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ODDWORLD: NEW 'N' TASTY |OT| Save 99 Mudokons as The Stitch-Lipped One. Follow me!


We already have the first 2 days for the SCEA region... Could be better, could be worse...

Still early days. And I think a lot of console owners (myself included) aren't used to a digital-only title in the $30 range. I still paid for it, though, and I think it's worth it since it's retail-quality, but it did make me hesitate.

I am hoping for the best, sales wise. Still a lot of platforms to go!
There is a weird thing with the leaderboard, I'm told that was addressed here already.

As for the end, does your save slot say 299?

Yeah it says 100% under rescue status but I went back after I beat the game and got the ones I missed from Zulag 1 and 4.

I love the game! Y'all did a great job on it! And y'all seem to be working hard trying to fix the glitches. This is one of the few games that I actually want to earn all the trophies but there's a couple I'm not sure about. The secret entrances one and the hidden trophy
Mudokon Pops
I have no idea what that second one is.

I can't wait for the DLC!

We already have the first 2 days for the SCEA region... Could be better, could be worse...

I hope the sales pick up I really want more Oddworld!


Seriously, I love games and it was this thread that made me realize it's released. It needs more advertising or hopefully the good feedback is getting viral soon :)


Gamestop said:
Perhaps the oddest thing about this remake is the presence of in-game advertising. For a game that is staunchly anti-capitalism, as evidenced by the snarky critiques that appear on in-game billboards, it seems contradictory for those billboards to then scroll to reveal a poster for an upcoming PS4 game. More harmful is the fact that those ads contain depictions of human characters, violating the otherwise consistently odd nature of the game's fauna. Though rarely seen, these ads still took me out of the experience in an awkward, fourth-wall-breaking fashion.

I really don't like the sound of this, seeing human characters in Oddworld just sounds wrong.
What adverts have people seen?

GoldenHelmet - I assume only carefully selected indy games will be advertised (I can't imagine an Oddworld title ever advertising a big budget EA game for example) but can you confirm what types of games will be advertised?


I really don't like the sound of this, seeing human characters in Oddworld just sounds wrong.
What adverts have people seen?

GoldenHelmet - I assume only carefully selected indy games will be advertised (I can't imagine an Oddworld title ever advertising a big budget EA game for example) but can you confirm what types of games will be advertised?

I didn't notice that, but that is really strange.


I honestly think New n Tasty is going to be a long burner, in that launch will of course be a large spike in amount of sales for that period, but I think this will consistently sell week in, week out like some titles on PSN do. This half of the year is incredibly crowded and 2015 is shaping up to be just as crowded, but with the success of the PS4 and the nostalgia factor alone of this game, over time I think it'll accumulate well over a million sales into 2015 and beyond. Then there's PC, Wii U and Xbox One which I think will sell highest in the order there (PC/Wii U/XBO) and that will definitely contribute to the sales this game deserves.

Stewart, how did the team find using Unity when developing New n Tasty? Was there any sacrifices or limitations of Unity that you might consider exploring other middleware like UE4 for example for potential future Abe projects?


Soo is this worth the 30? Looking for something to add to my backlog haha

If you enjoy platformers with some puzzle elements this game is just the best, one of my favorite all time games. I enjoy this remake, re-envisioning, whatever you want to call it more then the original.

My save all mudokons run might have to wait until someone makes a video walk through of how, I just can't find one of the hiding places/secret areas in the stockyards. I have replayed stockyards twice and still only can get 103/111,feels bad man. :(


If you enjoy platformers with some puzzle elements this game is just the best, one of my favorite all time games. I enjoy this remake, re-envisioning, whatever you want to call it more then the original.

My save all mudokons run might have to wait until someone makes a video walk through of how, I just can't find one of the hiding places/secret areas in the stockyards. I have replayed stockyards twice and still only can get 103/111,feels bad man. :(

From what I've played so far, which is not a huge amount, it seems more like a sidescrolling puzzler with platforming elements, rather than the other way around. Maybe the platforming elements increase throughout, though; like I said, I'm not very far in at all.

Robot Pants

So anyone who's part of the 299 club let me know via PM or by simply quoting this and if you want to be included in the OP give me your GAF name and psn id. Or just GAF name if you are uncomfortable giving both.


So I went and bought it after all and was having fun until it glitched on me :(

It was when you first get grenades I died and those bird things where just stuck on the screen and j wouldn't respawn :( tried restarting checkpoint but every time the birds would fly on screen and stop ended up having to restart from the beginning :(


Could be better, could be worse...
I'm about to hit the hay folks...

Be back tomorrow with more updates and responses for you...

Oh and Necromancer, you a RUSH fan by any chance of? ;)


I have to be honest, the more I get into this game the more it just pisses me off.

Inconsistencies, bugs, crashes.... infuriating stuff.

I'm perfectly happy with paying 30$ for a high quality download only title and I know that the developers care about the game but this is not acceptable. I'm currently stuck in a bonus level room in
Paramonia Temple
where I'm just forced to respawn and die endlessly.

The design of the room itself was infuriating enough that I thought it might have been a bugged so I tried to leave and come back.
Do you seriously expect me to roll through both of those super fast up/down spike things just to reach the exit after having solved the room? It feels like the lever should deactivate them but it doesn't.
When I came back the paramites were already spawned and just kill me instantly. Awful stuff.

