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Paradox Grand Strategy - Thread of Fighting WW2 as Bithynia


That's not what it's saying for me, still says the broadcast is offline.

Edit: Countdown up there now though.

Well by 'now' I meant the next few minutes.

Didn't expect another countdown though, goddamn it. Guess I'll go make some dinner
So is the rumor that its going to be a space GSG?

That could be so epic..all the total conversions you could have (Star Wars/Star Trek/Babylon 5 etc)

edit: Just saw the steam leak.


So hype. I have been waiting for a GSG along the lines of Galactic Civ/Masters of Orion etc.


Both my friends who tried ck2 when it was free quit after a day because it was too complicated.

Guess they can go back to playing civ V, the plebs

Ouch, that's sad to hear. My classmates were luckily no casuals and played whatever was really good, regardless of learning curve.


First time they mentioned HOI IV as a 2016?

No, they mentioned it was delayed into next year a month or two back. I just thought of something though. If Stellaris is releasing in February 2016, when the hell do they think HoI4 will be ready? Surely they wouldn't release it until a few months after Stellaris to avoid oversaturating the relatively small grand strategy market.


No, they mentioned it was delayed into next year a month or two back. I just thought of something though. If Stellaris is releasing in February 2016, when the hell do they think HoI4 will be ready? Surely they wouldn't release it until a few months after Stellaris to avoid oversaturating the relatively small grand strategy market.

Summer if we are lucky. Wouldn't wonder me if it get's delayed to late summer/fall.


Ah, I missed that post.

Website for Stellaris up. Not much info yet: http://www.stellarisgame.com/

Choose between 7 different playable species, each with unique appearances, traits, and ethics. Alternatively, design and name a custom species with the government and attributes you desire
Guide your scientists along 3 main technological groups and discover different advancements in each game. Some tech can improve life for your entire species... or completely shatter your concepts of civilization
Create alliances and form into federations with other empires, or fight wars against hostile alien species


Is the game 2.5D or 3D by the way? I think the former, from what I've seen in this thread.

The design of that website is terrible. Takes forever for the text and images to pop in, especially on the second and third screen of the game part.
Is the game 2.5D or 3D by the way? I think the former, from what I've seen in this thread.

The design of that website is terrible. Takes forever for the text and images to pop in, especially on the second and third screen of the game part.

Latter seems more likely. I'm getting a pretty heavy Sword of the Stars vibe from some of this, and the map seems to be fully 3D.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
>mfw when alternative histories in which Sea Lion succeeds are sold as plausible

Mixed feelings here. On the one hand, I've been working on making this happen for a while now, so it's cool to finally see it realized. All I gotta do is hold on to it for the next ~300 years so I can do that EU4 import I've always wanted to.

On the other hand, I kind of wish I'd gone with creating the Empire of Abyssinia over the Jewish Empire. Rolls off the tongue better.

Also, it's kind of disappointing how... easy it was. Rule Designer Unlocked helped, of course, but really I think I could've done it easy enough with just the standard CK2+ map and features. Semien is waaaaay too powerful as a starting position. That first, ridiculously OP ruler never really made any gains against the Fatmids, that only came later. His son's the one who took the holy land, and his grandkid solidified the holdings, polished off Egypt, and founded the Empire.

And that's all with the ridiculously gimped minor religion marriage options. Almost all of the positive genetics have gotten bred out at this point, wasn't even able to keep up the family tradition of Grey Eminence heirs.

Of course, shit started to get really weird when Yakob the II (technically the IV, but the upgrade to the Imperial title reset the count) up there died with a 4 year old heir. Got the succession crisis, and one of the daughters ended up picking up the throne. She's kind of a badass, so that's pretty cool, but I'm nervous she'll die in childbirth or something before I get a suitable heir groomed.


I'm a veteran Europa Universalis player, but I want to finally dig into Crusader Kings 2. I've played it before, briefly, but I only have it vanilla. So, what expansion should I get? Since there is no sales right now I can only get one. I'm thinking of Charlemagne for the early starting date?
I'm a veteran Europa Universalis player, but I want to finally dig into Crusader Kings 2. I've played it before, briefly, but I only have it vanilla. So, what expansion should I get? Since there is no sales right now I can only get one. I'm thinking of Charlemagne for the early starting date?

The Old Gods is probably the best expansion, especially in terms of getting a different start date. The scenario there is a lot better implemented than Charlemagne's. Sons of Abraham is good for adding more depth and flavor to the game. Legacy of Rome is convenient because it lets you use retinues and is only $5. The rest are more situational. But yeah, I wouldn't go all out until you've played the game more and see what content you want, especially since it's not on sale right now.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I'm a veteran Europa Universalis player, but I want to finally dig into Crusader Kings 2. I've played it before, briefly, but I only have it vanilla. So, what expansion should I get? Since there is no sales right now I can only get one. I'm thinking of Charlemagne for the early starting date?

