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Official Jan 2008 NPD Thread - HW Shortages + Spectacular SW


On what page can I find more software numbers? :[]

Not listed in the OP. Normally we get a few additional titles trickling in.
Just imagine the position 360 would be in if it wasn't a HD-DVD addon, though? To be saddled with a dead format would be a far worse position.

What they need now is a $300 premium sku with $100 Blu Ray Addon incoming by the end of the year.

It will never happen and 360s will be $350 in november 2008, though, because Microsoft have been fucking EVERYTHING up lately.


pswii60 said:
People don't buy a 360 for HD-DVD though. They never have. 360 has sold because of the games, HD-DVD is irrelevant. The pathetic HD-DVD add-on attach rate completely backs this up.
But do news outlets ever care about facts?
SonOfABeep said:
It will never happen and 360s will be $350 in november 2008, though, because Microsoft have been fucking EVERYTHING up lately.
Just like N, they play the waiting game. Both wait for Sony to make another step towards the 300$, and as soon as Sony cuts the price, both of them will follow.


felipeko said:

Now they aren't stockpilling for holidays, we should see at the veery least 600k to NA, but i would guess a lot more, because NA is getting like 40% of total shipments...

March will be a monster...

lol... and yet, there are none to be found. Even now.

Maybe Nintendo decided that they are stockpiling for Easter now?

Artificial shortages suck.


SonOfABeep said:
Just imagine the position 360 would be in if it wasn't a HD-DVD addon, though? To be saddled with a dead format would be a far worse position.

Well, HD-DVD wouldn't be dead, for a start. It would be outselling Blu-Ray. In the US, at least.


After reading some of this thread, well, fanboys can pick their console's response:


With Chinese Astrology, we’re now in the year of the rat but I declare that 2008 should be changed to the Year of the PS3. Sony has started off the new year with a bang and they are making a statement. With their third console, just like the third movie in the LotR trilogy, it’s the Return of the King.

Microsoft’s Red Ring of Death (aka The Eye of Sauron), has finally caught up with the company and these NPD sales figures prove that point. People no longer have faith in the company. Stores like Best Buy, who are notorious for trying to sell warranties for headphones, are now forced to modify their protection plans because of Microsoft’s ticking time bomb. Face it Microsoft, just like your HD-DVD format add-on, your plug is about to be pulled.

Sony is back baby, and they’ve come to take what is rightfully theirs.


While Sony and Microsoft are busy tooting their own horn over second place like a toddler pointing at his turd in the toilet, Nintendo is busy stocking their restrooms with toilet paper made out of $100 bills, 2-ply.

Over 100k in sales for No More Heroes. Over 100k. What did Killer 7 sell on PS2? Something like 6k? No More Heroes sold more at Kohls this month compared to what Killer 7 sold for PS2’s entire lifespan. And who said Wii couldn’t support 3rd Party software? No More Heroes is as niche and hardcore as you can get.

Once Nintendo gets their hardware supply issues worked out then the domination will be just embarrassing. To quote Bobby Knight, "If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it."

Nintendo HQ


Finally. *golf claps* After 4 SKU changes, 3 price drops and Microsoft having supply issues (from selling so many the previous month), Sony is able to claim a victory. So Sony is basically Mitt Romney winning Utah in the Primaries. Oh wait, Mitt Romney won more than one state. But don’t let that take away from your 15 minutes of fame.

Hey, how about some advice. Maybe Sony could bring out another SKU over here, but this time release it with a controller that has added “last gen” features. Surely that will turn the tide!

But you can always look at the bright side, there are always software sales. Oh. Well, I’m sure the PSP will pick up the slack in software as we all know that the PSP has the best tie-in software ratio… Oh. Well I guess your 15 minutes are just about up Sony.


Wollan said:
I can play R&C, Uncharted, MotorStorm, SingStar, Buzz, HS..etc...etc with Norwegian voices and texts.
Also recognize that this is a country with only four million people in it.

I can't get Microsoft games (there is one exception here, Viva Pinata) or Nintendo games in these languages.