And why are the paramites acting differently in that room? You teach the player that those things only attack when cornered just to switch the rules around when you feel like it? I don't know what's intended and what's a glitch/bug at times. Frustrating.


Up until now I haven't encountered any bugs/glitches or crashes, Maybe had a good luck or more likely you guys had a little bit of bad luck.

The game is really brilliant but I'm missing tons of Mudokons, i really don't know how, I'm missing something obvious here cause i had after the first level like 50+ casualties, and I really didn't skip anything and went to anywhere i could, what am i missing here?


Junior Member
Up until now I haven't encountered any bugs/glitches or crashes, Maybe had a good luck or more likely you guys had a little bit of bad luck.

The game is really brilliant but I'm missing tons of Mudokons, i really don't know how, I'm missing something obvious here cause i had after the first level like 50+ casualties, and I really didn't skip anything and went to anywhere i could, what am i missing here?
In Rupture Farms there's secret rooms hidden under hatches (crouch+SQUARE to open) and some below switch-activated trapdoors. The map system (zoom into Zulag 1) shows the hidden entrances as lighter horizontal lines on the ground. There's another hidden room right near the end, not shown on the map.
To the right of the same platform you kill the last Slig.

Also look out for bird portals, some stay open even after you finish chanting. And hidden tunnels. Steam/smoke can hide mudokons or bird portals too.
This freaking place:

It took forever to pass those moving rock traps and a bat who insta kills you, but you need to do that again, because you need to go back.

Gawd damn D:

Did that back and forth with a triple non-stop jump. It was just luck. Anyway yeah, it's a pretty nasty place, but bottlecaps do help.

I'm halfway through the second temple, missing like a ton of Mudokons but loving the game so far. EU post-patch version, still not a single glitch or crash.


In Rupture Farms there's secret rooms hidden under hatches (crouch+SQUARE to open) and some below switch-activated trapdoors. The map system (zoom into Zulag 1) shows the hidden entrances as lighter horizontal lines on the ground. There's another hidden room right near the end, not shown on the map.
To the right of the same platform you kill the last Slig.

Also look out for bird portals, some stay open even after you finish chanting. And hidden tunnels. Steam/smoke can hide mudokons or bird portals too.

Thanks, damn i missed half the game going by your description!

How much do i need to save in order to get the good ending?



Am I seriously supposed to be rolling through these things to get back out after solving the room? The switch doesn't deactivate them, the timing for the first roll is frustrating but doable but when I'm the middle it seems impossible to get past the last spike thing.

Am I missing something here? Playing on Hard mode but this still seems excessive compared to everything else I've encountered in the game at that point.

Robot Pants


Am I seriously supposed to be rolling through these things to get back out after solving the room? The switch doesn't deactivate them, the timing for the first roll is frustrating but doable but when I'm the middle it seems impossible to get past the last spike thing.

Am I missing something here? Playing on Hard mode but this still seems excessive compared to everything else I've encountered in the game at that point.
Pause in between them.
Just like the bombs the timing is very strict. The roll animation takes a second to start up, so roll just a split second before the grinder is about to go up. You should clear it. It's tough but possible.


Pause in between them.
Just like the bombs the timing is very strict. The roll animation takes a second to start up, so roll just a split second before the grinder is about to go up. You should clear it. It's tough but possible.

I got through them but the analog controls just piss me off in situations like this. Wish they included an option to use the DPAD.

Yeah and use quick save/load!

I completely forgot that the game had a quicksave feature, I generally really dislike that kind of save system.


I just finished the game. (I would give it a 8/10 score, good game)
BUT is it normal that your save file gets destroyed when you finish the game? I didn't overwrite my current save file after finishing the game, but that save is gone. :(

Oh well, maybe I start the game again when Vita version comes sooner or later.

Btw, dat credits song. So good, love it.


oh god i'm having so much fun
if i could go back and tell my 12 year old self this would be coming out, he'd be so psyched

but i'm still gonna double down on my "this would be perfect with the old d-pad controls" stance. really hope it's something you guys can do!

Robot Pants

I cannot at all figure out how to access the rest of these mudokans in this secret area



Do you think there are more because you can hear them but can't see them?
If that's the case (as it was for me. drove me a little crazy for a bit) it's because there is another secret portal that drops you into the area right next to you.
You are hearing them from the other side of the wall.
You can't get them yet, but you can later :)


I was thinking about buying a 40 dollars card from amazon so I could buy this one and Lego Marvel. But then I realized that Lego wasnt 10 dollars... but 10 dollars and 50 cents!! Damn..........
Awesome story about trying to return it and not being able to... ;(

Aww, it's actually a story about how my middle school aged mind wouldn't exercise patience unless forced to. I'm really glad things turned out that way because it's an amazing game. From then on out I've given games a reasonable chance instead of just a sniff test.

Bought Exoddus the day it released iirc. Had ridiculous amounts of fun with it. Speaking of which, what does Soulstorm Brew taste like? (Supposed to, anyway)


Junior Member
Thanks, damn i missed half the game going by your description!

How much do i need to save in order to get the good ending?
It was 50 originally, so probably 150.

I cannot at all figure out how to access the rest of these mudokans in this secret area


There's another secret entrance to the area below, earlier in the Free-fire Zone. I think it's the one hidden inside hiding-smoke.
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