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NPD Sales Results for June 2014 [Up3: All Hardware (June/LTD), Top 10 Software SKUs]


So did MS expect >200k sales if they only released a % boost? Wonder what they were expecting WW.

At least by 2015 MS can say 360 is #1 in 7th gen home consoles.
Nintendo absolutely needs to drop the prices on the various Nintendo 3DS models. The USA is arguably one of the largest markets and comparing all dedicated video gaming machines, the overall Nintendo brand barely has a quarter of the YTD market share. For a company whose very existence is based on this industry, this is abysmal. This is probably why they are desperately trying to reach out of the video game market, but their intended new market is an unproven territory. In the interim, Nintendo needs to entice the late majority/laggard market of the Nintendo 3DS by offering value: they can do this by simultaneously dropping the hardware price across all three models, and offering bundles with "oldish" premium software at the same reduced price this holiday. This market absolutely needs a low entry fee for their first software experience; afterwards, they may be compelled to buy more software. But again, this a price sensitive market at this point in the platform's life, so they need to reintroduce some sort of budget line (Nintendo Selects) for some of the older titles. While Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Pokémon will perform well this holiday season, they will be the market that bought into the platform in the earlier stages of adoption. The consumers of the later stages won't buy unless the price is right. For the medium-term to long-term, Nintendo needs to get their new handheld platform out by Holiday 2015. I'll write more on that in a bit. :)

Microsoft in its home territory has an "okay" share, considering it only offers a home console. But taking WW performance into consideration, and looking at how their resources can be optimized (i.e. to more cloud-based projects), the Xbox is a very bleak and insignificant pillar in their strategy. Especially now that the "war" is not in the living room, but in the palms of the consumers they covet. Things look even more bleak considering those platforms (i.e. iPad) can play video games, and can soon play home console graphics on par with their platform (see iOS playing Plants vs. Zombies at WWDC14). The only thing "good" about Xbox is, while those people adopt those handheld multi-purpose devices at faster rates and upgrade between new models more frequently, Microsoft only wants Xbox to push their own services and cloud-based things. So they can take less of a hit on R&D resources and (possibly for future iterations) making a loss on hardware. We're at a level where hardware is very capable of achieving really cool things with the services and software Microsoft wants to push.

Sony needs to refocus their entire corporate pillars and strategies, and include a deeper focus on PlayStation (so devote more resources, make it the marquee Sony product as Trinitrons once were). But in the short-term, PlayStation is doing great.
Ok June was a much better month than I could have hoped for,

PS4 performing like the PS2, WiiU eclipsing GCN for the first time in forever, and One performing marginally better than the OG Xbox and relatively close to the 360.

Pretty damn good showing all around.


well to continue:

Xbone weekly sales in April = 117/4 = 29.25K/week
xbox one weekly sales in may = 77/4 = 19.25k/week
Xbone weekly sales in June = 197/5 = 39.4K/week
average weekly sales april - june = 391/13 = 30k/week

so if sales go back to 29k-30k, we'll know where the demand generally is. right now, june's high kind of canceled out may's low.

High from June compensate low from May, not a real kinectless sku effect.
Xbone weekly sales in April = 117/4 = 29.25K/week
Xbone weekly sales in June = 197/5 = 39.4K/week

+34.7% increase in weekly sales.

Price parity with the PS4 still early in the life cycle, in a country that sold 15 million more 360s than PS3s, MS would have expected bigger waves.
So did MS expect >200k sales if they only released a % boost? Wonder what they were expecting WW.

At least by 2015 MS can say 360 is #1 in 7th gen home consoles.

I think the price cut did next to nothing WW since the TF Kinect bundle was already almost the same price.
It doesn't seem like the source is that website though - just posted on their forums. It includes numbers like revenue and other consoles/portables. I think it might be legit.
Oh I'm not questioning its legitness...in fact that's kind of the reason it might be best to play mum on it for a bit. 'Least that's the impression that I get. "They" could be reading this thread, too....
The One was never doing as poorly as the PS3 in the US, it's significantly cheaper launch aligned, and subjectively it has a much stronger sw lineup than PS3 in 2007.