The Norwegian voicing in Motorstorm was terrible :p. Just like every other English to Norwegian dubbing. Still a + that they actually included it though.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
squatingyeti said:
I'm not even sure it's that he misreads things. He may just be that slow. See my post above linking to just a few times he's done this. Bluheim, for your sake, quit while you still have some dignity. I'm asking nicely.
Debating bluheim is like arguing with a retarded chimp...Only twice as frustrating and half as entertaining. Just laugh at him and save your sanity.


nice numbers for the ps3..its a nice machine and ms could learn a few things from sony when it comes to allowing users customize the looks, etc of their dashboards. Now the only question is....is the ps3 > 360 sales number a blip like xbox > ps2 last gen a few times, or will it continue? Will be interesting the next couple months if MS corrects the shortages. Its mid feb and arcaades are all you can find these days. Piss poor leadership at ms for letting the shortages happen.

Tom Penny

Maybe they are trying to get through all the old cases and parts before rolling out the new models? Thus the shortages.

The Opus project is a "Falcon" generation motherboard designed to fit in a Xenon case. You can expect an 90 nm GPU but a 65 nm CPU. Opus solves a major hardware recycling and inventory problem since Microsoft currently has millions of used Xenon cases from RRODed dead systems and this lets them use most of the good parts from the millions of dead Xenons but with a newer tested more reliable motherboard. There is no HDMI on Opus since the Xenon cases don't have openings for the port. Opus is a third generation Xbox 360 in the case of a first.


SonOfABeep said:
It will never happen and 360s will be $350 in november 2008, though, because Microsoft have been fucking EVERYTHING up lately.

Aside from the shortage (I predict new SKU to account for this) what have they been fucking up?

Great update (DIVX), they had a killer software lineup over the holidays, good sales with a crazy software attach rates that garauntees developers will be making games on the system for a while to come.

I agree that they need to lower the price, but does everyone need to be such a drama queen?


fatty said:
After reading some of this thread, well, fanboys can pick their console's response:


With Chinese Astrology, we’re now in the year of the rat but I declare that 2008 should be changed to the Year of the PS3. Sony has started off the new year with a bang and they are making a statement. With their third console, just like the third movie in the LotR trilogy, it’s the Return of the King.

Microsoft’s Red Ring of Death (aka The Eye of Sauron), has finally caught up with the company and these NPD sales figures prove that point. People no longer have faith in the company. Stores like Best Buy, who are notorious for trying to sell warranties for headphones, are now forced to modify their protection plans because of Microsoft’s ticking time bomb. Face it Microsoft, just like your HD-DVD format add-on, your plug is about to be pulled.

Sony is back baby, and they’ve come to take what is rightfully theirs.


While Sony and Microsoft are busy tooting their own horn over second place like a toddler pointing at his turd in the toilet, Nintendo is busy stocking their restrooms with toilet paper made out of $100 bills, 2-ply.

Over 100k in sales for No More Heroes. Over 100k. What did Killer 7 sell on PS2? Something like 6k? No More Heroes sold more at Kohls this month compared to what Killer 7 sold for PS2’s entire lifespan. And who said Wii couldn’t support 3rd Party software? No More Heroes is as niche and hardcore as you can get.

Once Nintendo gets their hardware supply issues worked out then the domination will be just embarrassing. To quote Bobby Knight, "If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it."

Nintendo HQ


Finally. *golf claps* After 4 SKU changes, 3 price drops and Microsoft having supply issues (from selling so many the previous month), Sony is able to claim a victory. So Sony is basically Mitt Romney winning Utah in the Primaries. Oh wait, Mitt Romney won more than one state. But don’t let that take away from your 15 minutes of fame.

Hey, how about some advice. Maybe Sony could bring out another SKU over here, but this time release it with a controller that has added “last gen” features. Surely that will turn the tide!

But you can always look at the bright side, there are always software sales. Oh. Well, I’m sure the PSP will pick up the slack in software as we all know that the PSP has the best tie-in software ratio… Oh. Well I guess your 15 minutes are just about up Sony.
:lol :lol :lol
Heh that's pretty good.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
spwolf said:
lol... and yet, there are none to be found. Even now.

Maybe Nintendo decided that they are stockpiling for Easter now?

Artificial shortages suck.

You. Are. Delusional


pswii60 said:
Well, HD-DVD wouldn't be dead, for a start. It would be outselling Blu-Ray. In the US, at least.

