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NY Gov. Cuomo proposes free tuition at New York state colleges for eligible students

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That kind of blanket statement is not true. If you are single dude making $125k then sure. But, what if you have 3+ kids? And are supporting your elderly mother? And you are paying back your own huge ass student loan?

Less than 20k in loans (if you don't pay anything during the 4 years)

If you're making 125k and you can't afford CUNY than you're prioritizing other things over college.


Looks like you can get around that by having your daughter get a job and file separately, or am I wrong on that?

I'm guessing the deduction on a dependent is higher than the tuition cost though. :/

If they're basing this off of filing for FAFSA, it won't matter whether a student files separately. Age is the primary factor in whether a student can declare themselves as truly independent.


Glad to hear this.

Though, I feel like with the word emblazoned on the stairs of the new NYC 2nd Ave and now this scholarship, Cuomo might be set on wearing 'Excelsior' out.


Less than 20k in loans (if you don't pay anything during the 4 years)

If you're making 125k and you can't afford CUNY than you're prioritizing other things over college.

This doesn't even begin to factor in other things like housing, food, and books, so I'd estimate that amount to be closer to $35-40k
Less than 20k in loans (if you don't pay anything during the 4 years)

If you're making 125k and you can't afford CUNY than you're prioritizing other things over college.

Cmon man, that's just a ridiculous blanket statement. Yes on average if you take 100 people, more than 50 will be able to swing it but that doesn't mean a significant portion have other financial hardships to deal with. What if one of your kids has a serious medical issue?


Can’t stump the diablos
Once again I'll have to disagree.
Family makes $124k per year you get 0% tuition.
Family makes $126k per year you pay 100% tuition.

This needs to be a sliding scale approach and not all or nothing approach.


Sound proposal. I hope it takes off. Also, surprised by the relatively low cost of SUNY or CUNY schools. In-state tuition for NJ, CT and PA flagship state schools are significantly higher than that.
Louisiana has a program like this called TOPs, but it ran out of money since Jindal gutted education and healthcare during his terms.
I agree 100fuckingpercent. Shit should not be open to all, only the folks who stand to truly gain from it. I hope CUNY uses stringent policies and the schools contiually check to see no one is trying to game the system.

Bushwick boy right here, real Bushwick none of that gentrified Bushwick ish.

I just don't know how they'll be able to do this and not have requirements that screw people that do deserve to benefit from this. Like, I'm absolutely certain there'll be a lot of people whose income is off the books that enter CUNY/SUNY via this program...but there will also be a lot of people who have legit lack of income, or people who aren't making enough to afford a decent lifestyle AND college tuition to improve themselves, who will be getting in via this program.

I dunno...I just want this program to exist, and I am not sure I care how it exists as long as it comes to pass.


Sounds expensive as hell. It's kind of a tough pill to swallow with taxes being as high as they are already.


What if one of your kids has a serious medical issue?

They'd have an easier time than a poorer family with the same issue.

Do you know what the median income is for most of NY outside of the city? 125k is giant-ass house with a below-ground swimming pool wealth.
I just don't know how they'll be able to do this and not have requirements that screw people that do deserve to benefit from this. Like, I'm absolutely certain there'll be a lot of people whose income is off the books that enter CUNY/SUNY via this program...but there will also be a lot of people who have legit lack of income, or people who aren't making enough to afford a decent lifestyle AND college tuition to improve themselves, who will be getting in via this program.

On the flip side, it does make CUNY/SUNY schools even more desirable than they are now, which will raise the barrier to entry by dropping the acceptance rate, and make people more likely to game the system.

So they need to think of ways to make sure the most needy are the one's who will benefit the most.
They'd have an easier time than a poorer family with the same issue.

Do you know what the median income is for most of NY outside of the city? 125k is giant-ass house with a below-ground swimming pool wealth.

I know that NYC and the outlying areas make up at least half of the state's population so its not really something to gloss over.
CUNY is $6,330 (I assume in NYC?) for instate. If you're making 125k that's not unaffordable or would require very small loans. I mean you'd have to be living a crazy lifestyle if that's unaffordable.

And I'm always annoyed at people saying $100k isn't anything in new york. The Median income for a family of 4 is 50k. Meaning you're well above most New Yorkers who are surviving with much much less.

Paying a mortgage and taxes isn't a crazy lifestyle. Add up other costs of living and commuting costs and shit adds up homie.

125k household ain't shit downstate. Especially in NYC.
I just don't know how they'll be able to do this and not have requirements that screw people that do deserve to benefit from this. Like, I'm absolutely certain there'll be a lot of people whose income is off the books that enter CUNY/SUNY via this program...but there will also be a lot of people who have legit lack of income, or people who aren't making enough to afford a decent lifestyle AND college tuition to improve themselves, who will be getting in via this program.

I dunno...I just want this program to exist, and I am not sure I care how it exists as long as it comes to pass.

You make a valid point, as long as it goes through and it helps the folks who truly need it, I guess that's all that counts. But it would suck so much if folks who don't need it would try to game the system to get a free ride. And those people, trust me, those folks are out there.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
This doesn't even begin to factor in other things like housing, food, and books, so I'd estimate that amount to be closer to $35-40k

If you live in NY State it shouldn't cost anywhere near 35K for undergrad. I went to SUNY Albany and at most mine was around 20K. Its one of the reason I went to a state school instead of Yale or NYU.
Who would want to live in Upstate anyway. The only areas worth living in are all basically slightly shittier versions of the City.

I lived there for a while


Homeland Security Fail
Well, you said it ain't shit in NY...

NY is an entire state. =P ... the sooner you guys down in NYC remember that the sooner we can....well, I dunno...

Oh NYC knows there is an upstate. But just like Staten Island, we refuse to acknowledge it.


