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On Era, being critical of Microsoft is a bannable offence

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Austin Powers Love GIF
Understand Captain America GIF
Never bothered to register , I think I have browsed there a couple of times but that’s it. Frankly I wouldn’t last long there anyway considering how critical I am of Xbox these days.

Only thing to do with a place like that is to show them apathy.


Gold Member
Many of us have been permabanned there for dumb reasons. No reason to care about that site. It's just the off-brand dollar store version of NeoGaf.

I got permabanned. And it was indeed a VERRRRRY dumb reason. To the point that it was obvious that their mods are the daintiest little daisies and any opinion that even slightly differs from those of the moderation team is seen as high treason.

It's actually incredibly strange to me that this group of people on a DISCUSSION BOARD has opted to go full thought police, eliminating any and all dissenting thought until it's the perfect echo chamber.

They aren't worth even thinking about.


I have never been on Era so I.am curious if they have the same threads there, like "gaf banned me because....". Or they talk about Gaf the same way I see here, I mean basically all the weeks there are threads that involve that forum..like a fixtation.

People that are on both sides , what do they think about Gaf?
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Can anyone pls explain what kind of values the people on RE have? I know they are left-leaning and VERY LGBT+-welcoming to a fault (from what I've heard), but anything more specific? Their behaviour seems extremely arbitrary and dare I say, actually toxic..?
It's easier to just call them what they are... a bunch of losers.

They literally had a thread the other day about "how crazy it was to see someone they knew in public" and another about losing their virginity in their 30s 🤣.

Soft fucks that are the outcome of safe spaces and not gaining life lessons as a kid because of modern progressivism.
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Not sure if it was the same group, but back before the gaf split leading to era, the modding was crazy here too for things. That's at least one thing they kept moving over. Then they had a chunk of nintendo fans leave after a few bans in a sales thread. At least remember having read something about that.

To be fair, modding is a thankless, hate-magnet of a job that sucks to do but is nice to have so things don't collapse entirely. And most probably do a great job of deal with people who also downplay why they get bans. Sometimes though they get it wrong, and jfc when they get it wrong there, they really get it wrong.


That's what happens when you're on a forum full of liberal arts grads on welfare who champion gamepass because it's the the only way they can afford to play games. Quality be damned.


Gold Member
Unfortunately you're still going to get redirected there through Google and other outlet links. I wouldn't say there is anything on there that's not already on X, Reddit etc. Even era splintered into 4 other sites.

There really was nothing like the zenith of gaf. GAF was where all news broke. It will happen more as insiders find ways to affiliate or monetise their own information via X and other sites.

There are good people there though amongst the insane wallpaper eaters. However there comes a time when you have to ask as it's becoming more and more obvious what the site is, why are you staying? As 'normies' leave, the concentration of extremism goes up each time. Even a few of the mods seem to have calmed down, but now they stand out as a couple of reasonable people amongst the festival of arseholes. And despite being at the top, they don't keep the other mods/admins in line.

I would never create an account there just because they need your personal details and do you honestly trust them?

Anyway it was founded to replace all the toxic elements of GAF, maintain and foster independent discussion.

So naturally they transplanted all the most toxic users, and created several hundred new ones. They've been linked to numerous harassment and toxic campaigns including the poor guy called out for his switch button art. Then they were absorbed under the umbrella of https://wearemoba.com/ (independently)


Gold Member
They built up their safe space bubble and refuse to let any actual discourse be discussed. They want that bubble. THey arent left leaning, they are far-left. Like all the way left.
They are all the way left like a corporation who puts a pride profile picture up is all the way left. They've been cheering on the richest company in the world consolidating for years. Literally had them talking about how their stock investments would suffer if the deal failed. Banned everyone critical of it.


Can anyone pls explain what kind of values the people on RE have? I know they are left-leaning and VERY LGBT+-welcoming to a fault (from what I've heard), but anything more specific? Their behaviour seems extremely arbitrary and dare I say, actually toxic..?
The shortest answer I can give is that they are the embodiment of the Horseshoe Theory.


It’s even worse. It’s not a defense of Xbox, it’s a defense of the terrible people whom were laid off and will now be living on government assistance.


I have never been on Era so I.am curious if they have the same threads there, like "gaf banned me because....". Or they talk about Gaf the same way I see here, I mean basically all the weeks there are threads that involve that forum..like a fixtation.

People that are on both sides , what do they think about Gaf?
you would probably get banned for talking about neogaf. i think people here talk about era a lot because they were members of neogaf and a lot of industry members are on there and that bothers them. neogaf and resetera are two sides of the same coin. neogaf was the place for gaming discussion and news. i think people resent resetera because they do seem to have a decent amount of influence considering it's a message board.


Gold Member
I have never been on Era so I.am curious if they have the same threads there, like "gaf banned me because....". Or they talk about Gaf the same way I see here, I mean basically all the weeks there are threads that involve that forum..like a fixtation.

People that are on both sides , what do they think about Gaf?
They can't comment on Gaf otherwise they get banned
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I have never been on Era so I.am curious if they have the same threads there, like "gaf banned me because....". Or they talk about Gaf the same way I see here, I mean basically all the weeks there are threads that involve that forum..like a fixtation.

People that are on both sides , what do they think about Gaf?
These sorts of comments are always so braindead... so because they don't say something no one can criticise/comment, make fun of etc.

It's such a silly holier than thou take.
People notice things and wanna chat about it, who gives a fuck if era did the same 🤣. Let people make their jokes and critiques.

Also this:
They can't comment on Gaf othereise they get banned
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Well I don't really care about era anymore (not that I cared all that much anyway, but they did/do have some good threads that are still relevant for my main hobby), and I much prefer this place especially because of the 🍈 and 🍑 where I contribute on a regular basis.

I think I would've been banned there 100x over for posting anime & game waifus 🍈 and 🍑 pics and gifs. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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