I don't really see a scenario where it doesn't do better in every metric.

One actually has shown a much lower bottom floor than PS3 did in its first year though. But that was almost assuredly predicated on the "price drop" factor.
A rough summary so far

Hardware Monthly Sales

PS4 ~ 269k
XB1 ~ 197k [~55% Kinectless]
3DS ~ 152k
Wii U ~ 140k [~30% MK8 SKU]
360 ~ 62k
PS3 ~ 42k
Wii ~ 19k
PSV ~ 15k

Hardware US LTD's as of July 5, 2014

PS4 ~ 3573k
XB1 ~ 2916k
WIU ~ 2548k
Vita ~ 1840k

June Software Sales

Tomodachi [3DS] 138k Retail, 37k Digital
Mario Kart 8 [WIU] 401k Retail Standalone, 42k from bundles, 27K Digital | 470k total
All Other New Retail Handheld Games sans Tomodachi < 7k
UFC [PS4] 160k [XB1] 118k
Minecraft [360] 151k [PS3] 144K
Watch Dogs [PS4] 210k [360] 154k [XB1] 137K [PS3] 117k
Yoshi's New Island [3DS] 31k
Bravely Default [3DS] 19k
Kirby Triple Deluxe [3DS] 58k
Borderlands 2 [PSV] 12k

LTD Software Sales as of July 5, 2014

Mario Kart 8 [WIU] 753K Retail Standalone, 885k Total
Wii Fit U [WIU] 48K
Donkey Kong Country TF [WIU] 285k
TW101 [WIU] 83k

Yoshi's New Island [3DS] 287k
Bravely Default [3DS] 277k
Kirby Triple Deluxe [3DS] 196k
Mario Golf World Tour [3DS] 58k

Tearaway [PSV] 67k
God of War Collection [PSV] 25k
Borderlands 2 [PSV] 39k

Infamous SS [PS4] 648k

Tales of Symphonia Chronicles [PS3] 77k

Watch Dogs [PS4] 793K [XB1] 500K [360] 326k [PS3] 255k
Tomb Raider DE [PS4] 179k [XB1] 99k
PvZ Garden Warfare [360] 295k [XB1] 163k
Titanfall: [XB1] 1010k Retail Standalone [360] 614k
FF13: Lightening Returns [PS3] 139k [360] 74k
FFXHD [PS3] 276k [PSV] 82k
South Park SoT [360] 289k [PS3] 236k
Dark Souls II [360] 227k [PS3] 218k
The One was never doing as poorly as the PS3 in the US, it's significantly cheaper launch aligned, and subjectively it has a much stronger sw lineup than PS3 in 2007.

I don't really see a scenario where it doesn't do better in every metric.

I understand and was on the other side of the coin that generation. If you look at all that happened this month, it'll paint a bigger picture for you in the US. Now compare US to the world, and you have the real picture.
Nintendo absolutely needs to drop the prices on the various Nintendo 3DS models. The USA is arguably one of the largest markets and comparing all dedicated video gaming machines, the overall Nintendo brand barely has a quarter of the YTD market share. For a company whose very existence is based on this industry, this is abysmal. This is probably why they are desperately trying to reach out of the video game market, but their intended new market is an unproven territory. In the interim,

What is their new market, we haven't heard anything about it from them in 6 months. I think there's a way they can do pretty well even with low selling hardware.


The most interesting thing from the gamecubehut charts is that they have individual software SKUs and numbers. You guys might want to check those out and add any data you may have not previously had.
Minecraft is crack for kids - the simplest way to create without having to buy really pricy lego sets and has a good balance of adventure while not being too violent.
Just for clarification, that would be new titles in June.
The handheld industry isn't that doomed yet.


The most interesting thing from the Gamecube hut charts is that they have individual software SKUs and numbers. You guys might want to check those out and add any data you may have not previously had.

Will do. Please refer to it as Gamecube hut or something else so as not to bring attention though


Way ahead of you. I have caches of all their reports saved :)

The only reason you had reports (plural) to save was because they had gone unnoticed. Now that's out in the world, they'll get a very angry, threatening e-mail and that will be it.