Not for long.. :D


Latest news » Save Print Email Reprints Toshiba to drop HD DVD, sources say
Company says no decision has been made
By Thomas K. Arnold and Erik Gruenwedel

Feb 15, 2008

The format war has turned into a format death watch.

Toshiba is widely expected to pull the plug on its HD DVD format sometime in the coming weeks, reliable industry sources say, after a rash of retail defections that followed Warner Home Video's announcement in early January that it would support only the rival Blu-ray Disc format after May.

Officially, no decision has been made, insists Jodi Sally, vp of marketing for Toshiba America Consumer Products. "Based on its technological advancements, we continue to believe HD DVD is the best format for consumers, given the value and consistent quality inherent in our player offerings," she said.

But she hinted that something's in the air. "Given the market developments in the past month," she said, "Toshiba will continue to study the market impact and the value proposition for consumers, particularly in light of our recent price reductions on all HD DVD players."

Immediately after the Warner announcement, the HD DVD North American Promotional Group canceled its Consumer Electronics Show presentation. The following week, data collected by the NPD Group revealed Blu-ray took in 93% of all hardware sales for that week.

Toshiba subsequently fired back, drastically cutting its HD DVD player prices by as much as half, effective Jan. 15. But a hoped-for consumer sales surge never materialized; retail point-of-sale data collected by the NPD Group for the week ending Jan. 26 still showed Blu-ray Disc players ahead by a wide margin, 65% to 28%.

Software sales have declined as well. The latest Nielsen VideoScan First Alert sales data show the top-selling Blu-ray Disc title for the week, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment's "Across the Universe," sold more than three times as many copies the week ending Feb. 10 as the top HD DVD seller, Universal Studios Home Entertainment's "Elizabeth: The Golden Age." Blu-ray Disc titles also accounted for 81% of all high-def disc sales for the week, with HD DVD at just 19%.

Toshiba had been pitching its discounted HD DVD players toward the standard DVD crowd as well as high-def enthusiasts, noting in its ad message that the new players would make DVDs look a lot better as well. And as a last-ditch effort, the company ran an ad during the Super Bowl -- a 30-second spot that reportedly cost $2.7 million.

But in the end, sources say, the substantial loss Toshiba is incurring with each HD DVD player sold -- a figure sources say could be as high as several hundred dollars -- coupled with a series of high-profile retail defections has driven the company to at last concede defeat.

"An announcement is coming soon," said one source close to the HD DVD camp. "It could be a matter of weeks."


spwolf said:
lol... and yet, there are none to be found. Even now.

Maybe Nintendo decided that they are stockpiling for Easter now?

Artificial shortages suck.
You're pretty dumb, huh? Shortages in January are quite common due to resetting of the supply lines, updating the channels and such. This was even mentioned by NPD's Anita Frazier in an interview with GameDaily:
Not speaking to any particular platform, I certainly think that coming off a red-hot December there could very well have been instances of hardware shortages and it probably affected more than one hardware platform. It's not uncommon to have inventory balancing issues after the holidays.
It's not really a secret which systems that had a "red-hot December".

Same thing happened last year with DS only selling 239k in (five-week) January 2007. Shipments were back on track in February where sold 485k.


MaX_PL said:
not for long what? learn to read.

Software sales have declined as well. The latest Nielsen VideoScan First Alert sales data show the top-selling Blu-ray Disc title for the week, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment's "Across the Universe," sold more than three times as many copies the week ending Feb. 10 as the top HD DVD seller, Universal Studios Home Entertainment's "Elizabeth: The Golden Age." Blu-ray Disc titles also accounted for 81% of all high-def disc sales for the week, with HD DVD at just 19%.

If it is outselling, which I doubt.. when Toshiba drops the ball its done. There will be fire sales all over with cheap HD DVDs until they run out though. Goodie.
zedge said:
If it is outselling, which I doubt.. when Toshiba drops the ball its done. There will be fire sales all over with cheap HD DVDs until they run out though. Goodie.
yoopoo said:

Looks like them gamecube owners convinced a lot of folks not to buy this game.

well, the open world sucked and everyone knows it.
fatty said:
After reading some of this thread, well, fanboys can pick their console's response:


With Chinese Astrology, we’re now in the year of the rat but I declare that 2008 should be changed to the Year of the PS3. Sony has started off the new year with a bang and they are making a statement. With their third console, just like the third movie in the LotR trilogy, it’s the Return of the King.

