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Official Games Convention 2005 Thread


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
vatstep said:
WILD SPECULATION: The page that MS put up for the GC press conference; everything pictured = everything that comes in the X360 standard package. You see pictures of the Xbox, controller, HDD, headset, A/V cables and a network cable, and then a picture of the box. I'm just thinking, what significance would all of these things have to one another otherwise? Why just have a picture of a network cable sitting there? Or maybe I'm just digging way too deep and need some actual news to work with.

seems reasonable to me, especially considering the box :)


Wario64 said:
it begins!

according to 1up, the news should be coming at 9:30 AM EST

:D :D :D :D :D



MGS4 to be shown at GC apparently, I think I just wet myself. :D


On my way to Leipzig's Games Convention event I, handily enough bumped into Konami Japan's entourage at the Frankfurt airport. While Kojima kept to himself I forced myself along the crew, while we went around the massive airport.
I had a good chat with Metal Gear Solid 4's producer. He told me some obvious facts, such as the fact that the team's been working on the early PlayStation 3 dev kits for quite a few months (these being those monster size, early dev kits) and that work is proceeding. Also, something new about MGS4 will shown and revealed at the Games Convention, but also, something else new will be shown at Tokyo Game Show, as well. Getting more details was pretty much impossible, no matter how hard I tried.



So they're going to give you a digital audio cable and component cables for free?

Seems a bit unlikely that the picture is what's included unless that box is the "HD version" which would retail for more.


Bebpo said:

So they're going to give you a digital audio cable and component cables for free?

Seems a bit unlikely that the picture is what's included unless that box is the "HD version" which would retail for more.
the component and composite cables are one and the same, supposedly.. so makes sense it would be packed in

toslink cables arent that expensive anymore either.. although that looks like a decent length.


golem said:
the component and composite cables are one and the same, supposedly.. so makes sense it would be packed in

Ah, yea you can see 6 things on the video output instead of the usual five so you're right. Pretty cool idea of combining the two actually, I hope the other consoles do that too this gen. Yay for MS.


The Inside Track
Just posting a quick update. Nothing major from the Konami conférence. A quick présentation of the online mode of MGS3:S from Kojima (no gamplay, only powerpoint), and nothing from MGS4 (PS3 only).


Please, anyone attending this conference. Please boo Microsoft loudly when they announce these wired controller and hd-less skus. Let them know how upset their customer base is. Turn it into a democratic convention of the seventies.


Blimblim said:
Just posting a quick update. Nothing major from the Konami conférence. A quick présentation of the online mode of MGS3:S from Kojima (no gamplay, only powerpoint), and nothing from MGS4 (PS3 only).
have you seen PES5? how does it look?


WILD SPECULATION: The page that MS put up for the GC press conference; everything pictured = everything that comes in the X360 standard package. You see pictures of the Xbox, controller, HDD, headset, A/V cables and a network cable, and then a picture of the box. I'm just thinking, what significance would all of these things have to one another otherwise? Why just have a picture of a network cable sitting there? Or maybe I'm just digging way too deep and need some actual news to work with.

Probably not, as there's no controller in that pic. IF your reasoning is correct, that would imply that there will be no controller bundled with the standard package. And that's bloody unlikely IMHO.


played the ps2 version:

- visuals looked very good, no slowdown
- controls felt a bit slow, the aiming wasnt as precise as on gamecube



OK, not really.The first part is true, these pictures were taken at the Nintendo booth, but it was just a mini-game for the audience who should shout as loud as possible to change Lakitu's direction. There were also some strange green tubes (I don't know if people should scream into them?), but I wasn't quick enough to capture this strange scenario on video. I really hope, this wasn't some kind of test to see the public's reaction to the interface of Revolution...


DieNgamers said:
Was this "game" played on a gamecube?
I don't know... It was presented in the arena between the Zelda kiosks and the rest of the Nintendo show floor. When I got there, the host was already explaining the controls ("When you shout left, Lakitu flies to the left" or something like that) and one or two minutes later, the whole thing was over (they probably played it for a few rounds before I got there). I guess they hadn't even said which system it ran on, but it looked like one of these cheap, pre-rendered PC games. I guess it was created by someone outside Nintendo (Maybe it was a Digipen project?), because I can't imagine someone at Nintendo saying "So, we have to support four systems - the Gamecube, GBA, DS and Revolution. Let's build a team to create games that use up the time between our Games Convention presentations".


As far as I know the presenter said that this COULD BE a revolution game or technical demo...
I'm sure this has to do with the REV.

AB 101

Is today the 1st day the show floor is open to the public.

Would love to see some MGS4 stuff but I still think we will have to wait to TGS. :(


I would bang a hot farmer!
Chrono said:
LOL @ pic 30! :lol I have a feeling she wants to kick the photographer. :eek:

BTW why does the forum ask for an xbox.com username and password when I clicked the reply link? o_O
I have no idea, I got the link from Digg.


it is playable (4 demo stations), but i missed it at wednesday (shitty ea booth >:O) and yesterday, there were so many people waiting, that i decided to wait till the common people left the halls, but the idiots did all the demo stations shut of, at the closing time (last year there was a extra hour after the closing for the press).


The Inside Track
Wax Free Vanilla said:
Where's the media, or is this statement false? :(
Yeah it was playable, but in a closed booth where people were not allowed to film or take pictures. It was quite nice, played like your usual FPS, but the game was very dynamic in the way everything seems to be able to blow up or be damaged. It certainly has the Burnout touch.
ram said:
there were so many people waiting, that i decided to wait till the common people left the halls

Hehe :D

but the idiots did all the demo stations shut of, at the closing time (last year there was a extra hour after the closing for the press).

Damn that sucks. :(

Blimblim said:
Yeah it was playable, but in a closed booth where people were not allowed to film or take pictures. It was quite nice, played like your usual FPS, but the game was very dynamic in the way everything seems to be able to blow up or be damaged. It certainly has the Burnout touch.

And EA sucks as well.

Thanks for the mini impressions, did you ask them when the official videos will be released?


Wow, the Xbox news has pretty much drowned out every other single thing that was planned for the conference. I'd be kind of annoyed if I was hoping to premiere my Hot New Game (tm). So any news on all the other stuff? I guess we won't be getting any Black footage unless someone had a spycam, and that the MGS4 unveiling never happened. Did anyone get to play the new Tomb Raider? Footage?
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