Anyway, that's the life us peasants who can't afford to spend thousands of dollars on a hobby every month.
Glad to see Wii U doing much better. I hope Wii U sales will keep the chin above the 100k/month waterline for the next few months until Holiday.

Xbox One had a bigger boost than I thought, but if it's still not hitting 200k in the USA, it will basically be a niche console by this time next year (excluding the usual Holiday sales boosts, of course).

PS4 doing great with "no games and no updates" (as some people say). Can't wait to see what sort of numbers the system will churn out once Sony's unstoppable 1st party developments start moving, not to mention all of the indie titles coming out.


What other handheld game we're released in June? I can only think of Neptunia PP, XBlaze and Blazblue.

That's basically it.
A bunch of Vita games doing less than 7k isn't too surprising though.

However if all handheld games currently released, sans Tomodachi Life, did less than 7k, that would be disaster.
The only reason you had reports (plural) to save was because they had gone unnoticed. Now that's out in the world, they'll get a very angry, threatening e-mail and that will be it.

Anyway, that's the life us peasants who can't afford to spend thousands of dollars on a hobby every month.

I realized my mistake too late and have done everything I can to put the cork back in the bottle but it seems impossible :\


To be fair, this is what you said about this month's results:

"Unless something very unexpected happens the PS4 should be expected to sell around 400k units next month."

I:SS was
April: 461k
May: 156k
June: 31k

That was not my prediction as you are implying.

The entire post:

I think the most realistic reason is stubbornness. People clearly enjoying predicting and speculating about sales numbers. However, the line between appealing to objectively considered data for predictions and "interpreting" numbers to support your position seems to become blurred for some people.

I think any reasonably intelligent individual could point to a plethora of reasons the PS4 v 360 numbers are not really meaningful, let alone a benchmark for success. However, you can also look at it superficially. The 360 sold well. By some metrics the PS4 is outperforming or roughly on par with the 360. Therefore the PS4 will probably do well also. It doesn't sound like bad logic even if I think most people realize it actually is.

Next month will be a perfect example of this. Unless something very unexpected happens the PS4 should be expected to sell around 400k units next month. Given the proximity to launch and the wide availability of supply and weak competition, it could be even higher. People who don't take the time to realize this is a standard seasonal trend will likely jump on this as evidence of a clearly positive future. 300k units would be a significant failure in terms of expectation, yet people who want to support their view will likely again simply repeat something basically along the lines of "+50% MoM is a failure? LOL doom and gloom."

My actual prediction would indeed be one of failure since as I've stated more than a few times I think the console market is in dire shape. I would've predicted more around 300k PS4 and 150k XBone.


Why are strippers at the U.N. bad when they're great at strip clubs???
Just wanted to highlight and thank CreamSugar's contributions every month for NPD Sales threads! It's very appreciated! Thanks again Cream for your generosity :D
Gamecrate's owned by newegg I guess.

Wow, that's not going to go well. This isn't newegg's data to share.

Holy Leakamole.

They're going to get shut down very, very fast.

I wouldn't doubt it if someone already informed The NPD Group to shut it down.

They CANNOT share that amount of data publicly like that. It's a violation of their contract.


Glad to see Wii U doing much better. I hope Wii U sales will keep the chin above the 100k/month waterline for the next few months until Holiday.

Xbox One had a bigger boost than I thought, but if it's still not hitting 200k in the USA, it will basically be a niche console by this time next year (excluding the usual Holiday sales boosts, of course).

PS4 doing great with "no games and no updates" (as some people say). Can't wait to see what sort of numbers the system will churn out once Sony's unstoppable 1st party developments start moving, not to mention all of the indie titles coming out.



Batteries the CRISIS!
The only reason you had reports (plural) to save was because they had gone unnoticed. Now that's out in the world, they'll get a very angry, threatening e-mail and that will be it.

Anyway, that's the life us peasants who can't afford to spend thousands of dollars on a hobby every month.

I dunno, it's owned and run by a significant retailer, so it might have permission to run its numbers.
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