Microsoft’s Red Ring of Death (aka The Eye of Sauron), has finally caught up with the company and these NPD sales figures prove that point. People no longer have faith in the company. Stores like Best Buy, who are notorious for trying to sell warranties for headphones, are now forced to modify their protection plans because of Microsoft’s ticking time bomb. Face it Microsoft, just like your HD-DVD format add-on, your plug is about to be pulled.

Sony is back baby, and they’ve come to take what is rightfully theirs.


While Sony and Microsoft are busy tooting their own horn over second place like a toddler pointing at his turd in the toilet, Nintendo is busy stocking their restrooms with toilet paper made out of $100 bills, 2-ply.

Over 100k in sales for No More Heroes. Over 100k. What did Killer 7 sell on PS2? Something like 6k? No More Heroes sold more at Kohls this month compared to what Killer 7 sold for PS2’s entire lifespan. And who said Wii couldn’t support 3rd Party software? No More Heroes is as niche and hardcore as you can get.

Once Nintendo gets their hardware supply issues worked out then the domination will be just embarrassing. To quote Bobby Knight, "If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it."

Nintendo HQ


Finally. *golf claps* After 4 SKU changes, 3 price drops and Microsoft having supply issues (from selling so many the previous month), Sony is able to claim a victory. So Sony is basically Mitt Romney winning Utah in the Primaries. Oh wait, Mitt Romney won more than one state. But don’t let that take away from your 15 minutes of fame.

Hey, how about some advice. Maybe Sony could bring out another SKU over here, but this time release it with a controller that has added “last gen” features. Surely that will turn the tide!

But you can always look at the bright side, there are always software sales. Oh. Well, I’m sure the PSP will pick up the slack in software as we all know that the PSP has the best tie-in software ratio… Oh. Well I guess your 15 minutes are just about up Sony.

:lol :lol at the video.


Jokeropia said:
You're pretty dumb, huh? Shortages in January are quite common due to resetting of the supply lines, updating the channels and such. This was even mentioned by NPD's Anita Frazier in an interview with GameDaily:It's not really a secret which systems that had a "red-hot December".

Same thing happened last year with DS only selling 239k in (five-week) January 2007. Shipments were back on track in February where sold 485k.

What about shortages in February... let me guess... What will happen in March?



Mithos Yggdrasill said:
So, the point of this thread is that Sony is back, Nintendo and Microsoft are d00med ?

Sony is back (in NA), Nintendo is doing their own thing(as always), and MS is now indeed doomed until GTAIV launches.


has calmed down a bit.
zedge said:
If it is outselling, which I doubt.. when Toshiba drops the ball its done. There will be fire sales all over with cheap HD DVDs until they run out though. Goodie.

The person you responded to was saying IF HD DVD was included with 360, it wouldn't be dead. Again, learn to read.


I wonder if 360 hardware shortages are due to the supposed 360 Hd-dvd model. I wonder if they manufactored a bunch of them.

Now forced to scrap them and return production of premiums and elites instead.


Dirtbag 504 said:
I wonder if 360 hardware shortages are due to the supposed 360 Hd-dvd model. I wonder if they manufactored a bunch of them.

Now forced to scrap them and return production of premiums and elites instead.

Yeah, if you put it in bold, it makes it true.


pswii60 said:
Yeah, if you put it in bold, it makes it true.

so since you didn't bold.. are you lying?
it's something I dont think has been mentioned or considered yet, hence bolding.

It could explain a hardware shortage, that MS refuses to comment on. I think it makes alot of sense (naturally cause I said it :lol )

Doc Evils

pulga said:





has calmed down a bit.
They wouldn't have scrapped an HD DVD model if it was already in production. They would've still had two major studios, some independents, and the software sales are low enough on HD media that it wouldn't have mattered.

I think the more likely reason is some sort of modification to the assembly process or a delay in one of the factories due to an overhaul or something. If they did tweak the console internally, hopefully its for improving reliability as well as lowering costs.
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