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NPD Sales Results for June 2014 [Up3: All Hardware (June/LTD), Top 10 Software SKUs]


Destiny month is gonna be huge for PS4 isn't it? SW and HW...wish I had more free time or I would have bought that white beauty

Yes, but there's not necessarily a causal relationship as you're implying there.

September is always a good month as it's when we start to segue into holiday-sell-a-ton season.
Hmm, all three current gen consoles exceeded expectations this month I think. Good showings.

Yeah, I'm pretty surprised too. Everything did better than expected.

Kind of confused by PS4's sales though. What made it increase week-to-week like that? It's not like there were any major releases. E3 bump?


Is you trollin?.


Yes, but there's not necessarily a causal relationship as you're implying there.

September is always a good month as it's when we start to segue into holiday-sell-a-ton season.

True but given how WD is doing I expect big things for Destiny. I'm certain it will be as big if not bigger than WD and given the push it has on the PS4 and the exclusive bundle/new color ps4 the sales should be very impressive. Not like this is something that happens every September but yes as you say as we get closer the holidays monthly sales do pick up


extra source of jiggaflops
People's predictions for this month were particularly lazy for some reason.
To be fair, this is what you said about this month's results:

"Unless something very unexpected happens the PS4 should be expected to sell around 400k units next month."

So about 200k for the following two months? That's not bad at all. Pretty good actually.
I:SS was
April: 461k
May: 156k
June: 31k
Yeah but from last month. I'm guessing he is referring to no new releases for June. E3/Destiny Alpha etc are also contributing I'm sure

it's really impressive how well the multiplats are selling on the PS4. Moneyhatting third party exclusives will be much more expensive for MS now
That's if they can manage to get them. Outside of the rare few, we're never gonna see another TitanFall situation this gen.

There's an interesting picture posted on ******** forums and it looks kinda real but I'm not sure. Anyone can verify that?
Yeah let's just...ignore that for right now....
Is you trollin? Tomodachi which came at nr9 has sold more than nr2 of the 2001 chart. Nr2 of 2014 sold 100k more units than nr1 of 2001. And most of those charting games of 2001 were GBA launch titles. Most of those games in the 2001 list are classics now, but they weren't doing better back then. The sales and revenue are a lot bigger today.

Hardware sales were too good for him to rant about how the end is nigh, so he has to resort to using software sales.


Wonder how SE feels about it getting outsold by FFX HD.


Lightning won't be returning, but I have the sneaking suspicion that Yuna and Tidus might be. Japanese numbers:

[PS3] Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - 419,532
[360] Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - 8,654
Total: 428,186

[PS3] Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster - 300,815
[PSV] Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster - 276,053
Total: 576,868

Note: I combined the separate Vita release of Final Fantasy X with the Twin Pack. X-2's individual cart did not chart, so no numbers for that. As this data is from Famitsu, I also added the available digital figures. Famitsu didn't report digital sales for Lightning Returns.
In the same month that they had a new skew with perceived price drop, Titanfall bundle deals at target and more to $440, and a marketing push so people new about the new $399 price-point, and assuming people held out last month for the new price. It's horrible.

200k in a non holiday month has never been horrible in the US. They are decent at best, mediocre at worst.

If MS can keep anything close to this level of sales going forward they'll be in a much healthier position than they were a month ago.



Xbox One needs to sell 165k in July to stay ahead of the PS2.
PS4 needs to sell 50k in July to stay ahead of the Wii.

200k in a non holiday month has never been horrible in the US. They are decent at best, mediocre at worst.

If MS can keep anything close to this level of sales going forward they'll be in a much healthier position than they were a month ago.

This is a temporary bump due to price change and marketing. It's not sustainable.


Batteries the CRISIS!
I just realized that the bottom of that Gamecrate site says "© 2013-2014 Newegg Inc." So if that's a gaming news site run by Newegg, it might actually have permission to run those NPD numbers.