I think a lot of people actually avoid the Charlemagne start date. It's not very balanced - there's a lot of very large nations and they don't ever stop being very large nations, so it just becomes Blob Wars: the Game. There's only so many times you can rage at the French Ummayad Empire. My personal feeling is that The Old Gods is probably the best CK2 expansion, just because the 867 start-date is a bit better balanced and it offers a genuinely different gameplay experience to the 1066 starts that are still engaging. It feels very content-high.

Obviously, which DLC you buy depends largely on your interests. If you're really into the Middle East area, you'd go for Sword of Islam first so you can play Muslims, if you're into India, Rajas of India, if you plan on playing in the Steppes, Horse Lords. Ruler Designer and Way of Life (iirc they're both cheap expansions so you could probably buy them together compared to the others) are both great for people who like the role-playing aspect. Sons of Abraham adds more depth to the Christian mechanics, so if you want a stronger experience with what you already have rather than a wider experience with new things, that's the way to go. Legacy of Rome adds more depth to Byzantium, and also introduces retinues which basically make the game easy-mode++ if you want to - it's a good DLC but I feel like it's quite limited in scope, there's many Muslim or Pagan characters but only one Byzantine Empire. There's also Sunset Invasion, but... well.

My personal feeling is that India is not very fun for the same reason Charlemagne isn't fun - blob city - and it's also very isolated from the rest of the map so it's not very dynamic and largely plays the same every time, so I will say that. At the moment, nomads are grossly unbalanced, so there's not much challenge to playing them which can make them less fun than you'd expect, so I'd probably avoid Horse Lords too. But between Sword of Islam, The Old Gods, the Ruler Designer/Way of Life combo, or Sons of Abraham, I'd largely say whichever appeals to you most individually.


Great, many thanks for the detailed information. I think I might continue my Portucale game and see what goes from there. I'm quite interested in playing a muslim kingdom in the future, I need Sword of Islam for that right?

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Great, many thanks for the detailed information. I think I might continue my Portucale game and see what goes from there. I'm quite interested in playing a muslim kingdom in the future, I need Sword of Islam for that right?

Yeah, you do. Sword of Islam is definitely a great first DLC choice if you head that way.
So I've never played a Paradox game, never played a grand strategy game of any sort, and have 0 experience with really anything the genre has to offer. Really I didn't even know the company existed until the announcement of Stellaris,a game whose development I'm watching pretty closely.

What I have noticed is the obscene amount of hours my friends have put into Europa Universalis IV and Crusader Kings II . So some questions while the entirety of the Paradox library is on sale-

1. Do the two games offer vastly different gameplay experiences?
I'll admit to only have given a brief look at a few reviews for both games but from what I can gather it seems that Crusader Kings II has far more emphasis on the internal politics of whatever kingdom you setup than Europa's more world focused ... thing. I'll admit to being more interested in Crusader for that reason, seeing quotes like this :
During my last Crusader Kings 2 session, the dilemmas I faced included... Should I blackmail an enemy noble I know to be gay? Should I reprimand my daughter for torturing rats? Should I entrust my son's education to a lovely schizophrenic Ethiopian lady? Should I lock-up my mum for plotting to kill my half-brother?

Kinda have me leaning even more in that direction, it sounds hilarious.

2. Is it worth it to just go ahead and pay 40** bucks from the outset to get all the included DLC?


Neo Member
I asked this in the Steam thread, but maybe it's better off here. Has anyone tried/played the Mac version of CK2 (or EU IV)? I don't have a decent Windows pc, so it's Mac version only for me. Some games have had really awful Mac ports in the past, so I'm wary of jumping straight in (even with the current Paradox sale).


So I've never played a Paradox game, never played a grand strategy game of any sort, and have 0 experience with really anything the genre has to offer. Really I didn't even know the company existed until the announcement of Stellaris,a game whose development I'm watching pretty closely.

What I have noticed is the obscene amount of hours my friends have put into Europa Universalis IV and Crusader Kings II . So some questions while the entirety of the Paradox library is on sale-

1. Do the two games offer vastly different gameplay experiences?
I'll admit to only have given a brief look at a few reviews for both games but from what I can gather it seems that Crusader Kings II has far more emphasis on the internal politics of whatever kingdom you setup than Europa's more world focused ... thing. I'll admit to being more interested in Crusader for that reason, seeing quotes like this :

Kinda have me leaning even more in that direction, it sounds hilarious.

