. Nintendo didn't steal anything, they just lost a little less. The 3DS is hurting too.
Anyone else think that there will be another ps3 revision with a pricedrop? Sony managed to shrink the ps3 hardware down to point where they can fit 8 of them onto a motherboard.

How much uglier can this hypothetical fourth revision get? The third one is really ugly looking.


Just asking.

I've just read the thread about the Gamestop Layaway programme for Xbox One. Now, what I want to ask is: could it be that Gamestop needs only to see the first deposit from who participates to the programme in order to count an Xbox One as sold? Is it even possible?

No it's not. Gamestop makes it very clear in all preorders, that you aren't buying anything until the day you pick it up and walk out of the store with it. Until then, you're just building store credit.


I'm pretty sure they would be in a worse position if it wasn't for those things. How much worse is anyone's guess though.

Edit: "Half as successful?" You are just focusing in on January sales?
I find it surprising. North America was in favor of xbox around 2:1. To see the ps4 selling double is crazy as xbox outselling ps4 in Europe and Japan 2:1. So far yes.


Anyone else think that there will be another ps3 revision with a pricedrop? Sony managed to shrink the ps3 hardware down to point where they can fit 8 of them onto a motherboard.

I don't think so. The PS3/Xbox 360 generation fell off a cliff so fast there may be no point in a redesign. Unless they can get it to $149 it's probably not worth it.


I think this month makes it less likely MS will be able to afford that. Basically either the PS4 gap is going to get larger and larger, forcing MS to have to pay a bigger amount to compensate for the lack of profit from the PS4 port. Or Titanfall is so popular it saves XBO, proving the Titanfall franchise to be incredibly valuable, and the exclusivity price tag rising because of the popularity of that franchise.

I guess anything is possible considering they spent $400 million on NFL stuff absolutely no one cares about, but it's certainly not going to be cheap.

If Titanfall had epic single player content I think it would do better otherwise it may be another Warhawk. I just don't think an online only shooter will be a system seller.


Titanfall will not save the Bone. When you start betting on one game to save the system the system is fucked total.


Anyone else think that there will be another ps3 revision with a pricedrop? Sony managed to shrink the ps3 hardware down to point where they can fit 8 of them onto a motherboard.

I think a price drop is definitely coming. Don't think there will be another revision though.


I agree with this.

Xbox One January NPD sales are way below Microsoft's internal projections for the device. If this trend keeps up throughout 2014 (which I doubt because of Titanfall, price drop, etc., but you never know), Mr. Nadella and investors may not be so eager to keep Xbox around in the future...

And Sony? Riddled with debt, low-performing sectors and an uncertain future. Microsoft's income statement is incredibly strong by comparison.

Nintendo should buy Xbox!

I'm only half kidding.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
So, while we're here

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

US - < 85,000 in 5 days

PS4 - < 56,667
One - < 28,334

UK - ~ 27,400 in 2 days

PS4 - ~ 18,900
One - ~ 8,500

I know it's just a game, but does this mean that next gen is doing relatively better in UK than in US?


Junior Member
I posted about this in a another thread but I think what happened to Sony's handheld market is pretty clear; Nintendo stole it.

This is actually a good point. The 3DS offering decent 3D, the likes of Monster Hunter meant it could compete directly with the game offerings on Vita and taken some market share. I would still say though that the multimedia features of Vita being redundant in todays world is the primary cause of the Sony handheld drop off. Their own inability to provide strong handheld games as well as better direct competition from Nintendo finishing the job.

But the PSP's success was driven by mid-teens to late 20's consumers buying it as a games + media device. Those aren't the people buying the 3DS. Those people all own smartphones now.

Yep, bang on.

The Nintendo handheld core is still more or less in-tact (though they're likely bleeding some amount of the <13 demographic to tablets and the like), but the flex they used to push to get big sales and profits out of their handhelds has been completely walled off by smartphones almost over night.

I think this isn't proven at all. 3DS sales are robust considering it is overpriced. The decline of the DS is because Nintendo failed to successfully cater to the Nintendogs/Brain Training crowd. Those people didn't ditch Nintendo because of smartphones. They just ditched Nintendo full stop. Whether they went back to the way they were or whether they ended up dabbling in smartphone games is unrelated.
How can you say Nintendo stole it when they've always had the dedicated handheld market?
They stole the high-end/home console experience sector that the PSP used to satisfy. Look at they types of games that the 3DS has in its library and compare them to the types of games that droves PSP sales. Obviously it's a very Japanese-centric catalog compared to what the PSP had early on but it's very close.