So likely to go back down to 0% increase after pent up price cut demand is not a factor in July?

well to continue:

Xbone weekly sales in April = 117/4 = 29.25K/week
xbox one weekly sales in may = 77/4 = 19.25k/week
Xbone weekly sales in June = 197/5 = 39.4K/week
average weekly sales april - june = 391/13 = 30k/week

so if sales go back to 29k-30k, we'll know where the demand generally is. right now, june's high kind of canceled out may's low.
That's if they can manage to get them. Outside of the rare few, we're never gonna see another TitanFall situation this gen.

Yeah let's just...ignore that for right now....

It doesn't seem like the source is that website though - just posted on their forums. It includes numbers like revenue and other consoles/portables. I think it might be legit.
200k in a non holiday month has never been horrible in the US. They are decent at best, mediocre at worst.

If MS can keep anything close to this level of sales going forward they'll be in a much healthier position than they were a month ago.

When you consider this is their strongest market, suddenly it looks very bad.

Also, indications are that sales will fall again for July for the aforementioned reasons.
There's no way to determine the number (probably) but I'd love to know what the XB1 number/week would be if you eliminated pre-orders of the new SKU...


Site only goes back to March btw.

Backing up all the data they have right now. Honestly I don't think the site is gonna get nuked or anything. Still so stupid how NPD stopped giving out all their sales data.
if they do a price drop for the holidays to $250, and have a smash bundle that has the game, a mario amiibo, and a wii remote for $300 (or a gamecube controller + adapter for $330), i think there's a lot of potential there to move systems.

I doubt that they would bundle the Gamecube adapter/controller with a system, since it was designed specifically for hardcore Smash series players who would pay the extra price anyway. Even for Smash, a bundle including a WM/NC (or a Pro Controller) would be more likely.


Junior Member
Yeah, I'm pretty surprised too. Everything did better than expected.

Kind of confused by PS4's sales though. What made it increase week-to-week like that? It's not like there were any major releases. E3 bump?
I can't imagine anything else. The whole "movie theaters across the country" thing, probably did really well for word of mouth, as casual people going to the movies were probably reminded "oh hey, that new game system that people like is still doing well"
Is you trollin? Tomodachi which came at nr9 has sold more than nr2 of the 2001 chart. Nr2 of 2014 sold 100k more units than nr1 of 2001. And most of those charting games of 2001 were GBA launch titles. Most of those games in the 2001 list are classics now, but they weren't doing better back then. The sales and revenue are a lot bigger today.
No, shut up! Even though there's no metric to spin these results in a negative light, gotta doom and gloom it up!
I need a breakdown of how the PS4 is still selling this well. Does the mass market still think the Xbox is a DRM machine?

More games every month since release.
More exclusives (Indies count for many)
More powerful hardware (Multiplats are better on PS4 not including controller preference)
PS+ is regarded as the better value


I just realized that the bottom of that ********* site says "© 2013-2014 Newegg Inc." So if that's a gaming news site run by Newegg, it might actually have permission to run those NPD numbers.
I vote we refer to ********* as the Gamecube Hut from now on.
This is a temporary bump due to price change and marketing. It's not sustainable.

The PS3 baseline changed significantly with each successive price drop, as did the 360.

These are not consoles selling at their max level. Not yet. MS will need consistent software releases to maintain momentum, but it is certainly possible.

Mr Croft

Lightning won't be returning, but I have the sneaking suspicion that Yuna and Tidus might be. Japanese numbers:

[PS3] Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - 419,532
[360] Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - 8,654
Total: 428,186

[PS3] Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster - 300,815
[PSV] Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster - 276,053
Total: 576,868

Note: I combined the separate Vita release of Final Fantasy X with the Twin Pack. X-2's individual cart did not chart, so no numbers for that. As this data is from Famitsu, I also added the available digital figures. Famitsu didn't report digital sales for Lightning Returns.

dat tidus and yuna greatness.
I wonder how far Ms was behind this month.


I wonder how long the PS4 can stay above the Wii.

Does anyone have the Wii's hardware sales (numbers) from June-Dec in it's first year?
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