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Paradox Grand Strategy - Thread of Fighting WW2 as Bithynia

Watch some of Quill18s stuff!

Thanks for that suggestion, he had some good videos. I have to say that HOI3 is very frustrating in some ways, especially the base game. The command hierarchy is a pain in the ass and tedious to manage without it being visually represented on the map, and it really just seems to add complexity without much to show for it. The number of techs and units also seems excessive.

I think I'll try the game again after I can get the expansions on sale.


Besides, there's some complete weirdos out there who actually enjoy sorting out the command hierarchy of the Soviet forces. I love seeing a nice logical order of battle set up.


So i've recently started playing a lot more Victoria 2. I want to turn my colony Korea into a state (playing as Japan) but i can't seem to get to 1% bureaucrats. I've tried with immigration and focussing on bureaucrats but it never goes past 0.1% of the population in my colonies.

Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong?


Judging by Wiz's final comment, "Wrapped up tonight's round of coding on some mysterious unknowable game with gyros. Time to go home." there should be a bunch more to come. But honestly, they could have just called it a day after fixing the pop-up spam and I'd have been satisfied, everything else is just gravy.

I still have hope for Feb but I can't believe how many times it's been pushed back. Until it got delayed, Deus Ex 4 was going to be coming out before HoI4 was. I mean, it still could, depending on how far the Beta slips...


Reading up on it Wiz seems to think the game is pretty much done and all they're doing now is balancing/polishing.

Maybe we'll get a suprise late Q1 release. Would be pretty great to finally play it after such a long time.
A lost beta tester for HoI4 posted this screenshot on the public forums along with a complaint about how he couldn't figure out how to execute an amphib invasion.


He's edited it all out now once he realized he done fucked up but not before I captured it and posted on reddit.

Note that this user has switched to NATO style for the counters.


So so happy to see the NATO counters in play. The first thing I'll be doing when I get HOI4 will be to switch those on and never look back.


Bloody AI ruining my Netherlands game. One of Portugal's colonies asks for me to support their independence, which I think is a smart idea. Except that they declare Independence with only me as their ally. So I'm left fighting Portugal, Spain and Poland. Yay. Thanks AI for calculating that as a winnable war.


I'm not sure what we'll get first, Hearts of Iron IV or a new world war.

Just think of all the cool strategy games that'll come out after a new world war though! All that new material to work with. It'll be great.

Minus the, you know, everyone dying part.


Just think of all the cool strategy games that'll come out after a new world war though! All that new material to work with. It'll be great.

Minus the, you know, everyone dying part.

All I know is, just like in Hearts of Iron IV, dibs on USA.


Was reading about Conclave earlier, internal politics is the area of the game most in need of an improvement imo, and an area often requested for overhaul, I've got very high hopes for this one. Also the trailer was pretty fun.


Was reading about Conclave earlier, internal politics is the area of the game most in need of an improvement imo, and an area often requested for overhaul, I've got very high hopes for this one. Also the trailer was pretty fun.
Agreed, the only thing I have some doubts about is the council favors system. I'm interested in how it works, but it seems to clash a bit with the opinion-based stuff in the rest of CK2.
Agreed, the only thing I have some doubts about is the council favors system. I'm interested in how it works, but it seems to clash a bit with the opinion-based stuff in the rest of CK2.

Yeah, the idea is great but they actually have to nail the design for it to work well. Look at EU4 Cossacks where they added the internal mechanics that everyone wanted but botched them badly.


Yeah, the idea is great but they actually have to nail the design for it to work well. Look at EU4 Cossacks where they added the internal mechanics that everyone wanted but botched them badly.
I don't see how Cossacks botched it, it's a bit static at the moment, but I think the implementation is fine. Also it looks like 1.15 will fix a lot of the issues. I'd just like to see more regional variety in the estates, just having the default Clergy, Nobility and Burghers is kind of boring.

I think it's harder with CK2 because it's character and event based so adding a new system takes a lot more work especially considering the boatload of DLC it already has.


I look at the increased focus on internal politics and wonder how many of these mechanics are trial runs for the inevitable Vampire/WOD game from Paradox.
So apparently they didn't actually make Beta at the end of last year and that tester shot must have been a pre-beta build.

Could theoretically not hit until 6 months into the year. I'm going to need to compile a list of major games that were announced and released after HoI4 missed its initial release target.
So apparently they didn't actually make Beta at the end of last year and that tester shot must have been a pre-beta build.

Could theoretically not hit until 6 months into the year. I'm going to need to compile a list of major games that were announced and released after HoI4 missed its initial release target.

Stellaris will be one of them, I feel.
Franco British union fired in today's World War Wednesday.

They're allegedly playing in historical mode but Nationalist Spain spontaneously offered to join the Axis lol. This is going off the rails hardcore. Now the Unholy Alliance might be happening :/


Doing a bit of reading: I knew about the Franco-British Union proposal in the Second Great War, but didn't realise that they came up again in the fifties with the Suez crisis...
Doing a bit of reading: I knew about the Franco-British Union proposal in the Second Great War, but didn't realise that they came up again in the fifties with the Suez crisis...

Then France is a founding member of the EU. Looks like they're begging someone to take their sovereignty away lol.
In Today's World War Wednesday we discover that invading the USSR in the winter of 1940, while short on small arms and fighting in Sweden and getting bombed to smithereens by the RAF works spectacularly well. Also, Dan removed artillery from German divisions prior to the invasion. And it's a mostly infantry army with hardly any armored divisions. And the battleplan was a straight line to Moscow. Which fell in like, spring '41 with hardly any fighting.

Looking forward to playing the game when it comes out in Q2 2018


In Today's World War Wednesday we discover that invading the USSR in the winter of 1940, while short on small arms and fighting in Sweden and getting bombed to smithereens by the RAF works spectacularly well. Also, Dan removed artillery from German divisions prior to the invasion. And it's a mostly infantry army with hardly any armored divisions. And the battleplan was a straight line to Moscow. Which fell in like, spring '41 with hardly any fighting.

Looking forward to playing the game when it comes out in Q2 2018

Great WW2 simulation, 100% historically accurate.


Really liked WW wednesday today. If they nail the AI this should be pretty good. Nice to see that the game didn't crash every 10-15 minutes like it did last week.

Also seems like Germany was only able to capture SU so quick because the SU had a -40% factory output modifier (According to the stream atleast).
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