The 3DS also launched at the same price point as the PSP and raised software prices to match PSP prices.
But the PSP's success was driven by mid-teens to late 20's consumers buying it as a games + media device. Those aren't the people buying the 3DS. Those people all own smartphones now.

I'd say it's more accurate that Nintendo has always had the under 13 demographic and a dedicated Nintendo core gamer audience that follows them to most hardware throughout. There was always a segment of casuals over 13 they used to pick up, with the NDS that grew to a significantly larger than normal share. Now with smartphones that's hitting an all-time sub-Gameboy low.

The Nintendo handheld core is still more or less in-tact (though they're likely bleeding some amount of the <13 demographic to tablets and the like), but the flex they used to push to get big sales and profits out of their handhelds has been completely walled off by smartphones almost over night.
Only if you believe Sony's marketing campaigns. The PSP was purchased mostly by dedicated gamers who wanted console experiences on the go. Those people did not replace that desire with smartphones.

The 3DS is mostly a niche/dedicated gamer device now since the lower end/casual market switch to mobile.

I don't think so. What actually happened in the handheld market shrunk dramatically. Nintendo didn't steal anything, they just lost a little less. The 3DS is hurting too.
They lost an entire sector of the market, mostly the pick up and play time-killing software that made the DS king. All you have to do is take a close look at the 3DS software library to see where I'm coming from with line of reasoning.


So, while we're here

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

US - < 85,000 in 5 days

PS4 - < 56,667
One - < 28,334

UK - ~ 27,400 in 2 days

PS4 - ~ 18,900
One - ~ 8,500

I know it's just a game, but does this mean that next gen is doing relatively better in UK than in US?
Per capita? Almost certainly.

We're always at the forefront of this shit. We ditched handhelds first, we dived into digital distribution first, we'll embrace new consoles first.

I have no evidence for any of the above statements.


I also find it funny how much MS has to spend to make their xbox brand half as successful as the playstation brand in the us. Just look at the amount of partnerships they had to do to get to were they are...
Microsoft has spent billions on EA partnerships, first party games, Titan Fall 1 permanent exclusiveness, NFL partnership, Fifa bundling, Doritos and Mountain Dew partnership, purchasing the Gears Of War IP, COD partnership, Front and Center retailer space, McDonalds partnership, massive ad campaign, and Machinima scandal partnership and it has done nothing yet.

If they had spent their NFL and Doritos money on a better GPU this thread would not exist


It's Sony stocking units for the release of Infamous? I can't see them releasing the biggest game of the quarter with no units to ride the surge. PEACE.


Exactly. See: Wii U. If Mario couldn't do much, I seriously wonder why people have such high hopes for a completely new IP.

Completely different situations though. Shooters are currently more appealing to the mainstream core gaming crowd (that buys consoles) than platformers are.

Titanfall is on a system with an established online service/ecosystem and great 3rd party support. Super Mario 3D World isn't.


I also find it funny how much MS has to spend to make their xbox brand half as successful as the playstation brand in the us. Just look at the amount of partnerships they had to do to get to were they are...
Microsoft has spent billions on EA partnerships, first party games, Titan Fall 1 permanent exclusiveness, NFL partnership, Fifa bundling, Doritos and Mountain Dew partnership, purchasing the Gears Of War IP, COD partnership, Front and Center retailer space, McDonalds partnership, massive ad campaign, and Machinima scandal partnership and it has done nothing yet.

Yeah, it's a crazy amount. I don't know how it applies to profits, a seperate entity maybe but Microsoft don't hold back. The numbers must match up somewhere or some twisted tax break.

The cheque book must be on fire right now or about to be taken away.