2. Is it worth it to just go ahead and pay 25 bucks from the outset to get all the included DLC?

On the surface, Crusader Kings and Europa (as well as Vicky and even Hearts of Iron) share a lot of similarities. A world map made up of provinces that you can move troops between, real-time gameplay that you can speed up/pause at will, etc. But once you get a little knowledge under your belt you'll see that they're really very difference games.
Your summary is fairly accurate, I won't go into too much detail, but CK2 has a focus on characters and families above all, their stats having a large impact on a game, especially things like religion/religious denomination.
In EU your realm is the character, there's a broader set of mechanics in the game, things like exploration & colonisation, trade, technology and diplomacy play a big role. Once you've learnt your way around one Paradox game, the barrier to entry will certainly be lower for your next one though, as the basics are transferable.

$25 for all the DLC sounds like a steal, the major content DLC, e.g. Sword of Islam, Legacy of Rome, mostly provide sound additions to the game, and lesser things like the portrait packs add necessary flavour to the game imo. If you think you'll be able to get over the learning curve for the game, a good 10 hours at least, I'd say go for it. They're incredibly rewarding games with a vast amount of diversity in each session and good dev support.


I agree with Poodle, best to go for EU4, outside of the monarch points/mana system which can be divisive, it's mostly much better than EU3. I don't have much experience with Hearts of Iron, but I hear 2 is a good alternative to 3, though 3 (with the major DLC) is generally well regarded.


Did something in particular happen?

Just this thread: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/foru...f-october-2015-read-op-before-posting.887017/

Latest dev diary has rule that democracies cannot declare war on each other. Which aside from being needlessly restrictive doesn't have any real basis in history of the time. People mention this, but pretty much every reasonable post on the subject is deleted by moderating team as "political ranting".

I mean how can you debate whether a game mechanic that's self-declaredly based on a political observation is suitable or not without actually resorting to using political history??

To be honest that's just one of a string of recent examples. Their moderating team just sucks big time.
Just this thread: https://forum.paradoxplaza.com/foru...f-october-2015-read-op-before-posting.887017/

Latest dev diary has rule that democracies cannot declare war on each other. Which aside from being needlessly restrictive doesn't have any real basis in history of the time. People mention this, but pretty much every reasonable post on the subject is deleted by moderating team as "political ranting".

I mean how can you debate whether a game mechanic that's self-declaredly based on a political observation is suitable or not without actually resorting to using political history??

To be honest that's just one of a string of recent examples. Their moderating team just sucks big time.

Their policies are absurd. You can't even link to documentary videos on YouTube that contain swastikas. You aren't allowed to talk about forced labor / concentration camp labour that formed a non-trivial part of both German and Soviet economics. You're only allowed to talk about German political objectives in WWII in vague, veiled and sanitized ways.

I do like trolling the moderation team from time to time though. I remember having posts deleted and a warning for pointing out that those who wanted to get their genocide fix need only turn to Paradox's other games, like EU4 featuring an "attack natives" button.



I don't think anyone ever saw this screen before. @E_Universalis 1998 style!


EU1 was under dev for over 4 years before it was released.. Here a look from exactly 17 years ago, Oct 21st 1998!

From @producerjohan
After playing a few games of EU3 and getting the hang of that I'd thought I'd get Victoria 2 and try that out as well. To my surprise Victoria 2 seems MUCH more complex.
After playing a few games of EU3 and getting the hang of that I'd thought I'd get Victoria 2 and try that out as well. To my surprise Victoria 2 seems MUCH more complex.

Vicky 2 is one of the easier ones to coast and do well in imo, the problem is that so many of its systems are super complex, poorly explained, and sometimes out of your control. You'll be kicking arse one year and then five years later your factories start going bankrupt and you can't work out why. If you drill down you find out its because of something to do with world market demand and some asshole (usually Britain) has sphered all the best RGOs for that and now you have to buy it at huge rates to get it. Or you can't get it at all.
I was playing more Vicky 2, and things were going well, when suddenly I couldn't get any liquor that I needed for troops. I even took trading off automate and put stockpile at 2000, the max, and I still couldn't get liquor. Is this supposed to happen?
I couldn't find them!

So I ended up being Joffrey. Maimed Cersei, executed and plotted to kill everyone I could.

Sadly Robb, Stannis and Barristan decided to invade my lands right when Balon opted to attack Lannisport.
Hearts of Iron 4 beta invites go out this Friday. Johan says ~2 weeks before it starts after that.

Based on approximate 3 month turnaround for Beta -> Release given as a rough estimation in the past by Johan, that would imply March launch date.


Hearts of Iron 4 beta invites go out this Friday. Johan says ~2 weeks before it starts after that.

Based on approximate 3 month turnaround for Beta -> Release given as a rough estimation in the past by Johan, that would imply March launch date.

Beta is probably NDA'd right?
Was hoping we get some footage from the beta.


Beta is probably NDA'd right?
Was hoping we get some footage from the beta.

Almost certainly, yes. If it wasn't, apart from the other usual considerations, you'd get the community whining about every single change made during the beta (and there normally are many) and when released people would complain that something wasn't put in after all or was changed or whatever.
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