They'd have an easier time than a poorer family with the same issue.

Do you know what the median income is for most of NY outside of the city? 125k is giant-ass house with a below-ground swimming pool wealth.

$125k is basically the median income in lots of towns in Westchester, if you want a house and a car etc. $125k is not a lot of money depending on your lifestyle. That said, the majority of these folks are not sending their kids to SUNY or CUNY.


Well, you said it ain't shit in NY...

NY is an entire state. =P ... the sooner you guys down in NYC remember that the sooner we can....well, I dunno...
NYC subsidizes the rest of NYS through tax revenue. The sooner the rest of NYS stops surviving on NYC funded welfare...
Well, you said it ain't shit in NY...

NY is an entire state. =P ... the sooner you guys down in NYC remember that the sooner we can....well, I dunno...

I'm all for splitting off and letting ya'll pay for your own shit XD

Oh NYC knows there is an upstate. But just like Staten Island, we refuse to acknowledge it.

And this.

Meanwhile Long Island like:


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
NYC subsidizes the rest of NYS through tax revenue. The sooner the rest of NYS stops surviving on NYC funded welfare...

Well we can keep the NYC watershed to ourselves if you don't want to keep paying for the rest of us ;D I'm willing to bet people in NYC would come around when they couldn't flush their toilets.
$125k is basically the median income in lots of towns in Westchester, if you want a house and a car etc. $125k is not a lot of money depending on your lifestyle.

Yea, Westchester county, one of the wealthiest counties in the state. Gtfo with that.


If you live in NY State it shouldn't cost anywhere near 35K for undergrad. I went to SUNY Albany and at most mine was around 20K. Its one of the reason I went to a state school instead of Yale or NYU.
You went to SUNY Albany over Yale? Yale's financial aid packages are extremely nice these days--it is a "no loan" policy, so if your family's income is under $65k you get a free ride, if it is between $65k and $100k, the cost is about $25k for 4 years:


Who would want to live in Upstate anyway. The only areas worth living in are all basically slightly shittier versions of the City.

I lived there for a while

Decent schools, decent living around the cities.

Nothing like New York City, mind, but it has its advantages.

This proposal in the state budget would do great things for a lot of areas in this state, especially further incentivizing kids to stick around and go to school in state.

I can see the Assembly going for this. The Senate would be tough, though.
This doesn't even begin to factor in other things like housing, food, and books, so I'd estimate that amount to be closer to $35-40k

CUNY is a city school. Your kid is living at home. So you have transport 1k a year (probably already paid for and I think theirs a student discount) and books.

You went to SUNY Albany over Yale? Yale's financial aid packages are extremely nice these days--it is a "no loan" policy, so if your family's income is under $65k you get a free ride, if it is between $65k and $100k, the cost is about $25k for 4 years:

My friend went to Brooklyn College over Cornell.


A family making 130K a year in NYC isn't paying for their kid's college.

That barely enough to live comfortablely in NYC without government assistance for a family of 4.

A family of 4 making 130K a year is bringing home like 80K after federal tax + state tax + city tax + payroll tax + 401K + Health Insurance.

Expenses a month for someone living in an OK neighborhood in Queens.

Rent (2500)
Groceries (800)
Car Cost/Metro Card (500)
Utilities (300)
Eating Out (500)
Entertainment (500)

That's like 61,200 as year and its actually an understatement.

So that's only 19,800 for vacations, health emergencies, savings, major purchases (cars, TV, phones), gifts for birthdays and Christmas.


CUNY is a city school. Your kid is living at home. So you have transport 1k a year (probably already paid for and I think theirs a student discount) and books..

Again...there's an entire state outside of NYC...alot of kids need to dorm it up to attend a SUNY school of their choice.
$125k is basically the median income in lots of towns in Westchester, if you want a house and a car etc. $125k is not a lot of money depending on your lifestyle. That said, the majority of these folks are not sending their kids to SUNY or CUNY.


Its not. Its 80k. 45k less than you're median income.

People make do with a lot less than the upper middle class most people here think is "median"

Again...there's an entire state outside of NYC...alot of kids need to dorm it up to attend a SUNY school of their choice.

And if your living upstate you're likely not making 125k. And if you are your cost of living is much less making 20k in tuition affordable with savings and loans.


A family making 130K a year in NYC isn't paying for their kid's college.

That barely enough to live comfortablely in NYC without government assistance for a family of 4.

A family of 4 making 130K a year is bringing home like 80K after federal tax + state tax + city tax + payroll tax + 401K + Health Insurance.

Expenses a month for someone living in an OK neighborhood in Queens.

Rent (2500)
Groceries (800)
Car Cost/Metro Card (500)
Utilities (300)
Eating Out (500)
Entertainment (500)

That's like 61,200 as year and its actually an understatement.

So that's only 19,800 for vacations, health emergencies, savings, major purchases (cars, TV, phones), gifts for birthdays and Christmas.

are you kidding me

how about you stop eating out $500 worth of food every month or move to a place where the rent isn't 2500?!

A family of 4 who makes $130k can pay for their child's college. They just choose to spend it on frivolous shit instead.
Wait, people pay 20k a year for vacations? Thats more than half of my take home pay.

I see it was apart of a broader category. Doesn't seem to fit though.
are you kidding me

how about you stop eating out $500 worth of food every month or move to a place where the rent isn't 2500?!

A family of 4 who makes $130k can pay for their child's college. They just choose to spend it on frivolous shit instead.

Agree with not eating out. My wife and I don't anymore. But then again we're paying 1400 a month for daycare.

But the rest is bullshit. Really? You solution is "Move where it's not as expensive!" Sure, that's easy as pie with an elderly mother to live near and a disabled sibling to look out for. But sure....my wife and I should be able to find new jobs in our new area in a jiffy, lol.
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