January US PSN top sellers :

Battlefield 4
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition
Need for Speed Rivals
Assassin&#8217;s Creed IV Black Flag
NBA 2K14
Madden NFL 25
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Injustice: Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition
Killzone Shadow Fall
Trine 2: Complete Story
Sound Shapes
Escape Plan
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
Don&#8217;t Starve: Console Edition
Super Motherload
Doki-Doki Universe

Minecraft: PlayStation 3 Edition
Tales of Xillia
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
Grand Theft Auto V
Assassin&#8217;s Creed Liberation HD
ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium Edition
The Walking Dead: Season 2 &#8211; Ep.1, All That Remains
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Thomas Was Alone
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Battlefield 4
Lone Survivor: The Director&#8217;s Cut
NBA 2K14
Gran Turismo 6
The Walking Dead &#8211; Season Pass
Need for Speed Most Wanted
PS3 Add-Ons
Call of Duty: Ghosts &#8211; Wolf Skin
Minecraft Festive Skin Pack
WWE 2K14 Undertaker &#8211; Exclusive Character
The Walking Dead: Season Two &#8211; Season Pass
WWE 2K14 Ultimate Warrior
Call of Duty: Black Ops II Apocalypse
Call of Duty: Ghosts Season Pass
Call of Duty: Black Ops II Nuketown Zombies Map
Call of Duty: Black Ops II Vengeance
Call of Duty: Black Ops II &#8211; Revolution

PS Vita:
Killzone: Mercenary
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season
Terraria PS Vita
Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time PS Vita
Thomas Was Alone PS Vita
PixelJunk Monsters: Ultimate HD
So, while we're here

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

US - < 85,000 in 5 days

PS4 - < 56,667
One - < 28,334

UK - ~ 27,400 in 2 days

PS4 - ~ 18,900
One - ~ 8,500

I know it's just a game, but does this mean that next gen is doing relatively better in UK than in US?
Seems more indicative of how frontloaded sales are of 'core games. I would bet if we only saw the first two days of sales in the US for TR it wouldn't be dramatically lower than the 5 day total that we have.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Per capita? Almost certainly.

We're always at the forefront of this shit. We ditched handhelds first, we dived into digital distribution first, we'll embrace new consoles first.

I have no evidence for any of the above statements.

I'd say it's more because the UK market seem to be more home-oriented than even US, at least currently. Or better, less open to different experiences than the current AAA landscape.
Uk is the country where 3DS software perform by far the worse (relative to the market), while things are much better everywhere else (US included), and where Japanese oriented titles sell the worse, unless they're priced for less.


Seems more indicative of how frontloaded sales are of 'core games. I would bet if we only saw the first two days of sales in the US for TR it wouldn't be dramatically lower than the 5 day total that we have.
Eidos is also way stronger in the UK than the US.

Hitman was the #5 best selling game in the UK in the year it came out.

Wasn't even remotely close in the US.

Similarly Angry Birds doing poorly in Japan wouldn't indicate that third party 3DS sales are much stronger in the US than Japan.
Exactly. See: Wii U. If Mario couldn't do much, I seriously wonder why people have such high hopes for a completely new IP.

You can't also get Titanfall on 3DS. It's an anticipated unique game that will foster an active online community for years. I'm not saying it's going to "save" the Xbone, but it has a better chance of moving the needle than something like 3D World.


Seems more indicative of how frontloaded sales are of 'core games. I would bet if we only saw the first two days of sales in the US for TR it wouldn't be dramatically lower than the 5 day total that we have.

Maybe. Also keep in mind that Tomb Raider was released a week early in most stores, so it probably had closer to ~10 days worth of sales.
Eidos is also way stronger in the UK than the US.

Hitman was the #5 best selling game in the UK in the year it came out.

Wasn't even remotely close in the US.

Similarly Angry Birds doing poorly in Japan wouldn't indicate that third party 3DS sales are much stronger in the US than Japan.
It wouldn't surprise me at all if the UK had more of a fondness for Lara than the US and possibly fewer hang-ups about playing as a female lead character. The game deserved to do better everywhere imo.
Maybe. Also keep in mind that Tomb Raider was released a week early in most stores, so it probably had closer to ~10 days worth of sales.
Totally forgot about that as well.
Its clear to me after this NPD:

PS4 came in at the right time. Can't wait to see what it does this year

Xbox One needs to maintain or increase their momentum. They're going to want to maintain Xbox 360-level sales and not fall too far below.

3DS needs a new revision and a new marketing campaign. Nintendo hasn't had a Nintendogs/Brain Training out of the blue worldwide hit on it yet. Their recent ideas have been very dry and they failed to even maintain their phenomenons of the 2005-2008 era like they did Pokemon. Sad state of affairs, but they absolutely cannot let the 3DS be treated as less than a console this year.

PS3, X360, and Wii U need to hit bottom of the barrel prices now. $150 or $99

PSVita could only be repurposed as a gaming Android machine. It has the specs to be a midrange Android tablet, so they need to do something before it falls even further behind.
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